initializing for autogenerating rspec tests - ruby

I'm new to Rspec and trying to have Rspec create new tests for something variable. Here's what I've tried:
require 'rspec'
describe 'a test' do
#array = []
before(:all) do
#array = [1,3,4,6,9,2]
#array.each do |i|
it { i.should > 3 }
it { #array.should have(4).items }
Unfortunately, the array doesn't seem to get filled before the .each block runs. Is there a way to make it work?

The before block doesn't get executed until just before RSpec starts to execute the it blocks. But you're iterating through #array in the outer body of describe, so #array is still nil at that point. Within the last it block, #array has been initialized.
You can put pretty much any code you want within an it block. For example, you could write:
it "should have elements > 3" do
#array.each do |i|
i.should > 3
Or, if you want separate it calls, you can just populate #array in the describe block itself, as in:
describe 'a test' do
#array = [1,3,4,6,9,2]
#array.each do |i|
it { i.should > 3 }
it { #array.should have(4).items }
although you might want to rework it in this case so that you pass a string argument to it indicating which element of the array (i.e. what index) you're operating on.
As for dynamically generating it statements based on data defined in the let/before hierarchy, I don't think that's possible, because you only have access to that data within an it block and it is not part of the acceptable DSL within an it block.

Here's the best that I could come up with so far. It's dirty, but if generating tests while iterating an array that isn't pre-defined is what you're after, then you can try to loop a number that you guess will overshoot the filled indexes.
require 'rspec'
describe 'a test' do
before(:all) do
#array = [1,3,4,6,9,2]
16.times do |i|
it 'has a desc' do
next if #array[i].nil?
#array[i].should > 3
The caveat here is how you're gonna deal with the tests for indexes past the array's filled index. So far, I've found using next to be the cleanest as it just results in another passed test. using return or break results in proc-closure or jump errors. I also tried wrapping my method in a begin,rescue block but it seemed it couldn't capture any errors within the it block.

Not sure if you managed to come up with a better answer, but wondering if this would solve the problem for you:
RSpec.describe 'a test' do
array = (1..100).to_a.sample(6)
array.each do |i|
it 'has a desc' do
expect(i).to be > 3
I think the answer depends on how/why you want the data to vary.


Loop method until it returns falsey

I was trying to make my bubble sort shorter and I came up with this
class Array
def bubble_sort!(&block)
block = { |a, b| a <=> b } unless block_given?
sorted = each_index.each_cons(2).none? do |i, next_i|
if[i], self[next_i]) == 1
self[i], self[next_i] = self[next_i], self[i]
end until sorted
def bubble_sort(&prc)
I don't particularly like the thing with sorted = --sort code-- until sorted.
I just want to run the each_index.each_cons(s).none? code until it returns true. It's a weird situation that I use until, but the condition is a code I want to run. Any way, my try seems awkward, and ruby usually has a nice concise way of putting things. Is there a better way to do this?
This is just my opinion
have you ever read the ruby source code of each and map to understand what they do?
No, because they have a clear task expressed from the method name and if you test them, they will take an object, some parameters and then return a value to you.
For example if I want to test the String method split()
s = "a new string"
=> ["a ", " string"]
Do you know if .split() takes a block?
It is one of the core ruby methods, but to call it I don't pass a block 90% of the times, I can understand what it does from the name .split() and from the return value
Focus on the objects you are using, the task the methods should accomplish and their return values.
I read your code and I can not refactor it, I hardly can understand what the code does.
I decided to write down some points, with possibility to follow up:
1) do not use the proc for now, first get the Object Oriented code clean.
2) split bubble_sort! into several methods, each one with a clear task
def ordered_inverted! (bubble_sort!), def invert_values, maybe perform a invert_values until sorted, check if existing methods already perform this sorting functionality
3) write specs for those methods, tdd will push you to keep methods simple and easy to test
4) If those methods do not belong to the Array class, include them in the appropriate class, sometimes overly complicated methods are just performing simple String operations.
5) Reading books about refactoring may actually help more then trying to force the usage of proc and functional programming when not necessary.
After looking into it further I'm fairly sure the best solution is
loop do
break if condition
Either that or the way I have it in the question, but I think the loop do version is clearer.
Ha, a couple weeks later after I settled for the loop do solution, I stumbled into a better one. You can just use a while or until loop with an empty block like this:
while condition; end
until condition; end
So the bubble sort example in the question can be written like this
class Array
def bubble_sort!(&block)
block = { |a, b| a <=> b } unless block_given?
until (each_index.each_cons(2).none? do |i, next_i|
if[i], self[next_i]) == 1
self[i], self[next_i] = self[next_i], self[i]
end); end
def bubble_sort(&prc)

Ruby Enumerable#find returning mapped value

Does Ruby's Enumerable offer a better way to do the following?
output = things
.find { |thing| thing.expensive_transform.meets_condition? }
Enumerable#find is great for finding an element in an enumerable, but returns the original element, not the return value of the block, so any work done is lost.
Of course there are ugly ways of accomplishing this...
Side effects
def constly_find(things)
output = nil
things.each do |thing|
expensive_thing = thing.expensive_transform
if expensive_thing.meets_condition?
output = expensive_thing
Returning from a block
This is the alternative I'm trying to refactor
def costly_find(things)
things.each do |thing|
expensive_thing = thing.expensive_transform
return expensive_thing if expensive_thing.meets_condition?
def costly_find(things)
Is there something better?
Of course there are ugly ways of accomplishing this...
If you had a cheap operation, you'd just use:
To make Ruby call operation only "on a as-needed basis" (as the documentation says), you can simply prepend lazy:
I don't think this is ugly at all—quite the contrary— it looks elegant to me.
Applied to your code:
def costly_find(things)
I would be inclined to create an enumerator that generates values thing.expensive_transform and then make that the receiver for find with meets_condition? in find's block. For one, I like the way that reads.
def costly_find(things) { |y| things.each { |thing| y << thing.expensive_transform } }.
class Thing
attr_reader :value
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def expensive_transform*2)
def meets_condition?
value == 12
things = [1,3,6,4].map { |n| }
#=> [#<Thing:0x00000001e90b78 #value=1>, #<Thing:0x00000001e90b28 #value=3>,
# #<Thing:0x00000001e90ad8 #value=6>, #<Thing:0x00000001e90ab0 #value=4>]
#=> #<Thing:0x00000001e8a3b8 #value=12>
In the example I have assumed that expensive_things and things are instances of the same class, but if that is not the case the code would need to be modified in the obvious way.
I don't think there is a "obvious best general solution" for your problem, which is also simple to use. You have two procedures involved (expensive_transform and meets_condition?), and you also would need - if this were a library method to use - as a third parameter the value to return, if no transformed element meets the condition. You return nil in this case, but in a general solution, expensive_transform might also yield nil, and only the caller knows what unique value would indicate that the condition as not been met.
Hence, a possible solution within Enumerable would have the signature
class Enumerable
def find_transformed(default_return_value, transform_proc, condition_proc)
or something similar, so this is not particularily elegant either.
You could do it with a single block, if you agree to merge the semantics of the two procedures into one: You have only one procedure, which calculates the transformed value and tests it. If the test succeeds, it returns the transformed value, and if it fails, it returns the default value:
class Enumerable
def find_by(default_value, &block)
result = default_value
each do |element|
result =
break if result != default_value
You would use it in your case like this:
my_collection.find_by(nil) do |el|
transformed_value = expensive_transform(el)
meets_condition?(transformed_value) ? transformed_value : nil
I'm not sure whether this is really intuitive to use...

Identify unique blocks

I have an array to which I keep adding blocks of code at different points of time. When a particular event occurs, an iterator iterates through this array and yields the blocks one after the other.
Many of these blocks are the same and I want to avoid executing duplicate blocks.
This is sample code:
#after_event_hooks = []
def add_after_event_hook(&block)
#after_event_hooks << block
Something like #after_event_hooks.uniq or #after_event_hooks |= block don't work.
Is there a way to compare blocks or check their uniqueness?
The blocks can not be checked for uniqueness since that will mean to check whether they represent the same functions, something that is not possible and has been researched in computer science for a long time.
You can probably use a function similar to the discussed in "Ruby block to string instead of executing", which is a function that takes a block and returns a string representation of the code in the block, and compare the output of the strings you receive.
I am not sure if this is fast enough to be worthy to compare them, instead of executing them multiple times. This also has the downside you need to be sure the code is exactly the same, even one variable with different name will break it.
As #hakcho has said, it is not trivial to compare blocks. A simple solution might be having the API request for named hooks, so you can compare the names:
#after_event_hooks = {}
def add_after_event_hook(name, &block)
#after_event_hooks[name] = block
def after_event_hooks
Maybe use something like this:
class AfterEvents
attr_reader :hooks
def initialize
#hooks = {}
def method_missing(hook_sym, &block)
#hooks[hook_sym] = block
Here is a sample:
events = { puts "Event Foo" } { puts "Event Bar" }
# test
process = {:first => [:foo], :sec => [:bar], :all => [:foo, :bar]}
process.each { |event_sym, event_codes|
puts "Processing event #{event_sym}"
event_codes.each { |code| events.hooks[code].call }
# results:
# Processing event first
# Event Foo
# Processing event sec
# Event Bar
# Processing event all
# Event Foo
# Event Bar

How would you express an idiom "with this object, if it exists, do this" in Ruby?

Very often in Ruby (and Rails specifically) you have to check if something exists and then perform an action on it, for example:
if #objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
#objects.each { |o| puts "hello: #{o}"
This is as short as it gets and all is good, but what if you have #objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process instead of #objects? I would have to repeat it second time inside the if expression and what if I don't know the implementation details and the method calls are expensive?
The obvious choice is to create a variable and then test it and then process it, but then you have to come up with a variable name (ugh) and it will also hang around in memory until the end of the scope.
Why not something like this:
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.with :any? do |objects|
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
How would you do this?
Note that there's no reason to check that an array has at least one element with any? if you're only going to send each, because sending each to an empty array is a no-op.
To answer your question, perhaps you are looking for
Indeed, using a variable pollutes the namespace, but still, I think if (var = value).predicate is is a pretty common idiom and usually is perfectly ok:
if (objects = #objects.some_association.hit_database).present?
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Option 2: if you like to create your own abstractions in a declarative fashion, that's also possible using a block: => :present?) do |objects|
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Writing Object#as(options = {}) is pretty straigthforward.
What about tap?
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.tap do |objects|
if objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
Edit: If you're using Ruby 1.9, the Object#tap method provides the same functionality as the code listed below.
It sounds like you just want to be able to save a reference to an object without polluting the scope, correct? How about we open up the Object class and add a method do, which will just yield itself to the block:
class Object
def do
yield self if block_given?
return self # allow chaining
We can then call, for example:
[1,2,3].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> 3
[].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> nil

Generating example IDs in rspec

I need help figuring out how to generate a unique identifier for each example in my rspec tests. What do I change for the below code to work?
describe 'Verify that my server' do
#x = 1
it "does something " + #x.to_s do
it "does something else " + #x.to_s do
after(:each) do
Take a look at ffaker for generating random values in tests. It can generate real-looking random data, like e-mail addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers, people's names etc, but it also has basic methods for generating random strings of letters and numbers.
# => 123-456-789
Alternatively you can use stdlib's SecureRandom.
Each example in your Rspec should complete a sentence, a sentence you usually start in a describe block encapsulating related tests.
I took this from one of my own specs:
describe Redis::BigHash do
before :each do
#hash =
#hash[:foo] = "bar"
#hash[:yin] = "yang"
describe "#[]" do
it "should read an existing value" do
#hash[:foo].should == "bar"
it "should get nil for a value that doesn't exist" do
#hash[:bad_key].should be_nil
it "should allow lookup of multiple keys, returning an array" do
#hash[:foo, :yin, :bad_key].should == ["bar", "yang", nil]
You end up with sentences like:
Redis::BigHash#[] should read an existing value.
Redis::BigHash#[] should get nil for a value that doesn't exist.
Redis::BigHash#[] should allow lookup of multiple keys, returning an array.
Just simple English sentences that describe the behavior you want.
