The research papers say it's possible to have real time reference counting AND cycle collection, but how? - memory-management

Note: there should be a cycle-collection tag. Cycle collection is really the main topic here, but I don't have enough points to create a tag. Also I'm at the max number of tags already. Also a reference-cycles tag would make sense. That also doesn't exist.
I have a lot of ideas about what would make a better computer language, but I'm hung up on making a state of the art garbage collector for it.
I've noticed that Apple and Microsoft (for Window's 8) are moving to reference counting. Apparently people found that regular garbage collection required too much overhead memory and didn't like the thrashing when memory got too tight.
But if I want a programming style that isn't limited by loops in references then normal reference counting hardly seems like an improvement because scanning for reference loops and handling them properly requires algorithms with multiple passes over potential reference loops.
Now there are some papers which suggest that it's possible to scan for loops in parallel with program execution, but I get lost reading them.
For instance "Concurrent Cycle Collection in Reference Counted Systems by David F. Bacon and V.T. Rajan
"A Pure Reference Counting Garbage Collector by DAVID F. BACON, CLEMENT R. ATTANASIO, V.T. RAJAN, STEPHEN E. SMITH & HAN B. LEE"
"A Unified Theory of Garbage Collection by David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng and V.T. Rajan"
Can anyone explain to me how it's possible to find all loops, including connected ones, and on a trial basis, reduce reference counts by the self reference amount, and do it safely while objects are being mutated?
It seems like a tall order.
I remember the "mostly concurrent garbage collection" with it's rescanning of dirty objects or dirty pages but I'm not sure if this is the same sort of thing.
I've played a bit with scanning for loops and I've convinced myself that there is no mostly local algorithm that can keep track of loops, no matter how much memory you waste on it. It really is a non-local property. There's no such thing as tagging for loops.
Anyway does anyone understand the parallel algorithm? Can anyone explain it to me?
That paper looks promising. Though even assuming I can get to the point where I'm sure I understand it, non-blocking parallel algorithms are so hard that it's fairly common for published algorithms to be buggy. And fixing them is hard when it's possible at all, I know both of those facts from experience.
Also I want to be sure exactly what they mean by a "sliding view" :/


How small should functions be? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When is a function too long? [closed]
(24 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How small should I be making functions? For example, if I have a cake baking program.
if(cakeType == "chocolate")
if(cakeType == "plain")
if(cakeType == "Red velvet")
fetchIngredients("Red Velvet")
//Rest of program
My question is, while this stuff is simple enough on its own, when I add much more stuff to the bakeCake function it becomes cluttered. But lets say that this program has to bake thousands of cakes per second. From what I've heard, it takes significantly longer (relative to computer time) to use another function compared to just doing the statements in the current function. So something that's similar like this should be very easy to read, and if efficiency is important wouldn't I want to keep it in there?
Basically, at what point do I sacrifice readability for efficiency. And a quick bonus question, at what point does having too many functions decrease readability? Here's an example of Apple's swift tutorial.
func isCandyAmountAcceptable(bandMemberCount: Int, candyCount: Int) -> Bool {
return candyCount % bandMemberCount == 0
They said that because the function name isCandyAmountAcceptable was easier to read than candyCount % bandMemberCount == 0 that it'd be good to make a function for that. But from my perspective it may take a few seconds to figure out what the second option is saying, but it's also more readable when ti comes to knowing how it works.
Sorry about being all over the place and kinda asking 2 questions in one. Just to summarize my questions:
Does using functions extraneously make efficiency (speed) suffer? If it does how can I figure out what the cutoff between readability and efficiency is?
How small and simple should I make functions for? Obviously I'd make them if I ever have to repeat the function, but what about one time use functions?
Thanks guys, sorry if these questions are ignorant or anything but I'd really appreciate an answer.
Does using functions extraneously make efficiency (speed) suffer? If
it does how can I figure out what the cutoff between readability and
efficiency is?
For performance I would generally not factor in any overhead of direct function calls against any decent optimizer, since it can even make those come free of charge. When it doesn't, it's still a negligible overhead in, say, 99.9% of scenarios. That applies even for performance-critical fields. I work in areas like raytracing, mesh processing, and image processing and still the cost of a function call is typically on the bottom of the priority list as opposed to, say, locality of reference, efficient data structures, parallelization, and vectorization. Even when you're micro-optimizing, there are much bigger priorities than the cost of a direct function call, and even when you're micro-optimizing, you often want to leave a lot of the optimization for your optimizer to perform instead of trying to fight against it and do it all by hand (unless you're actually writing assembly code).
Of course with some compilers you might deal with ones that never inline function calls and have a bit of an overhead to every function call. But in that case I'd still say it's relatively negligible since you probably shouldn't be worrying about such micro-level optimizations when using those languages and interpreters/compilers. Even then it will probably often be bottom on the priority list, relatively speaking, as opposed to more impactful things like improving locality of reference and thread efficiency.
It's like if you're using a compiler with very simplistic register allocation that has a stack spill for every single variable you use, that doesn't mean you should be trying to use and reuse as few variables as possible to work around its tendencies. It means reach for a new compiler in those cases where that's a non-negligible overhead (ex: write some C code into a dylib and use that for the most performance-critical parts), or focus on higher-level optimizations like making everything run in parallel.
How small and simple should I make functions for? Obviously I'd make
them if I ever have to repeat the function, but what about one time
use functions?
This is where I'm going to go slightly off-kilter and actually suggest you consider avoiding the teeniest of functions for maintainability reasons. This is admittedly a controversial opinion although at least John Carmack seems to somewhat agree (specifically in respect to inlining code and avoiding excess function calls for cases where side effects occur to make the side effects easier to comprehend).
However, if you are going to make a lot of state changes, having them
all happen inline does have advantages; you should be made constantly
aware of the full horror of what you are doing.
The reason I believe it can sometimes be good to err on the side of meatier functions is because there's often more to comprehend than that of a simple function to understand all the information necessary to make a change or fix a problem.
Which is simpler to comprehend, a function whose logic consists of 80 lines of inlined code, or one distributed across a couple dozen functions and possibly ones that lead to disparate places throughout the codebase?
The answer is not so clear cut. Naturally if the teeny functions are used widely, like say sqrt or abs, then the reader can simply skim over the function call, knowing full well what it does like the back of his hand. But if there are a lot of teeny exotic functions that are only used one time, then the ability to comprehend the operation as a whole requires looking them up and understanding what they all individually do before you can get a proper comprehension of what's going on in terms of the big picture.
I actually disagree with that Apple Swift tutorial somewhat with that one-liner function because while it is easier to understand than figuring out what the arithmetic and comparison are supposed to do, in exchange it might require looking it up to see what it does in scenarios where you can't just say, isCandyAmountAcceptable is enough information for me and need to figure out exactly what makes an amount acceptable. Instead I would actually prefer a simple comment:
// Determine if candy amount is acceptable.
if (candyCount % bandMemberCount == 0)
... because then you don't have to jump to disparate places in code (the analogy of a book referring its reader to other pages in the book causing the readers to constantly have to flip back and forth between pages) to figure that out. Of course the idea behind this isCandyAmountAcceptable kind of function is that you shouldn't have to be concerned with such details about what makes a candy amount of acceptable, but too often in practice, we do end up having to understand the details more often than we optimally should to debug the code or make changes to it. If the code never needs to be debugged or changed, then it doesn't really matter how it's written. It could even be written in binary code for all we care. But if it's written to be maintained, as in debugged and changed in the future, then sometimes it is helpful to avoid making the readers have to jump through lots of hoops. The details do often matter in those scenarios.
So sometimes it doesn't help to understand the big picture by fragmenting it into the teeniest of puzzle pieces. It's a balancing act, but certain types of developers can err on the side of overly dicing up their systems into the most granular bits and pieces and finding maintenance problems that way. Those types are still often promising engineers -- they just have to find their balance. The other extreme is the one that writes 500-line functions and doesn't even consider refactoring -- those are kinda hopeless. But I think you fit in the former category, and for you, I'd actually suggest erring on the side of meatier functions ever-so-slightly just to keep the puzzle pieces a healthy size (not too small, not too big).
There's even a balancing act I see between code duplication and minimizing dependencies. An image library doesn't necessarily become easier to comprehend by shaving off a few dozen lines of duplicated math code if the exchange is a dependency to a complex math library with 800,000 lines of code and an epic manual on how to use it. In such cases, the image library might very well be easier to comprehend as well as use and deploy in new projects if it chooses instead to duplicate a few math functions here and there to avoid external dependencies, isolating its complexity instead of distributing it elsewhere.
Basically, at what point do I sacrifice readability for efficiency.
As stated above, I don't think readability of the small picture and comprehensibility of the big picture are synonymous. It can be really easy to read a two-line function and know what it does and still be miles away from understanding what you need to understand to make the necessary changes. Having many of those teeny one-shot two-liners can even delay the ability to comprehend the big picture.
But if I use "comprehensibility vs. efficiency" instead, I'd say upfront at the design-level for cases where you anticipate processing huge inputs. As an example, a video processing application with custom filters knows it's going to be looping over millions of pixels many times per frame. That knowledge should be utilized to come up with an efficient design for looping over millions of pixels repeatedly. But that's with respect to design -- towards the central aspects of the system that many other places will depend upon because big central design changes are too costly to apply late in hindsight.
That doesn't mean it has to start applying hard-to-understand SIMD code right off the bat. That's an implementation detail provided the design leaves enough breathing room to explore such an optimization in hindsight. Such a design would imply abstracting at the Image level, at the level of a million+ pixels, not at the level of a single IPixel. That's the worthy thing to take into consideration upfront.
Then later on, you can optimize hotspots and potentially use some difficult-to-understand algorithms and micro-optimizations here and there for those truly critical cases where there's a strong perceived business need for the operation to go faster, and hopefully with good tools (profilers, i.e.) in hand. The user cases guide you about what operations to optimize based on what the users do most often and find a strong desire to spend less time waiting. The profiler guides you about precisely what parts of the code involved in that operation need to be optimized.
Readability, performance and maintainability are three different things. Readability will make your code look simple and understandable, not necessarily best way to go. Performance is always going to be important, unless you are running this code in non-production environment where end result is more important than how it was achieved. Enter the world of enterprise applications, maintainability suddenly gains lot more importance. What you work on today will be handed over to somebody else after 6 months and they will be fixing/changing your code. This is why suddenly standard design patterns become so important. In a way, the readability is part of maintainability on larger scale. If the cake baking program above is something more complex than what its looking like, first thing stands out as a code smell is existence if if-else. Its gotta get replaced with polymorphism. Same goes with switch case kind of construct.
At what point do you decide to sacrifice one for other? That purely depends upon what business your code is achieving. Is it academic? Its got to be the perfect solution even if it means 90% devs struggle to figure out at first glance what the hell is happening. Is it a website belonging to retail store being maintained by distributed team of 50 devs working from 2 or more different geographic locations? Follow the conventional design patterns.
A rule of thumb I have always seen being followed in almost all situations is that if a function is growing beyond half the screen, its a candidate for refactoring. Do you have functions that end up you having your editor long length scroll bars? Refactor!!!

Most hazardous performance bottleneck misconceptions

The guys who wrote Bespin (cloud-based canvas-based code editor [and more]) recently spoke about how they re-factored and optimize a portion of the Bespin code because of a misconception that JavaScript was slow. It turned out that when all was said and done, their optimization produced no significant improvements.
I'm sure many of us go out of our way to write "optimized" code based on misconceptions similar to that of the Bespin team.
What are some common performance bottleneck misconceptions developers commonly subscribe to?
In no particular order:
"Ready, Fire, Aim" - thinking you know what needs to be optimized without proving it (i.e. guessing) and then acting on that, and since it doesn't help much, therefore assuming the code must have been optimal to begin with.
"Penny Wise, Pound Foolish" - thinking that optimization is all about compiler optimization, fussing about ++i vs. i++ while mountains of time are being spent needlessly in overblown designs, especially of data structures and databases.
"Swat Flies With a Bazooka" - being so enamored of the fanciest ideas heard in classrooms that they are just used for everything, regardless of scale.
"Fuzzy Thinking about Performance" - throwing around terms like "hotspot" and "bottleneck" and "profiler" and "measure" as if these things were well understood and / or relevant. (I bet I get clobbered for that!) OK, one at a time:
hotspot - What's the definition? I have one: it is a region of physical addresses where the PC register is found a significant fraction of time. It is the kind of thing PC samplers are good at finding. Many performance problems exhibit hotspots, but only in the simplest programs is the problem in the same place as the hotspot is.
bottleneck - A catch-all term used for performance problems, it implies a limited channel constraining how fast work can be accomplished. The unstated assumption is that the work is necessary. In my decades of performance tuning, I have in fact found a few problems like that - very few. Nearly all are of a very different nature. Rather than taking the shortest route from point A to B, little detours are taken, in the form of function calls which take little code, but not little time. Then those detours take further nested detours, sometimes 30 levels deep. The more the detours are nested, the more likely it is that some of them are less than necessary - wasteful, in fact - and it nearly always arises from galloping generality - unquestioning over-indulgence in "abstraction".
profiler - a universal good thing, right? All you gotta do is get a profiler and do some profiling, right? Ever think about how easy it is to fool a profiler into telling you a lot of nothing, when your goal is to find out what you need to fix to get better performance? Somewhere in your call tree, tuck a little file I/O, or a little call to some system routine, or have your evil twin do it without your knowledge. At some point, that will be your problem, and most profilers will miss it completely because the only inefficiency they contemplate is algorithmic inefficiency. Or, not all your routines will be little, and they may not call another routine in a small number of places, so your call graph says there's a link between the two routines, but which call? Or suppose you can figure out that some big percent of time is spent in a path A calls B calls C. You can look at that and think there's not much you can do about it, when if you could also look at the data being passed in those calls, you could see if it's necesssary. Here's a fun project - pick your favorite profiler, and then see how many ways you could fool it. That is, find ways to make the program take longer without the profiler being able to tell what you did, because if you can do it intentionally, you can also do it without intending to.
measure - (i.e. measure time) that's what profilers have done for decades, and they take pride in the accuracy and precision with which they measure. But measure what time? and why with accuracy? Remember, the goal is to precisely locate performance problems, such that you could fruitfully optimize them to gain a speedup. When you get that speedup, it is what it is, regardless of how precisely you estimated it beforehand. If that precision of measurement is bought at the expense of precision of location, then you've just bought apples when what you needed was oranges.
Here's a list of myths about performance.
And this is what happens when one optimizes without a valid profile in hand. All you are doing without a profile is guessing and probably wasting time and money. I could list a bunch of other misconceptions, but many come down to the fact that if the code in question isn't a top resource consumer, it is probably fine as is. Kinda like unrolling a for loop that is doing disk I/O...
If I convert the whole code base over to [Insert xxx latest technology here], it'll be much faster.
Relational databases are slow.
I'm smarter than the optimizer.
This should be optimized.
Java is slow
And, unrelated:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
Optimizing the WRONG part of the code (people, use your profiler!).
The optimizer in my compiler is smart, so I don't have to help it.
Java is fast (LOL)
Relational databases are fast (ROTFL LOL LMAO)
"This has to be as fast as possible."
If you don't have a performance problem, you don't need to worry about optimizing performance (beyond just paying attention to using good algorithms).
This misconception also manifests in attempts to optimize performance for every single aspect of your program. I see this most often with people trying to shave every last millisecond off of a low-volume web application's execution time while failing to take into account that network latency will take orders of magnitude longer than their code's execution time, making any reduction in execution time irrelevant anyhow.
My rules of optimization.
Don't optimize
Don't optimize now.
Profile to identify the problem.
Optimize the component that is taking at least 80% of the time.
Find an optimization that is 10 times faster.
My best optimization has been reducing a report from 3 days to 9 minutes. The optimized code was sped up from three days to three minutes.
In my carreer I have met three people who had been tasked with producing a faster sort on VAX than the native sort. They invariably had been able to produce sorts that took only three times longer.
The rules are simple:
Try to use standard library functions first.
Try to use brute-force and ignorance second.
Prove you've got a problem before trying to do any optimization.

Optimization! - What is it? How is it done?

Its common to hear about "highly optimized code" or some developer needing to optimize theirs and whatnot. However, as a self-taught, new programmer I've never really understood what exactly do people mean when talking about such things.
Care to explain the general idea of it? Also, recommend some reading materials and really whatever you feel like saying on the matter. Feel free to rant and preach.
Optimize is a term we use lazily to mean "make something better in a certain way". We rarely "optimize" something - more, we just improve it until it meets our expectations.
Optimizations are changes we make in the hopes to optimize some part of the program. A fully optimized program usually means that the developer threw readability out the window and has recoded the algorithm in non-obvious ways to minimize "wall time". (It's not a requirement that "optimized code" be hard to read, it's just a trend.)
One can optimize for:
Memory consumption - Make a program or algorithm's runtime size smaller.
CPU consumption - Make the algorithm computationally less intensive.
Wall time - Do whatever it takes to make something faster
Readability - Instead of making your app better for the computer, you can make it easier for humans to read it.
Some common (and overly generalized) techniques to optimize code include:
Change the algorithm to improve performance characteristics. If you have an algorithm that takes O(n^2) time or space, try to replace that algorithm with one that takes O(n * log n).
To relieve memory consumption, go through the code and look for wasted memory. For example, if you have a string intensive app you can switch to using Substring References (where a reference contains a pointer to the string, plus indices to define its bounds) instead of allocating and copying memory from the original string.
To relieve CPU consumption, cache as many intermediate results if you can. For example, if you need to calculate the standard deviation of a set of data, save that single numerical result instead looping through the set each time you need to know the std dev.
I'll mostly rant with no practical advice.
Measure First. Optimization should be done to places where it matters. Highly optimized code is often difficult to maintain and a source of problems. In places where the code does not slow down execution anyway, I alwasy prefer maintainability to optimizations. Familiarize yourself with Profiling, both intrusive (instrumented) and non-intrusive (low overhead statistical). Learn to read a profiled stack, understand where the time inclusive/time exclusive is spent, why certain patterns show up and how to identify the trouble spots.
You can't fix what you cannot measure. Have your program report through some performance infrastructure the thing it does and the times it takes. I come from a Win32 background so I'm used to the Performance Counters and I'm extremely generous at sprinkling them all over my code. I even automatized the code to generate them.
And finally some words about optimizations. Most discussion about optimization I see focus on stuff any compiler will optimize for you for free. In my experience the greatest source of gains for 'highly optimized code' lies completely elsewhere: memory access. On modern architectures the CPU is idling most of the times, waiting for memory to be served into its pipelines. Between L1 and L2 cache misses, TLB misses, NUMA cross-node access and even GPF that must fetch the page from disk, the memory access pattern of a modern application is the single most important optimization one can make. I'm exaggerating slightly, of course there will be counter example work-loads that will not benefit memory access locality this techniques. But most application will. To be specific, what these techniques mean is simple: cluster your data in memory so that a single CPU can work an a tight memory range containing all it needs, no expensive referencing of memory outside your cache lines or your current page. In practice this can mean something as simple as accessing an array by rows rather than by columns.
I would recommend you read up the Alpha-Sort paper presented at the VLDB conference in 1995. This paper presented how cache sensitive algorithms designed specifically for modern CPU architectures can blow out of the water the old previous benchmarks:
We argue that modern architectures
require algorithm designers to
re-examine their use of the memory
hierarchy. AlphaSort uses clustered
data structures to get good cache
The general idea is that when you create your source tree in the compilation phase, before generating the code by parsing it, you do an additional step (optimization) where, based on certain heuristics, you collapse branches together, delete branches that aren't used or add extra nodes for temporary variables that are used multiple times.
Think of stuff like this piece of code:
which gets translated into
* +
+ 3 b c
b c
To a parser it would be obvious that the + node with its 2 descendants are identical, so they would be merged into a temp variable, t, and the tree would be rewritten:
* t
t 3
Now an even better parser would see that since t is an integer, the tree could be further simplified to:
t 2
and the intermediary code that you'd run your code generation step on would finally be
int t=b+c;
with t marked as a register variable, which is exactly what would be written for assembly.
One final note: you can optimize for more than just run time speed. You can also optimize for memory consumption, which is the opposite. Where unrolling loops and creating temporary copies would help speed up your code, they would also use more memory, so it's a trade off on what your goal is.
Here is an example of some optimization (fixing a poorly made decision) that I did recently. Its very basic, but I hope it illustrates that good gains can be made even from simple changes, and that 'optimization' isn't magic, its just about making the best decisions to accomplish the task at hand.
In an application I was working on there were several LinkedList data structures that were being used to hold various instances of foo.
When the application was in use it was very frequently checking to see if the LinkedListed contained object X. As the ammount of X's started to grow, I noticed that the application was performing more slowly than it should have been.
I ran an profiler, and realized that each 'myList.Contains(x)' call had O(N) because the list has to iterate through each item it contains until it reaches the end or finds a match. This was definitely not efficent.
So what did I do to optimize this code? I switched most of the LinkedList datastructures to HashSets, which can do a '.Contains(X)' call in O(1)- much better.
This is a good question.
Usually the best practice is 1) just write the code to do what you need it to do, 2) then deal with performance, but only if it's an issue. If the program is "fast enough" it's not an issue.
If the program is not fast enough (like it makes you wait) then try some performance tuning. Performance tuning is not like programming. In programming, you think first and then do something. In performance tuning, thinking first is a mistake, because that is guessing.
Don't guess what to fix; diagnose what the program is doing.
Everybody knows that, but mostly they do it anyway.
It is natural to say "Could be the problem is X, Y, or Z" but only the novice acts on guesses. The pro says "but I'm probably wrong".
There are different ways to diagnose performance problems.
The simplest is just to single-step through the program at the assembly-language level, and don't take any shortcuts. That way, if the program is doing unnecessary things, then you are doing the same things, and it will become painfully obvious.
Another is to get a profiling tool, and as others say, measure, measure, measure.
Personally I don't care for measuring. I think it's a fuzzy microscope for the purpose of pinpointing performance problems. I prefer this method, and this is an example of its use.
Good luck.
ADDED: I think you will find, if you go through this exercise a few times, you will learn what coding practices tend to result in performance problems, and you will instinctively avoid them. (This is subtly different from "premature optimization", which is assuming at the beginning that you must be concerned about performance. In fact, you will probably learn, if you don't already know, that premature concern about performance can well cause the very problem it seeks to avoid.)
Optimizing a program means: make it run faster
The only way of making the program faster is making it do less:
find an algorithm that uses fewer operations (e.g. N log N instead of N^2)
avoid slow components of your machine (keep objects in cache instead of in main memory, or in main memory instead of on disk); reducing memory consumption nearly always helps!
Further rules:
In looking for optimization opportunities, adhere to the 80-20-rule: 20% of typical program code accounts for 80% of execution time.
Measure the time before and after every attempted optimization; often enough, optimizations don't.
Only optimize after the program runs correctly!
Also, there are ways to make a program appear to be faster:
separate GUI event processing from back-end tasks; priorize user-visible changes against back-end calculation to keep the front-end "snappy"
give the user something to read while performing long operations (every noticed the slideshows displayed by installers?)
However, as a self-taught, new programmer I've never really understood what exactly do people mean when talking about such things.
Let me share a secret with you: nobody does. There are certain areas where we know mathematically what is and isn't slow. But for the most part, performance is too complicated to be able to understand. If you speed up one part of your code, there's a good possibility you're slowing down another.
Therefore, anyone who tells you that one method is faster than another, there's a good possibility they're just guessing unless one of three things are true:
They have data
They're choosing an algorithm that they know is faster mathematically.
They're choosing a data structure that they know is faster mathematically.
Optimization means trying to improve computer programs for such things as speed. The question is very broad, because optimization can involve compilers improving programs for speed, or human beings doing the same.
I suggest you read a bit of theory first (from books, or Google for lecture slides):
Data structures and algorithms - what the O() notation is, how to calculate it,
what datastructures and algorithms can be used to lower the O-complexity
Book: Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest
Compilers and assembly - how code is translated to machine instructions
Computer architecture - how the CPU, RAM, Cache, Branch predictions, out of order execution ... work
Operating systems - kernel mode, user mode, scheduling processes/threads, mutexes, semaphores, message queues
After reading a bit of each, you should have a basic grasp of all the different aspects of optimization.
Note: I wiki-ed this so people can add book recommendations.
I am going with the idea that optimizing a code is to get the same results in less time. And fully optimized only means they ran out of ideas to make it faster. I throw large buckets of scorn on claims of "fully optimized" code! There's no such thing.
So you want to make your application/program/module run faster? First thing to do (as mentioned earlier) is measure also known as profiling. Do not guess where to optimize. You are not that smart and you will be wrong. My guesses are wrong all the time and large portions of my year are spent profiling and optimizing. So get the computer to do it for you. For PC VTune is a great profiler. I think VS2008 has a built in profiler, but I haven't looked into it. Otherwise measure functions and large pieces of code with performance counters. You'll find sample code for using performance counters on MSDN.
So where are your cycles going? You are probably waiting for data coming from main memory. Go read up on L1 & L2 caches. Understanding how the cache works is half the battle. Hint: Use tight, compact structures that will fit more into a cache-line.
Optimization is lots of fun. And it's never ending too :)
A great book on optimization is Write Great Code: Understanding the Machine by Randall Hyde.
Make sure your application produces correct results before you start optimizing it.

Performance anti patterns

I am currently working for a client who are petrified of changing lousy un-testable and un-maintainable code because of "performance reasons". It is clear that there are many misconceptions running rife and reasons are not understood, but merely followed with blind faith.
One such anti-pattern I have come across is the need to mark as many classes as possible as sealed internal...
*RE-Edit: I see marking everything as sealed internal (in C#) as a premature optimisation.*
I am wondering what are some of the other performance anti-patterns people may be aware of or come across?
The biggest performance anti-pattern I have come across is:
Not measuring performance before and
after the changes.
Collecting performance data will show if a certain technique was successful or not. Not doing so will result in pretty useless activities, because someone has the "feeling" of increased performance when nothing at all has changed.
The elephant in the room: Focusing on implementation-level micro-optimization instead of on better algorithms.
Variable re-use.
I used to do this all the time figuring I was saving a few cycles on the declaration and lowering memory footprint. These savings were of minuscule value compared with how unruly it made the code to debug, especially if I ended up moving a code block around and the assumptions about starting values changed.
Premature performance optimizations comes to mind. I tend to avoid performance optimizations at all costs and when I decide I do need them I pass the issue around to my collegues several rounds trying to make sure we put the obfu... eh optimization in the right place.
One that I've run into was throwing hardware at seriously broken code, in an attempt to make it fast enough, sort of the converse of Jeff Atwood's article mentioned in Rulas' comment. I'm not talking about the difference between speeding up a sort that uses a basic, correct algorithm by running it on faster hardware vs. using an optimized algorithm. I'm talking about using a not obviously correct home brewed O(n^3) algorithm when a O(n log n) algorithm is in the standard library. There's also things like hand coding routines because the programmer doesn't know what's in the standard library. That one's very frustrating.
Using design patterns just to have them used.
Using #defines instead of functions to avoid the penalty of a function call.
I've seen code where expansions of defines turned out to generate huge and really slow code. Of course it was impossible to debug as well. Inline functions is the way to do this, but they should be used with care as well.
I've seen code where independent tests has been converted into bits in a word that can be used in a switch statement. Switch can be really fast, but when people turn a series of independent tests into a bitmask and starts writing some 256 optimized special cases they'd better have a very good benchmark proving that this gives a performance gain. It's really a pain from maintenance point of view and treating the different tests independently makes the code much smaller which is also important for performance.
Lack of clear program structure is the biggest code-sin of them all. Convoluted logic that is believed to be fast almost never is.
Do not refactor or optimize while writing your code. It is extremely important not to try to optimize your code before you finish it.
Julian Birch once told me:
"Yes but how many years of running the application does it actually take to make up for the time spent by developers doing it?"
He was referring to the cumulative amount of time saved during each transaction by an optimisation that would take a given amount of time to implement.
Wise words from the old sage... I often think of this advice when considering doing a funky optimisation. You can extend the same notion a little further by considering how much developer time is being spent dealing with the code in its present state versus how much time is saved by the users. You could even weight the time by hourly rate of the developer versus the user if you wanted.
Of course, sometimes its impossible to measure, for example, if an e-commerce application takes 1 second longer to respond you will loose some small % money from users getting bored during that 1 second. To make up that one second you need to implement and maintain optimised code. The optimisation impacts gross profit positively, and net profit negatively, so its much harder to balance. You could try - with good stats.
Exploiting your programming language. Things like using exception handling instead of if/else just because in PLSnakish 1.4 it's faster. Guess what? Chances are it's not faster at all and that two years from now someone maintaining your code will get really angry with you because you obfuscated the code and made it run much slower, because in PLSnakish 1.8 the language maintainers fixed the problem and now if/else is 10 times faster than using exception handling tricks. Work with your programming language and framework!
Changing more than one variable at a time. This drives me absolutely bonkers! How can you determine the impact of a change on a system when more than one thing's been changed?
Related to this, making changes that are not warranted by observations. Why add faster/more CPUs if the process isn't CPU bound?
General solutions.
Just because a given pattern/technology performs better in one circumstance does not mean it does in another.
StringBuilder overuse in .Net is a frequent example of this one.
Once I had a former client call me asking for any advice I had on speeding up their apps.
He seemed to expect me to say things like "check X, then check Y, then check Z", in other words, to provide expert guesses.
I replied that you have to diagnose the problem. My guesses might be wrong less often than someone else's, but they would still be wrong, and therefore disappointing.
I don't think he understood.
Some developers believe a fast-but-incorrect solution is sometimes preferable to a slow-but-correct one. So they will ignore various boundary conditions or situations that "will never happen" or "won't matter" in production.
This is never a good idea. Solutions always need to be "correct".
You may need to adjust your definition of "correct" depending upon the situation. What is important is that you know/define exactly what you want the result to be for any condition, and that the code gives those results.
Michael A Jackson gives two rules for optimizing performance:
Don't do it.
(experts only) Don't do it yet.
If people are worried about performance, tell 'em to make it real - what is good performance and how do you test for it? Then if your code doesn't perform up to their standards, at least it's something the code writer and the application user agree on.
If people are worried about non-performance costs of rewriting ossified code (for example, the time sink) then present your estimates and demonstrate that it can be done in the schedule. Assuming it can.
I believe it is a common myth that super lean code "close to the metal" is more performant than an elegant domain model.
This was apparently de-bunked by the creator/lead developer of DirectX, who re-wrote the c++ version in C# with massive improvements. [source required]
Appending to an array using (for example) push_back() in C++ STL, ~= in D, etc. when you know how big the array is supposed to be ahead of time and can pre-allocate it.

Understanding Dijkstra's Mozart programming style

I came across this article about programming styles, seen by Edsger Dijsktra. To quickly paraphrase, the main difference is Mozart, when the analogy is made to programming, fully understood (debatable) the problem before writing anything, while Beethoven made his decisions as he wrote the notes out on paper, creating many revisions along the way. With Mozart programming, version 1.0 would be the only version for software that should aim to work with no errors and maximum efficiency. Also, Dijkstra says software not at that level of refinement and stability should not be released to the public.
Based on his views, two questions. Is Mozart programming even possible? Would the software we write today really benefit if we adopted the Mozart style instead?
My thoughts. It seems, to address the increasing complexity of software, we've moved on from this method to things like agile development, public beta testing, and constant revisions, methods that define web development, where speed matters most. But when I think of all the revisions web software can go through, especially during maintenance, when often patches are applied over patches, to then be refined through a tedious refactoring process—the Mozart way seems very attractive. It would at least lessen those annoying software updates, e.g. Digsby, Windows, iTunes, etc., many the result of unforeseen vulnerabilities that require a new and immediate release.
Edit: Refer to the response below for a more accurate explanation of Dijsktra's views.
The Mozart programming style is a complete myth (everybody has to edit and modify their initial efforts), and although "Mozart" is essentially a metaphor in this example, it's worth noting that Mozart was substantially a myth himself.
Mozart was a supposed magical child prodigy who composed his first sonata at 4 (he was actually 6, and it sucked - you won't ever hear it performed anywhere). It's rarely mentioned, of course, that his father was considered Europe's greatest music teacher, and that he forced all of his children to practice playing and composition for hours each day as soon as they could pick up an instrument or a pen.
Mozart himself was careful to perpetuate the illusion that his music emerged whole from his mind by destroying most of his drafts, although enough survive to show that he was an editor like everyone else. Beethoven was just more honest about the process (maybe because he was deaf and couldn't tell if anyone was sneaking up on him anyway).
I won't even mention the theory that Mozart got his melodies from listening to songbirds. Or the fact that he created a system that used dice to randomly generate music (which is actually pretty cool, but might also explain how much of Mozart's music appeared to come from nowhere).
The moral of the story is: don't believe the hype. Programming is work, followed by more work to fix the mistakes you made the first time around, followed by more work to fix the mistakes you made the second time around, and so on and so forth until you die.
It doesn't scale.
I can figure out a line of code in my head, a routine, and even a small program. But a medium program? There are probably some guys that can do it, but how many, and how much do they cost? And should they really write the next payroll program? That's like wasting Mozart on muzak.
Now, try to imagine a team of Mozarts. Just for a few seconds.
Still it is a powerful instrument. If you can figure out a whole line in your head, do it. If you can figure out a small routine with all its funny cases, do it.
On the surface, it avoids going back to the drawing board because you didn't think of one edge case that requires a completely different interface altogether.
The deeper meaning (head fake?) can be explained by learning another human language. For a long time you thinking which words represent your thoughts, and how to order them into a valid sentence - that transcription costs a lot of foreground cycles.
One day you will notice the liberating feeling that you just talk. It may feel like "thinking in a foregin language", or as if "the words come naturally". You will sometimes stumble, looking for a particular word or idiom, but most of the time translation runs in the vast ressources of the "subconcious CPU".
The "high goal" is developing a mental model of the solution that is (mostly) independent of the implementation language, to separate solution of a problem from transcribing the problem. Transcription is easy, repetetive and easily trained, and abstract solutions can be reused.
I have no idea how this could be taught, but "figuring out as much as possible before you start to write it" sounds like good programming practice towards that goal.
A classic story from Usenet, about a true programming Mozart.
Real Programmers write in Fortran.
Maybe they do now, in this decadent
era of Lite beer, hand calculators and
"user-friendly" software but back in
the Good Old Days, when the term
"software" sounded funny and Real
Computers were made out of drums and
vacuum tubes, Real Programmers wrote
in machine code. Not Fortran. Not
RATFOR. Not, even, assembly language.
Machine Code. Raw, unadorned,
inscrutable hexadecimal numbers.
Lest a whole new generation of
programmers grow up in ignorance of
this glorious past, I feel duty-bound
to describe, as best I can through the
generation gap, how a Real Programmer
wrote code. I'll call him Mel, because
that was his name.
I first met Mel when I went to work
for Royal McBee Computer Corp., a
now-defunct subsidiary of the
typewriter company. The firm
manufactured the LGP-30, a small,
cheap (by the standards of the day)
drum-memory computer, and had just
started to manufacture the RPC-4000, a
much-improved, bigger, better, faster
-- drum-memory computer. Cores cost too much, and weren't here to stay,
anyway. (That's why you haven't heard
of the company, or the computer.)
I had been hired to write a Fortran
compiler for this new marvel and Mel
was my guide to its wonders. Mel
didn't approve of compilers.
"If a program can't rewrite its own
code," he asked, "what good is it?"
Mel had written, in hexadecimal, the
most popular computer program the
company owned. It ran on the LGP-30
and played blackjack with potential
customers at computer shows. Its
effect was always dramatic. The LGP-30
booth was packed at every show, and
the IBM salesmen stood around talking
to each other. Whether or not this
actually sold computers was a question
we never discussed.
Mel's job was to re-write the
blackjack program for the RPC-4000.
(Port? What does that mean?) The new
computer had a one-plus-one addressing
scheme, in which each machine
instruction, in addition to the
operation code and the address of the
needed operand, had a second address
that indicated where, on the revolving
drum, the next instruction was
located. In modern parlance, every
single instruction was followed by a
GO TO! Put that in Pascal's pipe and
smoke it.
Mel loved the RPC-4000 because he
could optimize his code: that is,
locate instructions on the drum so
that just as one finished its job, the
next would be just arriving at the
"read head" and available for
immediate execution. There was a
program to do that job, an "optimizing
assembler", but Mel refused to use it.
"You never know where it's going to
put things", he explained, "so you'd
have to use separate constants".
It was a long time before I understood
that remark. Since Mel knew the
numerical value of every operation
code, and assigned his own drum
addresses, every instruction he wrote
could also be considered a numerical
constant. He could pick up an earlier
"add" instruction, say, and multiply
by it, if it had the right numeric
value. His code was not easy for
someone else to modify.
I compared Mel's hand-optimized
programs with the same code massaged
by the optimizing assembler program,
and Mel's always ran faster. That was
because the "top-down" method of
program design hadn't been invented
yet, and Mel wouldn't have used it
anyway. He wrote the innermost parts
of his program loops first, so they
would get first choice of the optimum
address locations on the drum. The
optimizing assembler wasn't smart
enough to do it that way.
Mel never wrote time-delay loops,
either, even when the balky
Flexowriter required a delay between
output characters to work right. He
just located instructions on the drum
so each successive one was just past
the read head when it was needed; the
drum had to execute another complete
revolution to find the next
instruction. He coined an
unforgettable term for this procedure.
Although "optimum" is an absolute
term, like "unique", it became common
verbal practice to make it relative:
"not quite optimum" or "less optimum"
or "not very optimum". Mel called the
maximum time-delay locations the "most
After he finished the blackjack
program and got it to run, ("Even the
initializer is optimized", he said
proudly) he got a Change Request from
the sales department. The program used
an elegant (optimized) random number
generator to shuffle the "cards" and
deal from the "deck", and some of the
salesmen felt it was too fair, since
sometimes the customers lost. They
wanted Mel to modify the program so,
at the setting of a sense switch on
the console, they could change the
odds and let the customer win.
Mel balked. He felt this was patently
dishonest, which it was, and that it
impinged on his personal integrity as
a programmer, which it did, so he
refused to do it. The Head Salesman
talked to Mel, as did the Big Boss
and, at the boss's urging, a few
Fellow Programmers. Mel finally gave
in and wrote the code, but he got the
test backwards, and, when the sense
switch was turned on, the program
would cheat, winning every time. Mel
was delighted with this, claiming his
subconscious was uncontrollably
ethical, and adamantly refused to fix
After Mel had left the company for
greener pa$ture$, the Big Boss asked
me to look at the code and see if I
could find the test and reverse it.
Somewhat reluctantly, I agreed to
look. Tracking Mel's code was a real
I have often felt that programming is
an art form, whose real value can only
be appreciated by another versed in
the same arcane art; there are lovely
gems and brilliant coups hidden from
human view and admiration, sometimes
forever, by the very nature of the
process. You can learn a lot about an
individual just by reading through his
code, even in hexadecimal. Mel was, I
think, an unsung genius.
Perhaps my greatest shock came when I
found an innocent loop that had no
test in it. No test. None. Common
sense said it had to be a closed loop,
where the program would circle,
forever, endlessly. Program control
passed right through it, however, and
safely out the other side. It took me
two weeks to figure it out.
The RPC-4000 computer had a really
modern facility called an index
register. It allowed the programmer to
write a program loop that used an
indexed instruction inside; each time
through, the number in the index
register was added to the address of
that instruction, so it would refer to
the next datum in a series. He had
only to increment the index register
each time through. Mel never used it.
Instead, he would pull the instruction
into a machine register, add one to
its address, and store it back. He
would then execute the modified
instruction right from the register.
The loop was written so this
additional execution time was taken
into account -- just as this
instruction finished, the next one was
right under the drum's read head,
ready to go. But the loop had no test
in it.
The vital clue came when I noticed the
index register bit, the bit that lay
between the address and the operation
code in the instruction word, was
turned on-- yet Mel never used the
index register, leaving it zero all
the time. When the light went on it
nearly blinded me.
He had located the data he was working
on near the top of memory -- the
largest locations the instructions
could address -- so, after the last
datum was handled, incrementing the
instruction address would make it
overflow. The carry would add one to
the operation code, changing it to the
next one in the instruction set: a
jump instruction. Sure enough, the
next program instruction was in
address location zero, and the program
went happily on its way.
I haven't kept in touch with Mel, so I
don't know if he ever gave in to the
flood of change that has washed over
programming techniques since those
long-gone days. I like to think he
didn't. In any event, I was impressed
enough that I quit looking for the
offending test, telling the Big Boss I
couldn't find it. He didn't seem
When I left the company, the blackjack
program would still cheat if you
turned on the right sense switch, and
I think that's how it should be. I
didn't feel comfortable hacking up the
code of a Real Programmer.
Edsger Dijkstra discusses his views on Mozart vs Beethoven programming in this YouTube video entitled "Discipline in Thought".
People in this thread have pretty much discussed how Dikstra's views are impractical. I'm going to try and defend him some.
Dijkstra is against companies
essentially "testing" their software
on their customers. Releasing
version 1.0 and then immediately
patch 1.1. He felt that the program
should be polished to a degree that
"hotfix" patches are borderline
He did not think that software should be written in one fell swoop or that changes would never need to be made. He often discusses his design ideals, one of them being modularity and ease of change. He often thought that individual algorithms should be written in this way however, after you have completely understood the problem. That was part of his discipline.
He found after all his extensive experience with programmers, that programmers aren't happy unless they are pushing the limits of their knowledge. He said that programmers didn't want to program something they completely and 100% understood because there was no challenge in it. Programmers always wanted to be on the brink of their knowledge. While he understood why programmers are like that he stated that it wasn't representative of low-error tolerance programming.
There are some industries or applications of programming that I believe Dijkstra's "discipline" are warranted as well. NASA Rovers, Health Industry embedded devices (ie dispense medication, etc), certain Financial software that transfer our money. These areas don't have the luxuries of incremental change after release and a more "Mozart Approach" is necessary.
I think the Mozart story confuses what gets shipped versus how it is developed. Beethoven did not beta-test his symphonies on the public. (It would be interesting to see how much he changed any of the scores after the first public performance.)
I also don't think that Dijkstra was insisting that it all be done in your head. After all, he wrote books on disciplined programming that involved working it out on paper, and to the same extent that he wanted to see mathematical-quality discipline, have you noticed how much paper and chalk board mathematicians may consume while working on a problem?
I favor Simucal's response, but I think the Mozart-Beethoven metaphor should be discarded. That shoe-horns Dijkstra's insistence on discipline and understanding into a corner where it really doesn't belong.
Additional Remarks:
The TV popularization is not so hot, and it confuses some things about musical composition and what a composer is doing and what a programmer is doing. In Dijkstra's own words, from his 1972 Turing Award Lecture: "We must not forget that it is not our business to make programs; it is our business to design classes of computations that will display a desired behavior." A composer may be out to discover the desired behavior.
Also, in Dijkstra's notion that version 1.0 should be the final version, we too easily confuse how desired behavior and functionality evolve over time. I believe he oversimplifies in thinking that all future versions are because the first one was not thought out and done rigorously and reliably.
Even without time-to-market urgency, I think we now understand much better that important kinds of software evolve along with the users experience with it and the utilitarian purpose they have for it. Obvious counter-examples are games (also consider how theatrical motion pictures are developed). Do you think Beethoven could have written Symphony No. 9 without all of his preceding experience and exploration? Do you think the audience could have heard it for what it was? Should he have waited until he had the perfect Sonata? I'm sure Dijkstra doesn't propose this, but I do think he goes too far with Mozart-Beethoven to make his point.
In addition, consider chess-playing software. The new versions are not because the previous ones didn't play correctly. It is about exploiting advances in chess-playing heuristics and the available computer power. For this and many other situations, the idea that version 1.0 be the final version is off base. I understand that he is rightfully objecting to the release of known-to-be unreliable and maybe impaired software with deficiencies to be made up in maintenance and future releases. But the Mozartian counter-argument doesn't hold up for me.
So, did Dijkstra continue to drive the first automobile he purchased, or clones of exactly that automobile? Maybe there is planned obsolescence, but a lot of it has to do with improvements and reliability that could not have possibly been available or even considered in previous generations of automotive technology.
I am a big Dijkstra fan, but I think the Mozart-Beethoven thing is way too simplistic as well as inappropriate. I am a big Beethoven fan too.
I think it's possible to appear to employ Mozart programming. I know of one company, Blizzard, that doesn't release a software product until they're good and ready. This doesn't mean that Diablo 3 will spring whole and complete from someone's mind in one session of dazzlingly brilliant coding. It does mean that that's how it will appear to the rest of us. Blizzard will test the heck out of their game internally, not showing it to the rest of the world until they've got all the kinks worked out. Most companies don't take this approach, preferring instead to release software when it's good enough to solve a problem, then fix bugs and add features as they come up. This approach works (to varying degrees) for most companies.
Well, we can't all be as good as Mozart, can we? Perhaps Beethoven programming is easier.
If Apple adopted "Mozart" programming, there would be no Mac OS X or iTunes today.
If Google adopted "Mozart" programming, there would be no Gmail or Google Reader.
If SO developers adopted "Mozart" programming, there would be no SO today.
If Microsoft adopted "Mozart" programming, there would be no Windows today (well, I think that would be good).
So the answer is simply NO. Nothing is perfect, and nothing is ever meant to be perfect, and that includes software.
I think the idea is to plan ahead. You need to at least have some kind of outline of what you are trying to do and how you plan to get there. If you just sit down at the keyboard and hope "the muse" will lead you to where your program needs to go, the results are liable to be rather uneven, and it will take you much longer to get there.
This is true with any kind of writing. Very few authors just sit down at a typewriter with no ideas and start banging away until a bestselling novel is produced. Heck, my father-in-law (a high school English teacher) actually writes outlines for his letters.
Progress in computing is worth a sacrifice in glory or genius here and there.
