Why does gdb report: "no debugging symbols found"? - gcc

I'm trying to build a debug version of unzip, edited makefile a bit, but gdb still say "no debugging symbols found". Example of make output:
gcc -c -O3 -Wall -DASM_CRC -g -I. -Ibzip2 -DUNIX -DFUNZIP -o cryptf.o crypt.c
Maybe here is something wrong with flag order?


Problem with autoconf not making gcc with -Wall warnings

I have a simple project with a simple configure.ac script:
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign])
using GNU Autoconf version 2.69 (OpenSUSE Linux with gcc 9.2.1), but gcc is being called with no warning flags:
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT aprog.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/aprog.Tpo -c -o aprog.o aprog.c
mv ...
gcc -g -O2 -o aprog aprog.o -lgmp
In particular, I found -Wformat not working. Shouldn't -Wall include -Wformat? And shouldn't all warnings appear on the make line? If I run gcc line directly with -Wformat the warning shows in compile but it doesn't when I run autoconf, configure and make.
What I'm doing wrong?
The -Wall flag in the AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(...) invocation refers to warnings from automake and related tools like aclocal, not to compiler warnings. You will see these warnings when you are running autoreconf.
Note that while you can also add -Werror to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(...) to make your autoreconf run fail on warnings, many common macros (like those shipped with gettext or libtool) will still use deprecated macros which generates a warning, so -Werror means you cannot use this standard set of tools, so -Werror is not very useful in many cases.
If you want to add compiler options, there are a third party macros (e.g. AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG) which test whether the compiler recognizes a given compile option and you can then add them to some variable and use that in places. That is a different stackoverflow question, though.

What's suppressing my preprocessor #warnings?

I am porting a project from VxWorks 5.x to 7 and the new version of the "gcc" (4.8.1) compiler is not displaying the "#warning" statements within my C code.
The following are the flags I am using and none of them appear to inhibit the warning messages:
-march=corei7 -mpopcnt -maes -mpclmul -mavx -mfsgsbase -mrdrnd -mf16c -mavx2 -mmovbe -mfma -mbmi -mbmi2 -mrdseed -madx -mprfchw -nostdlib -fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -m64 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mcmodel=$(CM) -mno-red-zone -fno-implicit-fp -ansi -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss -O2 -w -g -w
I even added '-Wall' and that had NO affect. If I replaced on of the '#warning's with '#error', the build fails, indicating that the code IS getting compiled.
Can anybody assist?
From the manual:
-w Inhibit all warning messages.
You have two of those in your command line.

mingw32-make only runs the first dependency line

My Makefile:
helloworldlib.obj: helloworldlib.cpp
g++ -Wall -o helloworldlib.obj -c helloworldlib.cpp
helloworld.obj: source.cpp
g++ -Wall -o helloworld.obj -c source.cpp
helloworld.exe: source.cpp helloworld.obj
g++ -Wall -o helloworld.exe helloworld.obj helloworldlib.obj
I'm not sure what's wrong with this, when I run mingw32-make it only executes the first g++ -Wall -o helloworldlib.obj -c helloworldlib.cpp.
As far as I know this makefile is syntactically correct, mingw just doesn't seem to be able to find the other lines.
This is how make works. If no target is provided on the command line (e.g. mingw32-make helloworld.exe), by default it builds the first target defined in the file. See for instance: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2057716/2249356.
As a quick fix, you can just move the rule for helloworld.exe to the top of the file and then make will build all.
And, I think that the last rule is supposed to read
helloworld.exe: helloworld.obj helloworldlib.obj
g++ -Wall -o helloworld.exe helloworld.obj helloworldlib.obj
rather then with the source.cpp and its object code helloworld.obj as dependencies.

How to set gcc flags in Emscripten

I compile with the following command:
gcc -Wall -march=native -O3 -ffast-math -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -o waon main.o notes.o midi.o analyse.o fft.o hc.o snd.o -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lfftw3 -L/usr/local/lib -lsndfile -lm
I now would like to compile with Emscripten. How do I convert the above gcc command into an emcc command?
The command you have described in the question is linking rather than compiling. However in general you should just be able to replace gcc with emcc and it will do the right thing. In this case you will need to replace not only this linking command but also the commands used to compile the sources to the .o files.
It would probably be a good idea to take out the -march option.
It looks like your project is using libsndfile and FFTW. You will probably need to compile these libraries yourself using emscripten. Both of them are using autotools so with a bit of luck you can compile them with emscripten simply by adding the following parameters when you run the configure script:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/emscripten-libs CC=emcc
make && make install
Then when you link your program you can specify -L$HOME/emscripten-libs/lib instead of -L/usr/local/lib.
Make research about emsdk download&setup on your computer.
Download emsdk instruction
Next interest link is :
emcc or em++ instruction
When you setup emcc in command line you can see this project (i make emcc final look based on python script runner.py etc.):
Basic and useful example's :
Pretty analog with gcc :
-lGL for openGL
-s TOTAL_MEMORY=512MB --memory-init-file 1 Memory staff
--preload-file folderWithImages/--use-preload-plugins If you use assets
-I forInclude/someheader.h
-L libraryFolder/someLib.lib
Simple run:
./emcc -O2 a.cpp -o a.js
./emcc -O2 a.cpp -o a.html
./emcc -O2 a.cpp -o a.bc
./emcc -O2 b.cpp -o b.bc
./emcc -O2 a.bc b.bc -o project.js
Or :
to get JS
emcc -s WASM=1 myAdds.a myLib.a source1.c source2.cpp -o build.js
to get html
emcc -s WASM=1 myAdds.a myLib.a source1.c source2.cpp -o build.html
Link together the bitcode files:
emcc project.bc libstuff.bc -o allproject.bc
Compile the combined bitcode to HTML
emcc allproject.bc -o final.html
Important note :
You can't take an existing .a library and convert it. You must build lib with emcc also.

Compiling kernel, ld doesn't have the -T option

I made a custom bash script for assembling, compiling, and linking the kernel but when it gets to the line for linking i run into an error (see below). Im running this on OSX, newest build so im not sure why. Any suggestions?
ld: unknown option: -T
My script:
echo Now assembling, compiling, and linking your kernel:
nasm -f aout -o start.o start.asm
gcc -Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -nostdinc -fno- builtin -I./include -c -o main.o main.c
ld -T link.ld -o kernel.bin start.o
echo Done!
Before you try to create your own build scripts, have you managed to get the OSX kernel to build with its own scripts? This site by one of Apple's kernel engineers tells you how it's done.
