You are not authorised to view this resource - Joomla - joomla

I am using joomla 2.5.9 version, and I would like Joomla to redirect me to the login page if I am not logged in when i click an article which the Permission Access is for Registered only, but instead Joomla returns me this message: You are not authorised to view this resource.
And I dont see any reason why joomla by default havent made it redirect to login page.

This doesn't answer your exact question, but I think it's a good workaround. I'm working on the same issue. My approach at the moment is to check the messages for the "not authorised" string, and then set a flag based on that. You can then check that flag anywhere in template and either redirect, or just choose to optionally show the login form.`
/* get message from app */
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$messages = $app->getMessageQueue();
/* set login flag to 0 */
$showlogin = 0;
/* if there is a message set... */
if (isset($messages[0])) {
/* loop through messages and check for the "not authorised" string */
foreach ($messages as $msg) {
if ($msg["type"] == "error" && strpos($msg["message"], "not authorised") ) {
/* if found, update login flag */
$showlogin = 1;
/* include in template body - you could redirect here instead of including login form */
if ($showlogin) { ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="login-form" style="none" />
<?php } ?>

this happens when you try to access an article which is not visible, but the category is publically visible.
Seems like it is not considered a bug, but I think its a pretty unexpected "feature".
To fix this you can edit:
// Check the view access to the article (the model has already computed the values).
if ($item->params->get('access-view') == false && ($item->params->get('show_noauth', '0') == '0'))
$app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'), 'error');
$uri = urlencode(base64_encode(JURI::getInstance()->toString()));
JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return='. $uri, false)
This will show the login screen and return to the article after a succesfull login.
If you dont want to edit the core file (because you want to update your system), you have to create a system plugin to override this.


Joomla pagination across different components

Because pagination is using getUserStateFromRequest method to get the limit and limitstart variable, I'm having a problem where as I navigate from one component to another, I'm shown a no items found message.
To clarify, I have a products component that has 3 pages worth of products listed. Then I have a branches component with 2 pages worth of branch information. So if I navigate to the third page in the products list, and then go to the branches component, nothing is displayed.
Has anyone any idea how to stop this from happening? Any way to maybe clear the session data?
What I ended up doing was this,
in line 624 in libraries/joomla/application/application.php file I added the following lines
$curr_comp = JRequest::getCmd( 'option' );;
if($this->getUserState('option') != $curr_comp)
$this->setUserState($option . 'limitstart',0);
so the whole function reads this,
public function getUserStateFromRequest($key, $request, $default = null, $type = 'none')
$curr_comp = JRequest::getCmd( 'option' );
if($this->getUserState('option') != $curr_comp)
$this->setUserState($option . 'limitstart',0);
$cur_state = $this->getUserState($key, $default);
$new_state = JRequest::getVar($request, null, 'default', $type);
// Save the new value only if it was set in this request.
if ($new_state !== null)
$this->setUserState($key, $new_state);
$new_state = $cur_state;
return $new_state;
This seems to be working fine at the moment. But please test before implementing on a live site
To prevent editing the core files, but with the effect limited to your extension (so other extensions could load at the wrong page, but not yours), and if your model extends modellist, override the getStart() method:
public function getStart()
$store = $this->getStoreId('getstart');
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$start = $limitstart = $input->getInt('limitstart', 0);
$this->setState('list.start', $limitstart); // maybe redundant
$limit = $this->getState('list.limit');
$total = $this->getTotal();
if ($start > $total - $limit)
$start = max(0, (int) (ceil($total / $limit) - 1) * $limit);
// Add the total to the internal cache.
$this->cache[$store] = $start;
return $this->cache[$store];
If you want a solution that works system-wide and for all extensions, you should be able to override modellist with your implementation in a plugin. Start here.
This is an old question, but I just had the same issue as the OP, but in my case with Joomla 3.4.3.
After a lot of digging and testing, I discovered a solution for this that doesn't involve any plugin or core change:
If you put limitstart=0 in the URL, the pagination will restart for that page, and this solves the problem between menus.
The way to implement this could be either with javascript, or by overriding the menu module, I chose the override:
I just need this in some menus, so I placed a CSS class into the
menu link (edit the menu, and in the "Link Type" tab, place the CSS
class in the "Link CSS Style" field), in my case it was "
video-area" (without the quotes).
Add override (add the module to the html folder of your template,
in my case it was the menu module, so it was a matter of adding the
mod_menu folder: templatefolder/html/mod_menu)
In the override of the component part of the module
(default_component.php), check to see if we have the CSS class, if
so, add the extra query to the URL (I edited case 0):
case 0: $paginationLinks = ""; if(isset($class) && strpos($class, '
video-area') !== false){ $paginationLinks =
"?limitstart=0&limit=12"; } ?><a <?php echo $class; ?>href="<?php
echo $item->flink; ?><?php echo $paginationLinks;?>" <?php echo
$title; ?>><span><?php echo $linktype; ?></span></a><?php break;
That's it! it solved my problem, and even the pagination links have the extra query :)
BONUS: notice that I have &limit=12, this changes the limit for the pagination into 12 per page, without any extra code!, (before, I had a lot of code to implement this, and by adding this to the menu it calculates the correct page number and totals, and filters the query, nice one Joomla!)

How to determine the authorization in Joomla

After login i use need to set up redirect to custom page. How to catch this authorization in onAfterRoute event?
You should go to this path:
in function register_save(), find this code:
if ( $useractivation == 1 ) {
$message = JText::_( 'REG_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE' );
} else {
$message = JText::_( 'REG_COMPLETE' );
after line put this code:
$this->setRedirect('/Your Custom Page Address', $message);
Why not just use the built in redirect in either the Joomla user login menu item or the standard Joomla login module. Both offer the option to redirect a user after a successful login. In the case of the module, you would need to create a menu item pointing to the custom page, but that's easy enough to do.
Is there something you need to do other than just a simple redirect? If not, then just use the system as it is designed.
I would create a small plugin that handles the redirect after login.
After a user has been logged in, the event onUserLogin is triggered, and you could simply do a redirect when the event is called.
Avoid any core hacks, since you'll allways end up having a hazzle during updates.
The code for a plugin like this could look like this:
class plgAuthenticationMyredirect extends JPlugin{
function onUserLogin ($user, $options){
$link = 'index.php?option=.....';
$msg = 'Message to show after login';
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$app->redirect($link, $msg);

Where is Itemid used to flag active menu item in Joomla 2.5.6?

Can anyone please help me with the process flow through which the Joomla Itemid parameter ends up being the highlighted menu item?
I have embedded a 3rd party application in Joomla and by temporarily changing the php environment within the application.
I am able to get joomla html and insert the 3rd party html by replacing a token.
Simplified Code:
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/joomla/index.php?view=mycom&option=com_mycom&Itemid=103';
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/joomla/index.php';
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'view=mycom&option=com_mycom&Itemid=103';
require_once '/joomla/index.php';
$joomlaHTML = ob_get_clean();
echo str_replace($replacementToken, $thirdPartyHTML, $joomlaHTML);
In v1.5.x, the menu item with ID 103 is properly highlighted but in v2.5.6, it isn't and the Home item is always highlighted. I think it used to be highlighted correctly in v1.6.x and earlier versions of 2.5.x as well but not sure.
I wanted to find how the process flows (where this is set) so I can see what tweaks I need to make.
Thanks Dayo! you saved my day with this:
// force highlight the external url menu item
$Itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$menu = JSite::getMenu();
I don't fully understand the breadcrumb part, but I managed to get it working by editing my component's controller.php to read:
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// force highlight the external url menu item
$Itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$menu = JSite::getMenu();
// force fix the breadcrumb
$app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
$pathway =& $app->getPathway();
$bcrumbs = &JPathway::getInstance('site');
// import Joomla controller library
* MyCom Component Controller
class MyComController extends JController
Look in the following File
Check the
File and you will see two functions has been called "getActive" and "getDefault"
Which can be find in following file
I think it can be customized easily now

codeigniter : using flash data but no new page load?

Usually, I just set a $feedback var or array and then check for that to display in my views.
However, it occurred to me I should perhaps use flashdata instead.
The problem is sometimes - for say an edit record form, I may simply want to reload the form and display feedback - not redirect. when i use flashdata, it shows but then it shows on the next request as well.
What would be the best practice to use here?
CodeIgniter supports "flashdata", or session data that will only be available for the next server request, and are then automatically cleared.
u use hidden field for that
I would use the validation errors from the Form validation class and load those directly to the view in its 2nd argument.
$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<p>', '</p>');
$content_data = array();
if (!$this->form_validation->run()) {
$content_data['errors'] = validation_errors();
$this->load->view('output_page', $content_data);
Then check in your view whether $errors isset.
$data['message'] = 'some message you want to see on the form';
$this->load->view('yourView', $data);
if (isset ($message)) : echo $message; endif;

login state in top.links when called

I'm trying to pull the header of our Magento store in a standalone php page. Everything works as expected except the 'Log In' link does not appear. The customer.xml file uses the standard 'customer_logged_in' node to 'addLink' but it seems like the login status isn't getting assessed with the method I'm using. How do I get this Log In | Log Out link to display?
Here is the code I'm using:
require_once $mage_path;
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'frontend'));
$layout = Mage::app()->getLayout();
echo $layout->getBlock('header')->toHtml();
I'm able to get the correct login state independently using the following:
$session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session', array('name'=>'frontend'));
if ($session->isLoggedIn()) {
/* logged in */
} else {
/* not logged in */
However, I don't want to manage two different styles (one through the default magento XML and another for this custom page). I would rather have the getBlock call return the whole block with the correct login status. Any insight is appreciated.
You need to add the customer_logged_in to your handles, as well as default. For example:
$handles = array('default');
if (Mage::helper('customer')->isLoggedIn()) {
$handles[] 'customer_logged_in';
