can I update all the columns in one set - oracle

I am just asking if there is an alternative way for the below update.
update test_table set
col 1 = trim(col1),
col 2 = trim(col2),
col 3 = trim(col3),
col 4 = trim(col4),
col 5 = trim(col5),
In my real table there are about 20 columns, maybe more. Is there a fast way where I can TRIM all the columns in one shot ?
seeking to a similar query if exists:
update test_table set all columns = trim(columns)
I can do like this :
UPDATE test_table
SET (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) = (
SELECT col1,col2,col3,col4,col5
FROM test_table)
Is there other way ?

There is no SQL syntax to give you a quick and easy way of doing this that I know of.
One way you could do it is to write a PL/SQL block to select the column names of a given table from a system view e.g. user_tab_cols and write them to a variable to build up the SQL code to run dynamically. To be honest, unless you have a number of tables to do this on or loads of columns it would probably be easier to write the query manually.
EDIT - Here is the code incase you want it
v_table varchar2(50) := 'test_table';
v_sql varchar2(2000) := null;
cursor c_cols(p_table varchar2) is
select c.column_name as col
from user_tab_cols c
where c.table_name = upper(p_table)
order by c.column_id;
-- write first line of sql...
v_sql := 'update ' || v_table || ' set' || chr(10);
-- loop through col names to add each col into update statement...
for l_c_cols in c_cols(v_table) loop
v_sql := v_sql || l_c_cols.col || ' = trim(' || l_c_cols.col || '),' || chr(10);
end loop;
-- remove last comma...
v_sql := substr(v_sql,1,length(v_sql)-2);
-- run dynamic sql...
execute immediate v_sql;
Let me know if you have any questions on this.


Is there a fast PLSQL function for returning a comma-delimited list of column names for a given schema.table?

I'm trying to set up some simple utilities in a PL/SQL environment. Eventually, I'd expect the hardcoded MYTABLE to be replaced by a bind variable.
I've started with the following, which returns an error:
TYPE colNames_typ IS TABLE OF all_tab_cols.column_name%type index by PLS_INTEGER;
v_ReturnVal colNames_typ;
v_sql VARCHAR2(32000);
v_sql :='SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_cols WHERE table_name = ''MYTABLE'' ' ;
INTO v_returnVal;
-- Convert assoc array to a comma delimited list.
The error returned:
PLS-00597: expression 'V_RETURNVAL' in the INTO list is of wrong type
I cant think of a more 'right' type than a table of entries with the exact same variable type as the source.
Any help would be awesome!
Is there a fast PLSQL function for returning a comma-delimited list of column names for a given schema.table?
v_columns VARCHAR2(32000);
SELECT LISTAGG( '"' || column_name || '"', ',' )
INTO v_columns
FROM all_tab_columns
WHERE owner = v_owner
AND table_name = v_table_name;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( v_columns );
(Note: you also need to pass the owner or, if you have two tables with identical names in different schemas then, you will get columns for both.)
(Note 2: I am assuming you want a list of column names to put into a dynamic query; if so, then you want to surround the column identifiers with double-quotes. If you don't and a column identifier is case-sensitive then you will get an incorrect name as Oracle will implicitly convert unquoted identifiers to upper case when it parses them in a query. If you don't want the quotes then use SELECT LISTAGG( column_name, ',' ).)
Which, if you have the table:
CREATE TABLE test_data (
db<>fiddle here
Not sure if this is what is being asked:
create or replace function get_cols_string(target_owner all_tab_cols.owner%type, target_table_name all_tab_cols.table_name%type) return varchar2 is
outputString varchar2(32767);
oneMore boolean := false;
for current_col in
(SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_cols
WHERE owner = target_owner and table_name = target_table_name) loop
if(oneMore) then
outputString := outputString || ', ';
end if;
outputString := outputString || current_col.column_name;
oneMore := TRUE;
end loop;
return outputString;
Rem Test the above with simple cases
create table tab1 (c1 number);
create table tab2 (c1 number, c2 number);
set serveroutput on
owner_name varchar2(32767) := 'SYS';
table_name varchar2(32767) := 'TAB1';
dbms_output.put_line('For: ' || owner_name || '.' || table_name);
dbms_output.put_line(get_cols_string(owner_name, table_name));
owner_name varchar2(32767) := 'SYS';
table_name varchar2(32767) := 'TAB2';
dbms_output.put_line('For: ' || owner_name || '.' || table_name);
dbms_output.put_line(get_cols_string(owner_name, table_name));
owner_name varchar2(32767) := 'SYS';
table_name varchar2(32767) := 'ALL_TAB_COLS';
dbms_output.put_line('For: ' || owner_name || '.' || table_name);
dbms_output.put_line(get_cols_string(owner_name, table_name));
You asked "is there a reason why the previous approach failed" - well yes. The error stems from Oracle being a very strict typing thus making your assumption that there is not "a more 'right' type than a table of entries with the exact same variable type as the source" false. A collection (table) of type_a is not a variable type_a. You attempted to store a variable of type_a into a collection of type_a, thus giving you the wrong type exception.
Now that does not mean you were actually far off. You wanted to store a collection of type_a variables, returned by the select, into a collection of type_a. You can do that, you just need to let Oracle know. You accomplish it with BULK COLLECT INTO. The following shows that process and creates your CSV of column names.
Note: #MTO posted the superior solution, this just shows you how your original could have been accomplished. Still it is a useful technique to keep in your bag of tricks.
type colnames_typ is table of all_tab_cols.column_name%type;
k_comma constant varchar2(1) := ',';
v_returnval colnames_typ;
v_sql varchar2(32000);
v_sep varchar2(1) := ' ';
v_csv_names varchar2(512);
v_sql := 'select column_name from all_tab_cols where table_name = ''MYTABLE'' order by column_id';
execute immediate (v_sql)
bulk collect into v_returnval;
-- Convert assoc array to a comma delimited list.
for indx in 1 .. v_returnval.count
v_csv_names := v_csv_names || v_sep || v_returnval(indx);
v_sep :=k_comma;
end loop;
v_csv_names := trim(v_csv_names);

Step out of a query to get where clauses from a separate table, within a stored procedure

I have a procedure which I'm using to output row counts to a .csv file but some of the where clauses I may want to use are contained in a table. How can I use them to create conditions for the counts?
I've attempted using concatenation pipes to select against the table that holds the where clauses but I'm confused about syntax and where they should go and I believe this is where I need the most help.
These are the columns in the table that contains some of the where clauses I ultimately want to use in the procedure.
And the values may be such as:
The procedure I have written is as follows:
create or replace procedure PROJECT is
l_dblink varchar2(100) := 'DB1';
ROW_COUNT number;
file_handle UTL_FILE.file_type;
utl_file.put_line(file_handle, 'OWNER,TABLE_NAME,ROW_COUNT');
--main loop
for rws in (select /*+parallel */ owner, table_name
from dba_tables#DB1 a
where table_name in (select table_name
from meta_table
where driver_table is not null
and additional_joins is null)
and a.owner in (select distinct schema
from meta_table c)
order by table_name)
execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' ||rws.owner||'.'||rws.table_name || '#' || l_dblink into ROW_COUNT;
rws.OWNER || ',' ||
rws.TABLE_NAME || ',' ||
end loop;
However, instead of the simple select count(*) reflected in the above, I want to find a way to include data in the meta_table to construct "where" clauses that use table joins to limit the output so that I'm not counting all rows, but rows that meet the criteria in the join I've constructed.
For example, so that the actual count that gets executed will be something like this:
select count(*)
where A.AR_ID = B.AR_ID;
Essentially I would be constructing the query using the entries in the meta_table. I think I can do this with concat's / pipes but I'm not sure exactly how to.
Can you help?
You need to extend your simple statement to assemble the join criteria as well. The one catch is that you must give the tables aliases which match the aliases used in additional_joins i.e. B for FULL and A for DRIVER. These have to be standard for all rows in your META_TABLE otherwise you will generate invalid SQL.
create or replace procedure PROJECT is
l_dblink varchar2(100) := 'DB1';
ROW_COUNT number;
file_handle UTL_FILE.file_type;
v_sql varchar2(32767);
utl_file.put_line(file_handle, 'OWNER,TABLE_NAME,ROW_COUNT');
<< main_loop >>
for rws in (select mt.*
from dba_tables#DB1 db
join meta_table mt
on mt.driver_table = db.table_name
and mt.owner = db.owner
where mt.db_link = l_dblink
order by mt.table_name)
-- simple query
v_sql := 'select count(*) from ' || rws.owner||'.'||rws.driver_table || '#' || l_dblink;
-- join query
if rws.additional_joins is not null
and rws.full_table is not null then
v_sql := v_sql|| ' b, '|| rws.full_table ||'#'||l_dblink|| ' a where ' ||rws.additional_joins;
end if;
-- uncomment this for debugging
execute immediate v_sql into ROW_COUNT;
rws.OWNER || ',' ||
rws.TABLE_NAME || ',' ||
utl_file.put_line(file_handle, ROW_COUNT);
end loop main_loop;
We have to use a variable to assemble the statement because the final SQL is conditional on the contents of a row. This enables efficient debugging because we have something we can display. Dynamic SQL is hard, because it turns compilation errors into runtime errors. Diagnosis is difficult when we can't see the actual executed code.
I have tweaked your driving query to make the joins safer.
The column names you used in the code are not consist with the column names you used for the table structure. So there may be naming bugs which you'll need to fix for yourself.
I have retained the Old Skool implicit join syntax. I was tempted to generate ANSI 92 SQL (inner join ... on) but it's not clear that the additional_joins will contain only join criteria.
Pro tip. Instead of commenting your loops - --main loop - use an actual PL/SQL label - <<main_loop>> so you can link the matching end loop statement, as I have done in this code.
Improvements you may want to add:
validate that FULL_TABLE exists in target database
include FULL_TABLE in UTL_FILE output
validate that columns referenced in ADDITIONAL_JOIN are valid (using DBA_TAB_COLUMNS, but it's trickier because you will have to parse the column names from the text)
worry about whether the content of ADDITIONAL_JOIN is a valid and complete join condition
First of all I don't recommend to use PARALLEL hint. It can kill your db if you will have a lot of queries with PARALLEL hints.
I assume that columns MAND_JOIN means, that always we have value there.
create or replace procedure PROJECT is
lc_sql_template CONSTANT varchar2(4000) :=
'select count(*) ' || CHR(10) ||
' from #TableOwner.#TableName#DB1 b' || CHR(10) ||
' inner join #FullTableName#DB1 a ON #JoinCodition';
lv_row_count number;
lv_file_handle UTL_FILE.file_type;
lv_sql varchar2(32767);
utl_file.put_line(lv_file_handle, 'OWNER,TABLE_NAME,ROW_COUNT');
for rws in (select mt.*
from dba_tables#DB1 db
inner join meta_table mt
on mt.driver_table = db.table_name
and mt.owner = db.owner
where mt.driver_table is not null
and mt.additional_joins is null
order by mt.table_name)
lv_sql := lc_sql_template;
lv_sql := replace(lv_sql, '#TableOwner' , rws.owner);
lv_sql := replace(lv_sql, '#TableName' , rws.driver_table);
lv_sql := replace(lv_sql, '#FullTableName' , rws.full_table);
lv_sql := replace(lv_sql, '#JoinCodition' , rws.mand_join);
$if $$DevMode = true $then -- I even recommand to log this all the time;
execute immediate lv_sql into lv_row_count;
utl_file.put(lv_file_handle, rws.OWNER || ',' || rws.TABLE_NAME || ',' || lv_row_count);
end loop main_loop;
when others then

When does user_tab_columns get updated?

In another question I tried to create a hist table, which keeps a log from the given table. With the answers in that question, I tried to create something new.
Since it is not possible to create a system trigger on tables or views, I created a DDL trigger like this:
create or replace trigger ident_hist_trig after alter on schema
v_table varchar2(30);
select upper(ora_dict_obj_name) into v_table from dual;
if (v_table = 'Z_IDENT') then
prc_create_hist_tabel('z_ident_hist', 'z_ident');
elsif (v_table = 'D_IDENT') then
prc_create_hist_tabel('d_ident_hist', 'd_ident');
elsif (v_table = 'X_IDENT') then
prc_create_hist_tabel('x_ident_hist', 'x_ident');
end if;
The procedure prc_create_hist_tabel looks like this:
create or replace procedure prc_create_hist_tabel(p_naam_hist_tabel in varchar2, p_naam_tabel in varchar2) is
cursor c is
select 'alter table ' || p_naam_hist_tabel || ' add ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type || case when data_type = 'DATE' then null else '(' || data_length || ')' end lijn
from user_tab_columns
where TABLE_NAME = upper(p_naam_tabel)
and column_name not in (select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = upper(p_naam_hist_tabel));
v_dummy number(1);
cursor trig is
select column_name || ',' kolom, ':old.' || column_name || ',' old
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = upper(p_naam_tabel);
v_trigger_sql varchar2(32767);
select 1 into v_dummy
from user_tab_columns
where TABLE_NAME = upper(p_naam_hist_tabel)
group by 1;
exception when no_data_found then
execute immediate 'create table ' || p_naam_hist_tabel || ' (wijziger varchar2(60) default user, wijzigdatum date default sysdate, constraint pk_' || p_naam_hist_tabel || ' primary key (wijziger, wijzigdatum))';
for i in c
execute immediate i.lijn;
exception when others then
end loop;
v_trigger_sql := 'create or replace trigger ' || p_naam_tabel || '_hist_trig after update on ' || p_naam_tabel || ' for each row begin insert into ' || p_naam_hist_tabel || ' (';
for v_lijn in trig
v_trigger_sql := v_trigger_sql || v_lijn.kolom;
end loop;
v_trigger_sql := substr(v_trigger_sql, 1, length(v_trigger_sql) - 1);
v_trigger_sql := v_trigger_sql || ') values (';
for v_lijn in trig
v_trigger_sql := v_trigger_sql || v_lijn.old;
end loop;
v_trigger_sql := substr(v_trigger_sql, 1, length(v_trigger_sql) - 1);
v_trigger_sql := v_trigger_sql || '); end;';
execute immediate v_trigger_sql;
In short what that function does, is maintain the history table. If it doesn't exist, it will create one, and if it exists, it will add the new columns to it. The procedure also creates a new trigger which will write the old values into the history table after update.
But when I alter one of the tables x_ident, z_ident or d_ident, the cursor c will return nothing (I can check that with the print when I loop through it). Although when execute the select after I altered my table, then I do get results.
The results I get from altering the table d_ident are these:
d_ident: Table altered.
But I guess it should be the other way around, I think that the procedure prc_create_hist_tabel is executed before the alter table actually goes off, and I guess I should get something like this:
d_ident: Table altered.
Any help would be apreciated. I tried to create a trigger on insert on user_tab_columns, but that gave me ORA-25001: cannot create this trigger type on views.
I tried with a sleep command as well, but that didn't work either.
This won't work. Even if you were able to get the column that is being added to the table in your trigger, if you tried to actually do DDL in a trigger, you'd get an error that DDL isn't allowed in a trigger.
I'd expect that the right way to approach this would be to make the call to prc_create_hist_tabel as part of your promotion scripts. Reasonable systems don't add columns to tables willy-nilly. The DDL is part of a promotion that exists in source control and gets deployed after testing. If your promotion scripts failed to modify the history table, you'd find out during testing that you missed a step and the change would never go to production. Having changes happen automatically means that they're not in change control which makes it more difficult to do a build from change control.
If you are determined to do this automatically, your trigger would need to submit a job, realistically using dbms_job not the newer dbms_scheduler, that calls the procedure. That job would run after the transaction the DDL trigger is a part of committed. At that point, the column would be visible in dba_tab_columns. And your job is free to do DDL.

Find a Value in Table Using SQL Developer

I inherited a large database and nobody seems to know which table/column a particular data set is coming from. I've spent a lot of time going through table by table in Oracle's SQL Developer, but I can't find it. Is there a way in SQLDeveloper to search the entire table for a single value. Something like:
select table_name from all_tab_columns where column_value='desired value';
The db has around 1K+ tables each with lots of columns so manually combing through this isn't working.
You can use the following script to search for a value in all columns of your schema. The execution time for the script will depend on the number of tables in your schema and the number of rows in each of your table.
Replace 'abc' with the value which you intend to search. Also, right now the script will search all VARCHAR2 columns. You can also insert the table names and counts into a table instead of doing a DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.
CURSOR cur_tables
SELECT table_name,
FROM user_tab_columns
WHERE data_type = 'VARCHAR2';
v_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
v_value VARCHAR2(50);
v_count NUMBER;
v_value := 'abc';
FOR c_tables IN cur_tables LOOP
v_sql := 'SELECT count(1) FROM ' || c_tables.table_name || ' WHERE ' || c_tables.column_name || ' = :val' ;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql INTO v_count USING v_value;
IF v_count > 0 THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Table Name ' || c_tables.table_name || ' Column Name ' || c_tables.column_name || ' Row Count ' || v_count);

How to trim all columns in all rows in all tables of type string?

In Oracle 10g, is there a way to do the following in PL/SQL?
for each table in database
for each row in table
for each column in row
if column is of type 'varchar2'
column = trim(column)
Of course, doing large-scale dynamic updates is potentially dangerous and time-consuming. But here's how you can generate the commands you want. This is for a single schema, and will just build the commands and output them. You could copy them into a script and review them before running. Or, you could change dbms_output.put_line( ... ) to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ... to have this script execute all the statements as they are generated.
(SELECT t.table_name, c.column_name
FROM user_tables t, user_tab_columns c
WHERE c.table_name = t.table_name
AND data_type='VARCHAR2')
'UPDATE '||c.table_name||
' SET '||c.column_name||' = TRIM('||c.column_name||') WHERE '||
c.column_name||' <> TRIM('||c.column_name||') OR ('||
c.column_name||' IS NOT NULL AND TRIM('||c.column_name||') IS NULL)'
Presumably you want to do this for every column in a schema, not in the database. Trying to do this to the dictionary tables would be a bad idea...
v_schema varchar2(30) := 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME';
cursor cur_tables (p_schema_name varchar2) is
select owner, table_name, column_name
from all_tables at,
inner join all_tab_columns atc
on at.owner = atc.owner
and at.table_name = atc.table_name
where atc.data_type = 'VARCHAR2'
and at.owner = p_schema;
for r_table in cur_tables loop
execute immediate 'update ' || r.owner || '.' || r.table_name
|| ' set ' || r.column_name || ' = trim(' || r.column_name ||');';
end loop;
This will only work for fields that are VARCHAR2s in the first place. If your database contains CHAR fields, then you're out of luck, because CHAR fields are always padded to their maximum length.
