I have some code
io.write("input: ")
var = io.read("*n")
if var then
if var > 5 and var < 10 then io.write("yes\n") goto redo
else io.write("invalid\n") goto redo end
else io.write("invalid\n") goto redo end
that is supposed to check a numeric input value and return if it's within a certain range. If it isn't a numeric value, it's supposed to "redo" the script and ask for input again. The issue is that whenever it takes an input that isn't a number it repeats io.write("input: ") and io.write("invalid\n") unceasingly meaning it's skipping the var = io.read("*n") line. Is there a special meaning or quirk to io.read("*n") that keeps it from reevaluating? The code seems to work if replaced with io.read()
When you call io.read('*n') and it doesn't find a number, it doesn't use up the input, and any calls to io.read('*n') will read the same input over and over. You need to eat up the input and discard it by calling io.read('*l'). That will let you read new input with io.read('*n').
Another method would be to read a line with io.read('*l'), extract a number from it with string.match and convert it to a number with tonumber. Then you don't have to read the same input twice, but you'd have to decide what types of number notation you want to match. (io.read('*n') accepts various types of numbers, including hexadecimal and scientific notation.)
In this project the user can type in a text(maximum 140 characters).
so for this limitation I once used getline():
string text;
getline(cin, text);
text = text.substr(1, 140);
but in this case the result of cout << text << endl; is an empty string.
so I used cin.get() like:
cin.get(text, 140);
this time I get this error: no matching function for call to ‘std::basic_istream::get(std::__cxx11::string&, int)’
note that I have included <iostream>
so the question is how can I fix this why is this happening?
Your first approach is sound with one correction - you need to use
text = text.substr(0, 140);
instead of text = text.substr(1, 140);. Containers (which includes a string) in C/C++ start with index 0 and you are requesting the string to be trimmed from position 1. This is perfectly fine, but if the string happens to be only one character long, calling text.substr(1, 140); will not necessarily cause the program to crash, but will not end up in the desired output either.
According to this source, substr will throw an out of range exception if called with starting position larger than string length. In case of a one character string, position 1 would be equal to string length, but the return value is not meaningful (in fact, it may even be an undefined behavior but I cannot find a confirmation of this statement - in yours and my case, calling it returns an empty string). I recommend you test it yourself in the interactive coding section following the link above.
Your second approach tried to pass a string to a function that expected C-style character arrays. Again, more can be found here. Like the error said, the compiler couldn't find a matching function because the argument was a string and not the char array. Some functions will perform a conversion of string to char, but this is not the case here. You could convert the string to char array yourself, as for instance described in this post, but the first approach is much more in line with C++ practices.
Last note - currently you're only reading a single line of input, I assume you will want to change that.
Coming from Python, I'm not used to see code lines longer than 80 columns.
So when I encounter this:
err := database.QueryRow("select * from users where user_id=?", id).Scan(&ReadUser.ID, &ReadUser.Name, &ReadUser.First, &ReadUser.Last, &ReadUser.Email)
I tried to break it to
err := database.QueryRow("select * from users where user_id=?", id) \
.Scan(&ReadUser.ID, &ReadUser.Name, &ReadUser.First, &ReadUser.Last, &ReadUser.Email)
But I get
syntax error: unexpected \
I also tried just breaking the line with hitting enter and put a semicolon at the end:
err := database.QueryRow("select * from users where user_id=?", id)
.Scan(&ReadUser.ID, &ReadUser.Name, &ReadUser.First, &ReadUser.Last, &ReadUser.Email);
But the I again get:
syntax error: unexpected .
So I'm wondering what's the golangic way to do so?
First some background. The formal grammar of Go uses semicolons ";" as terminators in many productions, but Go programs may omit most of them (and they should to have a clearer, easily readable source; gofmt also removes unnecessary semicolons).
The specification lists the exact rules. Spec: Semicolons:
The formal grammar uses semicolons ";" as terminators in a number of productions. Go programs may omit most of these semicolons using the following two rules:
When the input is broken into tokens, a semicolon is automatically inserted into the token stream immediately after a line's final token if that token is
an identifier
an integer, floating-point, imaginary, rune, or string literal
one of the keywords break, continue, fallthrough, or return
one of the operators and delimiters ++, --, ), ], or }
To allow complex statements to occupy a single line, a semicolon may be omitted before a closing ")" or "}".
So as you can see if you insert a newline character after the parenthesis ), a semicolon ; will be inserted automatically and so the next line will not be treated as the continuation of the previous line. This is what happened in your case, and so the next line starting with .Scan(&ReadUser.ID,... will give you a compile-time error as this standing by itself (without the previous line) is a compile-time error: syntax error: unexpected .
So you may break your line at any point which does not conflict with the rules listed under point 1. above.
Typically you can break your lines after comma ,, after opening parenthesis e.g. (, [, {, and after a dot . which may be referencing a field or method of some value. You can also break your line after binary operators (those that require 2 operands), e.g.:
i := 1 +
fmt.Println(i) // Prints 3
One thing worth noting here is that if you have a struct or slice or map literal listing the initial values, and you want to break line after listing the last value, you have to put a mandatory comma , even though this is the last value and no more will follow, e.g.:
s := []int {
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, // Note it ends with a comma
This is to conform with the semicolon rules, and also so that you can rearrange and add new lines without having to take care of adding / removing the final comma; e.g. you can simply swap the 2 lines without having to remove and to add a new comma:
s := []int {
4, 5, 6,
1, 2, 3,
The same applies when listing arguments to a function call:
"third", // Note it ends with a comma
The simplest way is to simply leave the operator (.) on the first line.
\ line continuations are also discouraged in many python style guides, you could wrap the whole expression in parens if you are moving back and forth between go and python as this technique works in both languages.
As mentioned, this is a matter of style preference. I understand that the creators of Go have suggested a style based on their experience of which I learn from but also keep some of my own style from my experience.
Below is how I would format this:
err := database.
QueryRow("select * from users where user_id=?", id).
It's a matter of style, but I like:
err := database.QueryRow(
"select * from users where user_id=?", id,
&ReadUser.ID, &ReadUser.Name, &ReadUser.First, &ReadUser.Last, &ReadUser.Email,
what's the golangic way to do so?
An automated solution. Unfortunately, gofmt doesn't cover this case so you could use
Install it via
go install github.com/segmentio/golines#latest
Then run
golines -w -m 80 .
-w means make the changes in-place (default prints to stdout)
-m is max column length
You can break the line at several places like commas or braces as suggested by other answers. But Go community has this opinion on line length:
There is no fixed line length for Go source code. If a line feels too long, it should be refactored instead of broken.
There are several guidelines there in the styling guide. I am adding some of the notable ones (clipped):
Ensure that commentary is readable from source even on narrow screens.
When possible, aim for comments that will read well on an 80-column wide terminal, however this is not a hard cut-off; there is no fixed line length limit for comments in Go.
Indentation confusion
Avoid introducing a line break if it would align the rest of the line with an indented code block. If this is unavoidable, leave a space to separate the code in the block from the wrapped line.
// Bad:
if longCondition1 && longCondition2 &&
// Conditions 3 and 4 have the same indentation as the code within the if.
longCondition3 && longCondition4 {
log.Info("all conditions met")
Function formatting
The signature of a function or method declaration should remain on a single line to avoid indentation confusion.
Function argument lists can make some of the longest lines in a Go source file. However, they precede a change in indentation, and therefore it is difficult to break the line in a way that does not make subsequent lines look like part of the function body in a confusing way:
// Bad:
func (r *SomeType) SomeLongFunctionName(foo1, foo2, foo3 string,
foo4, foo5, foo6 int) {
foo7 := bar(foo1)
// ...
// Good:
good := foo.Call(long, CallOptions{
Names: list,
Of: of,
The: parameters,
Func: all,
Args: on,
Now: separate,
Visible: lines,
// Bad:
bad := foo.Call(
Lines can often be shortened by factoring out local variables.
// Good:
local := helper(some, parameters, here)
good := foo.Call(list, of, parameters, local)
Similarly, function and method calls should not be separated based solely on line length.
// Good:
good := foo.Call(long, list, of, parameters, all, on, one, line)
// Bad:
bad := foo.Call(long, list, of, parameters,
with, arbitrary, line, breaks)
Conditionals and loops
An if statement should not be line broken; multi-line if clauses can lead to indentation confusion.
// Bad:
// The second if statement is aligned with the code within the if block, causing
// indentation confusion.
if db.CurrentStatusIs(db.InTransaction) &&
db.ValuesEqual(db.TransactionKey(), row.Key()) {
return db.Errorf(db.TransactionError, "query failed: row (%v): key does not match transaction key", row)
If the short-circuit behavior is not required, the boolean operands can be extracted directly:
// Good:
inTransaction := db.CurrentStatusIs(db.InTransaction)
keysMatch := db.ValuesEqual(db.TransactionKey(), row.Key())
if inTransaction && keysMatch {
return db.Error(db.TransactionError, "query failed: row (%v): key does not match transaction key", row)
There may also be other locals that can be extracted, especially if the conditional is already repetitive:
// Good:
uid := user.GetUniqueUserID()
if db.UserIsAdmin(uid) || db.UserHasPermission(uid, perms.ViewServerConfig) || db.UserHasPermission(uid, perms.CreateGroup) {
// ...
// Bad:
if db.UserIsAdmin(user.GetUniqueUserID()) || db.UserHasPermission(user.GetUniqueUserID(), perms.ViewServerConfig) || db.UserHasPermission(user.GetUniqueUserID(), perms.CreateGroup) {
// ...
switch and case statements should also remain on a single line.
// Good:
switch good := db.TransactionStatus(); good {
case db.TransactionStarting, db.TransactionActive, db.TransactionWaiting:
// ...
case db.TransactionCommitted, db.NoTransaction:
// ...
// ...
// Bad:
switch bad := db.TransactionStatus(); bad {
case db.TransactionStarting,
// ...
case db.TransactionCommitted,
// ...
// ...
If the line is excessively long, indent all cases and separate them with a blank line to avoid indentation confusion:
// Good:
switch db.TransactionStatus() {
// ...
case db.NoTransaction:
// ...
// ...
Never brake long URLs into multiple lines.
I have only added some of the few examples there are in the styling guide. Please read the guide to get more information.
using visualworks, in small talk, I'm receiving a string like '31323334' from a network connection.
I need a string that reads '1234' so I need a way of extracting two characters at a time, converting them to what they represent in ascii, and then building a string of them...
Is there a way to do so?
EDIT(7/24): for some reason many of you are assuming I will only be working with numbers and could just truncate 3s or read every other char. This is not the case, examples of strings read could include any keys on the US standard keyboard (a-z, A-Z,0-9,punctuation/annotation such as {}*&^%$...)
Following along the lines of what Max started to suggest:
x := '31323334'.
in := ReadStream on: x.
out := WriteStream on: String new.
[ in atEnd ] whileFalse: [ out nextPut: (in next digitValue * 16 + (in next digitValue)) asCharacter ].
newX := out contents.
newX will have the result '1234'. Or, if you start with:
x := '454647'
You will get a result of 'EFG'.
Note that digitValue might only recognize upper case hex digits, so an asUppercase may be needed on the string before processing.
There is usually a #fold: or #reduce: method that will let you do that. In Pharo there's also a message #allPairsDo: and #groupsOf:atATimeCollect:. Using one of these methods you could do:
| collectionOfBytes |
collectionOfBytes := '9798'
groupsOf: 2
atATimeCollect: [ :group |
(group first digitValue * 10) + (group second digitValue) ].
collectionOfBytes asByteArray asString "--> 'ab'"
The #digitValue message in Pharo simply returns the value of the digit for numerical characters.
If you're receiving the data on a stream you could replace #groupsOf:atATime: with a loop (result may be any collection that you then convert to a string like above):
[ stream atEnd ] whileFalse: [
result add: (stream next digitValue * 10) + (stream next digitValue) ]
in Smalltalk/X, there is a method called "fromHexBytes:" which the ByteArray class understands. I am not sure, but think that something similar exists in other ST dialects.
If present, you can solve this with:
(ByteArray fromHexString:'68656C6C6F31323334') asString
and the reverse would be:
'hello1234' asByteArray hexPrintString
Another possible solution is to read the string as a hex number,
fetch the digitBytes (which should give you a byte array) and then convert that to a string.
(Integer readFrom:'68656C6C6F31323334' radix:16)
digitBytes asString
One problem with that is that I am not sure about which byte-order you will get the digitBytes (LSB or MSB), and if that is defined to be the same across architectures or converted at image loading time to use the native order. So it may be required to reverse the string at the end (to be portable, it may even be required to reverse it conditionally, depending on the endianess of the system.
I cannot test this on VisualWorks, but I assume it should work fine there, too.
I have connected the sql database to my vb project and the last feature I need is to validate the user input. Two of the textboxes needs to be validated when adding a new record.
txtName is the first textbox that consists of the following format: BCO103/T1/01 . 'BCO' will always stays the same, however the rest needs to be input by the user. Letters and numbers needs to stay in exact the same place.
txtModuleID is the second textbox that needs to be validated. The data for this field looks like this: BCO120 . Yet again, BCO will always stay the same, however the 3-digit number will change.
Im sure you can use substrings for this
for example:
If txtModuleID.Text.Substring(0,2) = "BCO" And txtModuleID.Text.Substring... etc Then 'add other conditionals
blnValidated = True
blnValidated = False
End If
If txtModuleID.Text.Trim.ToUpper().SubString(0,2).equals("BCO") and len(txtModuleID.Text.Trim) = 6 Then
If txtModuleID.Text.Trim.SubString(3,5).isNumeric() Then
//valid input
//message prompt that last 3 digits of the input is not numeric
End If
//message prompt that input has invalid format and that input must start with BCO
End IF
Substring (0, 2) means from 0 until 2... getting the sub string of the input with letters in index 0, 1 and 2. The rest follows.
As for the first input, please do expound. I didn't quite catch how you want it to be validated.