Hadoop source code [closed] - hadoop

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to Hadoop and trying to learn more about it. Sometimes, I felt that looking at the source code for a particular class would be beneficial in understanding the underlying functionality better. However, I do not know where to find the source code for each of the Java classes present in the Hadoop API.
Can anyone please let me know how to go about it? Is it part of the Hadoop Jar files I download for running the framework? Please clarify my doubts...thanks

SVN repository for trunk: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/hadoop/common/trunk/
For specific branches: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/hadoop/common/branches/

You can browse Hadoop code online at zGrepCode. The good part is that it allows navigation within classes just like any IDE. Here is the link: https://zgrepcode.com/hadoop/apache/

Please see this link and go through particularly getting started with Hadoop... module3.... http://developer.yahoo.com/hadoop/tutorial/
Apache Hadoop
Good Luck !


Static code analysis tool for terraform [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there any static code analysis tool for terraform? I tried tflint. But it doesn't support output of module or attributes of resources. any other suggestion please
Terrascan is another static analysis tool in addition to TFLint. Terrascan is more focused on security checks for AWS resources.
Checkov is another terraform static analysis tool. Scanning multi-cloud resources for security miss configurations and supports terraform>=0.12
There is also TFsec, which is pretty good.
I'm working on a product that allows you to try a bunch of these scanners pretty easily and help integrate with your CI/CD called Soluble to determine which scanner works best for your environment. Always appreciate feedback.
you may also checkout enterprise grade solutions (google you will find them) similar to aquasec solution.
I would create a comparison table, pros and cons and then consider the best.

How do I start with writing Windows minifilter drivers ? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to use windows miniFilter in my project.
I have seen the Microsoft documentation, but it seemed very hard to understand.
I have also read the GitHub examples for miniFilters, but they don't provide explanation for everything, as I want to understand what I write and not just copy and paste. Is there any beginner friendly site that can help me learn more ?
There are not a lot of great resources for getting started on this - no real tutorials or anything. The best sources are the Windows driver samples. Start with a simple one like filesys\miniFilter\nullFilter and then move up to filesys\miniFilter\passThrough to get you started. OSROnline is also a really great resource. And (shameless plug here) I have written a short, 4-part blog post on writing a register filter driver that starts pretty basic.

Information about big data and hadoop [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am a programmer and I am good in Database concept. I want to learn about big data and hadoop. But I don't have any past experience in these subjects. If anyone having good experience in big data and haddop please share how to start learning. If there are any institute or good websites please suggest. And if I need to do any course, please suggest that also. Thanks in advance.:-)
I find the tutorials from hortonworks a rather good starting point
To deep dive a must read is Tom White's 'Hadoop: The Definitve Guide'.
'Hadoop in Practice' shows a lot of cookbook like examples.

Cloudera Certification for Hadoop developer [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to write Cloudera certification for Hadoop developer as people suggested that it is more complex compared to Hortonworks certification.
I was looking for materials for my preparation. All the materials in Cloudera site is very expensive atleast for me. Can you please let me know the books which I can use to clear this certification?
If you know the content well in the following books, then you should be decently prepared to attempt the exam:
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
Hadoop Operations
I am also planning to write CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Exam (CCA175) this year.
Kindly find my steps of preparation:
Haddop: The Definitive Guide
Pro Apache Hadoop
Hands on Practice by following youtube channel by itversity
Kindly add if you find more useful references.

How to build a online Project Monitoring System [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to build a online project monitoring system for my project. Can anyone help me to identify the tools which I can use to build a simple online project monitoring system.
My system requires the following:
1. It should be user driven(multiuser logins)
2. Able to handle document uploads and downloads
3. If it can support spread sheet like document editing it will be good
Need your help.
If your project is open source then you can use Google Code
Otherwise some paid solutions are
Sharepoint - Group Collaborative
Jira/Confluence - Source Control, Group Collaborative
Here are some free project hosting solutions,
