Can RoleProvider be used without MembershipProvider? -

I would like to use RoleProvider in my application so that I can use the AuthorizeAttribute on my controller actions like so:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
However, I don't need (and don't want to use) a MembershipProvider as most of the authentication code has already been built in our 4.5 web application.
So can I simply use a custom RoleProvider without using/implementing an out-of-the-box MembershipProvider or custom MembershipProvider and be able to use the AuthorizeAttribute?
Thank you.


ASP.NET boilerplate: IInputDTO is not triggering Automatic Validation of DTO

I have created a DTO which implements IInputDTO.
public class CreateUserModel : IInputDto
When I receive a service call on my web api layer it doesn't seem to validate the DTO as it just goes through the flow of the service method
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Create(CreateUserModel createUserRequest)
I'm running ASP.NET Boilerplate 0.8.3
The support for ASP.NET boilerplate has answered me that this is currently not possible. Only classes which implement the IApplicationService are currently able to do this.
Link to issue on ASP.NET Boilerplate's issue page

VS2013 (RTW): Authentication differences in SPA template vs MVC5 template?

I've been playing with the new ASP.NET identity offerings in the VS2013 RTW MVC template (for "indivual user accounts"), and it works great: I am able to integrate Facebook login while customizing the way the data is serialized.
All well and good, but I noticed that if I create a new SPA app (instead of MVC), the authentication story seems very different. As an example:
From the SPA template:
public AccountController()
: this(Startup.UserManagerFactory(), Startup.OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat)
public AccountController(UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager,
ISecureDataFormat<AuthenticationTicket> accessTokenFormat)
UserManager = userManager;
AccessTokenFormat = accessTokenFormat;
From the MVC template:
public AccountController()
: this(new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext())))
public AccountController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
UserManager = userManager;
This is just the difference in constructors of the Account controller. There are many, many other differences as well. With the MVC version I was able to easily derive my own context class from ApplicationDBContext, and use that to store my own tables alongside the authentication tables. I couldn't figure out how to customize the data storage in the SPA template.
Also, the SPA template includes and uses this class:
public class ApplicationOAuthProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
The MVC template doesn't define (or use) this class.
I don't understand why there needs to be any differences at all between an MVC template and an SPA template.
Could anyone give me some guidance as to why authentication is handled so differently in these two templates? Starting a project from scratch, is there a preferred path to follow between the two? (It seems like the code in the MVC template is best, especially in terms of customizing how the data is stored by defining a custom EF Context class.)
Take MVC and SPA project templates as Controller vs ApiController implementation sample.
As well as CookieAuthentication and oAuthAuthentication.
MVC uses Controller at the first request as well as all subsequent requests (having request defined Action Methods).
SPA uses Controller at the first request to SPA and all other interactions are handled by ApiController.
MVC uses cookie authentication.
SPA uses oAuth authentication.
Now in real apps, we need to take mix of both. Stating this, you can use the IdentityModel.cs (ApplicationDBContext) and it's customized copy of MVC project in your SPA too.
In oAuth implementation, the token is issued in GrantResourceOwnerCredentials method of ApplicationOAuthProvider. The user verification uses the same database of Identity framework by default. Moreover, oAuth provide authentication check in ApiController. In the sample implementation, oAuth's ResourceOwner flow is provided where user's username and password are verified.
In my opinion, templates are starting point examples.
I did notice the same thing when I first looked at all the posts about changing the model for the user and I couldn't find the model in the SPA template. Of course, the difference as #jd4u pointed out is that one is based on Controller and the other on ApiController.
So, I decided to see what it would take to make the SPA solution use the same Identity Model extension as the MVC template. I created a post that goes through the process that I went through. There is a link at the bottom to download the code from GitHub.

How to Implement Role Based Authorization in MVC3 with Fluent NHibernate?

Our MVC3 application is using Fluent NHibernate and requires implementation of user login, authentication and authorization.
I've seen articles using the [Authorize] method in the controller classes. However, I'm not sure how this all works in our situation given that Fluent NHibernate is in use.
Can anyone share some suggestions as to how to make this work?
You could write a custom role provider implementing the RoleProvider class. In your custom implementation you of the RoleProvider class you could use whatever database access technology you want - FluentNhibernate or whatever. Basically you are interested in implementing the IsUserInRole method.
Then decorate your controllers/actions with the Authorize attribute:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public ActionResult Foo()
return Content("Only administrators can see this message");
And here's another blog post that covers writing a custom role provider in more details.

User Define Role and Right on Membership Provider on MVC

Dear All,
I am using the membership provider of MVC framework, Now i want to implement the Role and Right on My project, All the Role and Right is available on database so how can i implement the Role and Right? is there is any built in function which can i use? also i am using the Ado .net Data Entity Framework..
If I'm understanding what you want to do correctly, you have to annotate your Controller class or ActionResult with the Authorize attribute like this:
[Authorize(Roles="Domain Admins", Users="testuser")]
public class TestController : Controller {
Then as long as your membership provider is setup you should be good to go.
It may be worth mentioning that you can always check if a user is in a role with the following code.
User.IsInRole("Domain Admins");
If your using MVC2 then the default project template makes it easy. You should check out the AccountController and AccountModels in a default MVC2 template.
It sounds like you need a custom role provider:

ASP.NET MembershipProvider and StructureMap

I was using the default AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in my application. Authentication is performed via an AuthenticationService (since I'm also supporting other forms of membership like OpenID).
My AuthenticationService takes a MembershipProvider as a constructor parameter and I am injecting the dependency using StructureMap like so:
This will use the MembershipProvider configured in web.config. All this works great.
However, now I have rolled my own MembershipProvider that makes use of a repository class. Since the MembershipProvider isn't exactly IoC friendly, I added the following code to the MembershipProvider.Initialize method:
_membershipRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IMembershipRepository>();
However, this raises an exception, like StructureMap hasn't been initialized (cannot get instance of IMembershipRepository). However, if I remove the code and put breakpoints at my MembershipProvider's initialize method and my StructureMap bootstrapper, it does appear that StructureMap is configured before the MembershipProvider is initialized.
My only workaround so far is to add the above code to each method in the MembershipProvider that needs the repository. This works fine, but I am curious as to why I can't get my instance in the Initialize method. Is the MembershipProvider performing some internal initialization that runs before any of my own application code does?
Yes, the provider is initialized by the ASP.Net runtime when the AppDomain is spun up, far in advance of any execution of your code.
You will need to choose another point to do your composition, perhaps in Global.Application_???.
