Format Output of Placeholder - format

I am creating a dynamic list of placeholders, some of the values held in these place holders are decimal numbers that are supposed to represent money.
What I'm wondering is if there is a way I can format them to display as such?
Something like [[+MoneyField:formatmoney]]
I see but I do not see a way to do this here.

You most definitely can, under the header "Creating a Custom Output Modifier" on the link you posted it's described how you can place a snippet name as a output modifier. This snippet will recieve the [[+MoneyField]] value in a variable called $input.
So you'd have to create this custom snippet which could be as simple as
return '$'.number_format($input);
Another version of doing this is calling the snippet directly instead of as an output modifier like so:
[[your_custom_money_format_snippet ? input=`[[+MoneyField]]`]]
I'm not sure if theres any difference between the two in this case. Obviously you can pass any value into the number format snippet when calling it as a snippet instead of an output modifier. And i'm sure theres a microsecond of performance difference in the two but i'm afraid i don't know which one would win. ;)
Actually found the exact example you want to implement on this link;
$number = floatval($input);
$optionsXpld = #explode('&', $options);
$optionsArray = array();
foreach ($optionsXpld as $xpld) {
$params = #explode('=', $xpld);
array_walk($params, create_function('&$v', '$v = trim($v);'));
if (isset($params[1])) {
$optionsArray[$params[0]] = $params[1];
} else {
$optionsArray[$params[0]] = '';
$decimals = isset($optionsArray['decimals']) ? $optionsArray['decimals'] : null;
$dec_point = isset($optionsArray['dec_point']) ? $optionsArray['dec_point'] : null;
$thousands_sep = isset($optionsArray['thousands_sep']) ? $optionsArray['thousands_sep'] : null;
$output = number_format($number, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep);
return $output;
Used as output modifier:


Subtract 2 random numbers, unable to compare

I'm new to coding so it's probably a stupid mistake but I just can't figur out what is going wrong. I made an email form with a function to check if it's a human sending the message.
They have to answer a simple math question generated with random numbers.
But when I try to check if the input is correct, something goes wrong.
The relevant parts of the code I'm using:
First I generate two random numbers, calculate the correct outcome and turn the answer into a variable:
$number = array( mt_rand(1,5), mt_rand(6,10) );
$outcome = $number[1] - $number[0];
$human = $_POST['message_human'];
The part where to put the answer:
<label for="message_human">
<input type="text" style="width: 44px;" placeholder="…" name="message_human"> + <?php echo $number[0];?> = <?php echo $number[1];?>
The part to check if the answer is correct, and perform action:
if(!$human == 0){
if($human != $outcome) my_contact_form_generate_response("error", $not_human); //not human!
else { //validate presence of name and message
my_contact_form_generate_response("error", $missing_content);
} else { //ready to go!
$message = "" . $url . "\n\n" . $message;
$sent = wp_mail($to, $subject, strip_tags($message), $headers);
if($sent) my_contact_form_generate_response("success", $message_sent);
else my_contact_form_generate_response("error", $message_unsent);
} else if ($_POST['submitted']) my_contact_form_generate_response("error", $missing_content);
I keep getting the "not human error".
I tried making $outcome an array and all kind of operators but nothing works.
When I give the $outcome a fixed value like = "2"; everything works fine, but I want it to be a random number. Some help would be much appreciated.
If I understand your code right, you are not saving those random numbers, right?
So how could you get the correct comperison, when you send the answer to a previous generated set of random numbers when you just generate new ones?
A possible solution may be to save those values in a session variable.
$_SESSION['outcome'] = $outcome;
and compare it later with this variable, but make sure it is not overwritten by a new generated set of random numbers.
if($_POST['message_human'] == $_SESSION['outcome']){

Reversing string not working using Processing (

I have an assignment for school where I need to do some things with text. One of them being reversing a string.
Now I've got a while-loop that kind of works, but I have some questions about it.
int i = textBoxInput.length();
textRev += textBoxInput.substring(i-1,i);
finalReversed = textRev;
drawRev = false;
drawReverse = true;
So first thing I'd like to ask is: Why does the while-loop not stop when i reaches 0?
The boolean drawRev is true when I click a button but I have to manually make it false if i==0.
I shouldn't have to do this right?
Second question I have is: How do I keep the reversed text to display it?
It does in fact reverse the text when I enter it, but it immediately turns into an empty string when it finishes.
I'm a beginning student and pretty new to programming in general, so keep it simple please!
If you'd like to see the whole code it's available here:
I've got it working.
I tried to make it too complex.
Thanks to deamentiaemundi.
This works:
int i = textBoxInput.length();
textRev += textBoxInput.substring(i-1,i);
Here's the working code for someone with a similar issue:
another way to reverse a string
$(document).ready( function(){
var str = "test";
var revstr = str.split("").reverse().join(""); //"test" to ['t','e','s','t'] to ['t','s','e','t'] to "tset"
For reference: How do you reverse a string in place in JavaScript?

Getting Helper Data php in magento

Have been trying to get a variable percentage from two helper functions inside .phtml file in magento
basically i have two variables based on two helper functions that on their own output/echo static numbers. Problem is in the below php they are just displaying as the value and not dividing/multiplying. So like i said the helper data & module work is using the data as variables to do/complete the equation within the .phtml file. See code below
get->FunctionA() just equals a round number value (from a collection)
get->FunctionB() just equals a round number value as well (from a collection)
probs not the best way but this just outputs two values from helper data and not dividing.
echo Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionA() / Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionB();
Also this does not work either, just produces the same result and is probs the best/easiest way
$dataA = Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionA();
$dataB = Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionB();
$result = ($dataA / $dataB) * 100;
echo $result;
Like i said above the values can be echoed (in either helper function or phtml files but the actual calculation does not wont to work
Any help would be great
Ok sorted the problem out. What was happening was that in the helper file the getFunctionA() & getFunctionB() value was being echoed when i should have been just returning the value then echoing the helper function in the .phtml file. Doh! See below the helper function example that is now working Woohoo!!!
public function getFunctionA()
$FunctionA = Mage::getModel('module/collection')->getCollection();
$FunctionA->addFieldToFilter('attribute', 'value_to_filter');
return ''.count($FunctionA) . ''; //this line was the problem cause i was echoing & not returning the value
Now the value can be echoed in the phtml & the math equation is confirmed working
$dataA = Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionA();
$dataB = Mage::helper('module/core')->getFunctionB();
$result = ($dataA / $dataB) * 100;
echo $result;
this code does the math and now i can rest.

Codeigniter: URI segments

How do I create an if statement saying something like this?
Basically, how do you use the URI class to determine if there is a value in any segment?
$segment = value_of_any_segment;
if($segment == 1{
do stuff
I know this is pretty elementary, but I don't totally understand the URI class...
Your question is a little unclear to me, but I'll try to help. Are you wondering how to determine if a particular segment exists or if it contains a specific value?
As you are probably aware, you can use the URI class to access the specific URI segments. Using as an example, blog is the 1st segment, article is the 2nd segment, and 123 is the 3rd segment. You access each using $this->uri->segment(n)
You then can construct if statements like this:
// if segment 2 exists ("articles" in the above example), do stuff
if ($this->uri->segment(2)) {
// do stuff
// if segment 3 ("123" in the above example) is equal to some value, do stuff
if ($this->uri->segment(3) == $myValue) {
// do stuff
Hope that helps! Let me know if not and I can elaborate or provide additional information.
If you need to determine if a particular string appears in any segment of the URI, you can do something like this:
// get the entire URI (using our example above, this is "/blog/article/123")
$myURI = $this->uri->uri_string()
// the string we want to check the URI for
$myString = "article";
// use strpos() to search the entire URI for $myString
// also, notice we're using the "!==" operator here; see note below
if (strpos($myURI, $myString) !== FALSE) {
// "article" exists in the URI
} else {
// "article" does not exist in the URI
A note regarding strpos() (from the PHP documentation):
This function may return Boolean
FALSE, but may also return a
non-Boolean value which evaluates to
FALSE, such as 0 or "". Please read
the section on Booleans for more
information. Use the === operator for
testing the return value of this
I hope my edit helps. Let me know if I can elaborate.

php xpath query on and xpath result

Can I use an xpath query on a result already obtained using xpath?
In most hosting languages/environments (like XSLT, XQuery, DOM) you can. Don't know about PHP, but it would be strange if it doesn't allow this.
Of course, the result of the first query must be a node-set, in order for a future "/" operator to be possible/allowed/successful on it.
I have done it in PHP/SimpleXML. The thing that I didn't understand at first is that you're still dealing with the full SimpleXML object, so if you start with "/nodename", you're operating on root. If you start with "nodename" you are starting at the beginning of the result node. Here's my example:
$s = '/ItemSearchResponse/Items/Item';
$items = $parsed->xpath($s);
foreach($items as $item)
$s = 'ItemAttributes/Feature';
$s = 'ASIN';
$s = 'ImageSets/ImageSet[#Category="primary"]';
$s = 'MediumImage/URL';
$medium_image_url[] = $primary_img_set[0]->xpath($s);
In PHP, for example, you can run a query with a context, i.e. a given node. So if you have got a DOMNodeList as a result of the first query you can do things like this:
$query1 = '//p';
$query2 = './a'; // do not forget the dot
$node = $xpath->query($query1)->item(0);
$result = $xpath->query($query2, $node);
Of course this is a silly example because it could have been done just in one shot with the correct XPath experssion but I believe it illustrates your question.
