Associate user when created with an existing Account - apex-code

I have a code that checks an inquery database a for user,
If the user does not exist, then the code will create a new user in Contact,
Here is only part of the code:
newcontact = [SELECT Id, FirstName FROM Contact WHERE Contact.Email =inquery.email__c];
if(newcontact.size() == 0) {
Account[] aa = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = :inquery.Institution__c];
contact = new Contact();
contact.FirstName = inquery.First_Name__c;
contact.LastName = inquery.Last_Name__c;
contact.Email = inquery.email__c;
contact.AccountId = aa.Id;
try {
insert contact; // inserts the new record into the database
} catch (DMLException e) {
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Error creating new contact'));
return null;
I am trying to associate that user with an existing Account?
But the following line gives me an error:
contact.AccountId = aa.Id;
Which is
Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Account> at line
And aa.size() returns 1, as it should,
Because the account exists,
Can someone please tell me what wrong?

This line contact.AccountId = aa.get(0).Id; will fail if your query returns 0 rows. Make sure to wrap your code within a if (aa.size() > 0) clause to ensure proper execution in all cases.

Ok I fixed it, as follows:
contact.AccountId = aa.get(0).Id;


Creating a Salesforce Apex Trigger to update a lookup field in the Contacts object

I have created a trigger that will auto-create a contact when a specific Account record type is created or updated. The problem is that I am not sure how to populate the Contact 'Account Name' lookup field. This field is a lookup to the Account object. My code is below. Any help on how to integrate this missing component would be greatly appreciated.
trigger autoCreateContact on Account (after update, after insert)
List newContact = new List();
for (Account oAccount :
if (oAccount.RecordTypeid == '012F0000001MCfgIAG')
List<Contact> cCheck = [SELECT ID From Contact WHERE LastName=:oAccount.Name];
Contact oContact = new Contact();
oContact.LastName = oAccount.Name; = oAccount.Phone; = oAccount.Email__c;
oContact.Owner = oAccount.Owner;
if(newContact.isEmpty() == false)
nice trigger I'm pretty sure you just need to add one line which is a reference to the
So if I were you I would add the link:
oContact.AccountID =;
NOTE: its not a good practice to have a SOQL inside the for loop.

mvc3 assign anonymous types or workaround

I have a model that is used to modify a user's password and captures the date that the password has been changed. I am getting an error saying property or indexer anonymous type cannot be assigned to it is read only I get that error for both fields the password and CreateDate . I only know of 1 way to select multiple fields from entity and this is it..
var old= db.registration.Where(b => ==
(s => new { s.password, s.CreateDate }).FirstOrDefault();
old.CreateDate = DateTime.Now();
old.password = new.password;
db.Entry(old).State = EntityState.Modified;
Is there a way that I can assign these new values without getting the error message or a workaround ?
Just select the default object and run with it
var old= db.registration.Where(b => ==;
old.CreateDate = DateTime.Now();
old.password = new.password;
db.Entry(old).State = EntityState.Modified;
The error message you're getting is likely because you're assigning to the index of an anonymous type, ie.
s => new { s.password, s.CreateDate }
is anonymous and its indexed properties cant be assigned to

why EF tries to add new record instead of edit?

I have the following code:
var currentUser = (from i in _dbContext.Users
where i.FirstName == user.FirstName && i.LastName == user.LastName
&& i.Title == user.Title && i.Company == user.Company
select i).FirstOrDefault();
currentUser.Company = user.Company;
currentUser.CompanyUrl = user.CompanyUrl;
currentUser.Country = user.Country;
but I got an error
{"Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_Users'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.Users'. The duplicate key value is (a8,
b8, c8).\r\nThe statement has been terminated."}
so, it says that EF tries to add new record instead of edit current. Why?
I think the problem will be combining user and currentUser. It most probably updates your currentUser but in the same time inserts user. The reason can be this:
currentUser.Company = user.Company;
If company has Users navigation property and if you are using POCO template this will connect both Company and user as new entities to the context.
Try this:
var currentUser = ...;
var company = new Company { Id = user.Company.Id };
currentUser.Company = company;

Display a specific data for User

I have a problem similar to this topic
I have to show data to customers based on their username. I do not create a new topic because I've done that long ago and nobody has responded. I ask you because you seem to know it more than others ...
This is my controller
public ActionResult Index()
MembershipUser currentUser =
Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name, true /* userIsOnline */);
ViewBag.UsersRecord = currentUser.ProviderUserKey;
var details = from t in db.Employes
where t.UserId ==ViewBag.UsersRecord
select t;
return View(details.ToList());
Strangely, Visual Studio shows me an error here
where t.UserId == ViewBag.UsersRecord
"An expression tree may not Contain dinamyc in operation"
I've done something wrong?
You can't use dynamic, since dynamic is determined at compile time.
Guid userId = (Guid)ViewBag.UsersRecord;
var details = from t in db.Employes
where t.UserId == userId.ToString() //if you are using a string guid, otherwise remove ToString()
select t;
//or simply
var details = from t in db.Employes
where t.UserId == (Guid)currentUser.ProviderUserKey
select t;
I don't know what your UserId is (type wise) so can't give you a 100% answer here
What about this:
where t.UserId == new Guid(ViewBag.UsersRecord.ToString());

Linq Query for Complex Object

Everyone - I have the following set of objects:
User { String:Name, List<Devices> }
Device {String:Name, DeviceVariationInfo }
DeviceVariationInfo { String:OS }
In the database those object are split into the following tables:
Users, Devices, DevieVariationsInfo, UserToDevices
I am trying to query the the list of devices along with their variation info for a certain user, and am using the following query, which always returns a list of 0 items in Devices. I am pretty sure I am doing something wrong here.. =)
private void GetUserDevices(ref User user)
User locUSer = user;
if (user != null)
var deviesQuery = from dts in _dataConext.DB_UserToDevices
where dts.UserId == locUSer.Id
join ds in _dataConext.DB_Devices on dts.DeviceID equals ds.Id
join dsv in _dataConext.DB_DeviceVariations on ds.Id equals dsv.DeviceId
select new Device
Version = ds.Version,
VariationInfo = new DeviceVariation
OSVersion = dsv.OS
Name = ds.FriendlyName,
Id = ds.Id
if (deviesQuery != null)
user.Devices = deviesQuery.ToList();
A couple of notes:
Is User a class? If so, why are you passing it into GetUserDevices by ref? Don't do that unless you want to change the meaning of that reference.
Also, why are you doing this? User locUSer = user;
Here's how I'd go about debugging your problem: remove parts of that query until you get data back. For example, remove the last join statement, rerun the query, and see where you're going wrong.
