Writing multiplie lines in a single file using batch file - windows

I am in the middle of a batch file programming and i got stuck in this below script.
IF EXIST h:\*.png del h:*.png
IF EXIST h:\*.mov del h:*.mov
) > file.txt
My intention is the script first finds png and mov format in a given drive (in this case h)and then if exists it deletes it. i want to write all process to a txt file (file.txt).
As this is a simple question i really don't want to ask in main SE. I tried first in chat (hello world room). But i didnt get any useful replay regarding it.
Advance thanks for your help

you might try this:
#echo off &SETLOCAL
IF EXIST h:\*.png (
DIR /b h:\*.png
del h:\*.png
IF EXIST h:\*.mov (
DIR /b h:\*.mov
del h:\*.mov
)) > file.txt
TYPE file.txt

No need for IF. A simple one liner will do, and it is easy to add additional extensions:
>file.txt (for %%X in (png mov) do 2>nul dir /b h:*.%%X && del h:*.%%X)
Shoot, it can be made even simpler:
>file.txt dir /b h:*.png h:*.mov && del h:*.png h:*.mov
Or, if you want to specify the list only once:
set "list=h:*.png h:*.mov"
>file.txt dir /b %list% && del %list%


Batch Script to Grab File Name and Add to Beginning of Each Line

I'm trying to grab the file name from a .LOG file and append it to the beginning of each line in the file, sans extension, with a space between the file name and the line contents. There are many such files in a folder and the script should be performed for each .LOG file in the folder. An example file name looks like this:
I want to add the file name to each of the lines in the file which look like this:
00:00:23 Left 4EEFD9 6.59418mA 0.00003mA OK
00:00:23 Right 4EEFEF 6.85377mA 0.00001mA OK
00:00:44 Left 4EEFDC 6.32207mA 0.00004mA OK
To give a result of this:
20160201 00:00:23 Left 4EEFD9 6.59418mA 0.00003mA OK
20160201 00:00:23 Right 4EEFEF 6.85377mA 0.00001mA OK
20160201 00:00:44 Left 4EEFDC 6.32207mA 0.00004mA OK
I saw this question here but it references pulling a filename from a list of filenames and placing at the beginning of each entry respectively, so that doesn't work for me. I also looked at this question, but since I need to use the file name instead of my current system time that won't work either. I don't have any code to offer...I couldn't use anything conclusive from the questions I found and I'm totally new to batch scripts.
EDIT 1: Magoo's code
Here is the current code I'm trying to run using Magoo's answer (Note the comments are my addition for troubleshooting):
SET "sourcedir=C:\Users\ckemmann\Desktop\Current"
SET "destdir=C:\Users\ckemmann\Desktop\Current\New"
::echo %sourcedir% <I check what I've assigned to sourcedir.
::echo %destdir% <And to destdir.
FOR %%f IN ("%sourcedir%\*.log") DO >"%destdir%\%%~nf.out" (
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%%f") DO (
ECHO %%~nf %%a
::pause <I catch the batch script telling me that the system cannot find the path specified.
As shown in the code, I get a complaint from windows saying that it can't find the file path...even though that's the one I copied from the folder properties.
Since I didn't hear back on my edit 1 I went with Arescet's answer. I sadly don't seem to have any way around the slowness of the script. My final code is the same as what he provided in his answer.
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir\t w o"
SET "destdir=U:\destdir"
FOR %%f IN ("%sourcedir%\*.log") DO >"%destdir%\%%~nf.out" (
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%%f") DO (
ECHO %%~nf %%a
You would need to change the settings of sourcedir and destdir to suit your circumstances.
Take the files matching "*.log" from the specified directory, assign their names to %%f
create a new file %%~nf.out in the destination directory. Read each line from %%f to %%a and echo that line, prefixed by %%~nf and a few spaces.
%%~nf means the name part only of %%f.
The redirector > createas a new file and in the position it's been placed, accepts the output of the echo into that file instead of the normal echo-to-console.
#echo off
for /r "C:\PATH TO WHEREVER\" %%G in (*.log) do (
ren "%%~G" "reWrite.temp"
for /f "tokens=*" %%H in (reWrite.temp) do (
echo %%~nG %%H >> %%~nG.log
del "reWrite.temp"
This takes all .log files in "C:\PATH TO WHEREVER\", renames them, and writes the filename and data line by line into the original name, then deletes the file when done. #Magoo's answer clearly tops mine, but a different solution should help you understand different ways to solve future desires.

Mass delete file extension batch file

Hello I have a batch file I've created to delete all files of a certain extension that it asks for when you run it. I need to delete 2,111,000 .txt files and the batch file only deletes 3 at a time which will take forever to delete the files. Is there a way I can make it faster or if somebody has a better code to do this?
Here is my code:
SET found=0
ECHO Enter the file extension you want to delete...
SET /p ext="> "
IF EXIST *.%ext% ( rem Check if there are any in the current folder :)
DEL *.%ext%
SET found=1
FOR /D /R %%G IN ("*") DO ( rem Iterate through all subfolders
IF EXIST *.%ext% (
DEL *.%ext%
SET found=1
IF %found%==1 (
ECHO Deleted all .%ext% files.
) ELSE (
ECHO There were no .%ext% files.
ECHO Nothing has been deleted.
Can I make this go faster?
The quickest way I can imagine is just:
del /s *.txt
You're probably better just letting the OS sequentially delete files rather than trying to delete multiple files in parallel anyways. If you're using a mechanical HDD as opposed to an SSD, you could have files on different platters, heads, sectors, etc, and depending how much load you put on an I/O bound resource, the overall operation takes more time since the drive has to seek data all over the place. Plus, random access on an HDD is abysmal.
You might want to try it this way:
DIR C:\*.txt /S /B > filelist
FOR /f %%i in (filelist) DO ECHO DELETE %%i
Remove the 'ECHO' when you are sure you want to run this ;-)
But this only makes sense when you want to process each file separately, for logging purposes for example. If not, then #Dogbert solution is shorter.

Batch file attribute check

I'm having a little troubles with my script in .bat. My task is to write a script that will check a file for a few things. I've already defined some of those things, but now I'm stuck. My problem is that I don't know how to define a condition that says: If the file is hidden or read-only, delete this attribute and write some info about the change to the file (some text).
And then I'm having a second problem and that is that the script has always to write something to the file, but when I try to write something to the file (while the script is running) and then I save it, there is always just the thing the script has to write in it. Would somebody please give me some advice? I'm a novice. Thanks a lot for all the responses.
here is the script itself:
#echo off
title file-checking script
set file="file.txt"
set maxbytesize=1
type NUL > file.txt
if exist file.txt #echo ok> file.txt
if not exist file.txt type NUL > file.txt
FOR /F "usebackq" %%A IN ('%file%') DO set size=%%~zA
if %size% LSS %maxbytesize% (
echo.File is under %maxbytesize% byte
) ELSE (
del file.txt
timeout/t 2
goto loop
read HELP FOR and you will notice that checking the attributes is similar to checking the file size
set ATTRS=%%~aA
Use >> instead of > to append data to an existing file, preserving existing content. The > redirection will overwrite any existing content.
You can use the following to test if a file is hidden (after you have proven that it exists):
dir /b /ah file.txt >nul 2>nul && (
echo file is hidden
) || (
echo file is not hidden

CMD delete files

Perhaps someone can be of help; I have several files with the following naming convention:
fooR1.txt, fooR2.txt, fooR3.txt, . . . , fooR1000.txt
I wish to delete all the files greater than R500. I have several folders and I know how to pass through each folder, but I am not sure how to capture and delete the files with replication 501 and greater. How can I do such?
How about simply:
ren foo500.txt foo499bis.txt
del fooR5??.txt fooR6??.txt fooR7??.txt fooR8??.txt fooR9??.txt fooR10??.txt
ren foo499bis.txt foo500.txt
Not elegant, but efficient.
This will delete all files fooR###.txt where ### is greater than 500.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%f in (fooR*.txt) do (
set num=%%~f
set num=!num:~4,-4!
if !num! gtr 500 del /q "%%~f"
Because your range is open, I've reversed your criteria: delete anything that is not in the range 1-499. Please be aware that this is not exactly equivalent to yours, for example it will also delete a file named fooR001.txt or fooR_something_else.txt
It's also pretty slow.
#echo off
for %%F in (fooR*.txt) do (
echo %%F | findstr /v /r "fooR[1-9]\.txt fooR[1-9][0-9]\.txt fooR[1-4][0-9][0-9]\.txt" >nul && echo del %%F
First line (for) enumerates files starting with fooR, then for each file findstr checks if it does not match pattern (/v option) and finally a command is executed if a check (ie does not match) is positive (&& means execute only if previous command was successfull).
Code above will just echo commands, not execute them, so you may safely run it to verify it actually behaves as it should. To actually run delete, just remove echo in front of it.
note: you could actually run this directly from command line in a form of:
#for %F in (fooR*.txt) do #echo %%F | findstr /v /r "fooR[1-9]\.txt fooR[1-9][0-9]\.txt fooR[1-4][0-9][0-9]\.txt" >nul && echo del %F
You would need to make a Batch script for this. Then in the Batch file you could write.
DEL "fooR500.txt"
To delete all files with a .txt ending you would just write:
DEL "*.txt"
That's all I know, but if you want to get it so it does files 500 and higher you would have
to create a variable in Batch that holds the value 500 using:
set Value = 500
and then have it delete file "fooR" + Index + ".txt" so to do that you would have to do:
set "FilePre = fooR"
set "FileW = %FilePre% %Value%"
set "Ex = .txt"
set "FileX = %FileW% %Ex%"
del FileX
Then you will have to make Value go up by one and repeat the process 500 times until it reaches 1000.

Batch file to perform a looped search based on the line items of a text file

I have been reading great posts in this forum and got close to what I want to do but couldn't figure out the exact code.
I want to create a windows batch file to do following:
Perform a looped search for each line item of a text file (this is a list of keyword) to locate files in a a specific directory
For this search partial match is okay.
Each time a file is found, move it to a predefined directory (e.g. C:\temp\search_results)
I'm not running Windows at the moment, so I can only post some ideas, not the solution.
1) Use for /f to iterate over file contents.
2) Use find "%Keyword%" %SourceDir% to get the list of matching files. You will have to parse out file names from the output of find.
2a) As an alternative, you can iterate over files in the source dir (with nested for) and call find for each file, discarding its output and using its exit code (%ERRORLEVEL%) to decide whether the file matches (it will return 0 if there is a match and nonzero if there is no match). Something like this:
for %%F in (%SourceDir%\*) do (
find "%Keyword%" %%F > nul
if not errorlevel 1 (echo File %%F matches) else (echo File %%F does not match)
3) Move matching files with move.
There are multiple problems.
FIND /i "%A%" ... can't work, the name of the FOR-Varibale is %%A
And the second proble: With FIND you check the content of the file not the name.
And you should use indention to avoid too much parenthesis.
You better try
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%listfile%) DO (
FOR %%f in (%searchdir%\*) do (
set "filename=%%~f"
set replaced=!filename:%%A=!
if !replaced! NEQ !filename! (
echo !filename! contains '%%A'
It tries to replace %%A inside of the filename with .
If the replaced is not equal the filename, the filename must contain %%A
I wrote the following code but not sure if I am in the right track. Here is my setup:
list.txt file contents are (my keywords for the filename search) --
f1 folder contains --
I want to move the matching ones to F2 folder, but the code simplicity I am using echo instead.
My code is:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET listfile=D:\batchtest\list.txt
SET searchdir=D:\batchtest\f1
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%listfile%) DO (
FOR %%f in (%searchdir%\*) do (FIND /i "%A%" %%f
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Search failed) else (
echo Search successful
It is running but not finding matching filenames.
