different method in weight changes on Backpropagation algorithm? - algorithm

I've been using this tutorial for my reference on coding backpropagation. But, today, I've found another tutorial that has used same reference with me but with another approach in changing of synapse weight. What's different about the both of approach?
Thank you Renan for your quick response.
The main difference is:
First method is changing the synapse weight after calculate delta in each neuron (node).
On the second method, The delta is calculated after calculate synapse weight based on delta from layer above.
note: I'll edit this explanation if still not clear. Thanks.

Equal calculations
Since the delta for the current layer depends of the weight layer between the layer above and the current layer, both of the methods is correct.
But it would not be correct to adjust the input weights to a layer before calculating the delta for the layer below!
The equation
Here you can see the mathmatical equation for calculating the derivative
of the Error with respect to the weights depends on the weights between
this layer and the layer above. (using Sigmoid)
O_i = the layer below # ex: input
O_k = the current layer # ex: hidden layer
O_o = the layer above # ex: output layer


Image Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow

I am new to this optical flow in image space, and I am kind of confused that weather the optical flow computed in OpenCV by Lucas-Kanade method is distance, displacement or velocity. Perhaps I might sound foolish but I am really confused.
I feel its velocity but I just want to confirm?
I assume you refer to opencv function calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.
This function tracks the position of interest points found in old-frame and returns their position at the new-frame.
The Lucas-Kanade method estimates the local image flow (velocity) vector at point p.
This method computes the displacement of some interest points between two sucessive frames. The output vector contains the calculated new positions of input features in the second image as it is stated in the following link in documentation as well : http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/video/doc/motion_analysis_and_object_tracking.html

What does RiBasis which is described in RenderMan mean?

I'm working on a plugin of 3ds Max. In this plugin, I export the geometry information into a .rib file which can be rendered by a RenderMan renderer. When I export a nubrs curve's data into .rib file described by RiBasis and RiCurve. I use the RtBsplineBasis in RiBasis, but I get the wrong result that the rendered curve is short than the result of 3ds Max's renderer. Then I reprint the first and the last control vertex, the curve is long enough, but its shape is a little different.Who can tell me how I get wrong result or what does RiBasis mean? How can get correct RiBasis? Thank u very much!
RiCurve draws a cubic spline. The control points do not uniquely determine the curve; you also need the basis, which is expressed as a 4x4 matrix -- one matrix give the coefficients you need for a B-spline, Bezier, Catmull-Rom, and so on, and of course you can also supply the matrix yourself for some kind of hybrid interpolant that isn't quite one of the standard 3 or 4. The basis determines the character of the spline -- whether the curve is guaranteed to go through the control points or is merely approximating, the degree of continuity, the "tension", and so on.
There is a great discussion in one of the appendices of "The RenderMan Companion," including numeric examples of how different basis matrices affect the interpolation.
It sounds like you requested a B-spline basis, which is approximating (not interpolating) and continuous in both 1st and 2nd derivatives. Maybe that's not what you had in mind. It's hard to tell, since you didn't describe the properties of the spline that you were hoping for.
As an aside, approximating an arbitrary NURBS curve with a nonrational cubic is not always going to give you an exact match. Something else to keep in mind.

Tracking user defined points with OpenCV

I'm working on a project where I need to track two points in an image. So far, the best way I have of identifying these points is to get the user to click on them when the program is first run. I'm using the Lucas-Kanade Pyramid method built into OpenCV (documented here, but as is to be expected, this doesn't work too well. Is there a better alternative algorithm for tracking points in OpenCV, or alternatively some other way of verifying the points I already have?
I'm currently considering using GoodFeaturesToTrack, and getting the distance from each point to the one that I want to track, and maybe some sort of vector pointing out the relationship between the two points, and using this information to determine my new point.
I'm looking for suggestions of ways to go about this, not necessarily code samples.
EDIT: I'm tracking small movements, if that helps
If you look for a solution that is implemented in opencv the pyramidal Lucas Kanade (PLK) method is quit good, else I would prefer a Particle Filter based tracker.
To improve your tracking performance with the PLK be sure that you have set up the parameters correctly. E.g. for large motion you need a level at ca. 3 or 4. The window should not be to small ( I prefer 17x17 to 27x27). Also keep in mind that the methods needs textured areas to be able to track the points. That means corner like image content (aperture problem).
I would propose to seed a set of points (ps) in a grid around the points (P) you want to track. And than use a foreward - backward threshold to reject falsly tracked points. The motion of your points (P) will be computed by the mean motion of the particular residual point sets (ps).
The foreward backward confidence is computes by estimating the motion from frame 1 to frame 2. (ptList1 -> ptList2). And that from frame 2 to frame 1 with the points of ptList2 (ptList2 -> ptListRef). Motion vectors will be rejected if (|| ptRef - pt1 || > fb_threshold).

What type of smoothing to use?

Not sure if this may or may not be valid here on SO, but I was hoping someone can advise of the correct algorithm to use.
I have the following RAW data.
In the image you can see "steps". Essentially I wish to get these steps, but then get a moving average of all the data between. In the following image, you can see the moving average:
However you will notice that at the "steps", the moving average decreases the gradient where I wish to keep the high vertical gradient.
Is there any smoothing technique that will take into account a large vertical "offset", but smooth the other data?
Yup, I had to do something similar with images from a spacecraft.
Simple technique #1: use a median filter with a modest width - say about 5 samples, or 7. This provides an output value that is the median of the corresponding input value and several of its immediate neighbors on either side. It will get rid of those spikes, and do a good job preserving the step edges.
The median filter is provided in all number-crunching toolkits that I know of such as Matlab, Python/Numpy, IDL etc., and libraries for compiled languages such as C++, Java (though specific names don't come to mind right now...)
Technique #2, perhaps not quite as good: Use a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter. This works by effectively making least-square polynomial fits to the data, at each output sample, using the corresponding input sample and a neighborhood of points (much like the median filter). The SG smoother is known for being fairly good at preserving peaks and sharp transistions.
The SG filter is usually provided by most signal processing and number crunching packages, but might not be as common as the median filter.
Technique #3, the most work and requiring the most experience and judgement: Go ahead and use a smoother - moving box average, Gaussian, whatever - but then create an output that blends between the original with the smoothed data. The blend, controlled by a new data series you create, varies from all-original (blending in 0% of the smoothed) to all-smoothed (100%).
To control the blending, start with an edge detector to detect the jumps. You may want to first median-filter the data to get rid of the spikes. Then broaden (dilation in image processing jargon) or smooth and renormalize the the edge detector's output, and flip it around so it gives 0.0 at and near the jumps, and 1.0 everywhere else. Perhaps you want a smooth transition joining them. It is an art to get this right, which depends on how the data will be used - for me, it's usually images to be viewed by Humans. An automated embedded control system might work best if tweaked differently.
The main advantage of this technique is you can plug in whatever kind of smoothing filter you like. It won't have any effect where the blend control value is zero. The main disadvantage is that the jumps, the small neighborhood defined by the manipulated edge detector output, will contain noise.
I recommend first detecting the steps and then smoothing each step individually.
You know how to do the smoothing, and edge/step detection is pretty easy also (see here, for example). A typical edge detection scheme is to smooth your data and then multiply/convolute/cross-corelate it with some filter (for example the array [-1,1] that will show you where the steps are). In a mathematical context this can be viewed as studying the derivative of your plot to find inflection points (for some of the filters).
An alternative "hackish" solution would be to do a moving average but exclude outliers from the smoothing. You can decide what an outlier is by using some threshold t. In other words, for each point p with value v, take x points surrounding it and find the subset of those points which are between v - t and v + t, and take the average of these points as the new value of p.

Creating Neutral network for line detection - is it possible?

So I want to detect lines on grayscale images. I have a lot of data 9x9 matrices of pixel ints 1 to 256 and 1*4 matrices of ponnts coords X ,Y, X,Y We have 1 line per 9x9 image or non lines. So what structure should have my NN?
Assuming that you're using the most common variety of neural networks, multillayer perceptrons, you'll have exactly as many input nodes as there are features.
The inputs may include transformed variables, in addition to the raw variables. The number of hidden nodes is selected by you, but you should have enough to permit the neural network to adequately make the mapping.
The number of output nodes will be determined by the number of classes and the representation you choose. Assuming two classes ("line", "not line" seems likely), you may use 1 output node, which indicates the estimated probability of one class (the probability of the remaining class being 1 minus the probability of the first class).
Detecting simple lines on a grayscale image is a well known problem. A Hough transform would be suffice for the job. See http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/cpp/imgproc_feature_detection.html?highlight=hough%20line#cv-houghlines for a function that implement finding lines using Hough Transform.
Can you try the above function and see if it works?
If it doesn't, please update your question with a sample image.
