Determining the parameters for "discovered_api" - google-api-ruby-client

This might be a really stupid question, but how do you determine the parameters to pass in the client "discovered_api" call? and then what is the executed "api_method"
For instance, I'm trying to call the Admin SDK Users List call which is "GET".
There doesn't seem to be a clear way of extracting this from the API reference, or am I just looking in the wrong place?

I misunderstood the original question. I still think the other post is potentially valuable so I thought I'd add a new answer.
I experimented a bit and this will display the Title, id and whether or not it is preferred. The ID has a colon which seems to be where you separate the first and second argument when calling discovered_api.
puts "Title \t ID \t Preferred"
client.discovered_apis.each do |gapi|
puts "#{gapi.title} \t #{} \t #{gapi.preferred}"

I had this exact question. And for methods like get I figured it out.
Create your client and then do the following
api = client.discovered_api("admin", "directory_v1")
puts "--- Users List ---"
puts api.users.list.parameters
puts "--- Users Get ---"
puts api.users.get.parameters
This will print off the parameters. You can also use api.users.get.parameter_descriptions
Something that could be helpful if you are trying to probe into issues like this is to print off all the available methods. I typically do it like this.
puts api.users.insert.methods - Object.methods
If you try that one you will see that api.users.insert has the following methods after you take away the ones that are common to every object.
I hope that helps.


Algorithm in Ruby to trigger a method based on presence of certain texts

I don't know if it can be called an algorithm but i think its close.
I will be pulling data from an API that will have certain words in the title, eg:
Great Software 2.0 Download Now
Buy Great Software for just $10
Great Software Torrent Download
So, i want to do different things based on the presence of certain words such as Download, Buy etc. For eg, if it has the word 'buy' in it, i would like to extract the word buy and the amount value that is present in the title and show it in another div, so in this case it would be "Buy for $10" or "Buy $10" etc. I can do if/else as well but I don't want to use if else because there could be more such conditions in the future. So what i am thinking about is using the send method. eg:
def buy(string)
'Buy for just' + string.scan(/\$\d+/).first
def whichkeyword(title)
send (title.scan(/(download|buy)/i)[0][0]).downcase.to_sym, title
whichkeyword('Buy this software for $10 now')
is there a better way to do this? Or is this even a good way to do it? Any help would be appreciated
First of all, use send if and only you are to call private method, use public_send otherwise.
In this particular case metaprogramming is an overkill. It requires too much redundant code, plus it requires the code to be changed for new items. I would go with building a hash like:
#hash = { 'buy' => { text: 'Buy for just %{placeholder}', re: /\$\d+/ } }
This hash might be places somewhere outside of the code, e. g. it might be stored in yml file near the code and loaded in advance. That way you might be able to change a behaviour without modifying the code, that is handy for instance in gem.
As we have a hash defined/loaded, I would call the method:
def format string
key = string[/#{Regexp.union(#hash.keys).source}/i].downcase
puts #hash[key][:text] % { placeholder: string[#hash[key][:re]] }
▶ format("Buy this software for $10 now")
#⇒ Buy for just $10
There are many advantages over declaring methods, e. g. now matches might contain spaces, you might easily add/remove matchers etc.
First of all, your algorithm can work, but has some troubles in it, like what if no keyword is applied.
I have two solutions for you:
If you want to do it much more dynamic, you can use NLP - Natural language Processing. NLP will find main words in you sentence and then you can find the good solution for each.
A good gem for that is Treat that you can use with stanford-core-nlp. After processing the data you can find the verbs and even synonyms in the sentence and figure out what to do.
sentence('Buy this software for $10 now').verbs # ['buy']
Simple Hash
This solution is less dynamic, but much more simple. Like you did with the scan, just use Constant to manage your keywords, and the output from them(I would do it with lambdas). you can also add default to the hash
KEYWORDS ='Default Title').merge(
buy: -> { },
download: -> { }
I think this solution is good enough.
The only thing that looks strange is scan(/(download|buy)/i)[0][0].
As for me I don't very much like using [] syntax in Ruby.
I think using scan here is not necessary.
What about
def whichkeyword(title)
title =~ /(download|buy)/i
send $1.downcase.to_sym, title unless $1.nil?
def whichkeyword(title)
action = title[/(download|buy)/i]
public_send action.downcase.to_sym, title if action

unwrapping an object returned from twitter api

While reading some data from the Twitter api, I inserted the data into the file like this
results.each do |f|
running_count += 1
myfile.puts "#{f.user_mentions}"
The results (2 sample lines below) look like this in the file
[#<Twitter::Entity::UserMention:0x007fda754035803485 #attrs={:screen_name=>"mr_blah_blah", :name=>"mr blah blah", :id=>2142450461, :id_str=>"2141354324324", :indices=>[3, 15]}>]
[#<Twitter::Entity::UserMention:0x007f490580928 #attrs={:screen_name=>"andrew_jackson", :name=>"Andy Jackson", :id=>1607sdfds, :id_str=>"16345435", :indices=>[3, 14]}>]
Since the only information I'm actually interested in is the :screen_name, I was wondering if there's a way that I could only insert the screen names into the file. Since each line is in array brackets and then I'm looking for the screen name inside the #attrs, I did this
myfile.puts "#{f.user_mentions[0]#attrs{"screen_name"}}"
This didn't work, and I didn't expect it to, as I'm not really sure if that's technically array etc. Can you suggest how it would be done?
You need to access the #attrs instance variable in the Twitter UserMention object. If you want to puts the screen name from the first object, based on your current output, I would write
myfile.puts "#{f.user_mentions[0].attrs[:screen_name]"
Also, putting the code on how results is returned would help get a definite answer quickly. Cheers!
Assuming that results is an array of Twitter::Entity::UserMention
results.each do |r|
myfile.puts r.screen_name

Get full path in Sinatra route including everything after question mark

I have the following path:
I want absolutely everything that comes after "" in a string.
Using a splat doesn't work (only catches "foo/bar"):
get '/browse/*' do
Neither does the regular expression (also only catches "foo/bar"):
get %r{/browse/(.*)} do
The x and y params are all accessible in the params hash, but doing a .map on the ones I want seems unreasonable and un-ruby-like (also, this is just an example.. my params are actually very dynamic and numerous). Is there a better way to do this?
More info: my path looks this way because it is communicating with an API and I use the route to determine the API call I will make. I need the string to look this way.
If you are willing to ignore hash tag in path param this should work(BTW browser would ignore anything after hash in URL)
updated answer
get "/browse/*" do
p "#{request.path}?#{request.query_string}".split("browse/")[1]
Or even simpler
get "/browse/*" do
a = "#{params[:splat]}?#{request.env['rack.request.query_string']}"
"Got #{a}"

Ruby- Why can't I iterate over this data that I get back from Mongomapper map_reduce?

This is probably simple, but I have spent way too much time trying to figure it out, and am sure someone here will know, so here goes. Please be patient.
Bottom line is that I've got some data that I can't figure out how to loop over.
#Get the data from mongomapper map_reduce
#urls =
puts #urls.count
puts #urls.to_json
#urls.each do |entry|
puts "Here I am" # Never gets printed, not sure why.
puts "url" + entry['_id']
What I don't understand is that if I have a count of 3, why it won't enter the loop?
I'm not sure if the mongomapper or map_reduce details matter. I'm putting them here just in case. If it makes sense, I can add the details of the map/reduce if needed.
Thanks for your help.
First you wrote #urls then #url. I think only one of them is correct.
Update: As the documentation says you can iterate over the cursor with each but after the full iteration it will be closed. Maybe this is your case that you've already iterated over it once. Probably the to_json did it.
You can check whether the cursor is closed or not with the following statement:
Check this before the iterating part.

Need to build a url and work with the returned result

I would like to start with a little script that fetches the examination results of me and my friends from our university website.
I would like to pass it the roll number as the post parameter and work with the returned data,
I don't know how to create the post string.
It would be great if someone could tell me where to start, what are the things to learn, links to a tutorial would be most appreciated.
I don´t want someone to write code for me, just guidance on how to get started.
I've written a solution here just as a reference for whatever you might come up with. There are multiple ways of attacking this.
require 'open-uri'
#define a constant named URL so if the results URL changes we don't
#need to replace a hardcoded URL everywhere.
URL = ""
#checking the count of arguments passed to the script.
#it is only taking one, so let's show the user how to use
#the script
if ARGV.length != 1
puts "Usage: fetch_scores.rb student_name"
name = ARGV[0] #could drop the ARGV length check and add a default using ||
# or name = ARGV[0] || nikhil
results = open(URL + name).read
You might examine Nokogiri or Hpricot to better parse/format your results. Ruby is an "implicit return" language so if you happened to wonder why we didn't have a return statement that's because results will be returned by the script since it was last executed.
You could have a look at the net/http library, included as part of the standard library. See for details, there are some examples on that page to get you started.
A very simple way to do this is to use the open-uri library and just put the query parameters in the URL query string:
require 'open-uri'
name = 'nikhil'
results = open("{name}").read
results now contains the body text fetched from the URL.
If you are looking for something more ambitious, look at net/http and the httparty gem.
