Woocommerce Product Image White Dots Internet Explorer Error - image

I have an ecommerce website which uses Wordpress CMS and Woocommerce plugin.
The product images looks good on all the browsers except Internet Explorer.
When a category page loads, the product images have some white dots that disappear after the page completly loads. But on Internet Explorer the dots don't disappear.
I've read something about the jQuery fadeIn function. But I don't know the solution for this.
You can see below the problem:
Full screen image: here
Still no answer. This is important. Any help will be great.

It's an Internet Explorer bug, which appears when using fadeIn animations. You have to adjust the black level of the image by replacing real black (#000000) with very dark gray (e.g. #010101).
You can use Gimp to replace the colors: Colors > Map > Color Range Mapping
More information here, here, here and here.


Change background color of transparent PNG images uploaded to blogger

I have a blog hosted by Blogger with a custom template: http://www.drugchannels.net/
Images uploaded to the blog are hosted at X.bp.blogspot.com (where X is a number). Examples:
I want to have a white background when the image is clicked. (The images look fine on the site itself. This is not a problem with the blog's background, which is set to be solid white.)
Using the Inspect option in Chrome, I see the following information
The body formatting (background: #0e0e0e;) does NOT appear anywhere on my blog or in my template.
How can I fix?
Thank you!
P.S. I have 10 years of legacy posts with images, so I need a global solution that changes the background to white for all images posted to the blog.
Wrap the image in a div and set the background color of that div with css. That should work
.divclass:active {
If you are opening the images in a new tab or window then your only option is changing the background of the images yourself with a photo editor. If you're just trying to give the user a full size view of an image when they click it you could use javascript/jquery and have a full size div with a background and an image pop up in full screen without sending them to the linked image. Theres probably quite a few jquery plugins that will do this with minimal coding knowledge, just google it.
Thanks, Riley.
I can't go back and edit hundreds of images, so the photo editor option won't work.
But based on your suggestion, I used the following solution:
1) Enabled "Showcase Images with Lightbox" on blogger
2) Added CSS from this page (http://www.howbloggerz.com/2016/05/how-to-customize-blogger-lightbox.html) with no background image and background color set ot white (#ffffff).
Downside is that charts/images now pop up on same page rather than opening in a new tab.
Thank you!

Why is Firefox displaying svg images wrong?

I encountered a weird Firefox's behaviour. It renders SVG images cutting parts of them or not displaying them at all, but only certain of images, not all of them. Chrome and IE are displaying them properly. Here is a link to the website I put said images on:
Images which are not being displayed properly are logo in top menu bar and big blue logo with transparency on the big very top banner. The funny thing is that two icons a bit down on the same page (three rolls and woman's legs), which are also SVGs are being displayed properly. Could someone please tell me what's going on? I suppose there is something wrong with SVG image code itself but I can't detect what exactly.
I'm not pasting whole images' code beacuse it's too much of it. You can download these images from http://funjo.pl/media/2016/06/logo.svg and http://funjo.pl/media/2016/06/logo2.svg.
PS: If you really want me very badly to paste the whole code let me know.
PS2: I created all of SVGs on the website using Corel X7, if this information helps in anything.
PS3: I'm using the newest FF v 46.0.1.
Actually I've found a solution myself, it helped perfectly but required few more steps after exporting SVG in Corel X7 (as I mentioned in my post above there were two images, one of them with transparency). So here are the steps I made to make it being displayed properly in FF (a bit trial and error procedure but works):
I exported both SVGs again removing transparency from the one which was originally transparent, so no transparency at all in both SVG images. The one used as logo in menu bar contained all the elements grouped (logo and text were both separate but grouped), I ungrouped those elements and made them as one.
I removed height and width attributes from both SVGs.
I added preserveAspectRatio="none" attribute so I could manage width and height of the image separately, just like raster images (this CSS Tricks article helps a lot with understanting the whole resizing process).
I used SVG Optimiser tool to remove all the unnecessary bits from my images and to slim them down a little.
I downloaded optimised SVGs from above mentioned tool's website, uploaded them to my website's FTP.
I added height:(some)px and width:auto attributes in CSS
I added transparency for the one which was supposed to be transparent via CSS - opacity:0.7 in this case.
Refreshed the website and voilĂ , it works like a charm. Hope it will help someone with the similar problem as mine.
Here are images to compare, working one and not working one.
PS: After some more trials and errors I found out that changing standard text to curves in Corel X7 makes FF render the SVG image properly without above steps, but it doesn't change the fact that it worked properly in Chrome and IE anyway even if the text wasn't changed to curves before export. Plus FF didn't display SVG exported with transparency at all and Chrome and IE did.
You could open a working and failing SVG file into your text editor and find differences in the generated HTML.
I guess there is a difference the way you save it or how the vectors and layers are put. Maybe some transparent layer on top off the image renders strange?
Applying a width of 300px or above gave me the correct results as in chrome and IE.
So just give a width as below and probably you can adjust the width as per your requirement.
Hope it helps.
<img style="width: 300px;" src="http://funjo.pl/media/2016/06/logo.svg" alt="Funjo">
I solved it by removing commas , by spaces

Firefox Addon manager blurry icons

I created an extension for Firefox and made a simple icon for it.
But when I tested it in the Addon manager the icon appeared blurry despite my source image was fine.
I started to experiment with different sizes and shapes of the icon.
Figured out that the icon container is 48x48 pixels and the default addon icon is 32x32.
But for any experiments the result was the same.
So I created a simple rectangle icon drawing it by pixels so it shouldn't blur anyway:
But the result blurred again:
There is some sub-pixels around the rectangle though the border should be crisp...
In pixels view:
Also I found the default extension icon (a puzzle piece) and in pixels it looks perfect but in the manager the borders are blurred a little though it's not obvious at first glance.
Are you sure this is not happening when you save the image? I don't know what app you are using, but many photo apps try to compress jpm images when you save them by default. Check this first.
Usually this does not happen with png images, so you could try using a png image instead as well.
It was silly enough... The broblem was the page scale not 100% on the Addons page. Pressed Ctrl+0 and all restored.
It happens sometimes on other web pages when I zoom in/out the view and images lose their sharpness.

Safari Image sizes on responsive site not consistent

I would be very grateful for some help with a Safari image resizing issue as I have spent three days on this one problem.
I am building a responsive store with Woo Commerce using the Canvas template.
The problem is with the Safari browser...it won't enlarge the images to fit their container div and be evenly spaced and sized.
Here is a category page for your reference: http://omshivaloka.x-gr.net/product-category/shop/men-2/men-malas/
Here is a single product page, with the issue at the bottom beneath: "Products you may like": http://omshivaloka.x-gr.net/shop/hanuman/
I researched extensively all over the internet to find a solution and keep hearing to change the height and width in my CSS to:
ul.products li.product a img {
height: 100%!important;
width: 100%!important;
It's making them stretch, and is therefore not a solution.
In my Woo Commerce configuration, I have set the size of that picture to be 210*300px - Safari is not recognizing that...or maybe it is and is not outputting it immediately?
Perhaps you are having the same experience as I am in seeing the image expand when you mouse over it. Strange indeed...
I appreciate any help...thank you!

Cross browser image hover effect that works with Masonry jquery plug-in?

Wondering if anybody could help me out. I have the Masonry jquery plug-in which is laying out a set of images and when you zoom in or out in the browser, they change place to fit more/less of the images on the screen. Is there a way to, when i hover over these images, they would fade to black and a description of the image would appear in it's place.
A bit like http://www.flickr.com/ but rather than the small box at the bottom when you hover on an image, a box that covers the whole image and each seperate image can have a seperate description.
some possible hover effects is like Image effects, like grayscale, blur, sepia, etc. I still haven't figure out the best hover effect that have fix height/width.
