Dreamspark Visual Studio 2013 RC - visual-studio

Will we see a release of VS2013 RC on Dreamspark (Student version of MSDN)?
I wish to download vs2013RC. But not a trial one.. On microsoft's site, it has a trial download link which ends after 90 days.

Seems like it is out as of today (27 Oct). Note that while the ad mentions only the Professional edition being available on Dreamspark, you can also download the Premium. However as far as the Ultimate edition goes - which contains the new CodeLens feature - is still available only in RC. It is not yet clear whether VS Ultimate (final) will be available on Dreamspark.

Also I see that Vs2013 RTM is released on dreamspark now.


Is there a way to download a specific version of Visual Studio 2019?

I'm currently facing some issues with the latest Visual Studio 2019 version (16.7.0) and I want to go back to a previous version, specifically 16.6.2. However on the VS website I can't find a place where to download a specific version of Visual Studio, so is there a way (even non official) to download this version?
Officially, Microsoft provides older installer for VS 2019, but only the Enterprise, Professional, and Build Tools. Meanwhile Community edition
is only supported on the recommended latest release of the latest minor version of Visual Studio
So if you expect to be needing VS Community older version in the future, I suggest backing up the offline installer when they're released.
In case you need to install a specific version of the Community Edition you can download VS 20XX Professional Edition with the desired version and then, during installation, just select the Community Edition.
Download the installer with the required version (release history for VS2022)
Open the installer and when the Workloads screen appears, close it to view the setup screen behind.
On the setup screen go to the "Available" tab
Choose the Community Edition (or the one you need...)
you can download the older version of Visual studio 2019:
For VS2022, the list is here:

Change License Type on Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition

We have installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on several Computer on my company. And now , as we are going to work on closed-source projects :
is it possible to switch to standard professional license (just like if we did install the professionnal edition) ?
or do we have to reinstall the VS 2015 professional edition on all the computers !
In short, is it possible to switch without reinstall all my 10 PC ?
Best regards.
It is not possible to just enter the VS Professional license key, but you don't have to necessarily uninstall the Community version.
However, you will have to run the VS Professional installer that will upgrade the Community version to the Professional one. This is also suggested here [1].
You will find here [2] an answer to a similar question, stating that although running the installer will upgrade the existing Community edition, uninstalling and reinstalling is recommended.
[1] https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/6202c332-bf73-4073-8ee6-70a3c5402467/upgrading-from-community-to-professional-seems-impossible-how?forum=vssetup
[2] Can Visual Studio Community 2015 be easily updated to Visual Studio Professional 2015

VisualStudio Community 2013 prompts to update trial license

I have installed VisualStudio 2013 Community, as per Microsoft documentation VisualStudio 2013 Community is free and will not require any license.
But today I saw a notification on VisualStudio 2013 community IDE prompting me to update the trial license. Is this a bug?
Have you signed in to Community?
Mean in your editor aswell on the homepage if necessary.
That should update the license and fix that. If you need to sign out after that you can. The license should be good for one year before you need to sign in again.
Otherwise it's a problem that you should address to the Microsoft VS Support not the SO Community
Actually there is a dirty work around without signing-in , I used a free tool called RunAsDate from this link http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/run_as_date.html and set the date in the tool to the installation date. So the license never expires .
I had to install VStudio 2013 Community yesterday 2017 / 07 / 11 (170711), and I ran into the exact same issue.
Some context (I doubt that it makes any difference, but still):
I have 7 other VStudio versions (paid / unpaid) installed
Previously, I had a VStudio 2013 paid edition (I don't remember whether it was Enterprise or Professional) whose trial expired (after 1 month; I didn't bother to extend it for 2 additional months), so I have uninstalled it
I've Googled and found smth similar on [Unity.Forum]: Visual Studio Community 2015 - License has expired ?! (with a nice pic and stuff), which pointed out to: [MS.DevBlogs]: Visual Studio 2015 FAQ - Community Edition is telling me my trial has expired. Do I have to pay for Community edition?:
No, Community edition is free to use. We use the same infrastructure that allows you to unlock VS w/ an online subscription to manage the requirement of signing into Community edition so some of our strings overlap cross these scenarios. Trial here means the period you can use the community edition before you must sign in to fully unlock the IDE.
So, after signing in (it's a simple email address/password sign in to MS), the IDE was unlocked. Staying signed in is not mandatory, I signed out, and the IDE still works.
Today (180821), my VStudio license expired again for all 3 Community editions that I have installed.
Below, it's the VStudio 2015 locked version:
After signing in ([MS.Docs]: Sign in to Visual Studio), and optionally clicking "Check for an updated license", everything went back to normal. Posting some examples:
VStudio 2017:
Again, no need to stay signed in after performing the license upgrade.
VStudio 2019:
VStudio 2022 (not yet necessary):
I had the same issue. I signed out of visual studio, and restarted my PC. That solved the issue.
Hope this helps
I faced the same problem today with Visual Studio Community 2019. The warning disappeared after logout and login again from my Visual Studio account and restart it.

Upgrading from VS2008 Pro to VS2010 Pro without MSDN

I'm looking to upgrade from Visual Studio 2008 Pro to Visual Studio 2010 Pro without MSDN. On the MSDN US site there's pricing for Upgrade from Standard for $299.
On the UK MSDN site however, the only options are to buy with MSDN for £484.99. Obviously a big difference in price there!
I can't find any info as to what qualifies for the Upgrade from Standard - anyone know about this? Or whether it's available in the UK?
Not really a programming question... (but somehow it is.. it's VS after all :P)
But: Have you considered calling the microsoft support or sending them an email? I bet they can give you the sophisticated info on that matter.
The Upgrade from Standard is for
*Special upgrade for Visual Studio 2005/2008 Standard Edition customers. Does not include MSDN.
If you want more info go to
and just above the BUY NOW button on the left there will be a link to Chat with a Representative. They should be able to tell you if you can upgrade from 2008 Pro to 2010 Pro.
I'm also not a MSDN member. As the owner of Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition, I was able to purchase a Visual Studio 2010 Professional license for $299.
I'm assuming your confusion is coming from the fact that you own VS 2008 Pro and not VS 2008 Standard. I would think that you could take advantage of the same $299 offer, but as someone else said, I'd check with Microsoft sales first.
I believe the upgrade is from VS 2010 Standard to VS 2010 Pro - not from earlier editions.

VS2010 Upgrade Edition - is 'upgrading' from express ligitimate?

I've read from a non reliable source that purchasing VS2010 Upgrade Edition (As opposed to full retail) is a valid licensing route when 'upgrading' from VS Express (free) - Can anyone confirm or refute this?
Thank you
It looks like this is true:
Before you buy
Eligible for upgrade with any previous
version of Visual Studio or any other
developer tool.
Visual Studio 2010 Professional
includes a 12-month MSDN Essentials
subscription. MSDN Essentials gives
you access to core Microsoft
platforms: Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows
Server 2008 Enterprise R2, and
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Datacenter
Special information for trial users
If you're using a trial version of
Visual Studio Professional and you buy
the Visual Studio 2010 Professional
Upgrade, you can use the product key
you get on the receipt page to convert
your trial version to a full version.
This seems to say that you can upgrade from any competing product or any existing version of Visual Studio, even a trial one. It doesn't explicitly mention the Express edition, but you could always install the trial version and upgrade that instead.
I sell software and didn't want to violate the license agreement. So, I chatted with a MS rep (and have the chat log), then called the licensing number and was told the same thing from both. The upgrade license is valid from ANY prior version (including express). I asked about express specifically and more than once and was told this was just fine.
