Uniformly distributing results in elastic search based on an attribute - elasticsearch

I am using tire to perform searches on sets of objects that have a category attribute (there are 6 different categories).
I want the results to come in pages of 6 with one of each category on a page (while it is possible).
Eg1. So if the first,second and third category had 2 objects each and the fourth, fifth and sixth categories had 1 object each the pages would look like:
Data: [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,6]
1: 1,2,3,4,5,6
2: 1,2,3
Eg2. [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5]
1: 1,2,3,4,5,1
2: 2,1,1,1
In something like ruby it wouldn't be too difficult to sort based on the number of times a number has appeared.
Something like
times_seen = {}
results.sort_by do |r|
times_seen[r.category] ||= 0
[times_seen[r.category] += 1, r.category]
irb(main):032:0> times_seen = {};[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5].sort_by{|i| times_seen[i] ||= 1; [times_seen[i] += 1, i];}
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1]
To do this with a large number of results would be really slow because we would need to pull them all into ruby first and then sort.
Ideally we want to do this in elastic search and let it handle the pagination for us.
There is Script based sorting in elastic search:
"query" : {
"sort" : {
"_script" : {
"script" : "doc['field_name'].value * factor",
"type" : "number",
"params" : {
"factor" : 1.1
"order" : "asc"
So if we could do something like this but have the times_seen logic from above in it, it would make life really easy, but it would require having a times_seen variable that persists between scripts.
Any ideas on how to achieve a uniform distribution based on an attribute or if it is possible to somehow use a variable in the script sort?


Elastic Ingest Pipeline split field and create a nested field

Dear freindly helpers,
I have an index that is fed by a database via Kafka. Now this database holds a field that aggregates a couple of pieces of information like so key/value; key/value; (don't ask for the reason, I have no idea who designed it liked that and why ;-) )
93/4; 34/12;
it can be empty, or it can hold 1..n key/value pairs.
I want to use an ingest pipeline and ideally have a "nested" field which holds all values that are in tha field.
Probably like this:
{ "93": 7,
"82": 4
The use case is the following: we want to visualize the sum of a filtered number of these categories (they tell me how many minutes a specific process took longer) and relate them in ranges.
Example: I filter categories x, y ,z and then group how many documents for the day had no delay, which had a delay up to 5 minutes and which had a delay between 5 and 15 minutes.
I have tried to get the fields neatly separated with the kv processor and wanted to work from there on but it was a complete wrong approach I guess.
"kv": {
"field": "IncomingField",
"field_split": ";",
"value_split": "/",
"target_field": "delays",
"ignore_missing": true,
"trim_key": "\\s",
"trim_value": "\\s",
"ignore_failure": true
When I test the pipeline it seems ok
"delays": {
"62": "3",
"86": "2"
but there are two things that don't work.
I can't know upfront how many of these combinations I have and thus converting the values from string t int in the same pipeline is an issue.
When I want to create a kibana index pattern I end up with many fields like delay.82 and delay.82.keyword which does not make sense at all for the usecase as I can't filter (get only the sum of delays where the key is one of x,y,z) and aggregate.
I have looked into other processors (dorexpander) but can't really get my head around how to get this working.
I hope my question is clear (I lack english skills, sorry) and that someone can point me at the right direction.
Thank you very much!
You should rather structure them as an array of objects with shared accessors, for instance:
[ {key: 93, value: 7}, ...]
That way, you'll be able to aggregate on categories.key and categories.value.
So this means iterating the categories' entrySet() using a custom script processor like so:
POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
"pipeline": {
"description": "extracts k/v pairs",
"processors": [
"script": {
"source": """
def categories = ctx.categories;
def kv_pairs = new ArrayList();
for (def pair : categories.entrySet()) {
def k = pair.getKey();
def v = pair.getValue();
kv_pairs.add(["key": k, "value": v]);
ctx.categories = kv_pairs;
"docs": [
"_source": {
"categories": {
"82": 4,
"93": 7
P.S.: Do make sure your categories field is mapped as nested b/c otherwise you'll lose the connections between the keys & the values (also called flattening).

Getting child documents

I have an Elasticsearch index. Each document in that index has a number (i.e 1, 2, 3, etc.) and an array named ChildDocumentIds. There are additional properties too. Still, each item in this array is the _id of a document that is related to this document.
I have a saved search named "Child Documents". I would like to use the number (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.) and get the child documents associated with it.
Is there a way to do this in Elastisearch? I can't seem to find a way to do a relational-type query in Elasticsearch for this purpose. I know it will be slow, but I'm o.k. with that.
The terms query allows you to do this. If document #1000 had child documents 3, 12, and 15 then the following two queries would return identical results:
"terms" : { "_id" : [3, 12, 15] }
"terms" : {
"_id" : {
"index" : <parent_index>,
"type" : <parent_type>,
"id" : 1000,
"path" : "ChildDocumentIds"
The reason that it requires you to specify the index and type a second time is that the terms query supports cross-index lookups.

How to normalize ElasticSearch scores?

For my project I need to find out which results of the searches are considered "good" matches. Currently, the scores vary wildly depending on the query, hence the need to normalize them somehow. Normalizing the scores would allow to select the results above a given threshold.
I found couple solutions for Lucene:
how do I normalise a solr/lucene score?
How would I go ahead and apply the same technique to ElasticSearch? Or perhaps there is already a solution that works with ES for score normalization?
As far as I searched, there is no way to get a normalized score out of elastic. You will have to hack it by making two queries. First will be a pilot query (preferably with size 1, but rest all attributes same) and it will fetch you the max_score. Then you can shoot your actual query and use functional_score to normalize the score. Pass the max_score you got as part of the pilot query in params to function_score and use it to normalize every score. Refer: This article snippet
It's a bit late.
We needed to normalise the ES score for one of our use cases. So, we wrote a plugin that overrides the ES Rescorer feature.
Supports min-max and z score.
Github: https://github.com/bkatwal/elasticsearch-score-normalizer
"query": {
... some query
"from" : 0,
"size" : 50,
"rescore" : {
"score_normalizer" : {
"normalizer_type" : "min_max",
"min_score" : 1,
"max_score" : 10
Usage z-score:
"query": {
... some query
"from" : 0,
"size" : 50,
"rescore" : {
"score_normalizer" : {
"normalizer_type" : "z_score",
"min_score" : 1,
"factor" : 0.6,
"factor_mode" : "increase_by_percent"
For complete documentation check the Github repository.

Sum field and sort on Solr

I'm implementing a grouped search in Solr. I'm looking for a way of summing one field and sort the results by this sum. With the following data example I hope it will be clearer.
"id" : 1,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 3
"id" : 2,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 1
"id" : 3,
"parent_id" : 33,
"valueToBeSummed": 1
"id" : 4,
"parent_id" : 5,
"valueToBeSummed": 21
If the search is made over this data I'd like to obtain
"numFound": 1,
"summedValue" : 21,
"parent_id" : 5
"numFound": 2,
"summedValue" : 4,
"parent_id" : 22
"numFound": 1,
"summedValue" : 1,
"parent_id" : 33
Do you have any advice on this ?
Solr 5.1+ (and 5.3) introduces Solr Facet functions to solve this exact issue.
From Yonik's introduction of the feature:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/query -d 'q=*:*&
type : terms,
field : cat,
sort : "x desc", // can also use sort:{x:desc}
x : "avg(price)",
y : "sum(price)"
So the suggestion would be to upgrade to the newest version of Solr (the most recent version is currently 5.2.1, be advised that some of the syntax that's on the above link will be landed in 5.3 - the current release target).
So you want to group your results on the field parent_id and inside each group you want to sum up the fields valueToBeSummed and then you want to sort the entire results (the groups) by this new summedvalue field. That is a very interesting use case...
Unfortunately, I don't think there is a built in way of doing what you have asked.
There are function queries which you can use to sort, there is a group.func parameter also, but they will not do what you have asked.
Have you already indexed this data? Or are you still in the process of charting out how to store this data? If its the latter then one possible way would be to have a summedvalue field for each documents and calculate this as and when a document gets indexed. For example, given the sample documents in your question, the first document will be indexed as
"id" : 1,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 3
"summedvalue": 3
"timestamp": current-timestamp
Before indexing the second document id:2 with parent_id:22 you will run a solr query to get the last indexed document with parent_id:22
Solr Query q=parent_id:22&sort=timestamp desc&rows=1
and add the summedvalue of id:1 with valueToBeSummed of id:2
So the next document will be indexed as
"id" : 2,
"parent_id" : 22,
"valueToBeSummed": 1
"summedvalue": 4
"timestamp": current-timestamp
and so on.
Once you have documents indexed this way, you can run a regular solr query with &group=true&group.field=parent_id&sort=summedValue.
Please do let us know how you decide to implement it. Like I said its a very interesting use case! :)
You can add the below query
select?q=*:*&stats=true&stats.field={!tag=piv1 sum=true}valueToBeSummed&facet=true&facet.pivot={!stats=piv1 facet.sort=index}parent_id&wt=json&indent=true
You need to use Stats Component for the requirement. You can get more information here. The idea is first define on what you need to have stats on. Here it is valueToBeSummed, and then we need to group on parent_id. We use facet.pivot for this functionality.
Regarding sort, when we do grouping, the default sorting order is based on count in each group. We can define based on the value too. I have done this above using facet.sort=index. So it sorted on parent_id which is the one we used for grouping. But your requirement is to sort on valueToBeSummed which is different from the grouping attribute.
As of now not sure, if we can achieve that. But will look into it and let you know.
In short, you got the grouping, you got the sum above. Just sort is pending

ElasticSearch Custom Scoring with Arrays

Could anyone advice me on how to do custom scoring in ElasticSearch when searching for an array of keywords from an array of keywords?
For example, let's say there is an array of keywords in each document, like so:
{ // doc 1
keywords : [
red : {
weight : 1
green : {
weight : 2.0
blue : {
weight: 3.0
yellow : {
weight: 4.3
{ // doc 2
keywords : [
red : {
weight : 1.9
pink : {
weight : 7.2
white : {
weight: 3.1
And I want to get scores for each documents based on a search that matches keywords against this array:
keywords : [
red : {
weight : 2.2
blue : {
weight : 3.3
But instead of just determining whether they match, I want to use a very specific scoring algorithm:
Scoring a single field is easy enough, but I don't know how to manage it with arrays. Any thoughts?
Ah an interesting question! (And one I think we can solve with some communication)
Firstly, have you looked at custom script scoring? I'm pretty sure you can do this slowly with that. If you were to do this I would consider doing a rescore phase where scoring is only calculated after the doc is known to be a hit.
However I think you can do this with elasticsearch machinery. As I can work out you are doing a dot-product between docs, (where the weights are actually half way between what you are specifying and 1).
So, my first suggestion remove the x/2n term from your "custom scoring" (dot product) and put your weights half way between 1 and the custom weight (e.g. 1.9 => 1.45).
... I'm sorry I will have to come back and edit this question. I was thinking about using nested docs with a field defined boost level, but alas, the _boost mapping parameter is only available for the root doc
p.s. Just had a thought, you could have fields with defined boost levels and store teh terms there, then you can do this easily but you loose precision. A doc would then look like:
"boost_1": ["aquamarine"],
"boost_2": null, //don't need to send this, just showing for clarity
"boost_5": ["burgundy", "fuschia"]
You could then define a these boostings in your mapping. One thing to note is a fields boost value carries over to the _all field, so you would now have a bag of weighted terms in your _all field, then you could construct a bool: should query, with lots of term queries with different boost (for the weights of the second doc).
Let me know what you think! A very, very interesting question.
