I've downloaded a font webkit from font Squirrel
This one to be exact GoodDog
and in the floder there is a floder named specimen_files - What is it and do I need it for my site?
BTW - forst time using #font-face at all so...
That folder just contains assets (images, scripts, etc) for the demo. You do not need to include it in your deployments.
Is there any way to use images in the format .png or another format, and then compile these images so that they are not within the folder Resource of this project? I've seen several programs using many of the images as icons but when you open the folder resource the only image I see is the icon of the program.
If items such as standard system icons are used you only need their paths (since they would already be installed), otherwise the image files need to be included in the project.
just a quick developer question in regards to Magento Extension/Theme Packaging, more specifically, when packaging, would I place the template files, layout files, skin folders etc in the base folder (see path below)(and not overriding any core files either)
and so on? I see this would be most suitable as alot of platform users would have custom themes with maybe custom namespaces for the theme folders. As users would have to stuff around to rename/move files/folders to work with their platform if packaged the default way I have seen in the past (ie in the default/default folder paths).
cheers for any feedback
This is the only way to package extension to use base/default or default/default location for template, layout and skin folders. Because if custom theme is used, then also this will work due to Magento's fallback mechanism. And if user want to add those files in custom theme location, then he/she should manually copy or move files in theme's respective location as you have said. And it is obvious that we can not predict custom theme path while packaging extension.
I'm fairly new to Magento and am having trouble uploading the Aheadworks blog extension to the correct directories. I am using a custom theme for my site, let's call it "themex". The directions state "Navigate inside step_1 directory. If you use a different from default theme - be sure to rename step_1/app/design/frontend/default/default and step_1/skin/frontend/default/default folders to your store's values."
I've located the 'step_1' directory but I'm not quite understanding the latter part of the directions. Am I renaming the 'step_1' directory to "themex" and uploading it to the root directory? Please be as descriptive as possible in your response.
Their instructions are badly phrased, but I'm pretty sure it means that you need to upload the files to app/design/frontend/default/themex
Magento theme files appear in the app/design/frontend/ folder.
The "base" folder here contains the core layout files, and the "default" folder contains the file overrides for other themes. As such, your theme's layout files will appear under app/design/frontend/default/themex (possibly app/design/frontend/themex/default depending on how the theme works)
Magento will first look for design files here first, and then look under app/design/frontend/base if the override does not exist.
Make sure you back-up any files, and if their files over-write any of your theme files then run a comparison on them to make sure they are not over-writing any of your theme's functionality.
edited again to say NEVERMIND because problem is no longer occurring(?)
my site:
http://www.mainstreetmassage.co/index.html - relative path to stylesheet
http://www.mainstreetmassage.co/index2.html - absolute path to stylesheet
copy site on same host account:
this "copy site" is the site that got changed last night by deleting just the html and css for the blue ribbon that had the custom fonts inside it - but the actual font files are still in the "copy site"'s css folder
The 2 sites are in 2 separate folders and don't share any resources.
2 custom fonts used to work fine no matter what browser. I had a little trouble initially getting FF to work but sorted that a while ago by putting the font files "loose" in the css folder, not in a folder of their own, and it's worked fine since then.
All the links I made absolute, because that seemed to make the page faster, but that too was a while ago and no trouble until this morning.
The only thing I can think of that's changed is, I set up a second site on same hosting account or server, it was at first just a copy and paste of my site but I've been slowly changing it for the owner, and last night, in that site's folder only, I deleted not the custom font files, but just the references to them in the CSS file, plus the HTML element that used them - but only in the 2nd site, not mine.
Then all of the sudden today the fonts are not displaying in FF at all, on my site. I fixed it sort of by following another answer on here that suggested making the urls relative for the css, and that worked, but I am wondering what made it happen and if I need a more permanent fix.
Thank you
First time using Joomla and having a big issue. I was able to locate the css files that contains the background image url for the logo but i can't find the path that the css is referring to:
I am using the Entropy them by RocketThemes.
Your logo path is : /templates/rt_entropy_j15/images/logo/style3/logo.png
The urls that you found are are relative. The url of your image is therefore relative to the location of the css file you found. The ../ means go up one level - so instead of /templates/rt_entropy_j15/css/ (the location of the css file you are examining), one level up is /templates/rt_entropy_j15/ then go into the /images/ sub-folder (within /templates/rt_entropy_j15/ ) then navigate the /logo/style3/ folder tree and find your logo.png in place.
Firebug or similar debugging tools are always the best way to work through these kinds of problems.