OpenGL/DirectX: How does Mipmapping improve performance? - performance

I understand mipmapping pretty well. What I do not understand (on a hardware/driver level) is how mipmapping improves the performance of an application (at least this is often claimed). The driver does not know until the fragment shader is executed which mipmap level is going to be accessed, so anyway all mipmap levels need to be present in the VRAM, or am I wrong?
What exactly is causing the performance improvement?

You are no doubt aware that each texel in the lower LODs of the mip-chain covers a higher percentage of the total texture image area, correct?
When you sample a texture at a distant location the hardware will use a lower LOD. When this happens, the sample neighborhood necessary to resolve minification becomes smaller, so fewer (uncached) fetches are necessary. It is all about the amount of memory that actually has to be fetched during texture sampling, and not the amount of memory occupied (assuming you are not running into texture thrashing).
I think this probably deserves a visual representation, so I will borrow the following diagram from the excellent series of tutorials at
On the left, you see what happens when you naïvely sample at a single LOD all of the time (this diagram is showing linear minification filtering, by the way) and on the right you see what happens with mipmapping. Not only does it improve image quality by more closely matching the fragment's effective size, but because the number of texels in lower mipmap LODs are fewer it can be cached much more efficiently.

Mipmaps are useful at least for two reasons:
visual quality - scenes looks much better in the distance, there is more blur (which is usually better looking than flickering pixels). Additionally Anisotropic filtering can be used that improves visual quality a lot.
performance: since for distant objects we can use smaller texture the whole operation should be faster: sometimes the whole mip can be placed in the texture cache. It is called cache coherency.
great discussion from arcsynthesis about performance
in general mipmaps need only 33% more memory so it is quite low cost for having better quality and a potential performance gain. Note that real performance improvement should be measured for particular scene structure.
see info here:,819-2.html


Rendering Pipeline -- Performance -- Scaling with regard to amount of pixels

I had a discussion with a friend about two questions regarding the performance of the OpenGL Rendering Pipeline, and we would like to ask for help in determining who is right.
I argued that the throughput scales linearly with the amount of pixels involved, and therefore rendering a 4k scene should take 4 times as long as rendering a 1080p scene. Then we discovered this resolution-fps comparison video [see 1], and the scaling does not seem to be linear. Could someone explain why this is the case?
I argued that rendering a 1080p scene and rendering every 1/4 pixel in a 4k scene should have the same performance, as in both cases the same amount of pixels are drawn [see 2]. My friend argued that this is not the case, as adjunct pixel calculations can be done with one instructions. Is a right? And if so, could someone explain how this works in practice?
I argued that the throughput scales linearly with the amount of pixels involved, and therefore rendering a 4k scene should take 4 times as long as rendering a 1080p scene. Then we discovered this resolution-fps comparison video [see 1], and the scaling does not seem to be linear. Could someone explain why this is the case?
Remember: rendering happens in a pipeline. And rendering can only happen at the speed of the slowest part of that pipeline. Which part that is depends entirely on what you're rendering.
If you're shoving 2M triangles per frame at a GPU, and the GPU can only render 60M triangles per second, the highest framerate you will ever see is 30FPS. Your performance is bottlenecked on the vertex processing pipeline; the resolution you render to is irrelevant to the number of triangles in the scene.
Similarly, if you're rendering 5 triangles per frame, it doesn't matter what your resolution is; your GPU can chew that up in micro-seconds, and will be sitting around waiting for more. Your performance is bottlenecked on how much you're sending.
Resolution only scales linearly with performance if you're bottlenecked on the parts of the rendering pipeline that actually matter to resolution: rasterization, fragment processing, blending, etc. If those aren't your bottleneck, there's no guarantee that your performance will be impacted from increasing the resolution.
And it should be noted that modern high-performance GPUs require being forced to render a lot of stuff before they'll be bottlenecked on the fragment pipeline.
I argued that rendering a 1080p scene and rendering every 1/4 pixel in a 4k scene should have the same performance, as in both cases the same amount of pixels are drawn [see 2]. My friend argued that this is not the case, as adjunct pixel calculations can be done with one instructions. Is a right?
That depends entirely on how you manage to cause the system to "render every 1/4 pixel in a 4k scene". Rasterizers generally don't go around skipping pixels. So how do you intend to make the GPU pull off this feat? With a stencil buffer?
Personally, I can't imagine a way to pull this off without breaking SIMD, but I won't say it's impossible.
And if so, could someone explain how this works in practice?
You're talking about the very essence of Single-Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD).
When you render a triangle, you execute a fragment shader on every fragment generated by the rasterizer. But you're executing the same fragment shader program on each of them. Each FS that operates on a fragment uses the same source code. They have the same "Single-Instructions".
The only difference between them is really the data they start with. Each fragment contains the interpolated per-vertex values provided by vertex processing. So they have "Multiple" sets of "Data".
So if they're all going to be executing the same instructions over different initial values... why bother executing them separately? Just execute them using SIMD techniques. Each opcode is executed on different sets of data. So you only have one hardware "execution unit", but that unit can process 4 (or more) fragments at once.
This execution model is basically why GPUs work.

OpenGL ES, Z-Buffer, 2D sprites, discard, performance

I have a retro-looking 2D game with a lot of sprites (reminiscent of Sega's Super Scaler arcades) which do not use semi-transparency. I have thought about using the Z-Buffer over sorting to simplify things. Ok, but by default writes are done to the Z-buffer even though alpha is zero, giving the effect illustrated here:
Now, since I'm in OpenGL ES 2, I don't have alpha testing, so from what I understand my only possibility is to discard the pixel from the fragment shader if alpha is 0 so that it doesn't get written to the Z-Buffer. But in terms of performance this is SO wrong: not only the if is slow, but the discard basically kills the purpose since it disables early depth testing and the result is way worse than doing it in software.
if (val.a < 0.5) {
Is there any other solution I could use which would not kill the performance? Do all 2D games sort sprites themselves and not use depth buffer?
It's a tradeoff really. If you let the z-buffer do the sorting and use discard in your shaders then it's more expensive on the GPU because of branching and late depth testing as you say.
If you do the depth sorting yourself, then you'll find it's harder to issue your draw calls in an optimal order (e.g. you'll keep having to change texture). Draw calls on GLES2 have a very significant CPU hit on lower end devices and the count will probably go up.
If performance is a big concern, then probably the second option is better if you do it in conjunction with a big effort on the texture atlasing front to minimize your draw call count, this might be particularly effective if your sprites are low resolution retro sprites because you'll be able to get a lot of sprites per texture atlas. It isn't a clear winner by any stretch and I can imagine that different games take different approaches.
Also, you should take into account that the vast majority of target hardware is going to perform just fine whichever path you choose, and maybe you should just choose the one that is faster to implement and makes your code simpler (which is probably letting the z-buffer do the sorting).
If you fancy a technical challenge, I've often thought the best approach might be divide up your sprites into fully opaque sections and sections with transparency and render the two parts as separate meshes (they won't be quads any more). You'd have to do a lot of preprocessing and draw a lot more triangles, but by being able to do some rendering with fully-opaque parts then you can take advantage of the hidden-surface-removal tech in all iOS devices and lots of Android devices. Certainly by doing this you should be able to reduce your fill rate burden, but at a cost of increased draw calls, and there might be an unnecessarily high amount of added complexity to your code and your tools.

OpenGL - Will using multiple VBO's slow down rendering?

I am rendering some meshes (sometimes upwards of 500) and I wanted to know the best way to approach this. Would it be pointless to create 500 VBOs and then if they pass the frustum and visibility tests, render them. Is there a more efficient way to do this? I am looking to maximize performance.
To answer your question, yes, many VBOs will slow things down. More polys will usually slow down the render, but more draw calls has a much greater hit. You want to minimize state changes and draws, as well as the number of buffers you have (and memory use).
I would suggest first looking at the buffers and figuring out how many you need. If you can batch/instance geometry, merge static geometry into a single buffer, reuse buffer more efficiently, etc.
Once you've cut the buffers down to the minimum possible, you'll want to use culling of multiple sorts. Visibility, both by frustrum (perhaps in an octree) and occlusion, can provide a significant performance boost. The main idea is to disqualify the geometry as fast and simply as possible, so you start with rough tests (octree), then somewhat more detailed (perhaps an AABB and/or simplified hull), then occlusion, then actually draw.
Here's a good article on frustrum culling, which touches a bit on quadtrees (and by extension, octrees). Diagrams, explanations and some sample code.
OpenGL occlusion culling articles seem a bit less common, although this one from GPU Gems might be a good starting place.

graphics: best performance with floating point accumulation images

I need to speed up some particle system eye candy I'm working on. The eye candy involves additive blending, accumulation, and trails and glow on the particles. At the moment I'm rendering by hand into a floating point image buffer, converting to unsigned chars at the last minute then uploading to an OpenGL texture. To simulate glow I'm rendering the same texture multiple times at different resolutions and different offsets. This is proving to be too slow, so I'm looking at changing something. The problem is, my dev hardware is an Intel GMA950, but the target machine has an Nvidia GeForce 8800, so it is difficult to profile OpenGL stuff at this stage.
I did some very unscientific profiling and found that most of the slow down is coming from dealing with the float image: scaling all the pixels by a constant to fade them out, and converting the float image to unsigned chars and uploading to the graphics hardware. So, I'm looking at the following options for optimization:
Replace floats with uint32's in a fixed point 16.16 configuration
Optimize float operations using SSE2 assembly (image buffer is a 1024*768*3 array of floats)
Use OpenGL Accumulation Buffer instead of float array
Use OpenGL floating-point FBO's instead of float array
Use OpenGL pixel/vertex shaders
Have you any experience with any of these possibilities? Any thoughts, advice? Something else I haven't thought of?
The problem is simply the sheer amount of data you have to process.
Your float buffer is 9 megabytes in size, and you touch the data more than once. Most likely your rendering loop looks somewhat like this:
Clear the buffer
Render something on it (uses reads and writes)
Convert to unsigned bytes
Upload to OpenGL
That's a lot of data that you move around, and the cache can't help you much because the image is much larger than your cache. Let's assume you touch every pixel five times. If so you move 45mb of data in and out of the slow main memory. 45mb does not sound like much data, but consider that almost each memory access will be a cache miss. The CPU will spend most of the time waiting for the data to arrive.
If you want to stay on the CPU to do the rendering there's not much you can do. Some ideas:
Using SSE for non temporary loads and stores may help, but they will complicate your task quite a bit (you have to align your reads and writes).
Try break up your rendering into tiles. E.g. do everything on smaller rectangles (256*256 or so). The idea behind this is, that you actually get a benefit from the cache. After you've cleared your rectangle for example the entire bitmap will be in the cache. Rendering and converting to bytes will be a lot faster now because there is no need to get the data from the relative slow main memory anymore.
Last resort: Reduce the resolution of your particle effect. This will give you a good bang for the buck at the cost of visual quality.
The best solution is to move the rendering onto the graphic card. Render to texture functionality is standard these days. It's a bit tricky to get it working with OpenGL because you have to decide which extension to use, but once you have it working the performance is not an issue anymore.
Btw - do you really need floating point render-targets? If you get away with 3 bytes per pixel you will see a nice performance improvement.
It's best to move the rendering calculation for massive particle systems like this over to the GPU, which has hardware optimized to do exactly this job as fast as possible.
Aaron is right: represent each individual particle with a sprite. You can calculate the movement of the sprites in space (eg, accumulate their position per frame) on the CPU using SSE2, but do all the additive blending and accumulation on the GPU via OpenGL. (Drawing sprites additively is easy enough.) You can handle your trails and blur either by doing it in shaders (the "pro" way), rendering to an accumulation buffer and back, or simply generate a bunch of additional sprites on the CPU representing the trail and throw them at the rasterizer.
Try to replace the manual code with sprites: An OpenGL texture with an alpha of, say, 10%. Then draw lots of them on the screen (ten of them in the same place to get the full glow).
If you by "manual" mean that you are using the CPU to poke pixels, I think pretty much anything you can do where you draw textured polygons using OpenGL instead will represent a huge speedup.

Tackling alpha blend in OpenGL for better performance

Since having blends is hitting perfomance of our game, we tried several blending strategies for creating the "illusion" of blending. One of them is drawing a sprite every odd frame, resulting in the sprite being visible half of the time. The effect is quit good. (You'd need a proper frame rate by the way, else your sprite would be noticeably flickering)
Despite that, I would like to know if there are any good insights out there in avoiding blending in order to better the overal performance without compromising (too much) of the visual experience.
Is it the actual blending that's killing your performance? (i.e. video memory bandwidth)
What games commonly do these days to handle lots of alpha blended stuff (think large explosions that cover whole screen): render them into a smaller texture (e.g. 2x2 smaller or 4x4 smaller than screen), and composite them back onto the main screen.
Doing that might require rendering depth buffer of opaque surfaces into that smaller texture as well, to properly handle intersections with opaque geometry. On some platforms (consoles) doing multisampling or depth buffer hackery might make that a very cheap operation; no such luck on regular PC though.
See article from GPU Gems 3 for example: High-Speed, Off-Screen Particles. Christer Ericson's blog post overviews a lot of optimization approaches as well: Optimizing the rendering of a particle system
Excellent article here about rendering particle systems quickly. It covers the smaller off screen buffer technique and suggest quite a few other approaches.
You can read it here
It is not quite clear from your question what kind of application of blending hits your game's performance. Generally blending is blazingly fast. If your problems are particle system related, then what is most likely to kill framerate is the number and size of particles drawn. Particularly lots of close up (and therefore large) particles will require high memory bandwidth and fill rate of the graphics card. I have implemented a particle system myself, and while I can render tons of particles in the distance, I feel the negative impact of e.g. flying through smoke (that will fill the entire screen because the viewer is amidst of it) very much on weaker hardware.
