using variables in DBUnit load file - dbunit

Is there a way that i can use variables in my load file in DBUnit so that I can populate dynamic data at runtime
<Employee id="var" , name="emp1" />
and I want the var to be something that I can supply.
Sorry if it is a basic questions but I have just started looking at DBUnit on someone's recommendation

I found a solution a couple of days before, you could use ReplacementDataSet. Here is an example(I use it to replace some fields with null)
public static IDataSet flatXml(File file)
throws MalformedURLException, DataSetException {
ReplacementDataSet dataSet = new ReplacementDataSet(
new FlatXmlDataSetBuilder().build(file));
dataSet.addReplacementObject("[NULL]", null);
return dataSet;
DELIVERY_TIME="2013-04-01 13:44:00"
Hope this helps.


opendaylight : Storing a sting in MDSAL

I have a YANG model (known to MDSAL) which I am using in an opendaylight application. In my application, I am presented with a json formatted String which I want to store in the MDSAL database. I could use the builder of the object that I wish to store and set its with fields presented in the json formatted String one by one but this is laborious and error prone.
Alternatively I could post from within the application to the Northbound API which will eventually write to the MDSAL datastore.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
Assuming that your incoming JSON matches the structure of your YANG model exactly (does it?), I believe what you are really looking for is to transform that JSON into a "binding independant" (not setters of the generated Java class) internal model - NormalizedNode & Co. Somewhere in the controller or mdsal project there is a "codec" class that can do this.
You can either search for such code, and its usages (I find looking at tests are always useful) in the ODL controller and mdsal projects source code, or in other ODL projects which do similar things - I'm thinking specifically browsing around the jsonrpc and daexim projects sources; specifically this looks like it may inspire you:
Best of luck.
Based on the information above, I constructed the following (which I am posting here to help others). I still do not know how to get rid of the deprecated reference to SchemaService (perhaps somebody can help).
private void importFromNormalizedNode(final DOMDataReadWriteTransaction rwTrx, final LogicalDatastoreType type,
final NormalizedNode<?, ?> data) throws TransactionCommitFailedException, ReadFailedException {
if (data instanceof NormalizedNodeContainer) {
YangInstanceIdentifier yid = YangInstanceIdentifier.create(data.getIdentifier());
rwTrx.put(type, yid, data);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Root node is not instance of NormalizedNodeContainer");
private void importDatastore(String jsonData, QName qname) throws TransactionCommitFailedException, IOException,
ReadFailedException, SchemaSourceException, YangSyntaxErrorException {
// create StringBuffer object"jsonData = " + jsonData);
byte bytes[] = jsonData.getBytes();
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
final NormalizedNodeContainerBuilder<?, ?, ?, ?> builder = ImmutableContainerNodeBuilder.create()
.withNodeIdentifier(new YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifier(qname));
try (NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer = ImmutableNormalizedNodeStreamWriter.from(builder)) {
SchemaPath schemaPath = SchemaPath.create(true, qname);"SchemaPath " + schemaPath);
SchemaNode parentNode = SchemaContextUtil.findNodeInSchemaContext(schemaService.getGlobalContext(),
schemaPath.getPathFromRoot());"parentNode " + parentNode);
try (JsonParserStream jsonParser = JsonParserStream.create(writer, schemaService.getGlobalContext(),
parentNode)) {
try (JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(is))) {
DOMDataReadWriteTransaction rwTrx = domDataBroker.newReadWriteTransaction();
importFromNormalizedNode(rwTrx, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION,;

How to remove table names in JDBC response in SOAPUI

In SOAPUI tool, in response for any DB step, response contains with tableName.column.
please refer the below image.
How can remove the tableName attribute from the response.
I mean to ask, is there any setting in SOAPUI or is there any properties file I need to update...
This doesn't depends on settings from SOAPUI, it's depends on DB drivers.
I follow the SOAPUI code from github, and I finally found that internally JDBCTestSteps constructs the XML node names from response based on the follow code fragment:
public static Document addResultSetXmlPart(Element resultsElement, ResultSet rs, Document xmlDocumentResult)
throws SQLException {
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
String columnName = "";
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(rsmd.getTableName(ii))) {
columnName += (rsmd.getTableName(ii)).toUpperCase() + ".";
columnName += (rsmd.getColumnName(ii)).toUpperCase();
String value = rs.getString(ii);
Element node = xmlDocumentResult.createElement(StringUtils.createXmlName(columnName));
(You can see the whole method addResultSetXmlPart method form XMLUtils class here)
So as you can see the node name on the XML depends on ResultSetMetaData getTableName and getColumnName methods. This class is an interface and the implementation of these methods depends on specific DB driver version.
So to have the same behavior as your client, simply check that both have the same DB drivers in SOAPUI_HOME\bin\ext.
REMARK: Once you or your client change the .jar in SOAPUI_HOME\bin\ext restart SOAPUI in order to load the new ones.
Hope this helps,
"postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4" should return the resultset without the table names. I got it working without placing the db driver to the SOAPUI_HOME\bin\ext.

DevExpress XtraReports - How to configure fields from custom datasource

I'm starting using DevExpress XtraReports for the company project. My problem is the following:
I have a stored procedure that extracts the data, given three paramaters: startDay, endDay and developer ID, and this SP is inside a .dbml file.
Following this example, we have the this method:
static void report_DataSourceDemanded(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Reports.WeeklyTimesheet report = (Reports.WeeklyTimesheet)sender;
DataClasses1DataContext context = new DataClasses1DataContext();
System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult<WeeklyTimesheetUserReportResult> res = >context.WeeklyTimesheetUserReport(Convert.ToDateTime("2012/01/16"), >Convert.ToDateTime("2012/01/20"), 52);
var result = from orderDetail in res select orderDetail;
report.DataSource = res.ToList();
Which is the only way i've found (that works) to pass parameters to the SP for the report.
What can i do so the report comes with the data i am sucessfully bringing but is not binding into the report? The attached images will illustrate this point better.
I have to point that when i made that report in the images, were originally formatted from a dataset using the wizard (hence why is ordered), but i have no idea how i can format it instead using the .dbml file.
Thanks in advance.
XtraReport have xrTables, xrLabel controls, they will let you to create custom report and after that you can bind those cell etc and modify the XRControl bindings of the report in the following manner:
// Original
//this.xrTableCell14.DataBindings.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XRBinding[] {
// new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XRBinding("Text", null, "Symbols.Description")});
// Modified
this.xrTableCell14.DataBindings.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XRBinding[] {
new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XRBinding("Text", null, "Description")});
Refer these links and samples..
Binding a Report to an Entity Framework object at runtime
[ How to
use LINQ to SQL data source to create a Master-Detail report

Win Phone 7 quiz app

Could any1 please suggest a method by which i can store all my questions , Multiple Choice answers and the correct answer. So that i can call them and then display in a text box and radio buttons . And as when the user answers a question correctly i should be able to move to the next question.
This was my approach. Used data serialization, created a class with Data memebers which will store question id , questions and answers. then created an object for it in while page is loading. But i am unable to display the questions. Please help me out.
Depending on the number of questions, you might find it easier and faster to use a local database.
I am a little confused at your approach. Serialization by itself doesnt actually persist data. Perhaps that is your problem. I have found that storing the XML to IsolatedStorage is one of the easier ways to persist data.
I created an IsolatedStorage class that looks like this for saving an XDocument object.
public static void SaveDataToIsolatedStorage(string filePath, FileMode fileMode, XDocument xDoc)
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream location = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(filePath, fileMode, storage))
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(location);
Here is my reader.
private static XDocument ReadDataFromIsolatedStorageXmlDoc()
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (!storage.FileExists(filePath))
return new XDocument();
using (var isoFileStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, storage))
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(isoFileStream))
return XDocument.Load(reader);

Issue Retrieving a Screenshot from a database

I've got a bunch of screenshots and some screenshot meta data I'm trying to display in an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application, I'm trying to retrieve the data from my databse but I get this error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Drawing.Image
ByteArrayToImage(Byte[])' method, and this method cannot be translated
into a store expression.
Here's my code:
var screenshotData = (from screenshots in db.screenshots
where screenshots.projects_ID == projectID
select new ImageInformation
ID =,
Language = screenshots.language,
Screenshot = Utility.ByteArrayToImage(screenshots.screen_shot),
ProjectID = screenshots.projects_ID
foreach (ImageInformation info in screenshotData)
ImageInformation is just a simple class that contains the defintion the information stored (ID, Language, Screenshot, ProjectID).
Here's my ByteArrayToImage function:
public static Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn))
Image returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
return returnImage;
Can anybody tell me why I receive this error when this code runs?
I think it's because, with LINQ-to-Entities, the code is turned into server-side query and it can't do that in this case. I don't think you can mix client-side code like this directly with L2E.
I would suspect you will have to do the conversion from byte->image after you've retrieved the data from the database as a distinct step.
You can't do the function in a LINQ to Entities query... one option:
1) have a byte[] property on the object you are instantiating (ImageInformation) and copy the data in there along with another propery to read the image from this ImageInformation object.
