Enunciate validation of Jersey API fails with #POST #FormParam + String data - jersey

I'm evaluating enunciate to document our REST APIs and I'm having an issue with the validation step:
Validation result has errors.
my.java: error: [core] An entity parameter must be of type MultivaluedMap<String, String> if there is another parameter annotated with #FormParam.
#FormParam("my-param") String myParam, String data)
This construct of accepting the POST data as a String entity in addition to #FormParam bindings is supported by Jersey, so not sure why enunciate is choking on it? Is this not JAX-RS compliant?
This is a really useful to capture the full post data for auditing purposes if something went wrong. Is there a way to configure enunciate to ignore this argument?
If not, is there some other way to capture the post data in a way that would keep enunciate happy? I'm reluctant to go to MultivaluedMap as the stringification process may not result in exactly the String which was passed in...

It may be that the validation checks Enunciate performs are outdated. You might consider requesting a change by submitting a JIRA issue.
One thing you could try as a workaround is to create your own custom parameter annotation and configure Enunciate consider it as a custom resource parameter.
<custom-resource-parameter-annotation qualifiedName="org.myco.CustomResourceParam"/>
However, if the purpose of the parameter is for auditing, I'd really recommend using a Jersey filter. That way you don't litter your API code with auditing concerns.


Is there any way to force Spring to check EL expressions on app start?

I have endpoints in #RestControllers that look similar to this:
public class XApiController
// ...
public void saveX(...)
// ...
These endpoints require the developer to make the HttpHeaders object available and name it correctly in the method declaration:
public void saveX(#RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers)
Our problem is that if this last step isn't done, the endpoint only fails at runtime when the endpoint is invoked. This means that issues from large refactors later (say, to change the HttpHeaders argument to HttpServletRequest) aren't easy to identify. Is there any way to tell Spring to validate these expressions are valid on app startup?
I suggest you to create integration tests and then invoke saveX from the test to verify this before you deploy an application.
I would also state my opinion that if you want to have testable code with good quality - try to get rid of SpringEL as soon as possible. In my experience this approach proved as poorly testable, hardly maintainable and also introducing unnecessary complications to your source code.
In modern spring framework there are lots of ways to avoid writing SpringEl.
Spring always validates all beans on start up. But your problem is not within validation your problem is test problem. The process of pre authorization is a runtime job. Spring can not know what to do with this expression spring just checks its syntax over SPEL rules.
You can create tests to check header.
You can increase your IDE inspection level of spring spel to error.
You can simply write a static method to get the headers without a rest parameter.

How to set date format for JsonObjectMapper in Spring Integration

I am converting my Java object to Map using Spring Integration ObjectToMapTransformer's transformPayload().
Everything works fine except that the Instant fields in my object are getting broken into epochSecond and nano, which in turn throws exception while persisting in data-store (MongoDB).
This is the Spring Integration JsonObjectMapper being used to convert the Object to Map:
private final JsonObjectMapper<?, ?> jsonObjectMapper = JsonObjectMapperProvider.newInstance();
My question is how can I configure date format for the above mapper. Just like Jackson's ObjectMapper::configure(), do we have any similar options here?
I cannot find any, neither in source code nor on internet!!
I also tried enabling/disabling spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS in my application.properties, but no joy!
I have jackson-datatype-jsr310 dependency in my pom.xml
How to get the Instant in correct format?
I think we should add support for custom JsonObjectMapper injection. That way you would be able to build Jackson2JsonObjectMapper based on desired ObjectMapper.
Please, raise a JIRA ticket on the matter and don't hesitate with the contribution: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.adoc
Meanwhile as a workaround I'd suggest a pair of ObjectToJsonTransformer/JsonToObjectTransformer:
.transform(Transformers.toJson(jsonObjectMapper(), ObjectToJsonTransformer.ResultType.NODE))
.transform(Transformers.fromJson(Map.class, jsonObjectMapper()))

Available paths listing for Spring actions

I have an application which exposes RESTful actions using spring annotations and Spring MVC.
It looks like
#RequestMapping(value = "/example/{someId}",
method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
public void isRegisteredToThread(#PathVariable long someId, HttpServletResponse response) {
What I want is an automatically generated listing of all URL's, methods and available parameters - possibly within a WSDL. Is there a plugin or is it somehwere available?
WSDL is not done for rest, it's used for SOAP.
You might use WADL, but I really do not suggest it.
In my project I always use swagger (there is a release for spring). You may find more info here https://github.com/martypitt/swagger-springmvc and here http://blog.zenika.com/index.php?post/2013/07/11/Documenting-a-REST-API-with-Swagger-and-Spring-MVC
Give it a try.
As an alternative, if you don't need something web-based, you may try rest-shell (https://github.com/spring-projects/rest-shell)
You could take a look at the source code of RequestMappingEndpoint provided by the Spring Boot and see how Spring Boot reports the mappings.
Looking through that code one can see that the mappings (both handler and method mappings) can easily be obtained from the applicationContext
respectively). After you have obtained the mapping you can process them anyway you like.
You might want to create a library that could include in all your projects that processes the mapping your organizations desired form

Can I use expressions in Apache Shiro security annotations?

I've been doing some comparisons between Apache Shiro and Spring Security - I'm really loving the security model that Shiro uses and believe it to be far cleaner that Spring Security.
However, one big nice-to-have would be to be able to reference method parameters from within the method-level security annotations. For example, right now I could so something like:
public void sendEmail( EmailAccount account, String to, String subject, String message) { ... }
Within the context of this example, this means that the authenticated user must have the permission to send emails on email accounts.
However, this is not fine-grained enough, as I want instance level permissions! In this context, assume that users can have permissions on instances of email accounts. So, I'd like to write the previous code something like this:
public void sendEmail( EmailAccount account, String to, String subject, String message) { ... }
In this way, the permission string is referencing a parameter passed into the method such that the method can be secured against a particular instance of EmailAccount.
I know I could easily do this from plain Java code within the method, but it would be great to achieve the same thing using annotations - I know Spring Security supports Spring EL expressions in its annotations.
Is this definitely not a feature of Shiro and thus will I have to write my own custom annotations?
Look at the classes in http://shiro.apache.org/static/current/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/authz/aop/package-summary.html, especially PermissionAnnotationHandler. There you can see that all Shiro does when encountering the #RequiresPermissions annotation is call getSubject().isPermitted(permission) and does no substitution inside the annotation value at all. You would have to somehow override that handler if you wanted this kind of functionality.
So to answer your question: yes, this is definitely not a feature of Shiro and you have to either write your own annotation or somehow override that handler.
This feature is currently not supported by Shiro. Multiple people have requested this feature. Perhaps we can vote for the issue?

Spring Design By Contract: where to start?

I am trying to put a "Contract" on a method call. My web application is in Spring 3.
Is writing customs Annotations the right way to go. If so, any pointers( I didn't find anything in spring reference docs).
Should I use tools like "Modern Jass", JML ...? Again any pointers will be useful.
Using Spring EL and Spring security could get you most of the way. Spring security defines the #PreAuthorize annotation which is fired before method invocation and allows you to use Spring 3's new expression engine, such as:
#PreAuthorize("#customerId > 0")
public Customer getCustomer(int customerId) { .. }
or far more advanced rules like the following which ensures that the passed user does not have role ADMIN.
#PreAuthorize("#user.role != T(com.company.Role).ADMIN)")
public void saveUser(User user) { .. }
You can also provide default values for your contract with the #Value annotation
public Customer getCustomer(#Value("#{434}") int customerId) { .. }
You can even reference system properties in your value expressions.
Setting up Spring security for this purpose is not to hard as you can just create a UserDetailsService that grants some default role to all users. Alternatively you could make you own custom Spring aspect and then let this use the SpelExpressionParser to check method values.
if you don't mind writing some parts of your Java web application in Groovy (which is possible with Spring) I would suggest using GContracts.
GContracts is a Design by Contract (tm) library entirely written in Java - without any dependencies to other libraries - and has full support for class invariants, pre- and postconditions and inheritance of those assertions.
Contracts for Java which is based on Modern Jass is one way to write contracts.
As per the writing of this reply, this is pretty basic. Hopefully this will improve as we go on.
I didn't find an ideal solution to this, interestingly it is a planned feature for the Spring framework (2.0 implemented patch):
The best thing I suggest to use JSR 303 which is for bean validation. AFAIK there are two implementations for this:
Agimatec Validations
Hibernate Validator
There's a guide here for integrating it into Spring, I haven't followed it through but it looks ok:
I personally recommend C4J for 2 reasons:
It has Eclipse plugin so you don't need to manually configure it.
The documentation is written in a clear, structured format so you can easily use it.
Her's the link to C4J
