When to use spring:url tag? - spring

I think the question is the same for huge manipulations with URL (ie Why?). Where people just reconstruct the URL from scratch.
Does it not hinder the visibility of the app for UI developers if all they see:
<link href="${some_url_possibly_not_named_logically_i_e_karamba1243}/less/bootstrap.less"/>
I just don't understand use cases where these tags are used and why should I?
How can this example snippet be improved with usage of spring:url tag? Would it be used just to remove repetitive part of URL?
<div id="header">
<li>My Profile</li>
<sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_Coach')">
<sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_Player')">
<sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_Manager')">
Or the major concern is that if same URL will be used in another .jsp we can just grab a variable, but then again this tag is specific to jsp scope so other pages cannot use it. I
What's wrong with the traditional approach? Are there examples where I can't use anything but spring:url.
It is exactly one of those cases where everyone uses it, no one explains(even google - providing super url reconstruction cases) and everyone happy except me, feeling confused and dumb :-)

Use it when you need to have dynamic components in generated URLs (e.g. /app/resources/{name}) and when you need to make sure those URL components (e.g. {name} as above) are properly escaped. Look here for more info.
Also note that you CAN have global attributes that you use with e.g. the <spring:url /> tag across multiple JSPs. Have a look at setExposedContextBeanNames(String[]) here.


BEM: Nested Blocks, what is the best approach?

In the following markup, what is the best BEM approach?
<footer role="footer">
<footer class="footer__inner">
<div class="footer__left">© Some text</div>
<div class="footer__right">Some text</div>
OR this?:
<footer role="footer">
<footer class="footer__inner">
<div class="footer__inner__footer__left">© Some text</div>
<div class="footer__inner__footer__right">Some text</div>
Or none of them are right and you know a better way?
You want to have clean reusable blocks. Ask yourself which part you might want to reuse.
Multi level nesting of blocks are frowned upon. And that's for a good reason. In case of reusability there should only be one block as root reference. Everything below that one block is, from a bem syntactic point of view, simply an element of that block. Not a sub-block, not a sub element, but only an element.
So, BEM doesn't care about your HTML structure. It's much more a question of what purpose a block or an element has.
I can't really tell from your example what the purpose of your nested footers might be, but it looks to me as if you consider the role attribute of your outer footer element as part of BEM-naming. But it's not. Keep in mind the idea of separation of concerns. role="footer" is HTML semantic. You should not use it as BEM naming reference because you might want to change that HTML attribute one day and then your BEM semantic would go up in smoke.
So, here's what I would do.
Let's say you want your outer footer to be the reusable element then you might want to name your classes like this (just as an example):
<footer class="footer" role="footer">
<footer class="footer__textbox">
<div class="footer__text footer__text--left"> <!-- left as modifier -->
<div class="footer__text footer__text--right"> <!-- right as modifier -->
Now you can take your footer and use it in any appropriate section of the page and anyone reading your code can get grasp an idea about the purpose of this css structure.
First variant looks fine for me.
Second is wrong as you shouldn't reflect DOM structure in class names. See https://en.bem.info/methodology/faq/#why-does-bem-not-recommend-using-elements-within-elements-block__elem1__elem2
Markup suggest by LongHike is also good.

aria-label, h-card, or both?

Do I need aria-label attributes when I'm using h-card (this is for company contact information in a page footer)?
<div class="h-card">
<a class="u-url" href="http://example.com">
<img src="http://example.com/static/logo.svg" alt="Example Logo">
<span class="p-name sr-only">Example Corp.</span>
<div aria-label="Address" class="p-adr h-adr">
<span class="p-locality">Eugene</span>
<span class="p-region">OR</span>
<span class="p-postal-code">97403</span>
<a aria-label="Telephone" class="p-tel" href="tel:12345678">(12) 345-678</a>
Are the aria-labels superflous here or do they provide some value? Ought there be more detailed aria- attributes? (And if so, which?)
WAI-ARIA and Microformats don’t "compete":
WAI-ARIA is a framework to enhance the accessibility of your web content.
Microformats are a convention for marking up structured data on your HTML pages.
They have different goals, and consumers of WAI-ARIA don’t necessarily support Microformats, and consumers of Microformats don’t necessarily support WAI-ARIA.
So when deciding if you need the WAI-ARIA attribute aria-label in your example, ignore if or how you use the Microformat h-card, and vice-versa. They don’t interact with each other.
Best not to use aria-label here; at worst, a screenreader will end up reading out the aria-label instead of your content, making it less accessible.
As spec'd, the aria-label value, if present, is used instead of the element content (simplifying somewhat); but in practice, behavior varies quite depending on element type and on the specific screenreader/browser used;
As it turns out, in the case or aria-label being used on SPAN,
VoiceOver on Mac reads out the label instead of the content
NVDA and JAWS on Windows ignore the aria-label outright and just read out the div/span content. (This behavior could change in some future update to these tools...)
So at best, it's ignored; at worst, it replaces your actual content. Best to not use it in your case then.
ARIA can be pretty useful when used carefully; but browser compat issues mean it's unfortunately full of pitfalls; if you're going to use it at all, recommend checking out the specs, and also ensure that you test with real-world screenreaders so you can ensure that using aria doesn't have the unintended consequence of making your content less accessible!

discover a certain part of a page with selenium

I have a webpage looks something like this:
<div id="menu">
<ul id="listOfItems">
<!--- repeated block start -->
<li id="item" class="itemClass">
<span class="spanClass"><span class="title">title</span></span>
<!-- repeated block end-->
<li id="item" class="itemClass">
<span class="spanClass"><span class="title">title something</span></span>
<li id="item" class="itemClass">
<span class="spanClass"><span class="title">title other thing</span></span>
I would like to know what is the xpath of the titles ("title", "title something", "title other thing"). The point is that the order of the <li> elements are not specified. It could be different after every page loading. Is there any method how to discover a certain structure of the page with xpath? I have an notion about how to solve this issue, but before I'm going to write iterations with C# to discover the page I ask you.
Thanks in advance!
First of all, id's should be unique, so your portrayed webpage would not work well when it comes to testing.
I did however test, and got some XPath locators to work for selecting specific titles (although I recommend you fix your webpage instead of actually using this):
If you're after all three titles, you could try Dimitre Novatchev's suggestion:
This should get all titles on the page.
I would like to say one thing however, if you're getting into Selenium, I recommend you download the Selenium IDE extension for Firefox. It's a great tool for beginners. It helps you both to make your Selenium tests by recording your clicks on a website, and it also helps you auto-generate and test your XPath locators and other locators.
And again: I urge you to not make a website with duplicate id elements :-)
Does Selenium support XPath expressions like:
If yes, than use the above XPath expression. It selects every span element in the XML document, whose class attribute has string value of "title".
I recommend to use a tool like the XPath Visualizer to play with different XPath expressions and see the selected nodes highlighted in the source XML document.

Avoiding duplicate-content hit on Google for archive pages?

Each blog post on my site -- http://www.correlated.org -- is archived at its own permalinked URL.
On each of these archived pages, I'd like to display not only the archived post but also the 10 posts that were published before it, so that people can get a better sense of what sort of content the blog offers.
My concern is that Google and other search engines will consider those other posts to be duplicate content, since each post will appear on multiple pages.
On another blog of mine -- http://coding.pressbin.com -- I had tried to work around that by loading the earlier posts as an AJAX call, but I'm wondering if there's a simpler way.
Is there any way to signal to a search engine that a particular section of a page should not be indexed?
If not, is there an easier way than an AJAX call to do what I'm trying to do?
Caveat: this hasn't been tested in the wild, but should work based on my reading of the Google Webmaster Central blog and the schema.org docs. Anyway...
This seems like a good use case for structuring your content using microdata. This involves marking up your content as a Rich Snippet of the type Article, like so:
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article" class="item first">
<h3 itemprop="name">August 13's correlation</h3>
<p itemprop="description" class="stat">In general, 27 percent of people have never had any wisdom teeth extracted. But among those who describe themselves as pessimists, 38 percent haven't had wisdom teeth extracted.</p>
<p class="info">Based on a survey of 222 people who haven't had wisdom teeth extracted and 576 people in general.</p>
<p class="social"><a itemprop="url" href="http://www.correlated.org/153">Link to this statistic</a></p>
Note the use of itemscope, itemtype and itemprop to define each article on the page.
Now, according to schema.org, which is supported by Google, Yahoo and Bing, the search engines should respect the canonical url described by the itemprop="url" above:
Canonical references
Typically, links are specified using the element. For example, the
following HTML links to the Wikipedia page for the book Catcher in the
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Book">
<span itemprop="name">The Catcher in the Rye</span>—
by <span itemprop="author">J.D. Salinger</a>
Here is the book's <a itemprop="url"
So when marked up in this way, Google should be able to correctly ascribe which piece of content belongs to which canonical URL and weight it in the SERPs accordingly.
Once you've done marking up your content, you can test it using the Rich Snippets testing tool, which should give you a good indication of what Google things about your pages before you roll it into production.
p.s. the most important thing you can do to avoid a duplicate content penalty is to fix the titles on your permalink pages. Currently they all read 'Correlated - Discover surprising correlations' which will cause your ranking to take a massive hit.
I'm afraid but I think it is not possible to tell a Search Engine that a specif are of your web page should not be be indexed (example a div in your HTML source). A solution to this would be to use an Iframe for the content you do not what search engine to index, so I would use a robot.text file with an appropriate tag Disallow to deny access to that specific file linked to the Iframe.
You can't tell Google to ignore portions of a web page but you can serve up that content in such a way that the search engines can't find it. You can either place that content in an <iframe> or serve it up via JavaScript.
I don't like those two approaches because they're hackish. Your best bet is to completely block those pages from the search engines since all of the content is duplicated anyway. You can accomplish that a few ways:
Block your archives using robots.txt. If your archives in are in their own directory then you can block the entire directory easily. You can also block individual files and use wildcards to match patterns.
Use the <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="noindex"> tag to block each page from being indexed.
Use the X-Robots-Tag: noindex HTTP header to block each page from being indexed by the search engines. This is identical in effect to using the ` tag although this one can be easier to implement since you can use it in a .htaccess file and apply it to an entire directory.

xpath locator works in FF3, but won't work in IE7

After switching from firefox testing to internet explorer testing, some elements couldn't be found by selenium anymore.
i tracked down one locator:
While it works as it should under firefox, it could not find this element in ie.
What alternatives do i have now? JS DOM? CSS Selector? How would this locator look like?
I will provide an example to make my point:
<a class='someClass' href="http://www.google.com">BARF</a>
<a class='someClass' href="http://www.google.de">BARF2</a>
<a class='someClass' href="http://www.google.ch">BARF3</a>
The following xpath won't work:
In my understanding this should be the same as:
//a[#class='someclass' and position()=2]
and i don't have any links that are the second child of any node. All i want is, to address one link from the set of links of class 'someClass'.
Without knowing the rest of your HTML source it's difficult to give you alternatives that are guaranteed to work. Hopefully the following suggestions will help point you in the right direction:
//a[#class='someClass'][2]This is like your example, but the parantheses are not needed.
//a[contains(#class, 'someClass')][2] This will work even if the link has other classes.
css=a.someClass:nth-child(2) This will only work if the link is the 2nd child element of it's parent.
Based on your update, try the following: //body/descendant::a[#class='someClass'][2]
