Magento - Get Country Id from Name - is there a easier/quicker way? - magento

I need to load the 2 letter ISO2 country ID for a given country name.
Right now, I use the following method to do this:
// Method to Get countryId from CountryName
function getCountryId($countryName) {
$countryId = '';
$countryCollection = Mage::getModel('directory/country')->getCollection();
foreach ($countryCollection as $country) {
if ($countryName == $country->getName()) {
$countryId = $country->getCountryId();
$countryCollection = null;
return $countryId;
string(2) "DE"
Is there a easier/quicker way to do this instead of loading the country collection and iterating through it every time?

Surprisingly, looping is the only way you'll achieve this.
The country names are stored in XML files in lib/Zend/Locale/Data/ and they're organized by locale (en, es, fr) and then country code, not country name.
Since it's not a SQL table you can't add a WHERE clause (using Magento's addFieldToFilter()), so you'll be looping through the XML nodes anyway.

There is no other way, because of translations. This is function for getting country name, you can't reverse it
public function getName()
if(!$this->getData('name')) {
return $this->getData('name');


How to search exact record by web api with help of lamda expresion

I am facing a problem in searching a exact record by LINQ query method in ASP.NET Web API my controller. This is my code:
public IHttpActionResult AllProductbySearch(string SearchText)
IEnumerable<tblProduct> tblProduct = db.tblProducts.Where(x=>x.PrdKeyword.Contains(SearchText)).AsEnumerable();
if (tblProduct == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(tblProduct);
In this I am searching the record with value have keyword column and getting the result but problem is that it is not giving exact result for example if in database two record have keyword column value like shirt and another have Tshirt
Then if I pass shirt in SearchText or pass tshirt in SearchText it is giving both record while I want one record which exact match with SearchText. Please help me
My updated action method code is:
public IHttpActionResult AllProductbySearch(string SearchText)
IEnumerable<tblProduct> tblProduct = db.tblProducts.Where(x => CheckWord(x.PrdKeyword, SearchText)).AsEnumerable();
if (tblProduct == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(tblProduct);
private bool CheckWord(string source, string searchWord)
var punctuation = source.Where(Char.IsPunctuation).Distinct().ToArray();
var words = source.Split().Select(x => x.Trim(punctuation));
return words.Contains(searchWord, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
But is throwing the same error - http 500
Added ToList() - db.tblProducts.ToList().... In this case we retrieve all data from Data Base and filter them in memory. If we don't retrieve all data before filtering .Net tries to create request to SQL with filtration and can't because there are .Net methods as CheckWord().
I think we can get required data without retrieving all table into memory, but don't know how. As variant we should write specific Stored Procedure and use it. Get all into memory is a simplest way (but not faster)
Please, look at this post Get only Whole Words from a .Contains() statement
Actually, for your case solution can be:
IEnumerable<tblProduct> tblProduct = db.tblProducts.ToList()
.Where(x => Regex.Match(x.PrdKeyword, $#"\b{SearchText}\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
Option 2. Without regexp:
public static bool CheckWord(string source, string searchWord)
if (source == null)
return false;
var punctuation = source.Where(Char.IsPunctuation).Distinct().ToArray();
var words = source.Split().Select(x => x.Trim(punctuation));
return words.Contains(searchWord, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public IHttpActionResult AllProductbySearch(string SearchText)
IEnumerable<tblProduct> tblProduct = db.tblProducts.ToList()
.Where(x => CheckWord(x.PrdKeyword, SearchText)).AsEnumerable();
if (tblProduct == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(tblProduct);
Sorry, I'm from phone now, there can be mistakes here. Will try it in 3-4 hour
You are making a simple mistake. You just need to use .Equals instead of .Contains.
When you use Contains .Net will check if the input string is part of the main string. Whereas Equals will check for exact match.
var mainStr = “long string with Hello World”;
var inputStr = “Hello”;
var status = mainStr.Contains(inputStr);
// Value of status is `true`
status = mainStr.Equals(inputStr);
// Value of status is `false`
So your code should look like this:
IEnumerable<tblProduct> tblProduct = db.tblProducts.Where(x=>x.PrdKeyword.Equals(SearchText)).AsEnumerable();
.Equals can also help you find exact match with or without having case-sensitive check in force. The single-parameterised method does a Case-Sensitive check whereas the other overridden methods of .Equals gives you an opportunity to ignore it.
Hope this helps!

How to return the result set with columns with Linq

I have a function inside a class that will run a Linq to Entities query (or any type of Linq query actually), and it's gonna return 2 columns in the resultset. I would like to return an object to whoever is calling my function that will allow Intellisense to know what I have returned.
Let me explain. If I have a function like this:
public static IQueryable GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
var query =
(from t in oEntityModel.Table1
from u in t.Table2
where t.Status == true &&
u.Status == true
select new
return query;
What can (should) I put instead of IQueryable so that whoever calls my GetInfo function, will get Intellisense from the resultset, and show that it has a Column1 and Column2?
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
if (linqresult.Column1 == 1)
foreach (var oItem in linqresult)
.. do stuff...
You cannot return an anonymous type from a function, they are strictly "inline" classes. When you return it, the foreach loop will only be able to interpret the result as an plain object. I guess you could use reflection to query the property names and values, however it seems much more straight forward to define a data transfer type to hold the results.
See this question, and this blog post.
So you could create a simple struct or class:
public class MyDataResult
public object Column1 { get; set; }
public object Column2 { get; set; }
Then modify your query in the function:
public static IQueryable<MyDataResult> GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
var query =
(from t in oEntityModel.Table1
from u in t.Table2
where t.Status == true &&
u.Status == true
select new MyDataResult
Column1 = t.Column1,
Column2 = u.Column2
return query;
Something like that should work. Note that I used "object" for the properties in MyDataResult. I don't know the types of the columns you are returning, you should use the actual types in order to get full intellisense.
You are returning a collection of anonymous types, they will be casted to objects, so when you try to iterate over them, altough they will be your objects (and they will contain your properties) at compile time they will be casted to objects:
foreach (var x in ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel))
//x is an Object
You can read more about it here.
If you want to have intellisense, I suggest you create a custom class they will hold your properties and return not an anonymous type (using new {}) but object of your class (new MyClass(prop1, prop2)). You also need to change signature of your method, so it returns IQueryable<YourClass> and not just plain non-generic IQueryable.
As others have said, creating a new type to hold the two columns is usually the best option.
But if, for some reason, you don't want to do that and you are using .Net 4.0, you can use Tuple:
public static IQueryable<Tuple<Column1Type, Column2Type>>
GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
return from …
select Tuple.Create(t.Column1, u.Column2);
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
foreach (var oItem in linqresult)
Console.WriteLIne(oItem.Item1, oItem.Item2);
When you return your resultset AsQueryable, the app is already able to give you intellisense, however in your example, you must specify either .FirstOrDefault if you know your collection will only have a single row, or iterate over your collection to get the items from it, like so:
This is what you're doing:
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
if (linqresult.Column1 == 1)
{ stuff...
This is how you should do it:
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
foreach(var item in linqresult)
if (item.Column1 == 1)
{ stuff...
You must iterate over linqresult because when you query with link, it returns a result set, even if it just has one column. As with any collection, your data columns aren't available on the whole result set, only with individual items.
If you want to strongly typed enumerate a non-generic IEnumerable (IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() instead of IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator<T>()) you can use the Cast<>() extension, like so
var myquery = GetQueryable();
for (var item in myquery.Cast<MyDataType>())
// use item.Column1 directly and strongly typed with intellisense

How can I create an Expression within another Expression?

Forgive me if this has been asked already. I've only just started using LINQ. I have the following Expression:
public static Expression<Func<TblCustomer, CustomerSummary>> SelectToSummary()
return m => (new CustomerSummary()
ID = m.ID,
CustomerName = m.CustomerName,
LastSalesContact = // This is a Person entity, no idea how to create it
I want to be able to populate LastSalesContact, which is a Person entity.
The details that I wish to populate come from m.LatestPerson, so how can I map over the fields from m.LatestPerson to LastSalesContact. I want the mapping to be re-useable, i.e. I do not want to do this:
LastSalesContact = new Person()
// Etc
Can I use a static Expression, such as this:
public static Expression<Func<TblUser, User>> SelectToUser()
return x => (new User()
// Populate
This is what I need to do:
return m => (new CustomerSummary()
ID = m.ID,
CustomerName = m.CustomerName,
LastSalesContact = new Person()
PersonId = m.LatestPerson.PersonId,
PersonName = m.LatestPerson.PersonName,
Company = new Company()
CompanyId = m.LatestPerson.Company.CompanyId,
But I will be re-using the Person() creation in about 10-15 different classes, so I don't want exactly the same code duplicated X amount of times. I'd probably also want to do the same for Company.
Can't you just use automapper for that?
public static Expression<Func<TblCustomer, CustomerSummary>> SelectToSummary()
return m => Mapper.Map<TblCustomer, CustommerSummary>(m);
You'd have to do some bootstrapping, but then it's very reusable.
I may not be getting something, but what it the purpose of this function? If you just want to map one or collection of Tbl object to other objects, why have the expression?
You could just have something like this:
var customers = _customerRepository.GetAll(); // returns IEnumerable<TblCustomer>
var summaries = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<TblCustomer>, IEnumerable<CustomerSummary>>(customers);
Or is there something I missed?
I don't think you'll be able to use a lambda expression to do this... you'll need to build up the expression tree by hand using the factory methods in Expression. It's unlikely to be pleasant, to be honest.
My generally preferred way of working out how to build up expression trees is to start with a simple example of what you want to do written as a lambda expression, and then decompile it. That should show you how the expression tree is built - although the C# compiler gets to use the metadata associated with properties more easily than we can (we have to use Type.GetProperty).
This is always assuming I've understood you correctly... it's quite possible that I haven't.
How about this:
public static Person CreatePerson(TblPerson data)
// ...
public static Expression<Func<TblPerson, Person>> CreatePersonExpression()
return d => CreatePerson(d);
return m => (new CustomerSummary()
ID = m.ID,
CustomerName = m.CustomerName,
LastSalesContact = CreatePerson(m.LatestPerson)

Subsonic 3 Linq Projection Issue

OK I'm banging my head against a wall with this one ;-)
Given tables in my database called Address, Customer and CustomerType, I want to display combined summary information about the customer so I create a query to join these two tables and retrieve a specified result.
var customers = (from c in tblCustomer.All()
join address in tblAddress.All() on c.Address equals address.AddressId
join type in tblCustomerType.All() on c.CustomerType equals type.CustomerTypeId
select new CustomerSummaryView
CustomerName = c.CustomerName,
CustomerType = type.Description,
Postcode = address.Postcode
return View(customers);
CustomerSummaryView is a simple POCO
public class CustomerSummaryView
public string Postcode { get; set; }
public string CustomerType { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
Now for some reason, this doesn't work, I get an IEnumerable list of CustomerSummaryView results, each record has a customer name and a postcode but the customer type field is always null.
I've recreated this problem several times with different database tables, and projected classes.
Anyone any ideas?
I can't repro this issue - here's a test I just tried:
public void Joined_Projection_Should_Return_All_Values() {
var qry = (from c in _db.Customers
join order in _db.Orders on c.CustomerID equals order.CustomerID
join details in _db.OrderDetails on order.OrderID equals details.OrderID
join products in _db.Products on details.ProductID equals products.ProductID
select new CustomerSummaryView
CustomerID = c.CustomerID,
OrderID = order.OrderID,
ProductName = products.ProductName
Assert.True(qry.Count() > 0);
foreach (var view in qry) {
Assert.True(view.OrderID > 0);
This passed perfectly. I'm wondering if you're using a reserved word in there?
This post seems to be referring to a similar issue...
Yes, the reason Rob's example works is because his projection's property names match exactly, whereas John's original example has a difference between CustomerType and type.Description.
This shouldn't have been a problem, but it was - the Projection Mapper was looking for properties of the same name and wasn't mapping a value if it didn't find a match. Therefore, your projection objects' properties would be default values for its type if there wasn't an exact name match.
The good news is, I got the latest source today and built a new Subsonic.Core.dll and the behavior is now fixed.
So John's code above should work as expected.
I just downloaded the latest build from 3/21/2010, which is about 2 months after the last poster on this thread, and the problem still exists in the packaged binary. Bummer.
Here what I have to do:
var data =
(from m in Metric.All()
where m.ParentMetricId == parentId
select new
var treeData =
from d in data
select new TreeViewItem
Text = d.MetricName,
Value = d.MetricId.ToString(),
LoadOnDemand = true,
Enabled = true,
return new JsonResult { Data = treeData };
If I try to do the projection directly from the Subsonic query, the Text property ends up with the ID, and the Value property ends up with the Name. Very strange.

Extracting text from an IEnumerable<T>

I have a IEnumerable<T> collection with Name, FullName and Address.
The Address looks like this:
Street1=54, Street2=redfer street, Pin=324234
Street1=54, Street2=fdgdgdfg street, Pin=45654
Street1=55, Street2=tryry street, Pin=65464
I want to loop through this collection and print only those Names, FullNames whose Street1=54
How can i do it in LINQ?
Ok I was able to do this to extract Street1 of the Address
coll.Address.Split(",".ToCharArray())[0]returns me Street1=54 .
Now how do I add this to the condition and print only those Name, FullName whose Street1=54
Based on your update, you can adapt Jared Par's code this way:
var result = collection.Where(x => x.Address.Contains("Street1=54"));
foreach ( var cur in result ) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}", cur.Name, cur.FullName));
If you want to be able to plug in your Street1 value with a variable, then do this:
var street1 = "54";
var result = collection.Where(x => x.Address.Contains("Street1=" + street1 ));
foreach ( var cur in result ) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}", cur.Name, cur.FullName));
BTW, you really should update your question or add a comment to a specific answer rather than adding a new answer that isn't.
Try this
var result = collection.Where(x => x.Address.Street1==54);
foreach ( var cur in result ) {
Select the correct list of :
IList<T> matches = myListOfEnumerables.Where(m => m.Street1 == 54).ToList();
Then loop and print.
Actually the record looks like this:
{Name="Jan" FullName="Kathy Jan" Address="Street1=54, Street2=redfer street, Pin=324234"}
I have to loop through this collection and print only those Names, FullNames whose Street1=54
If the updated information is accurate, you should change the way you store the data.
It looks like you've packed the address information into a string. Why not store it as an object. In fact, why not just as more fields in the same object as the Name and FullName? (and why duplicate the first-name information?)
public class Person
public string FirstName, LastName, Street1, Street2, Pin;
IEnumerable<Person> persons = GetAllPersonsSomehow();
foreach (Person person in persons.Where(p => p.Street1 == "54"))
Console.WriteLine(person.LastName + ", " + person.FirstName);
Assuming you have to keep the address information in a string, you need a parser for it.
public static IDictionary<string, string> GetAddressFields(string address)
return address.Split(',').ToDictionary(
s => s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf('=')).Trim(),
s => s.Substring(s.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim());
foreach (Person person in persons.Where(p =>
GetAddressFields(p.Address)["Street1"] == "54"))
Console.WriteLine(person.LastName + ", " + person.FirstName);
So, what you could do is that you could write a generator for parsing the Address field and then enumerating properties of that. This is a fairly common thing in the functional programming world.
To be fair you would want this code to be lazy in that it would only compute a minimal set. I'm gonna suggest some code from the BCL but you can (and probably should) rewrite the same helper methods with generators.
public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>> NameValueSplit( this string s )
foreach (var x in s.Split(','))
var y = x.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
yield return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(y[0].TrimStart(), y[1].TrimEnd());
With that helper function you can write code like this
var result = collection.Where(x => x.Address
.NameValueSplit().Any(x => x.Key == "Street1" && x.Value == "54"));
foreach ( var item in result )
Now this code will not run on your SQL Server if you were thinking of that, but you could write a WHERE clause where you would search the Address field for a sub string %Street1=54%. I like lazy evaluation for string operations and think that's a lacking feature in the BCL. That is why I suggested that kind of solution.
