How to validate kendo date time picker - kendo-ui

I am working on Kendo date time picker.I am getting a problem when clicking the submit button.
1)Having To date and From date pickers .how to get the popup that should validate both the date and time and it should not allows the alphabets.
showSecond: true,
dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss",
format: "dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss",
mindate: getFormattedDate(new Date())
$("#startdatetimepic").attr("readonly", "readonly");
function getFormattedDate(date) {
var day = date.getDate();
var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
var year = date.getFullYear().toString().slice(2);
return day + '-' + month + '-' + year;
showSecond: true,
dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss",
format: "dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss"
var result = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
filterable: true,
columns: [{
field: "FirstName",
title: "First Name"
}, {
field: "LastName",
title: "Last Name"
}, {
field: "dob",
title: "DOB",
format: "{0:dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss}"
dataSource: {
data: [ {
FirstName: "Joe",
LastName: "Smith",
dob: "2013-02-01 19:54:13"
}, {
FirstName: "Jane",
LastName: "Smith",
dob: "2013-02-02 20:55:14"
}, {
FirstName: "Jane",
LastName: "Smith",
dob: "2013-02-03 21:56:15"
FirstName: "Jane",
LastName: "Smith",
dob: "2013-03-4 20:56:14"
schema: {
data: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, val) {
val.dob = kendo.parseDate(val.dob, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
return data;
$("#filter").on("click", function () {
var mindate = $('#startdatetimepicker').data("kendoDateTimePicker").value();
var maxdate = $('#enddatetimepicker').data("kendoDateTimePicker").value();
var condition = {
logic: "and",
filters: []
if (mindate !== null) {
field: "dob",
operator: "ge",
value: mindate
if (maxdate !== null) {
field: "dob",
operator: "le",
value: maxdate
here is the fiddle:

The format should prohibit alpha characters while incrementing the values can be achieved similar to:
function incrementDay(increment) {
var datePicker = $("#DayPager").data("kendoDatePicker");
var val = datePicker.value();
var newDate = new Date(val.getFullYear(), val.getMonth(), val.getDate() + increment);


How to sort time column in jsgrid?

We are binding a table using jqgrid. We have the first column start as a time column with a 12-hour format. We are facing an issue with sorting this data. The data is sorted correctly but it is not taking am/pm into consideration. Below is our code for binding the jqgrid:
var newFieldsArray =
{ name: "ID", title: "ID", type: "number", width: "50px", visible: false },
name: "TimeStart", title: "Start", type: "customTime", width: "100px", validate: "required",
sorttype: "date",
formatter : {
date : {
AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
// datefmt: "m/d/Y h:i A",
//sorttype: 'datetime', formatter: 'date', formatoptions: {newformat: 'd/m/y', srcformat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'},
insertTemplate: function () {
var $result =; // original input
return $result;
itemTemplate: function (value, item) {
return "<b style='display:none'>" + Date.parse(item.StartDate) + "</b><span>" + (item.TimeStart) + "</span>";
name: "TimeEnd", title: "End", type: "customTime", width: "100px", validate: "required",sorttype: "date", datefmt: "h:i"
{ name: "TimeTotal", title: "Time", type: "text", width: "50px", readOnly: true },
name: "CoilPO", title: "Coil PO", type: "text", width: "50px", validate: "required",
insertTemplate: function () {
var $result =; // original input
return $result;
{ name: "Joints", title: "Joints", type: "integer", width: "60px" },
{ name: "CommercialGrade", title: "Commercial Grade", type: "integer", width: "80px" },
{ name: "QAHold", title: "QA Hold", type: "integer", width: "60px" },
{ name: "Rejected", title: "Reject", type: "integer", width: "60px" },
{ name: "ActionTaken", title: "Reason of Delay / Action Taken", type: "text", width: "120px" },
name: "ClassId", title: "Class",
type: "select", items: classDataArr,//classData.filter(function(n){return classdt.indexOf(n.Id) != -1 }),//classData,
valueField: "Id", textField: "Title",
insertTemplate: function () {
var taxCategoryField = this._grid.fields[12];
var $insertControl =;
var classId = 0;
var taxCategory = $.grep(voiceData, function (team) {
return (team.ClassId) === classId && (team.StationId) == parseInt($('#ddlEquipmentName').val());
taxCategoryField.items = taxCategory;
$insertControl.on("change", function () {
var classId = parseInt($(this).val());
var taxCategory = $.grep(voiceData, function (team) {
return (team.ClassId) === classId && (team.StationId) == parseInt($('#ddlEquipmentName').val());
taxCategoryField.items = taxCategory;
return $insertControl;
editTemplate: function (value) {
var taxCategoryField = this._grid.fields[12];
var $editControl =, value);
var changeCountry = function () {
var classId = parseInt($editControl.val());
var taxCategory = $.grep(voiceData, function (team) {
return (team.ClassId) === classId && (team.StationId) == parseInt($('#ddlEquipmentName').val());
taxCategoryField.items = taxCategory;
$editControl.on("change", changeCountry);
return $editControl;
name: "VoiceId", title: "Voice", type: "select", items: voiceData,
valueField: "Id", textField: "Title", width: "120px", validate: "required",
insertcss: "tax-insert",
editcss: "tax-edit",
itemTemplate: function (teamId) {
var t = $.grep(voiceData, function (team) { return team.Id === teamId; })[0].Title;
return t;
{ name: "Remarks", title: "Remarks", type: "text", width: "110px" },
{ name: "control", type: "control" }
hoursGrid.jsGrid("option", "fields", newFieldsArray);
Below is two screenshots of data that appear when we sort:
Can someone tell me what we are doing wrong?
You're mixing up jsGrid and jqGrid. The way to achieve it in jsGrid is using the built-in sorter, I added an example below.
As commented by #Tomy Tomov (the creator of jqGrid), you're using jsGrid, not jqGrid. This is evident both by your code and by the UI in the screenshot.
Specifically, you took the date sorter of jqGrid and used it in your jsGrid code, but (of course) it's not supported there. You can go ahead and look in jsGrid source for AmPm which you used - and see it's not there.
So how to do it in jsGrid?
Just pass the built-in sorter to the sorter property. However, it does require Date objects, so if you only got time strings, you'll have to convert those to dates.
Below is a quick demo (jsfiddle), click the date column title to sort:
Note that getData gets a function parameter that is responsible to get all data as Date objects, and that the value of isUTC depends on whether you actually use it
$(document).ready(function () {
const dataFunc = getDataTimes;
width: "100%",
data: getData(dataFunc),
sorting: true,
fields: [{
name: "name",
type: "text",
width: 50
}, {
name: "date",
type: "date",
width: 50,
cellRenderer: (value, item) => {
const withYear = false;
const isUTC = dataFunc == getDataTimes;
return renderDateTime(value, item, withYear, isUTC);
function getData(getDates) {
const data = [
{name: "a"}, {name: "b"}, {name: "c"},
{name: "d"}, {name: "e"}, {name: "f"},
const dates = getDates();
for (let i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
data[i].date = dates[i];
return data;
function getDataDates() {
const date1 = new Date(2022, 10, 1, 4, 50);
const date2 = new Date(2022, 10, 1, 8, 50);
const date3 = new Date(2022, 10, 1, 15, 50);
const date4 = new Date(2021, 10, 1, 4, 50);
const date5 = new Date(2021, 10, 1, 8, 50);
const date6 = new Date(2021, 10, 1, 15, 50);
return [date1, date2, date3, date4, date5, date6];
function getDataTimes() {
const time1 = "3:50 AM";
const time2 = "8:50 AM";
const time3 = "4:50 AM";
const time4 = "3:50 PM";
const time5 = "8:50 PM";
const time6 = "4:50 PM";
const times = [time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6];
return => convertTime12to24(t));
function convertTime12to24(time12h) {
const [time, modifier] = time12h.split(' ');
let [hours, minutes] = time.split(':');
if (modifier === 'PM') {
hours = parseInt(hours, 10) + 12;
return new Date(Date.UTC(2022,0,1,hours, minutes));
function renderDateTime(value, row, withYear, isUTC) {
return `<td>${getDateTimeAsString(value, withYear, isUTC)}</td>`;
function getDateTimeAsString(date, withYear, isUTC) {
var options = {
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
hour12: true
if (withYear) {
options.withYear = 'numeric';
if (isUTC) {
options.timeZone = 'UTC';
return date.toLocaleString('en-US', options);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="jsGrid" class="jsgrid"></div>
Let me give it a try, we have 2 options to perform Sorting operation in JsGrid:
1.Custom Field (Topic Name you can refer below link)
Reference Link :
In this, you can define custom property in your config and extend it.
You can use sorter property and call your user defined function werein you can logic to sort date with time stamps directly.
2.Sorting Strategies (Topic Name you can refer below link)
Reference Link :
In this, you can create your custom objects and then apply sorting strategies of date directly on to the object to perform sorting operation as per your logic.

setData Series Highchart using Ajax and CodeIgniter

I want to redraw and update data Highcart based on click button with ajax. This code still not working.
$('#chartday').on('click', function() {
var p_id_resto = $('#p_id_resto').val();
var start_date = $('#my_start_date').val();
var end_date = $('#my_end_date').val();
var idResto = JSON.stringify(p_id_resto);
var startDate = JSON.stringify(start_date);
var endDate = JSON.stringify(end_date);
var base_url = '<?php echo base_url();?>main2nd/charts_day';
console.log('get Id resto = ' + idResto);
console.log('get Start date = ' + startDate);
console.log('get URL = ' + base_url);
url: base_url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: "json",
data : {p_id_resto : idResto,
start_date : startDate,
end_date : endDate},
}).done(function(result) {
chart.series[0].setData(['BD', result.data_stock['BD']],
['SRW',result.data_stock['SRW']], false
This my series highchart:
var chart = Highcharts.chart('reportChart', {
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: ''
subtitle: {
text: ''
series: [{
name: 'STOCK',
color: "#2a82ff",
data: [],
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
color: '#045396',
align: 'center',
formatter: function() {
return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 0);
y: 0,
style: {
fontSize: '13px',
fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif',
position: 'relative'
name: 'SALES',
color: "teal",
data: []
This My controller
function charts_day(){
$n_id_resto= json_decode($this->input->post('p_id_resto'));<br/>
$start_date= json_decode($this->input->post('start_date'));<br/>
$end_date= json_decode($this->input->post('end_date'));<br/>
$data1['data_sales'] = $this->Model_All->getSumSales($n_id_resto, $start_date, $end_date);<br/>
$data2['data_stock'] = $this->Model_All->charts_stokCbg($n_id_resto,$start_date, $end_date);<br/>
$dataMerge = array_merge($data1, $data2);$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($dataMerge),JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
Data still not display correctly in highchart.
I am sure using comment above
you will get
Object { BD: 8, BDF: 10, BP: 10, BPF: 10, AD: 10, ADF: 10, AP: 10, APF: 10, SB: 10, SRW: 10 }
Now you have to process data as required by highcharts
var data={ BD: "8", BDF: "10", BP: "10", BPF: "10", AD: "10", ADF: "10", AP: "10", APF: "10", SB: "10", SRW: "10" }
var series_data=[]; //creating empty array for highcharts series data
Object.keys(data).map(function(item, key) {
series_data.push({name:item,y:Number(data[item])}) ; //Number(data[item]) converts string to number.Not required if already done using JSON_NUMERIC‌​_CHECK
console.log(series_data);// check how data is formed. you can do same in php by creating object array in php
Fiddle demonstration

KendoUI Date field is not filtering. It's Making grid blank

I tried with sample data using below JS code:
$(document).ready(function () {
var PraksysDateFormats = ["dd-MM-yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "dd-MM-yy", "dd/MM/yy", "dd.MM.yy", "ddMMyy", "ddMM", "dd.MM.yyyy", "ddMMyyyy"];
relationDataSource = new{
data: [
{ ProductName: "Computer", UnitPrice: 100, UnitsInStock: 5, Discontinued: false, FromDate: new Date(kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate("10-11-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')), ToDate: new Date(kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate("11-11-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')) },
{ ProductName: "TV", UnitPrice: 1000, UnitsInStock: 5, Discontinued: false, FromDate: new Date(kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate("20-10-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')), ToDate: new Date(kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate("22-10-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')) },
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
ProductName: { type: "string" },
UnitPrice: { type: "number" },
UnitsInStock: { type: "number" },
Discontinued: { type: "boolean" },
FromDate: { type: "date" },
ToDate: { type: "date" }
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: relationDataSource,
scrollable: true,
sortable: true,
//editable: true,
filterable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "ProductName", title: "Product Name" },
{ field: "UnitPrice", title: "Unit Price", format: "{0:c}" },
{ field: "UnitsInStock", title: "Units In Stock" },
{ field: "Discontinued", title: "Discontinued" },
field: "FromDate", title: "From Date", editor: FromDatePicker, width: 200, format: "{0:dd-MM-yyyy}", filterable: {
ui: dateFilter
field: "ToDate", title: "To Date", editor: ToDatePicker, width: 200, format: "{0:dd-MM-yyyy}", filterable: {
ui: dateFilter
edit: function (e) {
var grid = this;
var fieldName = grid.columns[e.container.index()].field;
// alert(fieldName)
save: function (e) {
var grid = this;
var fieldName = grid.columns[e.container.index()].field;
// alert(e.container.index());
// alert(fieldName)
var productName = e.values.ProductName || e.model.ProductName;
var relation = e.values.Relation || e.model.Relation;
var dataItem = this.dataSource.getByUid(e.model.uid);
dataItem.set("ProductName", productName);
dataItem.set("UnitPrice", 9000);
dataItem.set("UnitsInStock", 99);
dataItem.set("Discontinued", true);
update: function (e) {
function FromDatePicker(container, options) {
$('<input id="BrugergyldigFradato" name="FromDate" dynamicfield="71" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
format: "dd-MM-yyyy",
parseFormats: PraksysDateFormats,
culture: "da-DK"
$('<span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="FromDate"></span>').appendTo(container);
function ToDatePicker(container, options) {
$('<input id="BrugergyldigTildato" name="ToDate" dynamicfield="71" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
format: "dd-MM-yyyy",
parseFormats: PraksysDateFormats,
culture: "da-DK"
$('<span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="ToDate"></span>').appendTo(container);
function dateFilter(element) {
format: "dd-MM-yyyy",
culture: "da-DK"
I am able to filter all columns, except last 2 date fields. On entering a date field filter value, it's making the grid blank. My date format is "dd-MM-yyyy". Any clue here would be appreciated.
Don't use new Date in your datasource.
On my browser(chrome):
new Date("2016-11-11")
Fri Nov 11 2016 02:00:00 GMT+0200
As you see date is converted to local time here. But when you filter with 11-11-2016 your filter will not be converted. In that case your filter value will be
Fri Nov 11 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0200
Therefore equality check fails.
Instead you can use only kendo.parseDate to assign your date values and it will work.
data: [
{ ProductName: "Computer", UnitPrice: 100, UnitsInStock: 5, Discontinued: false, FromDate: kendo.parseDate("10-11-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy'), ToDate: kendo.parseDate("11-11-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy') },
{ ProductName: "TV", UnitPrice: 1000, UnitsInStock: 5, Discontinued: false, FromDate: kendo.parseDate("20-10-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy'), ToDate: kendo.parseDate("22-10-2016", 'dd-MM-yyyy') },
This turnout to be a formatting issue and now working as expected

Filter of Kendo UI Grid is not executed for specified column

Here is my MVC view code :-
<div id="reportsDb">
<div id="grid"></div>
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="template">
<div class="toolbar" id="template" >
<label class="Status-label" for="Status">Show reports by status:</label>
<input type="search" id="Status" style="width: 150px"/>
$(document).ready(function () {
var path = ""
dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: "#Url.Action("Report_Read", "Report")",
dataType: "json",
type: "Get",
contentType: "application/json"
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true,
pageSize: 10,
schema: {
model: {
id: "RequestId",
fields: {
IPAddress: { type: "string" },
RequestQuetime: { type: "date" },
RequestPicktime: { type: "date" },
RequestRespondTime: { type: "date" },
StatusType: { type: "string" },
RequestTimeDifference: { type: "datetime", format: "{0:hh:mm:ss}" },
RequestPickDifference: { type: "datetime", format: "{0:hh:mm:ss}" }
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: dataSource,
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
filterable: {
extra: false,
operators: {
string: {
startswith: "Starts with",
eq: "Is equal to",
neq: "Is not equal to"
toolbar: kendo.template($("#template").html()),
height: 430,
columns: [
{ field: "IPAddress", title: "IP address", width: 100, filterable: true },
{ field: "RequestQuetime", title: "Que time", width: 100, filterable: false },
{ field: "RequestPicktime", title: "Pick time", width: 110, filterable: false },
{ field: "RequestRespondTime", title: "Respond time", width: 100, filterable: false },
{ field: "StatusType", title: "status", width: 110, filterable: { ui: statusFilter } },
{ field: "RequestTimeDifference", title: "Time difference", width: 110, filterable: false },
{ field: "RequestPickDifference", title: "Pick difference", width: 110, filterable: false }
function statusFilter(element) {
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "#Url.Action("RequestStatus_Read", "Report")",
dataType: "json",
type: "Get",
contentType: "application/json"
dataTextField: "Text",
dataValueField: "Value",
optionLabel: "--Select Value--"
And below is the Action Method of controller :-
public ActionResult Report_Read()
return Json(_oRepository.GetReports().ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I want to apply filtering on StatusType filed and for that I have bound this filed with dropdownlist.
And my problem is when I am trying to do filtering by selecting one of the status from download its doing nothing.
I am working according to this example:
From your code, everything seems fine except the Controller Read Action. Now if the controller is being called when you apply filter from the view on Grid then the only change required on your side is below:
public JsonResult Report_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
return Json(_oRepository.GetReports().ToList().ToDataSourceResult(request), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
If you don't use Kendo.MVC then you have two option to filtering:
Option 1: Client side filtering
-> You will need to get all the data at read time so when the filtering is applied you have all the data, which is best option if the data source is not large as it saves unwanted controller requests for filtering.
-> First think you need do is subscirbe to filterMenuInit() of grid and add the below Script for client side filtering.
filterMenuInit: function(e) {
if (e.field == "name") {
alert("apply Filter");
var filter = []
... // Generate filters
For detailed example: Extact from Kendo Examples
Option 2: Server side filtering
-> I don't have much idea about it, but whilst I was searching for my options to filtering I had came across the below Question which was good but a bit complex for my application. But I think you can use it.
JS Fiddle Sample
Please refer below Link for detailed explanation.
Reference: JS Kendo UI Grid Options
Check your rendered html for string you have in td and string you are filtering
Look if your td has any other code than the string you are trying to filter. If the case is there is some other html code inside td like a span or a div, then you have to refactor your code to make sure you have content only in td.
Make sure you trim your string inside td.
Try contains instead of equal to. if this works them the issue should be extran text/html or triming.
function applyFilter() {
var filters = [], item_filters = [], brand_filters = [], invoice_id = null;
var item_nested_filter = { logic: 'or', filters: item_filters };
var brand_nested_filter = { logic: 'or', filters: brand_filters };
var gridData = $("#invoicelistgrid").data("kendoGrid");
var invoiceId = $("#invoiceidsearch").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
var itemId = $("#itemsearch").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
var brandId = $("#brandsearch").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
var partyId = $("#party-dropdown").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
if (partyId !== "") {
filters.push({ field: "party_id", operator: "eq", value: parseInt(partyId) });
if (invoiceId !== "") {
filters.push({ field: "invoice_id", operator: "eq", value: parseInt(invoiceId) });
if (itemId !== "") {
for (var i = 0; i < gridData.dataSource._data.length; i++) {
var data = gridData.dataSource._data[i].tb_invoice_lines;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
if (parseInt(itemId) === parseInt(data[j].item_id)) {
item_filters.push({ field: "invoice_id", operator: "eq", value: parseInt(data[j].invoice_id) });
} else {
invoice_id = data[j].invoice_id;
if (item_filters.length > 0) {
} else {
filters.push({ field: "invoice_id", operator: "eq", value: parseInt(invoice_id) });
if (brandId !== "") {
for (var k = 0; k < gridData.dataSource._data.length; k++) {
var brand_data = gridData.dataSource._data[k].tb_invoice_lines;
for (var l = 0; l < brand_data.length; l++) {
console.log("Grid item id = " + brand_data[l].brand_id);
if (parseInt(brandId) === parseInt(brand_data[l].brand_id)) {
field: "invoice_id",
operator: "eq",
value: parseInt(brand_data[l].invoice_id)
} else {
invoice_id = brand_data[l].invoice_id;
if (brand_filters.length > 0) {
} else {
filters.push({ field: "invoice_id", operator: "eq", value: parseInt(invoice_id) });
logic: "and",
filters: filters

KendoGrid doesn't work in kendoTabStrip

I'm using kendoTabStrip as is shown on KendoUI Page. In my case in each div I have rendered partial view. In a few of my partial views I have additionaly kendoGrid.
When I reload page in any tab and go to tab which contain kendoGrid then it do not work correctly. For example: I'm on tab#0 and go for tab#3 which contain kendoGrid with pagination, then pagination is not display. But when I reload it then pagination works fine.
What can I do to my Grids works inside TabStrip?
Any help would be appreciated.
My implementation of tabstrip
animation: { open: { effects: false} },
select: function (e) {
document.location.hash = 'tab-' + $(e.item).index();
var tabStrip = $('#tabStrip').data('kendoTabStrip');
var tabId = 0;
var scheduledId = 0;
if (document.location.hash.match(/tab-/) == 'tab-') {
tabId = document.location.hash.substr(5);
if (document.location.hash.match(/scheduled-/) == 'scheduled-') {
tabId = 1;
scheduledId = document.location.hash.substr(11);
editSchedule('/admin/Course/Scheduled/' + scheduledId + '/Edit/' );
So I need it to make some rewrites from controller.
To fix this problem we must change :
animation: { open: { effects: false} },
select: function (e) {
document.location.hash = 'tab-' + $(e.item).index();
animation: { open: { effects: false} },
select: function (e) {
document.location.hash = 'tab-' + $(e.item).index();
activate: function(e) {
$(e.contentElement).find('.k-state-active [data-role="grid"]').each(function() {
Event activate is 'Triggered just after a tab is being made visible, but before the end of the animation'. So we must refresh our grids then becouse js counts widths of hidden elements wrong.
I put together an example of Grids working inside of a TabStrip: Maybe, I am missing part of what you are asking in your question. If so, you can modify the jsfiddle to clarify what the problem is.
<div id="tabstrip">
<li>Grid 1</li>
<li>Grid 2</li>
<li>Grid 3</li>
<div><div id="grid1"></div></div>
<div><div id="grid2"></div></div>
<div><div id="grid3"></div></div>
var tabstrip = $("#tabstrip").kendoTabStrip().data("kendoTabStrip");;
columns: [
{ field: "FirstName", title: "First Name" },
{ field: "LastName", title: "Last Name" }
dataSource: {
data: [
{ FirstName: "Joe", LastName: "Smith" },
{ FirstName: "Jane", LastName: "Smith" }
columns: [
{ field: "FirstName", title: "First Name" },
{ field: "LastName", title: "Last Name" }
dataSource: {
data: [
{ FirstName: "Betty", LastName: "Lakna" },
{ FirstName: "Fumitaka", LastName: "Yamamoto" },
{ FirstName: "Fred", LastName: "Stevenson" }
columns: [
{ field: "Title", title: "Title" },
{ field: "Year", title: "Year" }
dataSource: {
data: [
{ Title: "Lost in Domtar", Year: "2012" },
{ Title: "Evergreen", Year: "2012" },
{ Title: "Fields of Yellow", Year: "2010" },
{ Title: "Where the Whistle Blows", Year: "2008" }
