Why use 1 instead of -1? - cpu

At 29min mark of http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Writing-Quick-Code-in-Cpp-Quickly Andrei Alexandrescu says when using constants to prefer 0 and mentions hardware knows how to handle it. I did some assembly and I know what he is talking about and about the zero flag on CPUs
Then he says prefer the constant 1 rather then -1. -1 IIRC is not actually special but because it is negative the sign flag on CPUs would be set. 1 from my current understanding is simply a positive number there is no bit on the processor flag for it and no way to distinguish from 0 or other positive numbers.
But Andrei says to prefer 1 over -1. Why? What does hardware do with 1 that is better then -1?

First, it should be noted that Andrea Alexandrescu emphasized the difference between zero and the other two good constants, that the difference between using one and negative one is less significant. He also bundles compiler issues with hardware issues, i.e., the hardware might be able to perform the operation efficiently but the compiler will not generate the appropriate machine code given a reasonably clear expression in the chosen higher level language.
While I cannot read his mind, there are at least two aspects that may make one better than negative one.
Many ISAs provide comparison operations (or flag to GPR transfers) that return zero or one (e.g., MIPS has Set on Less Than) not zero or negative one. (SIMD instructions are an exception; SIMD comparisons typically generate zero or negative one [all bits set].)
At least one implementation of SPARC made loading smaller signed values more expensive, and I seem to recall that at least one ISA did not provide an instruction for loading signed bytes. Naive implementation of sign extension adds latency because whether to set or clear the more significant bits is not known until the value has been loaded.
Negative one does have some benefits. As you mentioned, testing for negativity is often relatively easy, so if negative one is the only negative value used it may be handled less expensively. Also, conditionally clearing a value based on zero or negative one is simply an and operation. (For conditionally setting or clearing a single bit, one rather than negative one would be preferred since such would involve only a shift and an and.)


Is there difference between Cache index address calculation vs Division hash function?

Upon studying hash data structure and cache memory from computer architecture, I noticed that they're very similar.
Division hash function calculates index by hash(k) = k Mod (table size M) but my DS book says M should be a prime number or at least an odd number, because if M is an even number, the result is always even when k is even, odd when k is odd, so even M should be avoided since you often use memory addresses which are always even.
And yet, my CA book says for direct-mapped cache you use (Block address) Mod (Number of blocks in the cache) and the result indices look uniform. Why is this? It's all very confusing because MIPS uses 32 bit address every 4 bytes which is even number. But I think it's because they threw out the last 2 bits since they're byte offsets?
And, since it uses (Block address) Mod (Number of blocks in the cache), it makes the cache size power of 2 so that you can just use the lower x bits of the block address.
But this method looks exactly the same as division hash function, except you make the hash table power of 2, which is even (data structure book said use prime or odd) and use the lower bits of the block address.
Are these 2 different methods? If so, what's the cache one called? I would really appreciate a reply please. Thank you.
The reason for not using an even number for hash table is described here.
And how caches use addresses to calculate line numbers are described here. And its ok for caches to map more than one entry to the same line. Just because an address is mapped to a cacheline which has data, we don't blindly use the data in that cacheline. We also do a tag comparison to make sure that the content is the cacheline is what exactly we are looking for.
The reason for using a prime to take the modulo by is to get "mixing" of the bits, which is helpful if the integers that you're hashing have a poor structure. That isn't the only way to deal with it though, and for example the Java standard library doesn't use that, it uses a separate "mixing" function (that XORs the input with right-shifted versions of itself) and then uses a power-of-two sizes table. Either way it's protection against badly distributed input, which isn't necessary in and of itself - if the input was always nicely distributed you wouldn't need it.
Memory addresses are usually fairly nicely distributed, because it's typically used in sequential pieces. The obvious exception is that you will see highly aligned big objects, which would conflict with each other in the cache if nothing was done about it. Of course you will probably use a set-associative cache rather than direct mapped, since it is far more robust against degradation, and that would take care of a lot of that. But nothing is ever immune to bad patterns (that also goes for hash-mod-prime, which you can easily defeat if you know the prime), but a fairly simple improvement (which is also used in practice, or at least was, more advanced techniques exist now - combined with adaptive replacement strategies that mitigate bad access patterns) is to XOR some of the higher address bits into the index. This is hash-strengthening, the same technique used in the Java standard library, but a much simpler version of it.
Computing a remainder by a prime number (or really anything that isn't a power of two) is not something you'd want to do in this case, it's a slow computation by itself, and it leaves you with an awkwardly sized cache that doesn't fully use the power of its decoders, which adds to the slowness (or reduces cache size for a given latency, depending on how you look at it). The difference between that and XORing some of the high bits into the low bits is much bigger in hardware than it is in software, since XOR is really a trivial operation in hardware, much faster as a circuit operation than as an instruction.

Is it possible to count the number of Set bits in Number in O(1)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer
(65 answers)
Count bits in the number [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I was asked the above question in an interview and interviewer is very certain of the answer. But i am not sure. Can anyone help me here?
Sure. The obvious brute force method is just a big lookup table with one entry for every possible value of the input number. That's not very practical if the number is very big, but is still enough to prove it's possible.
Edit: the notion has been raised that this is complete nonsense, and the same could be said of essentially any algorithm.
To a limited degree, that's a fair statement -- but the limitations are so severe that for most algorithms it remains utterly meaningless.
My original point (at least as well as I remember it) was that population counting is about equivalent to many other operations like addition and subtraction that we normally assume are O(1).
At the hardware level, circuitry for a single-cycle POPCNT instruction is probably easier than for a single-cycle ADD instruction. Just for one example, for any practical size of data word, we can use table lookups on 4-bit chunks in parallel, then add the results from those pieces together. Even using fairly unlikely worst-case assumptions (e.g., separate storage for each of those tables) this would still be easy to implement in a modern CPU -- in fact, it's probably at least somewhat simpler than the single-cycle addition or subtraction mentioned above1.
This is a decided contrast to many other algorithms. For one obvious example, let's consider sorting. For even the most trivial sort most people can imagine -- 2 items, 8 bits apiece, we're already at a 64 kilobyte lookup table to get constant complexity. Long before we can do even a fairly trivial sort (e.g., 100 items) we need a lookup table that contains far more data items than there are atoms in the universe.
Looking at it from the opposite direction, it's certainly true that at some point, essentially nothing is O(1) any more. Let's consider the most trivial operations possible. For an N-bit CPU, bitwise OR is normally implemented as a set of N OR gates in parallel. Unlike addition, there's no interaction between one bit and another, so for any practical size of CPU, this easy to execute in a single instruction.
Nonetheless, if I specify a bit-wise OR in which each operand is 100 petabits, there's nothing even approaching a practical way to do the job with constant complexity. Using the usual method of parallel OR gates, we end up with (among other things) 300 petabits worth of input and output lines -- a number that completely dwarfs even the number of pins on the largest CPUs.
On reasonable hardware, doing a bitwise OR on 100 petabit operands is going to take a while (not to mention quite a bit of hard drive space). If we increase that to 200 petabit operands, the time is likely to (about) double -- so from that viewpoint, it's an O(N) operation. Obviously enough, the same is going to be true with the other "trivial" operations like addition, subtraction, bit-wise AND, bit-wise XOR, and so on.
Nonetheless, unless you have very specific instructions to say you're going to be dealing with utterly immense operands, you're typically going to treat every one of these as a constant complexity operation. Looked at in these terms, a POPCNT instruction falls about halfway between bit-wise AND/OR/XOR on one hand, and addition/subtraction on the other, in terms of the difficulty to execute in fixed time.
1. You might wonder how it could possibly be simpler than an add when it actually includes an add after doing some other operations. If so, kudos -- it's an excellent question.
The answer is that it's because it only needs a much smaller adder. For example, a 64-bit CPU needs one half-adder and 63 full-adders. In the simple implementation, you carry out the addition bit-wise -- i.e., you add bit-0 of one operand to bit-0 of the other. That generates an output bit, and a carry bit. That carry bit becomes an input to the addition for the next pair of bits. There are some tricks to parallelize that to some degree, but the nature of the beast (so to speak) is bit-serial.
With a POPCNT instruction, we have an addition after doing the individual table lookups, but our result is limited to the size of the input words. Given the same size of inputs (64 bits) our final result can't be any larger than 64. That means we only need a 6-bit adder instead of a 64-bit adder.
Since, as outlined above, addition is basically bit-serial, this means that the addition at the end of the POPCNT instruction is fundamentally a lot faster than a normal add. To be specific, it's logarithmic on the operand size, whereas simple addition is roughly linear on the operand size.
If the bit size is fixed (e.g. natural word size of a 32- or 64-bit machine), you can just iterate over the bits and count them directly in O(1) time (though there are certainly faster ways to do it). For arbitrary precision numbers (BigInt, etc.), the answer must be no.
Some processors can do it in one instruction, obviously for integers of limited size. Look up the POPCNT mnemonic for further details.
For integers of unlimited size obviously you need to read the whole input, so the lower bound is O(n).
The interviewer probably meant the bit counting trick (the first Google result follows): http://www.gamedev.net/topic/547102-bit-counting-trick---new-to-me/

Can long integer routines benefit from SSE?

I'm still working on routines for arbitrary long integers in C++. So far, I have implemented addition/subtraction and multiplication for 64-bit Intel CPUs.
Everything works fine, but I wondered if I can speed it a bit by using SSE. I browsed through the SSE docs and processor instruction lists, but I could not find anything I think I can use and here is why:
SSE has some integer instructions, but most instructions handle floating point. It doesn't look like it was designed for use with integers (e.g. is there an integer compare for less?)
The SSE idea is SIMD (same instruction, multiple data), so it provides instructions for 2 or 4 independent operations. I, on the other hand, would like to have something like a 128 bit integer add (128 bit input and output). This doesn't seem to exist. (Yet? In AVX2 maybe?)
The integer additions and subtractions handle neither input nor output carries. So it's very cumbersome (and thus, slow) to do it by hand.
My question is: is my assessment correct or is there anything I have overlooked? Can long integer routines benefit from SSE? In particular, can they help me to write a quicker add, sub or mul routine?
In the past, the answer to this question was a solid, "no". But as of 2017, the situation is changing.
But before I continue, time for some background terminology:
Full Word Arithmetic
Partial Word Arithmetic
Full-Word Arithmetic:
This is the standard representation where the number is stored in base 232 or 264 using an array of 32-bit or 64-bit integers.
Many bignum libraries and applications (including GMP) use this representation.
In full-word representation, every integer has a unique representation. Operations like comparisons are easy. But stuff like addition are more difficult because of the need for carry-propagation.
It is this carry-propagation that makes bignum arithmetic almost impossible to vectorize.
Partial-Word Arithmetic
This is a lesser-used representation where the number uses a base less than the hardware word-size. For example, putting only 60 bits in each 64-bit word. Or using base 1,000,000,000 with a 32-bit word-size for decimal arithmetic.
The authors of GMP call this, "nails" where the "nail" is the unused portion of the word.
In the past, use of partial-word arithmetic was mostly restricted to applications working in non-binary bases. But nowadays, it's becoming more important in that it allows carry-propagation to be delayed.
Problems with Full-Word Arithmetic:
Vectorizing full-word arithmetic has historically been a lost cause:
SSE/AVX2 has no support for carry-propagation.
SSE/AVX2 has no 128-bit add/sub.
SSE/AVX2 has no 64 x 64-bit integer multiply.*
*AVX512-DQ adds a lower-half 64x64-bit multiply. But there is still no upper-half instruction.
Furthermore, x86/x64 has plenty of specialized scalar instructions for bignums:
Add-with-Carry: adc, adcx, adox.
Double-word Multiply: Single-operand mul and mulx.
In light of this, both bignum-add and bignum-multiply are difficult for SIMD to beat scalar on x64. Definitely not with SSE or AVX.
With AVX2, SIMD is almost competitive with scalar bignum-multiply if you rearrange the data to enable "vertical vectorization" of 4 different (and independent) multiplies of the same lengths in each of the 4 SIMD lanes.
AVX512 will tip things more in favor of SIMD again assuming vertical vectorization.
But for the most part, "horizontal vectorization" of bignums is largely still a lost cause unless you have many of them (of the same size) and can afford the cost of transposing them to make them "vertical".
Vectorization of Partial-Word Arithmetic
With partial-word arithmetic, the extra "nail" bits enable you to delay carry-propagation.
So as long as you as you don't overflow the word, SIMD add/sub can be done directly. In many implementations, partial-word representation uses signed integers to allow words to go negative.
Because there is (usually) no need to perform carryout, SIMD add/sub on partial words can be done equally efficiently on both vertically and horizontally-vectorized bignums.
Carryout on horizontally-vectorized bignums is still cheap as you merely shift the nails over the next lane. A full carryout to completely clear the nail bits and get to a unique representation usually isn't necessary unless you need to do a comparison of two numbers that are almost the same.
Multiplication is more complicated with partial-word arithmetic since you need to deal with the nail bits. But as with add/sub, it is nevertheless possible to do it efficiently on horizontally-vectorized bignums.
AVX512-IFMA (coming with Cannonlake processors) will have instructions that give the full 104 bits of a 52 x 52-bit multiply (presumably using the FPU hardware). This will play very well with partial-word representations that use 52 bits per word.
Large Multiplication using FFTs
For really large bignums, multiplication is most efficiently done using Fast-Fourier Transforms (FFTs).
FFTs are completely vectorizable since they work on independent doubles. This is possible because fundamentally, the representation that FFTs use is
a partial word representation.
To summarize, vectorization of bignum arithmetic is possible. But sacrifices must be made.
If you expect SSE/AVX to be able to speed up some existing bignum code without fundamental changes to the representation and/or data layout, that's not likely to happen.
But nevertheless, bignum arithmetic is possible to vectorize.
I'm the author of y-cruncher which does plenty of large number arithmetic.

Is it fastest to access a byte than a bit? Why?

The question is very straight: is it fastest to access a byte than a bit? If I store 8 booleans in a byte will it be slower when I have to compare them than if I used 8 bytes? Why?
Chances are no. The smallest addressable unit of memory in most machines today is a byte. In most cases, you can't address or access by bit.
In fact, accessing a specific bit might be even more expensive because you have to build a mask and use some logic.
Your question mentions "compare", I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that. But in some cases, you perform logic very efficiently on multiple booleans using bitwise operators if your booleans are densely packed into larger integer types.
As for which to use: array of bytes (with one boolean per byte), or a densely packed structure with one boolean per bit is a space-effiicency trade-off. For some applications that need to store a massive amount of bools, dense packing is better since it saves memory.
The underlying hardware that your code runs on is built to access bytes (or longer words) from memory. To read a bit, you have to read the entire byte, and then mask off the bits you don't care about, and possibly also shift to get the bit into the ones position. So the instructions to access a bit are a superset of the instructions to access a byte.
It may be faster to store the data as bits for a different reason - if you need to traverse and access many 8-bit sets of flags in a row. You will perform more ops per boolean flag, but you will traverse less memory by having it packed in fewer bytes. You will also be able to test multiple flags in a single operation, although you may be able to do this with bools to some extent as well, as long as they lie within a single machine word.
The memory latency penalty is far higher than register bit twiddling. In the end, only profiling the code on the hardware on which it will actually run will tell you which way is best.
From a hardware point of view, I would say that in general all the bit masking and other operations in the best case might occur within a single clock (resulting in no different), but that entirely depends on hardware layer that you likely won't ever know the specifics of, and as such you cannot bank on it.
It's worth pointing out that things like the .NET system.collections.bitarray uses a 32bit integer array underneath to store it's bit data. There is likely a performance reason behind this implementation (even if only in a general case that 32bit words perform above average), I would suggest reading up about the inner workings of that might be revealing.
From a coding point of view, it really depends what you're going to do with the bits afterwards. That is to say if you're going to store your data in booleans such as:
bool a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
And then in your code you compare them one by one (and most of them together):
if ( a0 && a1 && !a2 && a3 && !a4 && (!a5 || a6) || a7) {
Then you will find that it will be faster (and likely neater in code) to use a bit mask. But really the only time this would matter is if you're going to be running this code millions of times in a high performance or time critical environment.
I guess what I'm getting at here is that you should do whatever your coding standards say (and if you don't have any or they don't consider such details then just do what looks neatest for your application and need).
But I highly suggest trying to look around and read a blog or two explaining the inner workings of the .NET system.collections.bitarray.
This depends on the kind of processor and motherboard data bus, i.e. 32 bit data bus will compare your data faster if you collect them into "word"s rather than "bool"s or "byte"s....
This is only valid when you are writing in assembly language when you can compare each instruction how many cycles it takes .... but since you are using compiler then it is almost the same.
However, collecting booleans into words or integers will be useful in saving memory required for variables.
Computers tend to access things in words. Accessing a bit is slower because it requires more effort:
Imagine I said something to you, then said "oh change my second word to instead".
Now imagine my edit instead was "oh, change the third letter in the second word to 's'".
Which requires more thinking on your part?

Does Kernel::srand have a maximum input value?

I'm trying to seed a random number generator with the output of a hash. Currently I'm computing a SHA-1 hash, converting it to a giant integer, and feeding it to srand to initialize the RNG. This is so that I can get a predictable set of random numbers for an set of infinite cartesian coordinates (I'm hashing the coordinates).
I'm wondering whether Kernel::srand actually has a maximum value that it'll take, after which it truncates it in some way. The docs don't really make this obvious - they just say "a number".
I'll try to figure it out myself, but I'm assuming somebody out there has run into this already.
Knowing what programmers are like, it probably just calls libc's srand(). Either way, it's probably limited to 2^32-1, 2^31-1, 2^16-1, or 2^15-1.
There's also a danger that the value is clipped when cast from a biginteger to a C int/long, instead of only taking the low-order bits.
An easy test is to seed with 1 and take the first output. Then, seed with 2i+1 for i in [1..64] or so, take the first output of each, and compare. If you get a match for some i=n and all greater is, then it's probably doing arithmetic modulo 2n.
Note that the random number generator is almost certainly limited to 32 or 48 bits of entropy anyway, so there's little point seeding it with a huge value, and an attacker can reasonably easily predict future outputs given past outputs (and an "attacker" could simply be a player on a public nethack server).
EDIT: So I was wrong.
According to the docs for Kernel::rand(),
Ruby currently uses a modified Mersenne Twister with a period of 2**19937-1.
This means it's not just a call to libc's rand(). The Mersenne Twister is statistically superior (but not cryptographically secure). But anyway.
Testing using Kernel::srand(0); Kernel::sprintf("%x",Kernel::rand(2**32)) for various output sizes (2*16, 2*32, 2*36, 2*60, 2*64, 2*32+1, 2*35, 2*34+1), a few things are evident:
It figures out how many bits it needs (number of bits in max-1).
It generates output in groups of 32 bits, most-significant-bits-first, and drops the top bits (i.e. 0x[r0][r1][r2][r3][r4] with the top bits masked off).
If it's not less than max, it does some sort of retry. It's not obvious what this is from the output.
If it is less than max, it outputs the result.
I'm not sure why 2*32+1 and 2*64+1 are special (they produce the same output from Kernel::rand(2**1024) so probably have the exact same state) — I haven't found another collision.
The good news is that it doesn't simply clip to some arbitrary maximum (i.e. passing in huge numbers isn't equivalent to passing in 2**31-1), which is the most obvious thing that can go wrong. Kernel::srand() also returns the previous seed, which appears to be 128-bit, so it seems likely to be safe to pass in something large.
EDIT 2: Of course, there's no guarantee that the output will be reproducible between different Ruby versions (the docs merely say what it "currently uses"; apparently this was initially committed in 2002). Java has several portable deterministic PRNGs (SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG","SUN"), albeit slow); I'm not aware of something similar for Ruby.
