joomla-extracting a component as installable? - joomla

I am writing a joomla componenet but it has many folders and sql tables. I don't prefere to make the package manually. Is there any know extension to make me able to extract my component as a zip file to make it installable.

I'm so confused. Why would you need an extension to compile your component? By the sounds of thing, you have simply started editing a pre-made component.
You should have started with the folder and file stricture when you first started building the component.
Create 2 folders:
Put all backend end related folder inside the admin folder, and all frontend related folders inside the site folder.
Then edit your XML file accordingly to it points to the correct folders

There is a third-party component: which can package the selected extensions and generate an installable archive for you.


Package manager - how to extend module with ability of module update

When I use some package manager like Composer I want to use some 3rd-party module and to have an ability for example to change some views (templates) of this module, and simultaneously to have an ability to update this module trough composer.
How can I do this?
If not - may be it is question to think about to integrate to package managers some pattern to have an ability do this well ?
Pattern - I mean some rules with that programmers will be able to show some files that will be able to be edited by consumer and to do it, developer should do some api for it by some standartized method that will be written in rules, f.e. in some composer config of his module developer will write, what files should be duplicated to userpath. After install, these files will be copied and user will be able to change it, and composer will do it able modules to see these files in users folder. And after update this user folder will not rewrite these edited files... Something like that or maybe somehow more flexibly
How to modify views of packages installed by composer in Laravel:
Customized views should be placed in folder /resources/views/vendor/
with same names as original
This is the first place where views are searched by framework

Way to load locally developed magento extension

I am developing a magento extension. After getting help from stackoverflow, I am able to create a package extension which is stored in [magento]/var/connect folder. I noticed that package.xml, myextension.xml and myextension- files are created therein.
I created another magento instance locally where I want to load that package and test. It's not possible to get my extension verified by magento team and then use it quickly or is it? I copied those package files under /var/connect of the test instance but I cannot see that appear in admin-> system -> magento connect -> package extensions.
Any idea how I can do that? All I need is he ability to let my customer have my zip files(package files), then they will upload somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.
You can upload packaged Magento extension by going to:
System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager
then uploading the package under the Direct package file upload section.
Furthermore, if you decide not to package your extension, just copy the working file structure of your extension to it's own folder, and you can simply drop your extension files into the working root directory of compatibility Magento installs. Just be sure your extension file structures are correct. EX: app/code/local/MyNamespace/MyExtension etc.

Edit and package DNN module without solution file

I've recently been given a DotNetNuke module to edit and publish back to the website. However the module folder that I have been given is missing the visual studio solution file. It has all the individual cs files so I can open them up one by one but there is no overall file for the module, and so I'm not sure how I can then repackage and deploy the changes once I've completed them.
I have tried creating a blank solution to add the project to but I get an error when I try to do this that goes like:
Unable to read the project file '...csproj'. The imported project "....nuget\nuget.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the < Import > declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk
Can anyone help?
The module might have been built as a WSP type project where there is no compiled DLL and .NET just compiles the files in place. If you got a module package, you should be able to install the module into a DotNetNuke site, add the module to a page and then just make changes to the files within the App_Code and DesktopModules folders and refresh the page to see the changes.
When you're done, you can either just copy the updated files into the zip package or, you can go to Host -> Extensions. Then edit the module and from the Manage Menu select "Create Package" and it will generate a new Package.

Move source code files to CodeIgniter folders

I am starting to work on some incomplete stuff in codeigniter. I had to install codeigniter on my machine. I have the source code files from the previous work, however I am confused how to move these files to CodeIgniter folder to access them as usual and start working on them.
I am not sure which files go to which folder in the CodeIgniter Folders available when downloaded.
Download and install Codeigniter on your machine first. Check out in which folders the controllers/models/views/configs reside.
Then you will have an idea which files reside where, if you still have some problems take a peek in the documentation.
CodeIgniter have and system a application folder.
I'd recommend a new download.
I doubt some change was made on system folder, so I think you can ignore it from your project and use the new downloaded one
The project is on the application and there you have some folders, as mentioned by gopi1410, that you need to take care, maybe there are libraries, models, controllers, configurations files, autoload, etc.
And tell us what it the version of you application. If it is a old version, there will be some problem using the new version system folder.

how do I package support files in a cocoa app

I'm building an application where I want to provide the user with a few dozen templates that will internally take the form of property lists. I would also want to group them in categories, which would conveniently be achieved using folders.
While I have contemplated shipping these files as simple resources in my application, I don't like the idea of this single location containing dozens and dozens of files, and besides it doesn't seem to be possible to group them in folders.
I can see that many applications have installed such resources in their application support directory (~/Library/Application Support//...), but I can't seem to find any documentation resource on how to achieve this.
I don't like the idea of this single location containing dozens and dozens of files, and besides it doesn't seem to be possible to group them in folders.
It is. Put them in folders in your project directory, then add the top-level folder(s) to your project. Make sure you add it/them as folder reference(s) and not group(s) (see? that sheet does have a purpose!).
Then, add the folder reference(s) to your Copy Bundle Resources or Copy Files phase.
One word of warning: When you change one of the files in the folder, you may need to “touch” the folder to get Xcode to re-copy it. You can do this in Xcode or from the terminal.
You can group items in sub-folders of your app bundle's Resources directory. Unless you want users to edit these plists, keeping them in your app bundle allows users to drag-n-drop install your app, rather than having to use an installer package (a big win).
You can group them into folders in your application bundle by adding a "New Copy Files Build Phase" to your project as described in this forum post:
