Include an image into a "mailto" mail? - image

The title might not be clear - I'm creating an app in Unity and I want it to start the device's default mail client to create a new mail. I can easily do that with mailto. What I don't know how to do is include an image in the mail being composed. In any way: as an attachment, as a part of the mail body or whatever. But it's a local image, so I can't just put a link to it in the mail.
Is it even possible? If so, how?

I doubt if you can do it as the mailto page doesn't mention this as one of the parameters.
At best you can add body and subject.No attachments I suppose
However a hack you can try is in the body that you include
add <img src="your image src"> and hopefully the mail client will recognise this as html markup and render the image when the client opens up.
I haven't tried this though.


How to prevent base 64 format signature images being dropped in Outlook Web App when updating the email body with Office.js?

I’m working on an add-in for Microsoft Outlook to add content to a draft email in compose view.
Our add-in fetches the existing content of the draft with the Office.js method Office.context.mailbox.item.body.getAsync() using a coercion type of HTML, adding our new content to the HTML that is returned, and then replacing the draft email’s body with our updated HTML using the method Office.context.mailbox.item.body.setAsync() with a coercion type of HTML again.
It looks like when we do this from inside the Outlook Web App, any base 64 format images in the signature are dropped when we set the email’s body using the setAsync() method. Looking at the email body html, I see that the element still exists in the email, but it has no src attribute anymore.
Is there anything we can do to prevent these images from being lost?
I’ve noticed in the Office.js documentation there is a prependAsync() method to prepend content to the email body without changing the rest of it. Is there a way to reliably append content to the end of the email body too? If so, we could use that as a workaround in our case.
Inserting base 64 encoded images is currently not supported in the Outlook Add-in platform. However, we track Outlook add-in feature requests on our user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered when we go through our planning process.

Send an email with the editable pdf placed in an iframe

I have a website built with Laravel and I need that the customer fills a editable PDF and send it to an specific address.
Instead of asking them to download it, fill it in local and then send it, I have created a new page in my site where I placed the editable PDF using an iframe.
Now, I would like to add a button that once the customer fills the PDF, it sends it automatically.
Does anybody know how to achieved this or is it not possible?
I am trying to do it using ajax, calling a method in my controller that will send the email using a template and with an attachment, but I don't know how to pass the PDF filled to it from the view(iframe).
Thank you in advance

Images not popping up in Outlook when sending newsletter

I send out newsletters for the company I work for. Since graphic artists have to create images, I usually end up testing my newsletters with temporary images that are from older newsletters. But whenever I overwrite the image in my ftp folder with the new one, it will not appear in Dreamweaver. Worst of all, outlook users do not see the image. They will either see the old image or see the red X.
As for me, I use thunderbird and I see the correct the image. The image also correctly appears on the website.
I have tried clearing the cache of dreamweaver, by deleting this file to no avail.:
Delete C:\Documents and Settings{username}\Application
This is an example of the code I use
<img border="0" src="http://www.******.com/***/***/2013/gpd_banner_fr.jpg" style="display:block;" alt="BANNIÈRE" />
Any tips?
If you put the URL http://www.******.com/***/***/2013/gpd_banner_fr.jpg into the browser, does it exist?
If so, now in Outlook, scroll to the bottom of your email and right click > view source. What URL is showing in your email code?
Assuming it is different, it has something to do with how you are sending it. Are you using an email service provider? How are you uploading the images?

How to capture screen application to .jpg and post it on wall

now i'm making application for facebook with javascript.but I don't know method to change my screen application to .jpg file.
So,I would like to know how to change my application and post it
Thank you for your help.
You cannot get the screenshot done client side, however you can grab the HTML code of the page being viewed and AJAX it up to your server, have your server component transform that HTML into an image.
Use this to get the HTML content of the page at the moment they want the screen capture document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
AJAX the HTML to your server
Have your server transform that HTML into an image (depending upon server-side technology you're using, there are solutions to this) (eg
two choice, store the image on your server to be the permanent place sending back the new URL for the image, or send the content back to the client.
Have the client HTTP Post the image content to Facebook for the post, or reference the URL
It's a big project, but I commend you for tackling something like this.

using ckEditor to send emails, problem with images

I'm using the ckEditor (
my goal is to send the the text entered as an email message.
I get the contents of the editr as suggested in the docs:
var message = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();
then send the message to a webmethod on the server side, and it sends ok.
the problem is: the images are added as an img tag, and get the local directory address, so it cannot be viewed on the recipients side.
how can I add the images to the email message?
thanks in advance!
You need to use a file uploader. CKFinder integrates nicely with CKEditor. Free for demo use (and open source projects I think), but about $70 for commercial use.
