Largest prime factor in Ruby, without using require 'prime' - ruby

I'm trying to find the largest prime factor for a number x in Ruby, without using require 'prime'.
Here is the code
x=13195; n=2; max=n;
for n in (2...x)
if (x%n==0)
for y in (1...n)
if n%y==0
if prime
puts max
I know the code is loop-extensive. And it not very "Ruby-like'. I just need to understand the logical error in my code.

x is an array
x=13195, n=2, max=n # => x == [13195, 2, 2]
you need
x=13195; n=2; max=n;
so, it's obvious that (2...[13195, 2, 2]) is an invalid Range

require 'rubygems'
require 'prime'
x = 13195
#Solution suggested by steenslag
max = x.prime_divison.last.first
puts max # => 29


Displaying factors of a number prompted by a user

I am trying to create a program that prompts a user to input a number and then checks if its a prime number. I am also trying to get it to display the factors if it isn't a prime number.
I managed to create the first part of the program, but I am struggling with the last part.
def prime(n)
is_prime = true
for i in 2..n-1
if n % i == 0
is_prime = false
if is_prime
puts "#{n} is a prime number"
puts "#{n} is not a prime number =>"
At this step:
puts "#{n} is not a prime number =>"
I want to incorporate the displaying of factors, let's say the number is 8
8 is not a prime number => 1, 2, 4, 8
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Try this code:
def factors(n)
(1..n/2).select{|e| (n%e).zero?}.push(n)
factors(8) => [1,2,4,8]
and your last step will look as:
puts "#{n} is not a prime number =>#{factors(n).join(',')}"
By the way: for check if number is prime, advice to use Sieve of Eratosthenes.

How do I generate the first n prime numbers?

I am learning Ruby and doing some math stuff. One of the things I want to do is generate prime numbers.
I want to generate the first ten prime numbers and the first ten only. I have no problem testing a number to see if it is a prime number or not, but was wondering what the best way is to do generate these numbers?
I am using the following method to determine if the number is prime:
class Integer < Numeric
def is_prime?
return false if self <= 1
2.upto(Math.sqrt(self).to_i) do |x|
return false if self%x == 0
In Ruby 1.9 there is a Prime class you can use to generate prime numbers, or to test if a number is prime:
require 'prime'
Prime.take(10) #=> [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
Prime.take_while {|p| p < 10 } #=> [2, 3, 5, 7] #=> true
Prime implements the each method and includes the Enumerable module, so you can do all sorts of fun stuff like filtering, mapping, and so on.
If you'd like to do it yourself, then something like this could work:
class Integer < Numeric
def is_prime?
return false if self <= 1
2.upto(Math.sqrt(self).to_i) do |x|
return false if self%x == 0
def next_prime
n = self+1
n = n + 1 until n.is_prime?
Now to get the first 10 primes:
e = do |y|
n = 2
loop do
y << n
n = n.next_prime
primes = e.take 10
require 'prime'
Prime.first(10) # => [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
Check out Sieve of Eratosthenes. This is not Ruby specific but it is an algorithm to generate prime numbers. The idea behind this algorithm is that you have a list/array of numbers say
You grab the first number, 2. Go through the list and eliminate everything that is divisible by 2. You will be left with everything that is not divisible by 2 other than 2 itself (e.g. [2,3,5,7,9,11...999]
Go to the next number, 3. And again, eliminate everything that you can divide by 3. Keep going until you reach the last number and you will get an array of prime numbers. Hope that helps.
People already mentioned the Prime class, which definitely would be the way to go. Someone also showed you how to use an Enumerator and I wanted to contribute a version using a Fiber (it uses your Integer#is_prime? method):
primes = do
Fiber.yield 2
value = 3
loop do
Fiber.yield value if value.is_prime?
value += 2
10.times { p primes.resume }
# First 10 Prime Numbers
number = 2
count = 1
while count < 10
j = 2
while j <= number
break if number%j == 0
j += 1
if j == number
puts number
count += 1
number += 1
Implemented the Sieve of Eratosthene (more or less)
def primes(size)
(size/2+1).times do |n|
if(arr[n]!=nil) then
while cnt <= max do
Moreover here is a one-liner I like a lot
def primes_c a
p=[];(2..a).each{|n| p.any?{|l|n%l==0}?nil:p.push(n)};p
Of course those will find the primes in the first n numbers, not the first n primes, but I think an adaptation won't require much effort.
Here is a way to generate the prime numbers up to a "max" argument from scratch, without using Prime or Math. Let me know what you think.
def prime_test max
primes = []
(1..max).each {|num|
(2..num-1).all? {|denom| num%denom >0}
puts primes
prime_test #enter max
I think this may be an expensive solution for very large max numbers but seems to work well otherwise:
def multiples array
target = array.shift{|item| item if target % item == 0}.compact
def prime? number
reversed_range_array = *(2..number).reverse_each
multiples_of_number = multiples(reversed_range_array)
multiples_of_number.size == 0 ? true : false
def primes_in_range max_number
range_array = *(2..max_number){|number| number if prime?(number)}.compact
class Numeric
def prime?
return self == 2 if self % 2 == 0
(3..Math.sqrt(self)).step(2) do |x|
return false if self % x == 0
With this, now returns true, and returns false.
Without going to the efforts to implement the sieve algorithm, time can still be saved quickly by only verifying divisibility until the square root, and skipping the odd numbers. Then, iterate through the numbers, checking for primeness.
Remember: human time > machine time.
I did this for a coding kata and used the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
puts "Up to which number should I look for prime numbers?"
number = $stdin.gets.chomp
n = number.to_i
array = (1..n).to_a
i = 0
while array[i]**2 < n
i = i + 1
array = do |element|
element % array[i] != 0 || element / array[i] == 1
puts array.drop(1)
Ruby: Print N prime Numbers
include Math
def print_n_prime_number(no_of_primes=nil)
no_of_primes = 100 if no_of_primes.nil?
puts "1 \n2"
count = 1
number = 3
while count < no_of_primes
sq_rt_of_num = Math.sqrt(number)
number_divisible_by = 2
while number_divisible_by <= sq_rt_of_num
break if(number % number_divisible_by == 0)
number_divisible_by = number_divisible_by + 1
if number_divisible_by > sq_rt_of_num
puts number
count = count+1
number = number + 2
Not related at all with the question itself, but FYI:
if someone doesn't want to keep generating prime numbers again and again (a.k.a. greedy resource saver)
or maybe you already know that you must to work with subsequent prime numbers in some way
other unknown and wonderful cases
Try with this snippet:
require 'prime'
for p in
# `p` brings subsequent prime numbers until the end of the days (or until your computer explodes)
# so here put your fabulous code
break if #.. I don't know, I suppose in some moment it should stop the loop
If you need it, you also could use another more complex generators as Prime::TrialDivisionGenerator or Prime::EratosthenesGenerator. More info
Here's a super compact method that generates an array of primes with a single line of code.
def get_prime(up_to)
(2..up_to).select { |num| (2...num).all? { |div| (num % div).positive? } }
def get_prime(number)
(2..number).each do |no|
if ( {|num| no % num > 0}
puts no

Iterate over an infinite sequence in Ruby

I am trying to solve Project Euler problem #12:
The sequence of triangle numbers is generated by adding the natural
numbers. So the 7th triangle number
would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 =
28. The first ten terms would be:
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ...
Let us list the factors of the first seven triangle numbers:
1: 1
3: 1,3
6: 1,2,3,6
10: 1,2,5,10
15: 1,3,5,15
21: 1,3,7,21
28: 1,2,4,7,14,28
We can see that 28 is the first triangle number to have over five
What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five
hundred divisors?
Here's the solution that I came up with using Ruby:
triangle_number = 1
(2..9_999_999_999_999_999).each do |i|
triangle_number += i
num_divisors = 2 # 1 and the number divide the number always so we don't iterate over the entire sequence
(2..( i/2 + 1 )).each do |j|
num_divisors += 1 if i % j == 0
if num_divisors == 500 then
puts i
I shouldn't be using an arbitrary huge number like 9_999_999_999_999_999. It would be better if we had a Math.INFINITY sequence like some functional languages. How can I generate a lazy infinite sequence in Ruby?
Several answers are close but I don't actually see anyone using infinite ranges. Ruby supports them just fine.
Inf = Float::INFINITY # Ruby 1.9
Inf = 1.0/0 # Ruby before 1.9
# => true
# => 24.0
In your case
(2..Inf).find {|i| ((2..( i/2 + 1 )).select{|j| i % j == 0}.count+2)==42 }
=> 2880
Your brute force method is crude and can, potentially, take a very long time to finish.
In Ruby >= 1.9, you can create an Enumerator object that yields whatever sequence you like. Here's one that yields an infinite sequence of integers:
sequence = do |yielder|
number = 0
loop do
number += 1
yielder.yield number
5.times do
# => 1
# => 2
# => 3
# => 4
# => 5
sequence.each do |i|
puts i
break if i >= 5
sequence.take(5).each { |i| puts i }
Programming Ruby 1.9 (aka "The Pickaxe Book"), 3rd. ed., p. 83, has an example of an Enumerator for triangular numbers. It should be easy to modify the Enumerator above to generate triangular numbers. I'd do it here, but that would reproduce the example verbatim, probably more than "fair use" allows.
Infinity is defined on Float (Ruby 1.9)
a = Float::INFINITY
puts a #=> Infinity
b = -a
puts a*b #=> -Infinity, just toying
1.upto(a) {|x| break if x >10; puts x}
Currrent versions of Ruby support generators heavily:
sequence = 1.step
In Ruby 2.6 this becomes much easier:
(1..).each {|n| ... }
This would be best as a simple loop.
triangle_number = 1
i = 1
while num_divisors < 500
i += 1
triangle_number += i
# ...
puts i
As Amadan mentioned you can use closures:
triangle = lambda { t = 0; n = 1; lambda{ t += n; n += 1; t } }[]
10.times { puts triangle[] }
Don't really think it is much slower than a loop. You can save state in class object too, but you will need more typing:
class Tri
def initialize
#t = 0
#n = 1
def next
#t += n
#n += 1
t =
10.times{ puts }
For those who like longjmps:
require "generator"
tri = do |g|
t, n = 0, 1
loop do
t += n
n += 1
g.yield t
puts (0..19).map{ }.inspect
Building on Wayne's excellent answer and in the Ruby spirit of doing things with the least number of characters here is a slightly updated version:
sequence = { |yielder| 1.step { |num| yielder.yield num } }
Obviously, doesn't solve the original Euler problem but is good for generating an infinite sequence of integers. Definitely works for Ruby > 2.0. Enjoy!
On Christmas Day 2018, Ruby introduced the endless range, providing a simple new approach to this problem.
This is implemented by ommitting the final character from the range, for example:
Or to update using Jonas Elfström's solution:
(2..).find { |i| ((2..( i / 2 + 1 )).select { |j| i % j == 0 }.count + 2) == 42 }
Hope this proves useful to someone!
I believe that fibers (added in Ruby 1.9 I believe) may be close to what you want. See here for some information or just search for Ruby Fibers

More ruby-like solution to this problem?

I am learning ruby and practicing it by solving problems from Project Euler.
This is my solution for problem 12.
# Project Euler problem: 12
# What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors?
require 'prime'
triangle_number = ->(num){ (num *(num + 1)) / 2 }
factor_count = ->(num) do
prime_fac = Prime.prime_division(num)
exponents = prime_fac.collect { |item| item.last + 1 }
fac_count = exponents.inject(:*)
n = 2
loop do
tn = triangle_number.(n)
if factor_count.(tn) >= 500
puts tn
n += 1
Any improvements that can be made to this piece of code?
As others have stated, Rubyists will use methods or blocks way more than lambdas.
Ruby's Enumerable is a very powerful mixin, so I feel it pays here to build an enumerable in a similar way as Prime. So:
require 'prime'
class Triangular
class << self
include Enumerable
def each
sum = 0
1.upto(Float::INFINITY) do |i|
yield sum += i
This is very versatile. Just checking it works:
Triangular.first(4) # => [1, 3, 7, 10]
Good. Now you can use it to solve your problem:
def factor_count(num)
prime_fac = Prime.prime_division(num)
exponents = prime_fac.collect { |item| item.last + 1 }
exponents.inject(1, :*)
Triangular.find{|t| factor_count(t) >= 500} # => 76576500
Float::INFINITY is new to 1.9.2. Either use 1.0/0, require 'backports' or do a loop if using an earlier version.
The each could be improved by first checking that a block is passed; you'll often see things like:
def each
return to_enum __method__ unless block_given?
# ...
Rather than solve the problem in one go, looking at the individual parts of the problem might help you understand ruby a bit better.
The first part is finding out what the triangle number would be. Since this uses sequence of natural numbers, you can represent this using a range in ruby. Here's an example:
(1..10).to_a => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
An array in ruby is considered an enumerable, and ruby provides lots of ways to enumerate over data. Using this notion you can iterate over this array using the each method and pass a block that sums the numbers.
sum = 0
(1..10).each do |x|
sum += x
sum => 55
This can also be done using another enumerable method known as inject that will pass what is returned from the previous element to the current element. Using this, you can get the sum in one line. In this example I use 1.upto(10), which will functionally work the same as (1..10).
1.upto(10).inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x} => 55
Stepping through this, the first time this is called, sum = 0, x = 1, so (sum + x) = 1. Then it passes this to the next element and so sum = 1, x = 2, (sum + x) = 3. Next sum = 3, x = 3, (sum + x) = 6. sum = 6, x = 4, (sum + x) = 10. Etc etc.
That's just the first step of this problem. If you want to learn the language in this way, you should approach each part of the problem and learn what is appropriate to learn for that part, rather than tackling the entire problem.
REFACTORED SOLUTION (though not efficient at all)
def factors(n)
(1..n).select{|x| n % x == 0}
def triangle(n)
(n * (n + 1)) / 2
n = 2
until factors(triangle(n)).size >= 500
puts n
n += 1
puts triangle(n)
It looks like you are coming from writing Ocaml, or another functional language. In Ruby, you would want to use more def to define your methods. Ruby is about staying clean. But that might also be a personal preference.
And rather than a loop do you could while (faction_count(traingle_number(n)) < 500) do but for some that might be too much for one line.

How do I generate a list of n unique random numbers in Ruby?

This is what I have so far:!{ rand(max) }
Obviously, however, sometimes the numbers in the list are not unique. How can I make sure my list only contains unique numbers without having to create a bigger list from which I then just pick the n unique numbers?
I'd really like to see this done w/o loop - if at all possible.
(0..50).to_a.sort{ rand() - 0.5 }[0..x]
(0..50).to_a can be replaced with any array.
0 is "minvalue", 50 is "max value"
x is "how many values i want out"
of course, its impossible for x to be permitted to be greater than max-min :)
In expansion of how this works
(0..5).to_a ==> [0,1,2,3,4,5]
[0,1,2,3,4,5].sort{ -1 } ==> [0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5] # constant
[0,1,2,3,4,5].sort{ 1 } ==> [5, 3, 0, 4, 2, 1] # constant
[0,1,2,3,4,5].sort{ rand() - 0.5 } ==> [1, 5, 0, 3, 4, 2 ] # random
[1, 5, 0, 3, 4, 2 ][ 0..2 ] ==> [1, 5, 0 ]
It is worth mentioning that at the time this question was originally answered, September 2008, that Array#shuffle was either not available or not already known to me, hence the approximation in Array#sort
And there's a barrage of suggested edits to this as a result.
.sort{ rand() - 0.5 }
Can be better, and shorter expressed on modern ruby implementations using
Can be more obviously written with Array#take as:
Thus, the easiest way to produce a sequence of random numbers on a modern ruby is:
This uses Set:
require 'set'
def rand_n(n, max)
randoms =
loop do
randoms << rand(max)
return randoms.to_a if randoms.size >= n
Ruby 1.9 offers the Array#sample method which returns an element, or elements randomly selected from an Array. The results of #sample won't include the same Array element twice.
(1..999).to_a.sample 5 # => [389, 30, 326, 946, 746]
When compared to the to_a.sort_by approach, the sample method appears to be significantly faster. In a simple scenario I compared sort_by to sample, and got the following results.
require 'benchmark'
range = 0...1000000
how_many = 5
Benchmark.realtime do
=> 0.081083
Benchmark.realtime do
=> 2.907445
Just to give you an idea about speed, I ran four versions of this:
Using Sets, like Ryan's suggestion.
Using an Array slightly larger than necessary, then doing uniq! at the end.
Using a Hash, like Kyle suggested.
Creating an Array of the required size, then sorting it randomly, like Kent's suggestion (but without the extraneous "- 0.5", which does nothing).
They're all fast at small scales, so I had them each create a list of 1,000,000 numbers. Here are the times, in seconds:
Sets: 628
Array + uniq: 629
Hash: 645
fixed Array + sort: 8
And no, that last one is not a typo. So if you care about speed, and it's OK for the numbers to be integers from 0 to whatever, then my exact code was:
a = (0...1000000).sort_by{rand}
Yes, it's possible to do this without a loop and without keeping track of which numbers have been chosen. It's called a Linear Feedback Shift Register: Create Random Number Sequence with No Repeats
[*1..99].sample(4) #=> [64, 99, 29, 49]
According to Array#sample docs,
The elements are chosen by using random and unique indices
If you need SecureRandom (which uses computer noise instead of pseudorandom numbers):
require 'securerandom'
[*1..99].sample(4, random: SecureRandom) #=> [2, 75, 95, 37]
How about a play on this? Unique random numbers without needing to use Set or Hash.
x = 0
(1..100).map{|iter| x += rand(100)}.shuffle
You could use a hash to track the random numbers you've used so far:
seen = {}
max = 100
(1..10).map { |n|
x = rand(max)
while (seen[x])
x = rand(max)
Rather than add the items to a list/array, add them to a Set.
If you have a finite list of possible random numbers (i.e. 1 to 100), then Kent's solution is good.
Otherwise there is no other good way to do it without looping. The problem is you MUST do a loop if you get a duplicate. My solution should be efficient and the looping should not be too much more than the size of your array (i.e. if you want 20 unique random numbers, it might take 25 iterations on average.) Though the number of iterations gets worse the more numbers you need and the smaller max is. Here is my above code modified to show how many iterations are needed for the given input:
require 'set'
def rand_n(n, max)
randoms =
i = 0
loop do
randoms << rand(max)
break if randoms.size > n
i += 1
puts "Took #{i} iterations for #{n} random numbers to a max of #{max}"
return randoms.to_a
I could write this code to LOOK more like if you want :)
Based on Kent Fredric's solution above, this is what I ended up using:
def n_unique_rand(number_to_generate, rand_upper_limit)
return (0..rand_upper_limit - 1).sort_by{rand}[0..number_to_generate - 1]
Thanks Kent.
No loops with this method { rand(max) }
require 'benchmark'
max = 1000000
size = 5
Benchmark.realtime do { rand(max) }
=> 1.9114e-05
Here is one solution:
Suppose you want these random numbers to be between r_min and r_max. For each element in your list, generate a random number r, and make list[i]=list[i-1]+r. This would give you random numbers which are monotonically increasing, guaranteeing uniqueness provided that
r+list[i-1] does not over flow
r > 0
For the first element, you would use r_min instead of list[i-1]. Once you are done, you can shuffle the list so the elements are not so obviously in order.
The only problem with this method is when you go over r_max and still have more elements to generate. In this case, you can reset r_min and r_max to 2 adjacent element you have already computed, and simply repeat the process. This effectively runs the same algorithm over an interval where there are no numbers already used. You can keep doing this until you have the list populated.
As far as it is nice to know in advance the maxium value, you can do this way:
class NoLoopRand
def initialize(max)
#deck = (0..max).to_a
def getrnd
return #deck.delete_at(rand(#deck.length - 1))
and you can obtain random data in this way:
aRndNum =
puts aRndNum.getrnd
you'll obtain nil when all the values will be exausted from the deck.
Method 1
Using Kent's approach, it is possible to generate an array of arbitrary length keeping all values in a limited range:
# Generates a random array of length n.
# #param n length of the desired array
# #param lower minimum number in the array
# #param upper maximum number in the array
def ary_rand(n, lower, upper)
values_set = (lower..upper).to_a
repetition = n/(upper-lower+1) + 1
(values_set*repetition).sample n
Method 2
Another, possibly more efficient, method modified from same Kent's another answer:
def ary_rand2(n, lower, upper)
v = (lower..upper).to_a
(0...n).map{ v[rand(v.length)] }
puts (ary_rand 5, 0, 9).to_s # [0, 8, 2, 5, 6] expected
puts (ary_rand 5, 0, 9).to_s # [7, 8, 2, 4, 3] different result for same params
puts (ary_rand 5, 0, 1).to_s # [0, 0, 1, 0, 1] repeated values from limited range
puts (ary_rand 5, 9, 0).to_s # [] no such range :)
