Get chromes console log via Ruby WebDriver - ruby

This question has been previously answered in Java (Get chrome's console log)
However, I am using the Ruby bindings and was wondering if that provided similar functionality?
I have looked at the Ruby source code but cannot see any mention or reference to LoggingPreferences.
By the way, I am using RemoteWebDriver and passing in a desired capability object. Presumably I want to set the logging preferences in that object, but I am struggling to see where.

Apologies for late response.
I originally achieved it by adding the following to Webdriver;
module Selenium
module WebDriver
class Options
# Returns the available logs for this webDriver instance
def available_log_types
# Returns the requested log
# #param type [String] The required log type
# #return [Array] An array of log entries
def get_log(type)
When "required" this resulted in the following being supported;
However, Version 2.38 of the selenium ruby gem exposes the logging API (although experimental).
Therefore, from 2.38 onwards the following should work WITHOUT the above extension;
driver.manage.logs.get :browser

You can use this code as well
require 'selenium-webdriver'
console_logs = #browser.driver.manage.logs.get(:browser)
puts = console_logs
Use command -f json -o my_report_file.json to generate reports.


Manuals of Ruby packages listing their methods?

For example, I tried to find a manual for OAuth package here but I get Ooops page missing here. I tried rim utility as instructed in Manual pages for Ruby functions from command line but version not documented
= OAuth
(from gem oauth-0.5.3)
= Constants:
request tokens are passed between the consumer and the provider out of band
(i.e. callbacks cannot be used), per section 6.1.1
required parameters, per sections 6.1.1, 6.3.1, and 7
reserved character regexp, per section 5.1
[not documented]
Because of missing manuals, I have tried to find tools to list methods of packages like in IDE like Dropdown list for ruby methods of a package in RubyMine IDE? and Vim plugin to autocomplete method names of Ruby packages. I haven't yet found a solution there and, here, I want to keep the focus on the manuals and proper ways to find them in Ruby.
Is there some central place for Ruby package manuals like R's cran? And if not, how do authors of public Ruby packages usually document their plugins? Is the easiest way to see which methods each package has to read the source?
This is not the easiest way but you can unpack any gem file corresponding to a package where you may be able to find demonstrations about the usage of each package.
Example about OAuth
You can download the gem file and unpack it to read the source in the following way
gem unpack oauth-0.5.3.gem
where you find the README with a demonstration about the usage.
== Demonstration of usage
We need to specify the oauth_callback url explicitly, otherwise it defaults to "oob" (Out of Band)
#callback_url = ""
Create a new consumer instance by passing it a configuration hash:
#consumer ="key","secret", :site => "https://agree2")
Start the process by requesting a token
#request_token = #consumer.get_request_token(:oauth_callback => #callback_url)
session[:token] = request_token.token
session[:token_secret] = request_token.secret
redirect_to #request_token.authorize_url(:oauth_callback => #callback_url)
When user returns create an access_token
hash = { oauth_token: session[:token], oauth_token_secret: session[:token_secret]}
request_token = OAuth::RequestToken.from_hash(#consumer, hash)
#access_token = #request_token.get_access_token
#photos = #access_token.get('/photos.xml')
Now that you have an access token, you can use Typhoeus to interact with the OAuth provider if you choose.
require 'oauth/request_proxy/typhoeus_request'
oauth_params = {:consumer => oauth_consumer, :token => access_token}
hydra =
req =, options) # :method needs to be specified in options
oauth_helper =, oauth_params.merge(:request_uri => uri))
req.options[:headers].merge!({"Authorization" => oauth_helper.header}) # Signs the request
#response = req.response
All functions in Ruby OAuth find . -iname "*.rb"

Downloading a track from Soundcloud using Ruby SDK

I am trying to download a track from Soundcloud using the ruby sdk (soundcloud 0.2.0 gem) with an app. I have registered the app on soundcloud and the client_secret is correct. I know this because I can see my profile info and tracks using the app.
Now when I try to download a track using the following code
#track = current_user.soundcloud_client.get(params[:track_uri])
data = current_user.soundcloud_client.get(#track.download_url)"something.mp3","wb"){|f|f.write(data)}
and when I open the file it has nothing in it. I've tried many approaches including the following one,
data = current_user.soundcloud_client.get(#track.download_url)
file =
And this one gives me an error
can't convert nil into String
on line 13 which is in
app/controllers/store_controller.rb:13:in `read'
that is the function.
I have double checked that the track I am trying to download is public and downloadable.
I tried to test the download_url that is being used explicitly by copying it from console and sending a request using Postman and it worked. I am not sure why it is not working with the app when other things are working so well.
What I want to do is to successfully be able to either download or at least get the data which I could store somewhere.
Version details : -
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
Rails 3.2.18
soundcloud 0.2.0
There are few assumptions that you have to understand before doing this thing.
Not every track on SoundClound can be downloaded! Only tracks that are flagged as downloadable can be downloaded - your code has to consider that option!
Your track URL has to be "resolved" before you get to download_url and after you get download_url you have to use your client_id to get the final download URL.
Tracks can be big, and downlowding them requires time! You should never do tasks like this straight from your Rails app in your controller or model. If the tasks runs longer you always use some background worker or some other kind of background processing "thing" - Sidekiq for example.
Command-line client example
This is example of working client, that you can use to download tracks from SoundClound. Its using official Official SoundCloud API Wrapper for Ruby, assumes that you are using Ruby 1.9.x and its not dependent on Rails in any way.
# We use Bundler to manage our dependencies
require 'bundler/setup'
# We store SC_CLIENT_ID and SC_CLIENT_SECRET in .env
# and dotenv gem loads that for us
require 'dotenv'; Dotenv.load
require 'soundcloud'
require 'open-uri'
# Ruby 1.9.x has a problem with following redirects so we use this
# "monkey-patch" gem to fix that. Not needed in Ruby >= 2.x
require 'open_uri_redirections'
# First there is the authentication part.
client =
client_id: ENV.fetch("SC_CLIENT_ID"),
client_secret: ENV.fetch("SC_CLIENT_SECRET")
# Track URL, publicly visible...
track_url = ""
# We call SoundCloud API to resolve track url
track = client.get('/resolve', url: track_url)
# If track is not downloadable, abort the process
unless track["downloadable"]
puts "You can't download this track!"
exit 1
# We take track id, and we use that to name our local file
track_id =
track_filename = "%s.aif" % track_id.to_s
download_url = "%s?client_id=%s" % [track.download_url, ENV.fetch("SC_CLIENT_ID")], "wb") do |saved_file|
open(download_url, allow_redirections: :all) do |read_file|
puts "Your track was saved to: #{track_filename}"
Also note that files are in AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format). To convert them to mp3 you do something like this with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i 293.aif final-293.mp3

can't convert Symbol into String

I have the following code in Ruby, take directly from the Getting Started with Rails guide
def create
#post =
redirect_to #post
def post_params
params.require(:post).permit(:title, :text)
When I run the above Create I get the following error.
can't convert Symbol into string
It seems like you are trying to use strong paramaters. You get this error cannot convert symbol into string because you have not configured the strong_parameters. So by default you cant use require on params with symbols.
Configure strong parameters as follows:
1.) Add gem 'strong_parameters' to your gemfile and bundle it.
2.) Include Restrictions to you model as follows.
include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection to your model.
3.) Disable white listing in application confiuration(config/application.rb)
config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = false
See the documentation for more details on configuring.
Now your code should work.
If anyone is using Mongoid, you can fix this issue by adding the following to an initializer:
Mongoid::Document.send(:include, ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection)
Add gem 'strong_parameters' to the gem file and
run >bundle install in command prompt
Refresh the browser.

undefined method `configure' for Savon:Module

I'm getting the above error in a gem with this code snippet
Savon.configure do |config|
config.log = false
config.log_level = :error
HTTPI.log = false
This code used to pass in past runs on Travis, so I'm not sure why this changed when I altered the Readme.
Part of this confusion comes from my situation--inheriting a gem to maintain--along with this line in the gemspec:
gem.add_dependency 'savon'
There's no version number specified, so the newest run switched over to using Savon 2, which ditched the Savon.configure global behavior. If you're in the same boat as me, changing this line to the last pre-2.0 version of Savon will resolve the issue:
gem.add_dependency 'savon', '~>1.2.0'
Then bundle install and you should be good.
Or you want to upgrade your code. I know I do.
Savon.configure was removed from Savon 2.0 because the "problem was global state". The quickest way to keep the behavior the same in your app would be to define a app-level global hash in the same place. You'd then pass this hash into every Savon.client call you make. For instance:
# Where Savon.configure was called
# disable request logging, silences HTTPI as well
log: false,
# Don't log Laundry xmls to STDOUT
log_level: :error,
#... etc
# Elsewhere
#client =
I'd consider this a starting point to migrating to the 2.0 configuration style. Ideally, you should always consider the client-specific 2.0 options available when initializing each Savon client.

Performing an HTTP PATCH using Ruby curb

I'm trying to do an HTTP PATCH using curb. Looking through the code, there doesn't seem to be a method exposed for this. Is there any way to use curb to do a PATCH? If not, what other libraries or methods are there in Ruby to accomplish this?
With curb latest version (v0.8.1) PATCH is supported even though it is not explicitly available within the Curl::Easy interface (see lib/curl/easy.rb).
You can find a shortcut method here:
# see lib/curl.rb
module Curl
# ...
def self.patch(url, params={}, &block)
http :PATCH, url, postalize(params), nil, &block
# ...
With it you can perform a PATCH request as follow:
curl = Curl.patch("", {:foo => "bar"})
Under the hood, the PATCH verb is simply passed to the easy interface as follow:
curl =
# `http` is a method implemented within the C extensions of curb
# see `ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb_str`. It allows to set the HTTP
# verb by calling `curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, verb)`
# and perform the request right after
