Fatal out of memory in joomla - joomla

I download a Joomla quick starter package and when installed it..
I found this error...anyone can help please?
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 323588 bytes) in \libraries\phputf8\mbstring\core.php on line

The error is showing your page is trying to load more than 25 Mb into memory. This is way too high, a normal installation with a few customizations usually doesn't go over 5mb, and can be as low as 2 or 3 depending on what you're showing.
I am assuming you can access the administrator interface at least. From there, turn on System-Debug in the Global configuration, and reload the frontpage.
If the page loads, at its bottom you will see the breakdown of the memory consumed by the different modules, most likely there will be only one using up all memory.
If the page doesn't load, since mbstring is not used by Joomla itself, it may be worth trying with another template: all the positions will be wrong but you could be able to see the page and try to debug it. Just go to the extensions-template menu in the administrator and choose beez or another default template for the frontend, reload and continue with the debug.
If the page still doesn't load, try to make another page the default page, and on that page just put less content and fewer modules. You would do that from the menu manager, just click the star next to a menu item and make it yellow. Then load the frontend and check memory.
A quickstarter should have been tested to rule out such high memory consumption, so a final option is that it gets stuck on some legacy code, which you could find out examining your apache's error_log. Finally, you might want to ask the developers for support or try reinstalling the quickstarter without any data in and work your way up.


Joomla Quickstart advice

Please I need some guidelines (or link of tutorials) in creating Joomla (3 - 3.5) website with the purchased template design. I wonder how professionals with experience are solving my doubts in practice.
Do you recommend the installation of the purchased blank template with a single installation and configuration of modules and components or installation of template with demo examples (Quickstart)? I know the differences but I was wondering how you are doing.
Till now I've almost always used the Quickstart installation.
I wonder if you clone the main menu (and other navigation and modules) and than you rename a copy for your needs and you change the content or you delete all navigation items except Home and than you are re-creating items according to your needs.
I'm not sure if I can copy the main menu or I copy only his necessary items and than delete overage of template.
It happens to me sometimes if I click on some of category it leads me to the main menu from original item, not to the desired custom copy, even though the path is set (the default items). Therefore, I am not sure which is better... copy main menu and items or to delete all navigation and content of the Quickstart installation and form my own navigation, content and modules.
In short, how to sort out all unnecessary items, and those that I am using should I copy and modify, modify existing, or delete all and make my own needed items.
I believe you will know my concerns.
Thank you and regards,
I have created several websites in Joomla with blank template and also with quickstart package.
Advantages with Blank Template
You will get the core theme without any unnecessary content and
basic modules and plugins. You dont have to delete any
contents/articles later.
You will be having authority to place modules at your desired positions. To check the modules position at the frontend simply do this http://example.com/?tp=1.
Disadvantage of Blank Template
There are some module style settings embedded in quickstart package that you wont be able to set yourself without going through full documentation. So sometimes your menu seems distorted.
Disadvantage of Quickstart Package
Deleteing unnecessary articles, removing unnecessary modules is a big headache.
Database size unnecessarily increases.
Steps I follow
I create a quickstart package in localhost and create a blank site with blank template in live site. Whatever settings I need I copy from the local website so that I am saved from removing unnecessary contents from live site. Also sometimes deleting some contents give rise to some other issues. Its better t go with a Blank template.

Why do I get a blank page after any saving in joomla 3 administration?

I have turned debugging on, and max error display, but even when saving these settings I get a blank page, nothing. Saving a module, the same. saving an article, the same. I reload the page and the changes were made/saved, but it gets extremely annoying to reload things twice
Blank screen would indicate fatal error
-you need to enable error reporting in joomla configuration (e.g. set it to maximum).
And look for exact error related to plugins or configurations and resolve it as per error existence.

Magento showing different product quantities on different pages

We have a Magento site running on version 1.7.0 on the Argento theme that seems to be having intermittent issues with products not appearing. This appears to happen on certain pages and not others.
For example, if you add a product from the homepage or single category pages, it will show immediately as being part of the cart (note, Argento uses AjaxPro for the cart). However, once you navigate to another page, say "My Cart" or "Checkout" the total will show as zero. Doing a hard-refresh on the browser will update the total.
Additionally, if you open the Chrome Dev tools, navigate to "Network" and then check "disable cache" everything runs perfectly.
Things we have tried to resolve this:
Flushing/Clearing/Disabling the Magento cache. Seems to make things slightly better but doesn't clear up the issue.
x-cache-control meta tag. Same as above, issue seems to be less frequent but still definitely appearing.
Turn off AjaxPro. Our initial belief was that this plugin was causing issues, but turning it off has no effect.
Re-Index. Has no effect.
Added $.ajaxSetup({"cache" : false}) at the top of our scripts. This also has no effect.
Any advice or tips on where to look next would be appreciated.
It turns out that our hosting provider had set up the installation with the sessions stored in memcache. We switched this over to file storage in our local.xml and it fixed the issue.

Magento - template displays correctly once Layouts in Cache Storage is Disabled

I have created a custom mini-header & mini-footer phtml file that I use within a Magento installation but only on the checkout pages. (These are basically very minimal header/footers with very little content)
IF (any CHECKOUT page)
Use mini-header & mini-footer
Use the default header/footer files for that theme.
I have a CMS static block called 'Footer Links' that will sometimes seem to override my own 'mini-footer.phtml' - it is inconsistent, sometimes on a checkout page I will see my mini-footer and another times it obvious that the 'Footer Links' static block is appearing (with 15+ html links).
At the moment the only I way I can force Magento to use my custom mini-footer.phtml is to DISABLE the 'Blocks HTML output' Cache Storage Management within the Magento Admin, however I want to have this option ideally turned on for a live site for extra speed performance.
Can anyone suggest what to do?
File this one under Works as Designed, although your question is a little unclear. Using stateful information within a cached block or the template of a cached block will lead to one state being added to the cache, and your conditional won't run again until the cache expires the entry.
As for a solution, it's not 100% clear from your question how you've set this up. You say you have a
Then you have some conditional logic, but you don't mention where this conditional logic is.
Then you say you have a CMS static block called Footer Links.
You don't mention how mini-header.phtml or mini-footer.phtml are added to your layout.
You don't mention how you're adding the CMS static block.
All these details will matter if you want to find a solution to your question.
I have the same issue here. After installing a theme extension, I have come to notice that things go haywire when I click on a category: Static blocks appear in random locations. To sum it up, I got better results by disabling "Blocks HTML Output" cache.
I am tempted to try to install a different cache implementation.
My theme designer mentioned to me that this is a well known bug and that patching would help solve the problem. Although I was not able to solve the problem with a patch, I was able to solve the problem by upgrading C.E. from to

Website with a very slow load time on every page

i made a WordPress page for a client, and for some reason it is taking over a minute to load the page. The only thing that I could think of being the problem is the amount of photos that he inserted into the slider up top on the home page. It looks like all those pictures need to load before anything else pops up. But then I click on Contact or any other page that has no real images to speak of, and the problem is still there. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to fix this. thanks!
Like #David said, its the initial request (the source for the page) that is giving you the issues. This means it is unlikely an issue with hosting, and most likely an issue with your code. I would go through any plugins you have installed and disable them one-by-one, and slowly start commenting out your own custom dynamic code bit by bit, till you see what is taking so incredibly long. Then rewrite/excise that code from the site.
Start With the Basics
Keep the number of WordPress plugins you use to a minimum
Get a Proper Hosting Provider
Remove Unnecessary Code From WordPress Header -> http://goo.gl/yfRcF
Use firebug and click Network tab to check loading speed for each files
Check Suggestion how to improve website speed -> http://goo.gl/FtiX3
Install WP Super Cache plugin -> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-super-cache/
*If you use gallery try to use image thumbnail rather than load whole images size
