Textmate 2 Ruby Run settings for current directory - ruby

I have Ruby 2.0.0 and TextMate 2 playing along nicely, after some TM_RUBY settings from this blog post.
However I have:
Test1.rb has File.open("Test2.rb")
In TM 1.5 this worked, whether I open TM at the RubyDevs levels and drill down, or if I open TM at the RubyLearn level.
In TM2 it gets "no such file or directory" if I open at RubyDevs level but is ok if I open at RubyLearn level.
It is also OK if I change to
This is clearly a settings issue of some sorts.
Any advise on this?

First of all, this has nothing to do with Textmate but with how Ruby handles that file path. So no need to fiddle with TM settings.
You are opening a file relative to the current working directory. If you run Test1.rb from the RubyDevs directory Test2.rb is not present in the current working directory, if you open the file from the RubyLearn directory it is.
To make it work from any directory you need to determine the directory of the Test1.rb file and add the Test2.rb path like this:
file = File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/Test2.rb')
Hope this helps!


How to get filepath to file in another folder unix?

I am trying to write some data in one Ruby file to a file in another folder but I am having trouble identifying the path to get to the file I want to write to.
My current code is:
File.write('../csv_fixtures/loans.csv', 'test worked!')
And my folder structure is as follows:
Where I am trying to run my code in 'run_spec.rb' and write to 'loans.csv'.
Additionally, this is the error I am getting:
Give the path relative to the working directory, not the file that you call File.write from. The working directory is the place you've navigated to through cd before calling the ruby code. If you ran rspec from the root of your project, then the working directory will also be the root. So, in this case, it looks like it would be ./spec/csv_fixtures/loans.csv. You can run puts Dir.pwd to see the working directory that all paths should be relative to.
If you wanted to something more like require_relative, you have to use some sort of workaround to turn it into an absolute path, such as File.dirname(__FILE__) which gives the absolute path of the folder containing the current file:
path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__, "../csv_fixtures/loans.csv"))

Get current path with äöüè in name (__FILE__)

Using Windows, I've experienced a slight annoyance when using __FILE__ to get the current location of a file or the absolute path of another file with
File.expand_path("lib/other", File.dirname(__FILE__))
This doesn't work though if the folder has characters like äöüè and similar. This get's especially annoying if the windows username of a client contains such a character and my script necessarily lives inside the %appdata% folder.
To demonstrate my problem, C:\äüé\test.rb contains only
puts __FILE__
Running it:
> ruby C:\äüé\test.rb
Is there a reliable way to get the current file path?

How to (easily) get current file path in Sublime Text 3

How to (easily) get current file path in Sublime Text 3
I don't often use ST console (I used it only once to install package manager), but I suppose it could be good way to :
get current file path like some kind pwd command.
But it doesn't work.
Does anyone know an easy way to get current file path?
to clipboard : better not a strict objective in the answer
not necessary by ST command, maybe package?
Right click somewhere in the file (not on the title tab) --> Copy file path
If you don't want to use the mouse, you could set up a keyboard shortcut as explained here https://superuser.com/questions/636057/how-to-set-shortcut-for-copy-file-path-in-sublime-text-3
To easily copy the current file path, add the following to Key Bindings - User:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+c"], "command": "copy_path" },
Key Bindings - User can be opened via the command palette (command + p on OSX)
Easy to understand using image. On Right Click you will get this.
Transcribed code in image for convenience:
import sublime, sublime_plugin, os
class CopyFilenameCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
if len(self.view.file_name()) > 0:
filename = os.path.split(self.view.file_name())[1]
sublime.status_message("Copied file name: %s" % filename)
def is_enabled(self):
return self.view.file_name()... # can't see
Mac OS X - Sublime Text 3
Right click > Copy File Path
A lot of these answers involve touching the mouse. Here's how to do get the path without any mouse clicks using SideBarEnhancements
Install SideBarEnhancements using PackageControl.
Click super + shift + P to open the command palette
In the command palette begin typing path until you see File: Copy Path
Select File: Copy Path
Now the path to file you are working in is copied into your clipboard.
There is a Sublime Package which gives your current file location inside a status bar. I just cloned them directly to my /sublime-text-3/Packages folder.
git clone git#github.com:shagabutdinov/sublime-shell-status.git ShellStatus;
git clone git#github.com:shagabutdinov/sublime-status-message.git StatusMessage;
You have to check/read the description on GitHub. Even it is listed in package control it would not install properly for me. You can actually edit the shell output as you want. If you have the right skills with python/shell.
Looks like this (Material Theme)
If you're like me and always click on items in the sidebar just to realize that copying the path only works when clicking in the editor area, have a look at the SideBarEnhancements package. It has a huge bunch of options to copy file paths in a variety of different ways.
Installation is available via Package Control (despite the webpage only mentions installation via manual download).
Note: The package “sends basic, anonymous statistics”. The webpage explains how to opt out from that.
Go to this link. The code in the link is given by robertcollier4.
Create a file named CpoyFileName.py or whatever you like with .py extension.
Save the file in Sublime Text 3\Packages\User folder. Then paste the above given key bindings in your Preferences: Key Bindings file.
Now, you can use the specified key bindings to copy just filename or total (absolute) filepath.
Please note that the filename or filepath do contain file extension.
Fastest Solution ( No Packages Needed + Comprehensive ):
Folder Path:
Folder in "Sidebar"
Right Click
"Find In Folder"
"Where" field contains everything you need
File Path:
File in current "Tab"
Right Click
"Copy File Path"

open file with shell() in R

I want to open a file in a windows program using R, but specifying the program rather than the default for the file extension, and for a file not necesarrily in my current R session home directory (this one getwd())
From looking at the documentation, using shell(), should be the way, but I seem to have an issue with the way R references the home directory or the way I'm writing the string.
This works ok in the cmd "run" in windows: excel e:\test.xlsx
but using this
route <- "e:\\test.xlsx"
shell(paste("excel " , route, sep=""), flag="")
seems to get to excel (excel copyright notice is printed), but also prints the home directory and doesn't open the file in route. Thanks for any help.
Your command does the same for me. However, this works:
shell(paste("start", "excel", route))

Ruby: FileUtils.cp truncates file; FileUtils.mv it does not?

This is weird… and I can't figure out for the life of me why it's doing it this way.
I've got a folder full of various CoffeeScript, SASS, HTML, and XML files.
I've got a Ruby script that's taking them all, compiling them, and minifying them into one master XML file (it's for iGoogle Gadget development).
This script takes command line args using trollop (I only state this to clarify my code below).
I want this script to copy this file from the current directory where it's created to a destination directory where it will be run.
So far, the building/compiling/minifying step runs like magic. It's #3 that's borked to Twilight Zone-level.
if opts[:deploy_local]
FileUtils.cp 'build.xml', '/path/to/destination/'
puts "Copied #{written_file_name} to #{output_destination}." if opts[:verbose]
When this copies the file, the destination file is truncated about 3/4 of the way through it. The source file is just fine. However, moving the file works like a charm, for some strange reason.
FileUtils.mv 'build.xml', '/path/to/destination/'
To add another level of weirdness, if I just do a system copy, it also gets truncated.
system("cp build.xml /path/to/destination")
FWIW, I'm running this script from zsh and not bash. In both instances (copying and moving) the source and destination files are not in use by any other process.
Can anybody explain this freaky behavior?
A few things:
Are you moving to the same disk volume? If so, then, yeah, cam's comment about atomicity is definitely true; the OS is probably just messing with the inode table during a move, as opposed to writing out the data. IF you're moving the data between volumes, then it wouldn't be so simple.
Have you tried passing
:verbose => true
to the FileUtils.cp command? That might give a diagnostic about the failure.
