Set p:selectBooleanCheckbox value to bean with ajax - ajax

Hi i have a primefaces datatable with dynamic columns
<p:dataTable id="cars" var="car" value="#{formBean.carsSmall}"
<p:columns value="#{formBean.columns}" var="column"
<f:facet name="header">
rendered="#{(column.header eq 'CHECKVALUE1') or (column.header eq 'CHECKVALUE2')}" >
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{car.checkValue}" id="checkboxId">
rendered="#{(column.header ne 'CHECKVALUE1') and (column.header ne 'CHECKVALUE2')}" >
and i want to submit checkbox values to bean with ajax how could i do that ??
I tried to write something like:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{car.checkValue}" id="checkboxId">
<p:ajax update="#form"/>
But the value doesnt set to bean..

<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{car.checkValue}" id="checkboxId">
<p:ajax update=":form" listener="#{car.addMessage}"/>
Java Bean Class -
public void addMessage()
//Your Java Code goes here.


How to generate inputText field dynamically based on selection of p:picklist?

I have a scenario where I have to generate input text fields against each selection of a <pickList> in the same page. I am using PrimeFaces 5.2 and JSF 2.2.
Kindly advice.
Here goes answer:
<p:pickList id="PojoPickList"
value="#{editRoleAction.funcFieldDTO}" var="trnxDto"
effect="bounce" itemValue="#{trnxDto.fieldValue}"
itemLabel="#{trnxDto.fieldName}" showSourceControls="true"
showTargetControls="true" converter="pickListConverter">
<p:ajax event="transfer" update="#form"
listener="#{editRoleAction.transactionTransferToDestination}" />
<f:facet id="idar556" name="sourceCaption">#{msg.LBL_AVALIABLE_ROLES} </f:facet>
<f:facet id="idar557" name="targetCaption">#{msg.LBL_SELECTED_ROLES}</f:facet>
<h:panelGrid id="myGrid" width="400px;">
<p:dataTable value="#{editRoleAction.moduleTransactionList}" rendered="#{editRoleAction.moduleTransactionList.size() gt 0}" var="mainMenu">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputText value="Price of #{msg[mainMenu.labelId]}"/>
<p:inputText value="#{mainMenu.kioskType}"/>
public void transactionTransferToDestination() {
List<FunctionalityFieldDTO> destTrnx = funcFieldDTO.getTarget();
for (FunctionalityFieldDTO dto : destTrnx) {

Datatable not refreshing with ajax

I have two calendar controls and one command button. basically i want to give a range of date to pick the data from the database and then when i press the command button the datatable is displayed in the dialog box, the problem is java bean class is working it is loading the exact data which i want, but the datatable is not refreshing with command button click
my code is given;
<h:form id="form" >
<p:calendar value="#{calendarBean.dateFrom}" id="calFrom" pattern="yyyy-mm-dd">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{calendarBean.handleDateSelectFrom}" />
<p:calendar value="#{calendarBean.dateTo}" id="calTo" pattern="yyyy-mm-dd">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{calendarBean.handleDateSelectTo}" />
<p:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{calendarBean.submit()}" update="fTable" onclick="">
<f:ajax render=":form:fTable" execute="#form"></f:ajax>
<p:dialog id="aDialog" header="Filter List" widgetVar="aDlg"
modal="true" showEffect="explode"
hideEffect="explode" >
<p:panel id="pnl">
<p:dataTable id="fTable" value="#{calenderBean.list}" var="row" >
<p:column headerText="ID">
<h:outputText value="#{row.ID}"/>
<p:column headerText="Name">
<h:outputText value="#{row.Name}"/>
<p:column headerText="Time">
<h:outputText value="#{row.Time}"/>
<p:column headerText="User">
<h:outputText value="#{row.userName}"/>
kindly guide me regarding this issue
First thing to do, is remove the f:ajax, it's not working good with Primefaces. Also the update attribute should do everything.
This said, I have the very same code as yours which is working good.
If removing f:ajax is not working, try to check your managed bean scope (May be it's of request scope and data is re-initialized with every request)
Try Updating the dialog instead.

how to detect which row is concerned when changing autocomplete object inside datatable primefaces

I have this datatable :
<p:commandLink value="ajouter Ligne" update="lesarticles"
process="#this" actionListener="#{commandeMB.addLigne}" />
<p:dataTable id="lesarticles" var="car" widgetVar="carsTable"
rowKey="#{car.ligneCommandeFournisseurId}" selectionMode="single"
<p:column headerText="Numero">
<p:autoComplete id="art" required="true" var="p"
itemLabel="#{p.numero}" itemValue="#{p}" dropdown="true"
requiredMessage="Valeur requise" value="#{car.article}"
forceSelection="true" converter="#{articleConverter}"
<p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{commandeMB.handleSelect}"
update="designation unite pu" />
<p:message for="art" display="text" />
<p:column headerText="designation">
<h:outputText id="designation"
value="#{car.article.designation}" />
<p:column headerText="unité">
<h:outputText id="unite"
value="#{car.article.unite.libelle}" />
<p:column headerText="PU">
<h:inputText id="pu" styleClass="monpu"
value="#{car.PUAchat}" />
<p:column headerText="Quantité">
<h:inputText binding="#{qte}" styleClass="maqte" value="#{car.qte}" >
<p:column headerText="Mt">
<h:outputText id="mt" styleClass="monmt"
value="#{car.mtLigne}" />
I want when the user select one article(product in english) (througt autocomplete) I can detect which row is concerned by this selection to do do some treatements on managed bean side
as you see in the code I retrieve the selected article by :
public void handleSelect(SelectEvent event){
Article art = (Article) event.getObject();
but I want to retrieve also the row which contains this new article in the datatable
how can I achieve this
thank you in advance
<p:dataTable rowIndex="myIndex"/>
Then you can bind this value via;
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.index}" value="#{myIndex}"/>
<f:param name="myIndex" value="#{myIndex}"></f:param>
To be able to retrieve the value which comes with f:param:
Map<String, String> map = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
int index = Integer.parseInt(map.get("myIndex"));
You can put those in a p:commandLink, p:commandButton or p:ajax.
I resolved this problem by that :
<p:column headerText="Numero">
<p:autoComplete id="art"
required="#{commandeMB.validation}" var="p"
itemLabel="#{p.numero}" itemValue="#{p}" dropdown="true"
requiredMessage="Valeur requise" value="#{car.article}"
forceSelection="true" converter="#{articleConverter}"
<p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{commandeMB.handleSelect}"
update="designation unite pu mt" />
<p:message for="art" display="text" />
and in the managed bean I retrieve the concerned row by this :
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
LigneCommandeFournisseur ligne_concernee =
context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{car}", LigneCommandeFournisseur.class);

How to realize rowToggle in primefaces 3.3?

I'm now using primefaces 3.3, but this version doesn't support event="rawToggle" for datatable. So I chose to use the onExpandStart instead of rowToggle, but I met with another problem. Here I want to put another datatable as the expanded row, so everytime I toggle one row in nodetable, I need to pass the nodeId of that row to backingbean to get all the contents of that node. If I have event="rowToggle", I can do it without any problem! But if I use the attribute onExpandStart of the dataTable, I cannot get the somenode.nodeId in the backingbean, anyone knows how to solve it?
I've also tried to put a hidden input tag <input type="hidden" name="hidden" value="#{somenode.nodeId}"/> inside the rowToggler, but the value I get in backingbean is null.
Have been worked on it for several days, but still no ideas. Help please please please!
<p:dataTable id="nodetable" value="#{nodeedit.list}" var="somenode"
styleClass="datatable" editable="true"
onExpandStart="#{nodeedit.toggle(somenode.nodeId)}" >
<p:ajax event="rowEdit" listener="#{'node')}"/>
<p:column style="width:4%">
<input type="hidden" name="hidden" value="#{somenode.nodeId}"/>
<f:facet name="header">ID</f:facet>
<h:commandLink action="nodeedit">#{somenode.norder}</h:commandLink>
<p:column headerText="Name">
<f:facet name="output">
<h:outputText value="#{somenode.title}" />
<f:facet name="input">
<p:inputTextarea value="#{somenode.title}" style="width:100%"/>
<p:column headerText="Edit" style="width:50px">
<p:rowEditor />
<p:dataTable id="contentId" var="content"
value="#{nodeedit.contents}" id="contents" editable="true">
<p:ajax event="rowEdit" listener="#{'content')}"/>
<p:column headerText="Text" style="width:450px">
<f:facet name="output">
<h:outputText value="#{content.text}" escape="false" />
<f:facet name="input">
<p:inputTextarea value="#{content.text}" style="width:100%"/>
<p:column headerText="Edit" style="width:50px">
<p:rowEditor />
I have also tried another way. The Content of a Node is also an object, in the Node Class I have defined
List<LibContent> contents = new ArrayList<LibContent>();
so, like what siebzOr said, I wrote in my jsf something like:
<p:dataTable var="content" value="#{somenode.content}">
**<p:ajax event="rowEdit" listener="#{}"/>**
<h:outputText value="#{content.someValue}" />
<!-- Other columns -->
and in backingbean nodeedit, I have
public void save() {
for (Content content : node.contents)
I found that the content.text never changed no matter what I did in the page. But if I define List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<Content>() directly in nodeedit, it can get the new value!! That's why I tried to get the nodeId everytime I toggle the node-table and then update the contents in backingbean. Did I do something wrong with it?
p:rowExpansion is dynamic and loads it's data using AJAX. Something like this should work:
<p:dataTable value="#{nodeedit.list}" var="somenode" styleClass="datatable">
<p:rowToggler />
<!-- Your columns here -->
<p:dataTable var="content" value="#{nodeedit.contentOf(somenode)}">
<h:outputText value="#{content.someValue}" />
<!-- Other columns -->
In your backing bean you should have a method to get the content of a node, in my example contentOf(Node node)
#Named // or #ManagedBean
#ViewScoped // or some other scope
public class Nodeedit
private List<Node> list;
//Getters and Setters
public List<SomeClass> contentOf(Node node)
// get and return the content of the node
If your Node has a method to get the Content you can do something like this in stead:
<p:dataTable var="content" value="#{somenode.content}">
<h:outputText value="#{content.someValue}" />
<!-- Other columns -->
If a Node's content isn't a Collection of some sort I'm not sure it will work in a p:dataTable as the value.
I don't know what your classes look like so the above is just an idea.
Note also that I have put a h:form around the p:dataTable in stead of putting multiple forms in the p:dataTable itself. This is needed for multiple things like AJAX, selection, etc. You cannot nest forms.

Ajax call is made but the related fields are updated only after page refresh

I have tried making an ajax call for a selectOneMenu using JSF 2 and primefaces 2.2. The actionListener method is being called. But the columns I specified in the update attribute are not getting updated. When I refersh the page, I could find the updated values. Please help me out in this.
The code I used was
<h:form id="mainForm" prependId="false">
<p:tab title="Receipt">
<p:dataTable id="table1" var="recepit" rowIndexVar="rowIndex" value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.iterativeList}" scrollable="true" height="120px" styleClass="leftTable">
<p:column style="background-color: #EFF2F9">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="SL NO" />
<h:outputText value="#{rowIndex+1}" />
<p:column >
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Buss." />
<h:selectOneMenu id="selectOneCb4" value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.bussCode}" >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="V_BUSS_CODE" itemValue=""/>
<f:selectItems value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.rdetails}" var="model" itemLabel="#{model.buss}" itemValue="#{model.buss}"/>
<p:ajax update="table1:#{rowIndex}:receiptCode, table1:#{rowIndex}:referenceType" actionListener="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.obtainReceiptDatabasedOnBussCode}" event="change"/>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Receipt Code" />
<h:inputText value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.receiptCode}" id="receiptCode" style="font-family: verdana;font-size: 10px;width:80px;height:15px" onkeypress="return showForhotKey(event,'#{rowIndex}');"/>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Ref Type" />
<h:inputText value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.receiptType}" id="referenceType" style="font-family: verdana;font-size: 10px;width:80px;height:15px" onkeypress="return showForhotKey(event,'#{rowIndex}');"/>
<p:tab title="Print">
Try f:ajax instead of p:ajax and re-render the whole form to get closer to the problem source :
<h:selectOneMenu id="selectOneCb4" value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.bussCode}" >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="V_BUSS_CODE" itemValue=""/>
<f:selectItems value="#{ReceiptDetailsBean.rdetails}" var="model"
itemLabel="#{model.buss}" itemValue="#{model.buss}"/>
<f:ajax render="#form"
This should work as stated in my answer to your previous question.
Partial updates of dataTables and ajax updates of dataTables triggered from a component within the dataTable are not working in the 2.2 version of Primefaces. This is a known bug that may have been resolved in version 3.
One suggestion you can try is to use a single form for each dataTable and only update elements from within that one form.
