To generate an Exploded war for play framework inorder to create custom web.xml file - web.xml

How can I generate Exploded War of my Play Framework app ?, because I would like to customize my web.xml file before running the play war command ... I am trying to install JavaMelody for my app I have searched to install but it is answered that we have to change the web.xml in the war file, I dono how it is possible to make edit a war file, yes we can extract it and edit but how to generate again a war file with those extracted files, So I searched about Custom web.xml in play framework documentation Custom web.xml and I don't know how to take an exploded war.

If you have your web.xml file sitting in as specified in the Play! help link you have provided:
And you run on your project:
play war -o some_directory
This will produce an exploded war at the location some_directory.
As for customising the web.xml file, you can include the file as part of your repository if you do not need to change the contents of the file at build time. If you do need to dynamically change the web.xml contents at build time, I would suggest adding a step in your build script.


Deploy a embedded Jetty&Jersey war to jetty9,only can see static file?

I cteate a jetty&jersey embedded project with IDEA and Maven,I put it in Github Run start the server, in the browser address bar enter localhost:8080/dynamic, show OK, enter localhost:8080/static, show static resource file
Now I package it to a war file,and put it in jetty webapps directory. But only can see static file in brower with enter localhost:8080/static.404 Not Found Error when in brower with enter localhost:8080/dynamic
What happend?
What should I do to package this project into a war file or jar file and run it in jetty successfully?
You are doing things in your embedded-jetty usage in that you do not declare/configure in your webapp or war file.
It's a maven project, but not declared as a webapp or war project (in the pom.xml)
Its doesn't have its WEB-INF in the right place (maven directory structure wise), which means your built war file is invalid.
The dependencies are not declared correctly for a webapp or war project (you cannot include jetty-server in a war file)
Your badly located WEB-INF/web.xml does not perform the same configuration steps as your
You don't specify how you created your ${jetty.base} directory to support this war file?
You didn't specify what version of jetty-distribution or jetty-home you downloaded, or are attempting to work with.
The statement "and put it in jetty webapps directory" is unclear, which one? (using jetty-distribution/webapps is invalid and will cause many errors and warnings if you attempt to use it for your own webapps, there's no jetty-home/webapps, and you didn't identify your jetty-base configuration)
The way your project is declared right now, even if manually assembled, skipping maven entirely, you have no servlets, no filters, no listeners, no intializers, only a servlet spec mandated DefaultServlet on url-pattern / giving you static content. That's why accessing http://localhost:8080/static/ works, but nothing else.

Wrapping a text file in a war and in a jar format

I have a springboot program that reads from a text file present inside the project. I use eclipse IDE. I want to share the project. While packaging the project in war format the text file was missing. Can someone tell me how do I package it so as to have the text file inside the package ?
I want to know the steps for both war and jar packaging which will include the text file in them.
This will let the user who unpacks it finds the text file and it can be used by the springboot service directly.
Put any resources (files) used at runtime in src/main/resources. They should be available in all packages.

How do I add a directory in /target to the resulting JAR with Spring Boot?

I'm using Enunciate to generate REST documentation upon building a REST application. Enunicate outputs documentation to /target/docs. I would like to add the /docs directory to the resulting JAR file (and rename it) to be able to serve docs as static content.
How do I do this? I can't figure out how to get these static files (which are generated upon build) into the JAR.
I guess you can solve this by configuring the Maven plugin for enunciate and wiring it up to be run in the 'generate-resources' lifecycle phase.
Also, make sure you set the output-dir to a subdirectory of src/main/resources/static, as commented by Rob above.
I added this to my enunciate.xml to force the docs directory to be generated in a custom location which will be packaged with the .war file
<docs docsDir="target/<app_name>/docs"/>
and then maven will put the entire contents of target/ into the resulting war file package

how to set java class loader PARENT_LAST

i have a spring mvc web application that I need to change the class loader on. I need to change the class loader to be equal to PARENT_LAST. I am using WAS 6.1 and already have a jacl script from a previous web application I can copy to do the job.
In the last application Apache ant was used and what they did was to make the deploy dependent on running the jacl script.
In my new web application I am using maven install to create a war file and am deploying that war file to my application server.
How can I set the class loader to be PARENT_LAST using maven? I know how to do it in the console but if there was a way to do it using scripting that would be nice.
Also will this setting be placed somewhere in the war file so that on deploy of the application the setting will be picked up. This question comes from my lack of understanding of how jacl scripts work?
If you are only deploying the WAR file itself you can't control this, but if you have your WAR file in an EAR file you can use the deployment.xml solution. The deployment.xml file would look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appdeployment:Deployment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:appdeployment="" xmi:id="Deployment_1347529484613">
<deployedObject xmi:type="appdeployment:ApplicationDeployment" xmi:id="ApplicationDeployment_1347544766353" startingWeight="99" warClassLoaderPolicy="SINGLE">
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1347543866613" startingWeight="1" uri="YourWebApp.war" classloaderMode="PARENT_LAST"/>
<classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1347543866613" mode="PARENT_LAST"/>
Once you are done all you need to do is to add the file in the correct location of your EAR project build assuming you are using src/main/application that would be src/main/application/META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp/deployment.xml and build the EAR using Maven as normal.
During server deployment this will be picked up by WAS.
AFAIK there is no way to preconfigure WAR for PARENT_LAST during assembly. Classloading policy is specified during deployment, thus the way of setting it depends on how application is deployed.
Changing the policy using the script is straightforward. Scripts are run using wsadmin tool. The Jython snippet below does the job. It can easily be converted to Jacl.
dep = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:app_name/')
depObject = AdminConfig.showAttribute(dep, 'deployedObject')
classldr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(depObject, 'classloader')
AdminConfig.modify(classldr, [['mode', 'PARENT_LAST']])
Websphere uses deployment.xml file to govern deployment setting of each module in an ear file. You can change the classloader setting in deployment.xml at the following path:
I do not know how you can configure that in Maven.

CMYKJPEGImageReaderSpi not loading

I was having an issue of reading CMYK JPEG images , and have used below url as reference for solving the issue.
I have given the configuration in the file javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi under path /META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi.
This works perfectly inside eclipse and the image reader is loaded successfully.
This file is not loading when deployed , i can find the folder and the file in the generated war file in my desired jar file inside lib folder, i guess i need to add it to java classpath.
Please help me to add to classpath or if there is any other issue with it.
You need to add this file as a static resource to your build lifecycle.
For Ant or Gradle you just need to write a simple copy task (Ant task, Gradle task), for Maven you can use Maven Resources Plugin.
After that your file should appears in your app package.
