user defined sorting functions, how to properly use them? - sorting

I have always used this method for accomplishing this kind of sort,
but doesn't look correct to me
usort($array, function($team1, $team2){
$t1 = ($team1->points * 1000) + ($team1->goalsFor - $team1->goalsAgainst);
$t2 = ($team2->points * 1000) + ($team2->goalsFor - $team2->goalsAgainst);
if($t1 == $t2) return 0;
return $t1 > $t2 ? 1 : -1;
an alternative to this method is to use str_pad, which does nearly the same
basically what I do is to separate with zeros the sorting subjects
$t1 = 32008; // 32 points with a GD of 8
$t2 = 32003; // 32 points with a GD of 3
but what if a team got a weird goals difference?
$t1 = 32008; // 32 points with a GD of 8
$t2 = 33000; // 32 points with a GD of 1000
clearly this can't happen, but it's an example
is this a good way? how about the 32-64 bit / floating numbers [im]precision limits?
does someone have suggestions for this?
thank you :)
feel free to improve the title

A better approach is this:
function ($team1, $team2) {
if ($team1->points != $team2->points) {
return $team1->points > $team2->points ? 1 : -1;
$diff1 = $team1->goalsFor - $team1->goalsAgainst;
$diff2 = $team2->goalsFor - $team2->goalsAgainst;
if ($diff1 != $diff2) {
return $diff1 > $diff2 ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
Or, in Java (using Guava), I'd write it like this:
public int compare(Team team1, Team team2) {
return ComparisonChain.start()
.compare(team1.getPoints(), team2.getPoints)
.compare(team1.getGoalsFor() - team1.getGoalsAgainst(),
team2.getGoalsFor() - team2.getGoalsAgainst())
Clearly, PHP doesn't have ComparisonChain, but it shouldn't be hard to implement.


Getting non overlapping between two dates with Carbon

UseCase: Admin assigns tasks to People. Before we assign them we can see their tasks in a gantt chart. According to the task assign date and deadline, conflict days (overlap days) are generated between tasks.
I wrote this function to get overlapping dates between two dates. But now I need to get non overlapping days between two dates, below is the function I wrote.
$tasks = Assign_review_tasks::where('assigned_to', $employee)
->where('is_active', \Constants::$REVIEW_ACTIVE)
$obj['task'] = count($tasks);
// count($tasks));
if (count($tasks) > 0) {
if (count($tasks) > 1) {
$start_one = $tasks[count($tasks) - 1]->start_date;
$end_one = $tasks[count($tasks) - 1]->end_date;
$end_two = $tasks[count($tasks) - 2]->end_date;
$start_two = $tasks[count($tasks) - 2]->start_date;
if ($start_one <= $end_two && $end_one >= $start_two) { //If the dates overlap
$obj['day'] = Carbon::parse(min($end_one, $end_two))->diff(Carbon::parse(max($start_two, $start_one)))->days + 1; //return how many days overlap
} else {
$obj['day'] = 0;
// $arr[] = $obj;
} else {
$obj['day'] = 0;
} else {
$obj['day'] = 0;
$arr[] = $obj;
start_date and end_date are taken from database,
I tried modifying it to,
(Carbon::parse((min($end_one, $end_two))->add(Carbon::parse(max($start_two, $start_one))))->days)->diff(Carbon::parse(min($end_one, $end_two))->diff(Carbon::parse(max($start_two, $start_one)))->days + 1);
But it didn't work, in simple terms this is what I want,
Non conflicting days = (end1-start1 + end2-start2)- Current overlapping days
I'm having trouble translate this expression . Could you help me? Thanks in advance
before trying to reimplement complex stuff I recommend you take a look at enhanced-period for Carbon
composer require cmixin/enhanced-period
CarbonPeriod::diff macro method is what I think you're looking for:
use Carbon\CarbonPeriod;
use Cmixin\EnhancedPeriod;
$a = CarbonPeriod::create('2018-01-01', '2018-01-31');
$b = CarbonPeriod::create('2018-02-10', '2018-02-20');
$c = CarbonPeriod::create('2018-02-11', '2018-03-31');
$current = CarbonPeriod::create('2018-01-20', '2018-03-15');
foreach ($current->diff($a, $b, $c) as $period) {
foreach ($period as $day) {
echo $day . "\n";
This will output all the days that are in $current but not in any of the other periods. (E.g. non-conflicting days)

Amibroker AFL code Buy Sell status is not fetching with if condition

I have AFL which is working fine for crude oil. out of 10 trades, 8 trades are targets hitting. I have code for place orders auto trades. the auto trade code is working fine with other AFL codes but the problem is in below algorithm the BUY and SELL Boolean value is not giving to IF condition. But IIF(Buy .... conditions are working fine.
My main question is why BUY Sell True or false is not working in the last status in AFL. Kindly help me to resolve this.
_SECTION_BEGIN("T+4 day ");
Title = " ..:: duy ::.. - Filter of Stock " + " " + FullName() + " " + Date( ) ;
// 4-Day-Range Switch
col=IIf(state == 1 ,51,IIf(state ==0,4,1));
PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * s ,6,0,L);
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow *ss ,4,0,H);
dist = 0.8*ATR(10);
dist1 = 2*ATR(10);
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if( Buy )
PlotText( "\nBuy:" + L[ i ] + "\nT= " + (L*1.005) + "\nSL= " + (L*0.9975), i, L[ i ]-dist, colorGreen, colorWhite );
if( Sell )
PlotText( "Sell:" + H[ i ] + "\nT= " + (H*0.995) + "\nSL= " + (H*1.0025), i, H[ i ]+dist1, colorRed, colorWhite );
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
if ( LastValue(Buy)==1)
orderId=placeOrderFuture("MCX", "FUTCOM", ChartSymbol, "BUY", "INTRADAY", "MARKET", quantity, 0, defaultTriggerPrice(), "19-APR-2018", defaultStrategyId(), defaultComments());
//orderId = placeOrderUsingParams(tradeType, AT_ORDER_TYPE, AT_QUANTITY, buyPrice, defaultTriggerPrice(), 1);
if ( LastValue(Sell) == 1 )
orderId=placeOrderFuture("MCX", "FUTCOM", ChartSymbol, "SELL", "INTRADAY", "MARKET", quantity, 0, defaultTriggerPrice(), "19-APR-2018", defaultStrategyId(), defaultComments());
//orderId = placeOrderUsingParams("SELL", AT_ORDER_TYPE, AT_QUANTITY, sellPrice, defaultTriggerPrice(), 1);
LastValue documentation
With if statements, you need to specify a specific bar. And according to the documentation, LastValue may look into the future. I can't say for sure what's happening with your code, but the loops/if/switch can be tricky. This tutorial Looping in Amibroker might give you some insights into how they work.
You may try SelectedValue instead. If you haven't got any bars selected, it automatically defaults to the last bar. I use this for my realtime trading.
bi = SelectedValue(BarIndex());
On an unrelated note, your text plots aren't going to plot unfiltered signals, put your ExRem code under your initial Buy and Sell conditions.

smarty, 1000 to 1K , 1000000 to 1M

I'm far from a programmer, just a webmaster and I've been trying to figure out how to get 1K instead of 1000.
After a long time I finally had something working:
function insert_viewer_count_format( $options ) {
return ($options['count'] >= 10 ? number_format($options['count'] / 1000, 2) . 'K' : 10);}
But.. now it's only showing up K, so 10 becomes 0.01K which is kinda silly..
Anybody knows how I can include an if statement in there? I'd also like 1M instead of 1000000.
Thanks a lot in advance, I really appreciate helping me on this!
Try this:
$options['count'] = 4000;
if ($options['count'] >= 1000 && $options['count'] % 1000 == 0 ) {
$result = ($options['count']/1000) . 'K';
} else {
$result = number_format($options['count'] / 1000, 2);

Algorithm to do numeric profile of the string

I have few file similar to below, and I am trying to do numeric profiling as mentioned in the image
>File Sample
I have to map each substring of size 2 and then map it to 33 value for different ptoperties and then add as per the window size of 5.
my %temp = (
aCount => {
aa =>2
cCount => {
aa => 0
My current implementation include as per below ,
while (<FILE>) {
my $line = $_;
chomp $line;
while ($line=~/(.{2})/og) {
$subStr = $1;
if (exists $temp{aCount}{$subStr}) {
push #{$temp{aCount_array}},$temp{aCount}{$subStr};
if (scalar(#{$temp{aCount_array}}) == $WINDOW_SIZE) {
my $sum = eval (join('+',#{$temp{aCount_array}}));
shift #{$temp{aCount_array}};
#Similar approach has been taken to other 33 rules
if (exists $temp{cCount}{$subStr}) {
#similar approach
$line =~s/.{1}//og;
is there any other approach to increase the speed of the overall process
Regular expressions are awesome, but they can be overkill when all you need are fixed width substrings. Alternatives are substr
$len = length($line);
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i+=2) {
$subStr = substr($line,$i,2);
or unpack
foreach $subStr (unpack "(A2)*", $line) {
I don't know how much faster either of these will be than regular expressions, but I know how I would find out.

Perl to Ruby conversion (multidimensional arrays)

I'm just trying to get my head around a multidimensional array creation from a perl script i'm currently converting to Ruby, I have 0 experience in Perl, as in i opened my first Perl script this morning.
Here is the original loop:
my $tl = {};
for my $zoom ($zoommin..$zoommax) {
my $txmin = lon2tilex($lonmin, $zoom);
my $txmax = lon2tilex($lonmax, $zoom);
# Note that y=0 is near lat=+85.0511 and y=max is near
# lat=-85.0511, so lat2tiley is monotonically decreasing.
my $tymin = lat2tiley($latmax, $zoom);
my $tymax = lat2tiley($latmin, $zoom);
my $ntx = $txmax - $txmin + 1;
my $nty = $tymax - $tymin + 1;
printf "Schedule %d (%d x %d) tiles for zoom level %d for download ...\n",
$ntx*$nty, $ntx, $nty, $zoom
unless $opt{quiet};
$tl->{$zoom} = [];
for my $tx ($txmin..$txmax) {
for my $ty ($tymin..$tymax) {
push #{$tl->{$zoom}},
{ xyz => [ $tx, $ty, $zoom ] };
and what i have so far in Ruby:
tl = []
for zoom in zoommin..zoommax
txmin = cm.tiles.xtile(lonmin,zoom)
txmax = cm.tiles.xtile(lonmax,zoom)
tymin = cm.tiles.ytile(latmax,zoom)
tymax = cm.tiles.ytile(latmin,zoom)
ntx = txmax - txmin + 1
nty = tymax - tymin + 1
tl[zoom] = []
for tx in txmin..txmax
for ty in tymin..tymax
tl[zoom] << xyz = [tx,ty,zoom]
puts tl
The part i'm unsure of is nested right at the root of the loops, push #{$tl->{$zoom}},{ xyz => [ $tx, $ty, $zoom ] };
I'm sure this will be very simple for a seasoned Perl programmer, thanks! `
The Perl code is building up a complex data structure in $tl -- hash, array, hash, array:
$tl{$zoom}[i]{xyz}[j] = $tx # j = 0
$tl{$zoom}[i]{xyz}[j] = $ty # j = 1
$tl{$zoom}[i]{xyz}[j] = $zoom # j = 2
So I think the key line in your Ruby code should be like this:
tl[zoom] << { 'xzy' => [tx,ty,zoom] }
Note also that the root item ($tl) refers to a hash in the Perl code, while your Ruby code initializes it to be an array. That difference might cause problems for you, depending on the values that $zoom takes.
