Loading validations from a table - ruby

I need to load model validations from a table and validate my model. e.g. I have a database table called validations, which has rows like :
validation_action validation_condition
---------------- --------------------
validates_presence_of if answer_name is name
validates_format_of if answer_type is date
In my model I want:
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
load validation_actions , lambda {if validation_condition is true}
Ok more detail:
I am creating an app for taking surveys. I am storing questions in a table and answers in another table. I need to store the validation for each answer in the question table and validate each answer before I accept it. I can query validation for each question and run it in controller but I want to do it in model instead as it is much cleaner.
so two models :
Questions -> table questions sas code and details about questions
Answers -> table answers stores answers with a foreign key to Questions.
I want to validate the input in Answers model depending upon conditions defined in questions database table.
Please let me know if more detail is needed?

If I understand correctly, you have Questions which have many associated Answers, and also have associated ValidationActions. When an Answer is being saved, you want to run validations against it based on evaluating code stored in the ValidationActions belonging to it's associated Question object.
This seems like a bad idea. Not so much that validations are conditional on the state of an associated object (the Question), which is the sort of thing that does happen, but that you're doing what amounts to executing code from the contents of the database. This is one of those things that makes web developers twitchy - the security issue is the most obvious reason (that if someone can edit your database's fields, they can cause arbitrary code to run on your system), but it's definitely a questionable practice even outside that (I'm having trouble articulating the reason more convincingly than 'code is code and data is data and never the twain shall meet', but there it is).
All that said, it should be possible to write a custom validator as explained here to handle this. It will doubtless be inefficient, might well be prone to breakage, and is probably a security hole unless it's written very carefully. But it's possible.


Why in the world would I have_many relationships?

I just ran into an interesting situation about relationships and databases. I am writing a ruby app and for my database I am using postgresql. I have a parent object "user" and a related object "thingies" where a user can have one or more thingies. What would be the advantage of using a separate table vs just embedding data within a field in the parent table?
Example from ActiveRecord:
using a related table:
def change
create_table :users do |i|
i.text :name
create_table :thingies do |i|
i.integer :thingie
i.text :discription
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :thingies
class Thingie < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
using an embedded data structure (multidimensional array) method:
def change
create_table :users do |i|
i.text :name
i.text :thingies, array: true # example contents: [[thingie,discription],[thingie,discription]]
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Relevant Information
I am using heroku and heroku-posgres as my database. I am using their free option, which limits me to 10,000 rows. This seems to make me want to use the multidimensional array way, but I don't really know.
Embedding a data structure in a field can work for simple cases but it prevents you from taking advantage of relational databases. Relational databases are designed to find, update, delete and protect your data. With an embedded field containing its own wad-o-data (array, JSON, xml etc), you wind up writing all the code to do this yourself.
There are cases where the embedded field might be more suitable, but for this question as an example I will use a case that highlights the advantages of a related table approch.
Imagine a User and Post example for a blog.
For an embedded post solution, you would have a table something like this (psuedocode - these are probably not valid ddl):
create table Users {
id int auto_increment,
name varchar(200)
post text[][],
With related tables, you would do something like
create table Users {
id int auto_increment,
name varchar(200)
create table Posts {
id auto_increment,
user_id int,
content text
Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tools: With the embedded post, you will be writing the code manually to add posts to a user, navigate through existing posts, validate them, delete them etc. With the separate table design, you can leverage the ActiveRecord (or whatever object relational system you are using) tools for this which should keep your code much simpler.
Flexibility: Imagine you want to add a date field to the post. You can do it with an embedded field, but you will have to write code to parse your array, validate the fields, update the existing embedded posts etc. With the separate table, this is much simpler. In addition, lets say you want to add an Editor to your system who approves all the posts. With the relational example this is easy. As an example to find all posts edited by 'Bob' with ActiveRecord, you would just need:
Editor.where(name: 'Bob').posts
For the embedded side, you would have to write code to walk through every user in the database, parse every one of their posts and look for 'Bob' in the editor field.
Performance: Imagine that you have 10,000 users with an average of 100 posts each. Now you want to find all posts done on a certain date. With the embedded field, you must loop through every record, parse the entire array of all posts, extract the dates and check agains the one you want. This will chew up both cpu and disk i/0. For the database, you can easily index the date field and pull out the exact records you need without parsing every post from every user.
Standards: Using a vendor specific data structure means that moving your application to another database could be a pain. Postgres appears to have a rich set of data types, but they are not the same as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server etc. If you stick with standard data types, you will have a much easier time swapping backends.
These are the main issues I see off the top. I have made this mistake and paid the price for it, so unless there is a super-compelling reason do do otherwise, I would use the separate table.
what if users John and Ann have the same thingies? the records will be duplicated and if you decide to change the name of thingie you will have to change two or more records. If thingie is stored in the separate table you have to change only one record. FYI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization
Benefits of one to many:
Easier ORM (Object Relational Mapping) integration. You can use it either way, but you have to define your tables with native sql. Having distinct tables is easier and you can make use of auto-generated mappings.
Your space limitation of 10,000 rows will go further with the one to many relationship in the case that 2 or more people can have the same "thingies."
Handle users and thingies separately. In some cases, you might only care about people or thingies, not their relationship with each other. Some examples, updating a username or thingy description, getting a list of all thingies (or all users). Selecting from the single table can make it harding to work with.
Maintenance and manipulation is easier. In the case that a user or a thingy is updated (name change, email address update, etc), you only need to update 1 record in their table instead of writing update statements "where user_id=?".
Enforceable database constraints. What if a thingy is not owned by anyone? Is the user column now nillable? It would have to be in the single table case, so you could not enforce a simple "not nillable" username, for example.
There are a lot of reasons of course. If you are using a relational database, you should make use of the one to many by separating your objects (users and thingies) as separate tables. Considering your limitation on number of records and that the size of your dataset is small (under 10,000), you shouldn't feel the down side of normalized data.
The short truth is that there are benefits of both. You could, for example, get faster read times from the single table approach because you don't need complicated joins.
Here is a good reference with the pros/cons of both (normalized is the multiple table approach and denormalized is the single table approach).
Besides the benefits other mentioned, there is also one thing about standards. If you are working on this app alone, then that's not a problem, but if someone else would want to change something, then the nightmare starts.
It may take this guy a lot of time to understand how it works alone. And modifing something like this will take even more time. This way, some simple improvement may be really time consuming. And at some point, you will be working with other people. So always code like the guy who works with your code at the end is the brutal psychopath who knows where you live.

How does one validate a partial record when using EF/Data Annotations?

I am updating a record over multiple forms/pages like a wizard. I need to save after each form to the database. However this is only a partial record. The EF POCO model has all data annotations for all the properties(Fields), so I suspect when I save this partial record I will get an error.
So I am unsure of the simplest solution to this.
Some options I have thought of:
a) Create a View Model for each form. Data Annotations on View model instead of EF Domain Model.
b) Save specific properties, rather than SaveAll, in controller for view thereby not triggering validation for non relevant properties.
c) Some other solution...??
Many thanks in Advance,
Option 1. Validation probably (especially in your case) belongs on the view model anyway. If it is technically valid (DB constraint wise) to have a partially populated record, then this is further evidence that the validation belongs on the view.
Additionally, by abstracting the validation to your view, you're allowing other consuming applications to have their own validation logic.
Additional thoughts:
I will say, though, just as a side note that it's a little awkward saving your data partially like you're doing, and unless you have a really good reason (which I originally assumed you did), you may consider holding onto that data elsewhere (session) and persisting it together at the end of the wizard.
This will allow better, more appropriate DB constraints for better data integrity. For example, if a whole record shouldn't allow a null name, then allowing nulls for the sake of breaking your commits up for the wizard may cause more long term headaches.

Should I extract functionality from this model class into a form class? (ActiveRecord Pattern)

I am in the midst of designing an application following the mvc paradigm. I'm using the sqlalchemy expression language (not the orm), and pyramid if anyone was curious.
So, for a user class, that represents a user on the system, I have several accessor methods for various pieces of data like the avatar_url, name, about, etc. I have a method called getuser which looks up a user in the db(by name or id), retrieves the users row, and encapsulates it with the user class.
However, should I have to make this look-up every-time I create a user class? What if a user is viewing her control panel and wants to change avatars, and sends an xhr; isn't it a waste to have to create a user object, and look up the users row when they wont even be using the data retrieved; but simply want to make a change to subset of the columns? I doubt this lookup is negligible despite indexing because of waiting for i/o correct?
More generally, isn't it inefficient to have to query a database and load all a model class's data to make any change (even small ones)?
I'm thinking I should just create a seperate form class (since every change made is via some form), and have specific form classes inherit them, where these setter methods will be implemented. What do you think?
EX: Class: Form <- Class: Change_password_form <- function: change_usr_pass
I'd really appreciate some advice on creating a proper design;thanks.
SQLAlchemy ORM has some facilities which would simplify your task. It looks like you're having to re-invent quite some wheels already present in the ORM layer: "I have a method called getuser which looks up a user in the db(by name or id), retrieves the users row, and encapsulates it with the user class" - this is what ORM does.
With ORM, you have a Session, which, apart from other things, serves as a cache for ORM objects, so you can avoid loading the same model more than once per transaction. You'll find that you need to load User object to authenticate the request anyway, so not querying the table at all is probably not an option.
You can also configure some attributes to be lazily loaded, so some rarely-needed or bulky properties are only loaded when you access them
You can also configure relationships to be eagerly loaded in a single query, which may save you from doing hundreds of small separate queries. I mean, in your current design, how many queries would the below code initiate:
for user in get_all_users():
print user.get_avatar_uri()
print user.get_name()
print user.get_about()
from your description it sounds like it may require 1 + (num_users*3) queries. With SQLAlchemy ORM you could load everything in a single query.
The conclusion is: fetching a single object from a database by its primary key is a reasonably cheap operation, you should not worry about that unless you're building something the size of facebook. What you should worry about is making hundreds of small separate queries where one larger query would suffice. This is the area where SQLAlchemy ORM is very-very good.
Now, regarding "isn't it a waste to have to create a user object, and look up the users row when they wont even be using the data retrieved; but simply want to make a change to subset of the columns" - I understand you're thinking about something like
class ChangePasswordForm(...):
def _change_password(self, user_id, new_password):
session.execute("UPDATE users ...", user_id, new_password)
def save(self, request):
self._change_password(request['user_id'], request['password'])
class ChangePasswordForm(...):
def save(self, request):
user = getuser(request['user_id'])
The former example will issue just one query, the latter will have to issue a SELECT and build User object, and then to issue an UPDATE. The latter may seem to be "twice more efficient", but in a real application the difference may be negligible. Moreover, often you will need to fetch the object from the database anyway, either to do validation (new password can not be the same as old password), permissions checks (is user Molly allowed to edit the description of Photo #12343?) or logging.
If you think that the difference of doing the extra query is going to be important (millions of users constantly editing their profile pictures) then you probably need to do some profiling and see where the bottlenecks are.
Read up on the SOLID principle, paying particular attention to the S as it answers your question.
Create a single class to perform user existence check, and inject it into any class that requires that functionality.
Also, you need to create a data persistence class to store the user's data, so that the database doesn't have to be queried every time.

Correct MVC design for Symfony/Propel?

If making things work is only requirement, we can put all controlling login and DB handling logic even in the views & it will work. However this is not a right approach for reusable design.
Before I ask my real design question, below is my current understanding about separation of responsibilities in terms of model.
All Database related code, even db related logic, should go in models.
For a table, say 'my_tab', propel generate 4 classes, out of which only 2 classes 'MyTab.php' and 'MyTabPeer.php' should be edited.
MyTabPeer.php must only have data fetching.
Any logic, if required to fetch data, should go in 'MyTab.php'
This is simple and I hope it is correct, if not, please correct me.
Now, I have a special condition. I've 4 tables, say a, b, c, d. For that, propel generated 8 editable classes (excluding base*.php)
A.php APeer.php B.php BPeer.php
C.php CPeer.php D.php DPeer.php
One page of my application, shows Mailbox (say). Mailbox is not a table in database but it gets its data from complex join query between above 4 tables along with lot of calculation/conditions.
I generated that query, fetch data from it and displayed it. Mailbox is running as expected. However I did it in my controller (action class), which I know is not a right place for that.
My question is, where should I put that code? Possible options:
Controller, I think, is not a right place for DB logic/fetch.
I've 8 model classed however data do not belong to any one of them but as combination of them all.
A separate helper/lib, but I know I'll never reuse that code as its unique page of the site.
Anywhere else?
Please suggest if I'm wrong but I guess I should put it in models as it is fetching data. Since A is primary table, I probably should put code in A.php and APeer.php. If that is correct place, next question is, What should go in A.php & what should go in APeer.php? I've following operations to do:
Some logic to decide what columns, should I select.
As like mailbox, I can show received/sent message. Controller will tell what to show but there are some db logic to set conditions.
Then really fetch data from complex Join query.
Returned data will have all rows but I might need to merge few rows conditionally.
As per my understanding, Point 3 should go in APeer.php and rest in A.php. Is my understanding correct?
You should create separate model class i.e. Mailbox.
Method of this model should do the complex select and return data to your action in controller. This solution will not break MVC approach.

How to process 1 form across 2 controllers/models in MVC (CFWheels)?

I'm an old CFML developer, new to CF on Wheels and MVC programming in general. I'm picking it up pretty quickly, but one thing that isn't evident to me is how one can offer a form to optionally update multiple db table records (models). I'd specifically like to set up a tabbed form for User info and User Profile info, where the former is required and the latter is not. This data is stored in two different one-to-one tables. What's the setup I need in order to call two "new" or "edit" views, run 2 "create" or "update" procedures, affecting two different tables. Or am I thinking about this all wrong.
Update: Adding some more info on what I'm trying to do. To keep it simple, I'll stick to 2 tabs and 2 tables, though I'm really looking at at least 3 in this instance.
So I've got a Users table and a UserProfiles table, and I've got models named User.cfc and UserProfile.cfc that are related 1-to-1, with UserProfile dependent on User. Pretty standard stuff. For each I've got controllers: Users.cfc and UserProfiles.cfc, each of those containing actions. add, edit, create, update, doing the obvious stuff (add and edit display forms). I have partials that display the add/edit form fields for each, so that's already prepared. Now, I want to create what is effectively a single add/edit form that can update both tables at the same time. The tabs don't really matter; effectively it could all be on one page.
So conceptually I'm doing something like:
<button type="submit" class="btn">#operation#</button>
Do I need to create a separate controller action that basically combines the create and update actions for two different controllers?
Thanks in advance from a pleased and eager CFWheels newbie...
If all of the data is related through hasMany or hasOne associations, I'd recommend looking at nested properties.
If you're a newbie though, you may want to refrain from this until you've got something simpler worked out.
I guess you are talking about two models representing these two tables, possibly associated using hasOne. Models allow you to validate data, this makes controller much simpler. This way you could create two forms under two tabs, and keep record's primary key as hidden field. Controller could run the validation and re-display the forms (partials may help)... Hold on, I am just going through the reference.
I realize this answer is pretty generic, as well as your question. I suggest you to go ahead and try something, see how it works.
After that update your question with code samples and ask if you have some specific problems. For example, validation and displaying errors in CFWheels may be a bit tricky.
