This is the programme I use.
echo enter a string
read string
length=`echo -n $string | wc -c`
while [ $len -gt 0 ]
h=`echo $string | cut -c $len`
case $h in
[AaEeIiOoUu]) v=`expr $v + 1`
[BbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz]) cons=`expr $cons + 1`
[0-9]) d=`expr $d + 1`
' ') s=`expr $s + 1 `
len=`expr $len - 1 `
spl=`expr $len - $v - $cons - $d - $s`
echo "vowels = $v"
echo "consonants = $cons"
echo "digits = $d"
echo "spaces = $s"
echo "special character = $spl"
The program counts all other types of characters except special characters. The output shows a minus value even if there are special characters in the input value. How can I modify the programme to make it display correct number of special characters in the input?
While your script is technically (almost) correct, it is not very pretty (both visually and in terms of code beauty).
The reason your version is not working as expected #devnull has already pointed out, but there is another bug that I will explain further down.
Since you are using bash you could rewrite the whole thing in a more idiomatic, readable and shorter way.
Here is a rewritten version of your script (comments and explanations follow below):
IFS= read -p "enter a string: " string
for ((i = 0; i < ${#string}; i++)); do
case "${string:$i:1}" in
[AaEeIiOoUu]) ((vowels++)) ;;
[[:alpha:]]) ((consonants++)) ;;
[[:digit:]]) ((digits++)) ;;
[[:space:]]) ((whitespace++)) ;;
*) ((others++)) ;;
echo "vowels = ${vowels-0}"
echo "consonants = ${consonants-0}"
echo "digits = ${digits-0}"
echo "whitespace = ${whitespace-0}"
echo "other characters = ${others-0}"
First off, you should always indent your code blocks (if constructs, loops, switch (case) statements, ...) for readability, e.g.
while [ $len -gt 0 ]; do
read, whitespace and the prompt
Since you are using bash, read is capable of displaying a prompt for you - the extra echo is not needed. Furthermore, read strips off leading and trailing whitespace which results in an incorrect calculation unless you set IFS to the null string:
IFS= read -p "this is my prompt: " string
iterating over characters in a string
You can use parameter expansion to both get the length of the string as well as slice out one character at a time using a for loop, getting rid of the unnecessary cut and avoiding a subshell.
# ${#string} = length of $string
for ((i = 0; i < ${#string}; i++)); do
c=${string:$i:1} # c is set to the character at position $i in string $string
character classes
First off, your consonants statement still includes Ii for the match. Technically it doesn't matter since you cannot fall-through from the vowels match, but if this is an assignment you probably want to remove it.
That being said, you could just use the short character class for readability:
[AaEeIiOoUu]) vowel_stuff ;;
[a-zA-Z]) consonant_stuff ;; # vowels already matched above, so superfluous characters don't matter here
To make your life even easier, there are so called character classes which you can use instead, e.g.
[:digit:] = [0-9]
[:space:] = tabs, newline, form feed, carriage return, space
Note that your current locale influences certain character classes.
the special characters case
Just use the default case in the switch statement to count them, then you can skip calculating those afterwards:
case ... in
vowels) handle_vowel ;;
*) handle_other_character ;;
Using parameter expansion you can also get rid of initializing your variables with 0, you can on-the-fly expand the variables to 0 if they are not set, i.e. they have not been incremented during the loop.
Unless you are writing code that has to be super-portable and has to work in all kinds of old shells, use the $() syntax in stead of ``.
arithmetic expressions
Same as above, unless you really need it you can use (( )) for arithmetic expressions, e.g.
((a = a + 10)) # or even ((a += 10))
# $a is now 15
Google and the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide as well as the bash sections of Greg's Wiki are your friends.
You are using the wrong variable while calculating spl. Using len is clearly wrong as you're decrementing it within the loop and it becomes 0 when the loop is done.
Instead of saying:
spl=`expr $len - $v - $cons - $d - $s`
spl=`expr $length - $v - $cons - $d - $s`
Currently stuck in a situation where I ask the user to input a line of numbers with a space in between, then have the program display those numbers with a delay, then add them. I have everything down, but can't seem to figure out a line of code to coherently calculate the sum of their input, as most of my attempts end up with an error, or have the final number multiplied by the 2nd one (not even sure how?). Any help is appreciated.
echo Enter a line of numbers to be added.
sleep 1
if [ "$NUM" ]; then
echo "$NUM"
I've tried echo expr $NUM + $NUM to little success, but this is really all I can some up with.
Start with
NUMBERS="4 3 2 6 5 1"
Your script can be changed into
for NUM in ${NUMBERS}
sleep 1
(( sum += NUM ))
echo "Digit ${counter}: Sum=$sum"
echo Sum=$sum
Another way is using bc, usefull for input like 1.6 2.3
sed 's/ /+/g' <<< "${NUMBERS}" | bc
Set two variables n and m, store their sum in $x, print it:
n=5 m=7 x=$((n + m)) ; echo $x
The above syntax is POSIX compatible, (i.e. works in dash, ksh, bash, etc.); from man dash:
Arithmetic Expansion
Arithmetic expansion provides a mechanism for evaluating an arithmetic
expression and substituting its value. The format for arithmetic expanâ
sion is as follows:
The expression is treated as if it were in double-quotes, except that a
double-quote inside the expression is not treated specially. The shell
expands all tokens in the expression for parameter expansion, command
substitution, and quote removal.
Next, the shell treats this as an arithmetic expression and substitutes
the value of the expression.
Two one-liners that do most of the job in the OP:
while read x ; do echo $(( $(echo $x | tr ' ' '+') )) ; done
while read x ; do echo $(( ${x// /+} )) ; done
bash with calc, (allows summing real, rational & complex numbers, as well as sub-operations):
while read x ; do calc -- ${x// /+} ; done
Example input line, followed by output:
-8!^(1/3) 2^63 -1
echo "Enter a number"
read a
s = 0
while [ $a -gt 0 ]
r = ` expr $a % 10 `
s = ` expr $s + $r `
a = ` expr $a / 10 `
echo "sum of digits is = $s"
This is my code guys .
I am getting a bunch of expr syntax errors.
I am using the bash shell.
Your error is caused by the spaces surrounding the = in the assignments, the following replacements should work (I prefer $() to using backticks since they're much easier to nest):
r=$(expr $a % 10)
s=$(expr $s + $r)
a=$(expr $a / 10)
For example, s = 0 (with the spaces) does not set the variable s to zero, rather it tries to run the command s with the two arguments, = and 0.
However, it's not really necessary to call the external expr1 to do mathematical manipulation and capture the output to a variable. That's because bash itself can do this well enough without resorting to output capture (see ARITHMETIC EVALUATION in the bash man page):
read -p "Enter a number: " number
((sum = 0))
while [[ $number -gt 0 ]]; do
((sum += number % 10))
((number /= 10))
echo "Sum of digits is $sum"
You'll notice I've made some other minor changes which I believe enhances the readability, but you could revert back to the your original code if you wish and just use the ((expression)) method rather than expr.
1 If you don't mind calling external executables, there's no need for a loop in bash, you could instead use sneakier methods:
read -p "Enter a number: " number
echo "Sum of digits is $(grep -o . <<<$number | paste -sd+ | bc)"
But, to be brutally honest, I think I prefer the readable solution :-)
iamnewbie: this code is inefficient but it should extract the substring, the problem is with last echo statement,need some insight.
function regex {
#this function gives the regular expression needed
echo -n \'
for (( i = 1 ; i <= $1 ; i++ ))
echo -n .
echo -n '\('
for (( i = 1 ; i <= $2 ; i++ ))
echo -n .
echo -n '\)'
echo -n \'
# regex function ends
echo "Enter the string:"
read stg
#variable stg holds the string entered
if [ -z "$stg" ] ; then
echo "Null string"
echo "Length of the $stg is:"
z=`expr "$stg" : '.*' `
#variable z holds the length of given string
echo $z
echo "Enter the number of trailing characters to be extracted from $stg:"
read n
m=`expr $z - $n `
#variable m holds an integer value which is equal to total length - length of characters to be extracted
x=$(regex $m $n)
echo ` expr "$stg" : "$x" `
#the echo statement(above) is just printing a newline!! But not the result
What I intend to do with this code is, if I enter "racecar" and give "3" , it should display "car" which are the last three characters. Instead of displaying "car" its just printing a newline. Please correct this code rather than giving a better one.
Although you didn't ask for a better solution, it's worth mentioning:
$ n=3
$ stg=racecar
$ echo "${stg: -n}"
Note that the space after the : in ${stg: -n} is required. Without the space, the parameter expansion is a default-value expansion rather than a substring expansion. With the space, it's a substring expansion; -n is interpreted as an arithmetic expression (which means that n is interpreted as $n) and since the result is a negative number, it specifies the number of characters from the end to start the substring. See the Bash manual for details.
Your solution is based on evaluating the equivalent of:
expr "$stg" : '......\(...\)'
with an appropriate number of dots. It's important to understand what the above bash syntax actually means. It invokes the command expr, passing it three arguments:
arg 1: the contents of the variable stg
arg 2: :
arg 3: ......\(...\)
Note that there are no quotes visible. That's because the quotes are part of bash syntax, not part of the argument values.
If the value of stg had enough characters, the result of the above expr invocation would be to print out the 7th, 8th and 9th character of the value of stg`. Otherwise, it would print a blank line, and fail.
But that's not what you are doing. You're creating the regular expression:
which has single quotes in it. Since single-quotes are not special characters in a regex, they match themselves; in other words, that pattern will match a string which starts with a single quote, followed by nine arbitrary characters, followed by another single quote. And if the string does match, it will print the three characters prior to the second single-quote.
Of course, since the regular expression you make has a . for every character in the target string, it won't match the target even if the target started and begun with a single-quote, since there would be too many dots in the regex to match that.
If you don't put single quotes into the regex, then your program will work, but I have to say that few times have I seen such an intensely circuitous implementation of the substring function. If you're not trying to win an obfuscated bash competition (a difficult challenge since most production bash code is obfuscated by nature), I'd suggest you use normal bash features instead of trying to do everything with regexen.
One of those is the syntax to determine the length of a string:
$ stg=racecar
$ echo ${#stg}
(although, as shown at the beginning, you don't actually even need that.)
What about:
$ n=3
$ string="racecar"
$ [[ "$string" =~ (.{$n})$ ]]
$ echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
This looks for the last n characters at the end of the line. In a script:
read -p "Enter a string: " string
read -p "Enter the number of characters you want from the end: " n
[[ "$string" =~ (.{$n})$ ]]
echo "These are the last $n characters: ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
You may want to add some more error handling, but this'll do it.
I'm not sure you need loops for this task. I wrote some example to get two parameters from user and cut the word according to it.
read -p "Enter some word? " -e stg
#variable stg holds the string entered
if [ -z "$stg" ] ; then
echo "Null string"
exit 1
read -p "Enter some number to set word length? " -e cutNumber
# check that cutNumber is a number
if ! [ "$cutNumber" -eq "$cutNumber" ]; then
echo "Not a number!"
exit 1
echo "Cut first n characters:"
echo ${stg:$cutNumber}
echo "Show first n characters:"
echo ${stg:0:$cutNumber}
echo "Alternative get last n characters:"
echo -n "$stg" | tail -c $cutNumber
Enter some word? TheRaceCar
Enter some number to set word length? 7
Cut first n characters:
Show first n characters:
Alternative get last n characters:
OK so Ive been at this for a couple days,im new to this whole bash UNIX system thing i just got into it but I am trying to write a script where the user inputs an integer and the script will take that integer and print out a triangle using the integer that was inputted as a base and decreasing until it reaches zero. An example would be:
reverse_triangle.bash 4
so this is what I have so far but when I run it nothing happens I have no idea what is wrong
for (( i=$input; i>=$count;i-- ))
for (( j=1; j>=i; j++ ))
echo -n "*"
exit 0
when I try to run it nothing happens it just goes to the next line. help would be greatly appreciated :)
As I said in a comment, your test is wrong: you need
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
instead of
for (( j=1; j>=i; j++ ))
Otherwise, this loop is only executed when i=1, and it becomes an infinite loop.
Now if you want another way to solve that, in a much better way:
[[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || { printf >&2 'Argument must be a number\n'; exit 1; }
for ((;number>=1;--number)); do
printf -v spn '%*s' "$number"
printf '%s\n' "${spn// /*}"
Why is it better? first off, we check that the argument is really a number. Without this, your code is subject to arbitrary code injection. Also, we make sure that the number is understood in radix 10 with 10#$1. Otherwise, an argument like 09 would raise an error.
We don't really need an extra variable for the loop, the provided argument is good enough. Now the trick: to print n times a pattern, a cool method is to store n spaces in a variable with printf: %*s will expand to n spaces, where n is the corresponding argument found by printf.
For example:
printf '%s%*s%s\n' hello 42 world
would print:
hello world
(with 42 spaces).
Editor's note: %*s will NOT generally expand to n spaces, as evidenced by above output, which contains 37 spaces.
Instead, the argument that * is mapped to,42, is the field width for the sfield, which maps to the following argument,world, causing string world to be left-space-padded to a length of 42; since world has a character count of 5, 37 spaces are used for padding.
To make the example work as intended, use printf '%s%*s%s\n' hello 42 '' world - note the empty string argument following 42, which ensures that the entire field is made up of padding, i.e., spaces (you'd get the same effect if no arguments followed 42).
With printf's -v option, we can store any string formatted by printf into a variable; here we're storing $number spaces in spn. Finally, we replace all spaces by the character *, using the expansion ${spn// /*}.
Yet another possibility:
[[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || { printf >&2 'Argument must be a number\n'; exit 1; }
printf -v s '%*s' $((10#1))
s=${s// /*}
while [[ $s ]]; do
printf '%s\n' "$s"
This time we construct the variable s that contains a bunch of * (number given by user), using the previous technique. Then we have a while loop that loops while s is non empty. At each iteration we print the content of s and we remove a character with the expansion ${s%?} that removes the last character of s.
Building on gniourf_gniourf's helpful answer:
The following is simpler and performs significantly better:
count=$1 # (... number-validation code omitted for brevity)
# Create the 1st line, composed of $count '*' chars, and store in var. $line.
printf -v line '%.s*' $(seq $count)
# Count from $count down to 1.
while (( count-- )); do
# Print a *substring* of the 1st line based on the current value of $count.
printf "%.${count}s\n" "$line"
printf -v line '*%.s' $(seq $count) is a trick that prints * $count times, thanks to %.s* resulting in * for each argument supplied, irrespective of the arguments' values (thanks to %.s, which effectively ignores its argument). $(seq $count) expands to $count arguments, resulting in a string composed of $count * chars. overall, which - thanks to -v line, is stored in variable $line.
printf "%.${count}s\n" "$line" prints a substring from the beginning of $line that is $count chars. long.
is there some way to put variable in ALPHABETICAL range of cycle?
This doesnt work.
read -p "Where I should start?" start #there will be entered one small letter
for aaa in {$start..z}; do #how put variable $start in range?
Thanks for reply.
Use eval to expand the variable:
$ s=t
$ eval echo {$s..z}
t u v w x y z
Your example then becomes:
read -p "Where I should start?" start #there will be entered one small letter
for aaa in $(eval echo {$start..z}); do
echo $aaa
Since you have user input to eval, you may want to check the value of start as being a single lower case character first:
read -p "Where I should start?" start #there will be entered one small letter
if [[ $start =~ ^[a-y]$ ]]; then
for aaa in $(eval echo {$start..z}); do
echo $aaa
echo "Need to use a letter 'a-y'"
You can read more about Bash brace expansion here
Unfortunately, you can't put variables inside {start..end} ranges in bash.
This does what you want:
until [[ $s == "_" ]]; do echo $s && s=$(tr "a-z" "b-z_" <<<$s); done
It uses tr to translate each character to the next one. "_" is the character after "z".
For example:
$ s=t
$ until [[ $s == "_" ]]; do echo $s && s=$(tr "a-z" "b-z_" <<<$s); done
If you don't mind using Perl, you could use this:
perl -le 'print for shift .. "z"' $s
It uses .. to create a list between the first argument on the command line and "z".
A slightly more esoteric way to do it in bash would be:
for ((i=$(LC_CTYPE=C printf '%d' "'$s"); i<=122; ++i)); do
printf "\\$(printf '%03o' $i)\n"
The for loop goes from the ASCII character number of the variable $s to "z", which is ASCII character 122. The format specifier the inner printf converts the character number to octal, padding it with zeros up to three characters long. The outer printf then interprets this as an escape sequence and prints the character. Credit goes to Greg's wiki for the code used to convert ASCII characters to their values.
Of course you could just use eval to expand the variable, the advantage being that the code required to do so is much shorter. However, executing arbitrary strings that have been read in to your script is arguably a bit of a security hole.
for I in $(sed -nr "s/.*($x.*)/\1/;s/ /\n/g;p" <(echo {a..z}))
# do something with $I
I would avoid the use of eval.
for aaa in {a..z}; do
[[ $aaa < $start ]] && continue
The overhead of comparing $aaa to $start should be negligible, especially compare to the cost of starting a separate process to compute the range.