NSTextFields Positioned Lower On Other Macs - xcode

This is a weird situation. In Xcode's IB, I have a NSTableCellView subclass that I've built. It looks like this:
And when I run the app on my Mac, it comes out exactly as I would expect:
However, if any other Mac runs my app, every text field drops by something between 5-10 pixels:
Notice how the image view on the top right, and the hairline separator remain correctly positioned. This is just the text fields.
My brain balks at solving this because I can't guess what the cause is: my Mac is retina (hence right now the larger-looking image from my Mac) but I spend most of my time developing on a non-retina LED cinema display. I've tested this on three other Macs than my own, and the results are the same; it seems my own Mac is the outlier.
Any guesses as to the cause of this layout discrepancy?
UPDATE: I am using springs and struts to lay out the app. But I also tried using AutoLayout on one of my NIBs in case that was related. But the results were identical.

Found the answer! Turns out I had an additional copy of Avenir installed on my Mac which nobody else had. That Avenir has different metrics associated with it, and once I disabled the non-system-provided Avenir, my Mac is now showing the same screwed-up layout as every other computer does. Yay?


Blurred text in the TStatusBar control

I have for a very long time experienced a hugely annoying problem with the TStatusBar VCL control, a thin wrapper around the Win32 status bar control.
Since this appears to me as a very common and frustrating issue, I am very surprised Google (and StackOverflow) doesn't seem to know much about it.
The problem is that the status bar text becomes very blurred when it hasn't changed for a while; the precise conditions are still unknown to me. But I see this every day:
If one of the panels has its text updated, the new text is rendered correctly (see last panel):
Is this something that only happens when I am in the vicinity of running Delphi processes, or is it indeed a known issue? More importantly, is there a known cure? (And, academically, why does this happen? It wouldn't surprise me if it is related to transparent drawing of anti-aliased text by code originally designed for unthemed Win9x.)
I have tried to enable double-buffering, but I am not sure if that completely resolves the issue. (I have seen even worse behaviour in non-double-buffered list view controls, which is resolved by making them double-buffered.)
I made all status bars in my applications double-buffered a week ago, and I haven't seen any blurred text in any of them since then. Previously, I saw severely blurred text daily. Hence, it seems like this issue - whatever is causing it - can be fixed by making the status bars double buffered.

UIImageView Fit Entire Screen

Note: I looked at the other questions similar to this one, and they were either outdated or not useful.
Unfortunately there are so many different screen sizes and that makes auto layout really confusing for me. I want to have a simple UIImageView to cover the entire screen no matter what screen size it is. So the dimensions of the UIImageView should change accordingly.
I tried adding constraints to squish the image and it worked fine. But an error in the debugger said that there was an error: UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints
Is this a big deal? And if it is, how do I get the Image to fill the entire screen?
Edit: The game will have squares going down the screen, which the user must tap
It might be, or it might not be a big deal, depending on what you're doing and if you know what you're trying to accomplish. In my experience, this is usually an issue if you're trying to programmatically alter the frame of a view which already has set constraints (you shouldn't alter the frame by hand unless you really need it).
Without more detail, it's hard to say what the exact issue is.

2 Flash overlapping no interaction on Firefox Macintosh

I've got a web page with two different floating divs (position: absolute) and both contains a flash movie. The two are overlapping and the one below is a lot bigger.
The problem is: on the LAST VERSION of FIREFOX for MACINTOSH (snow leopard) the flash movie on top is impossible to interact with!
Watch yourself (wait for the fullscreen video to close): http://clients.adrime.com/files/campaigns/3509758016/27221/IT_pourfemme.it_index.html
How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance
I know this is an old questions but I thought I'd throw a possible solution that I've come across.
I had a very similar issue as described above. Two SWF movies loaded into a page sitting on top of one another. The top most contents mouse position was always off by a decent margin making the buttons almost unusable.
One of my movies was 1000x650 the other 1200x650. The larger of the two had a left positioning equivalent to around -100px which appeared to be the same offset being seen in the top most movie.
By giving both movies the same left positioning, the issue was resolved. Most annoyingly this only occurred on Firefox on Mac / OSX.
Some other discussions around this subject can be found in the comments here:
It appears to be a consistent bug, I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed.

Why flash on Mac does not display font correctly?

We have standard flex 3 project, and We have left everything as default, no change in style at all, and we deployed our project and noticed that on Mac the character spacing is very bad and overall look and feel is not as clear as that of windows.
Here is the difference, left one is Windows and right one is Mac.. the default flex font chosen by Adobe is "Verdana", the left one looks pretty, but right one looks as its width and character spacing, everything is incorrect. I assume verdana font may not be available on Mac, but in that case I supposed adobe should have given default standard font of good quality.
alt text http://akashkava.com/images/MacFlashFontProblem.png
What can we do to resolve this? Will embedding Verdana font in flex project style will help?
Mac OS X and Windows have different text rendering engines. I've heard it said that Mac OS X tries to preserve the character shape while Windows tries to align with screen pixels at small sizes.
That's going to result in differences between how fonts are rendered, and there's really no way to work around it.
Personally, I think the example on the right looks much nicer; the one on the left looks square, like it's being rendered at too small a size, while the one on the right looks more like the font is supposed to look.
It's not a solution, but Verdana is available on every OS X box. See this Apple doc for 10.5; I couldn't find one on 10.6 but there is one.

Where are people getting that rotating loading image?

I keep running across this loading image
which seems to have entered into existence in the last 18 months. All of a sudden it is in every application and is on every web site. Not wanting to be left out is there somewhere I can get this logo, perhaps with a transparent background? Also where did it come from?
You can get many different AJAX loading animations in any colour you want here: ajaxload.info
I believe the animation came from the Mac OS X loading screen. Here's a similar one with a transparent background:
alt text http://homepage.mac.com/xraydoc/.Pictures/spinner.gif
I think it's just a general extension to the normal clock-face style loading icon. The Firefox throbber is the first example of that style that I remember coming across; the only real difference between that and the current trend of straight lines is that the constituent symbols have been stretched to give a crisper look, moving back to more of a many-handed clock emblem.
