Magmi Category Description Import - magento

i try to find any information in the Magmi Wiki pages, but still nothing help to solve some problem. I succesfully imported about 3000 SKUs with Category. But for SEO I nedd to put into all Category Descriptions. My question is that possible to import Category Description task with Magmi? If yes, which rows I must define in the flat files?
For all your questions thanks in Advance.

Basically Magmi do not have that function, you can follow up magento modules page, if will be module wit that function released:

Magmi will only import products. There are add on functions that will create categories and attributes on the fly, but that's as far as it will go on non-product items.
For mass updates to category information, if you look around you should be able to find extensions in Magento Connect that may do the trick or you could write your own import based on this Sonassi example.
Good Luck


magmi configurable items are not grouped with their simple ones and images aren't imported

Assistance appreciated.
I just did an import with magmi in Magento and all items are imported . However configurable items are not grouped with the simple ones!
This is my import CSV: download magmi.csv
Screen capture of import settings:
I fixed the problem by editing the attribute in magento so that simple is in the list of product types the size attribute could be applied to.

Magento Import / Add the attributes AFTER import?

I have to import 4000 products from our old CMS website to the new Magento store. Those products have only name/title/description/price.
In the Magento shop all products will have many different attributes. I want to assign corresponding attributes to products later.
I made already a CSV template with the right columns.
My question is: Is is possible to import all products without any attributes and after import add attributes and attribute sets programmatically?
I'm wondering how to deal with this situation ??
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
You must always define the attribute set when you are creating the product. The attribute set is describing which attributes are assigned to the product. Take a look into MAGMI. This tool is much faster and flexible that the default Magento importer.

Magmi Import Simple Products Listing

I sell Pet Supplies. My distributor provides me with a CVS file with all the nessacrty information for me to upload it to my website. I currently upload it as a simple product. But I would like it to be more user friendly. I am using Magento Community 1.7. I have tried messing with the configurable products but this is not possible for the upload I use.
Example: A Dog Cage comes in different sizes. Currently it shows as simple products and shows 5 different sizes. I would like it to show like all the bigger named stores. Basically show a dropdown with the different options. I tried creating a configurable product and associate the products I uploaded as a simple product but this method will not work. Any other ideas of what I can do? I want my customers to be able to click:
iCrate Double Door and have the options 18x24....24x30 etc. How do the other companies get them listed like this?
You are doing the right thing - configurable products will give you what you want to achieve.
You need to install the Magmi configurable product plugin. You also need to set your csv up so the simple products come first, then the configurable. To automatically associate the simple product with the parent configurable on import you need an extra column specifying the configurable attribute (see the Magmi docs) and the skus need set up so the simple skus are extended versions of the configurable's sku. Again, the Magmi wiki on configurables will explain more.
You could also amend your grouped products to do similar and provide the list as a dropdown
check out this thread

Import upsell products for another product in magento from CSV

Is it possible to import Upsell products from a CSV in magento ?
You can import Upsell products via the CSV using the column "_links_upsell_sku". Put the SKU of the upsell product in this column, and for multiple products put their SKU's in subsequent rows. Make sure additional rows have a blank "sku" column.
For Upsell products use: "_links_upsell_sku"
For Related products use: "_links_related_sku"
For Cross sell products use: "_links_crosssell_sku"
Make sure the SKU's exist or you may get import errors.
I verified this works on Magento 1.6.2.
This is brilliant and simple. All I could find in search engines to accomplish this were commercial plugins. This definitely does the trick, so hopefully we can bolster the SEO on this thread a bit. If you're looking to import related products to Magento, this is it.
Or you could use this! I have not tired it but has good reviews.

Magento - problem displaying imported products

I have a custom script that takes data form an XML and loads in the products.
The main problem, is that these products do display on the frontend.
The only way they do, is if i go into the admin and open the product and then save it.
I noticed that once i did this, an entry was added into the table 'catalog_product_flat_1'.
Is there a way to either display these imported products or add them to the 'catalog_product_flat_1' table without having to save each product?
I am using Magento v1.4.2
Try to go to Index Management and do the Product Flat Data reindexing. Also, do you have one-store or multi-store system? If its the later see what is set under the Websites for each product.
i had also same problem. it was not showing product after re indexing. but after adding this two field in CSV
1)_root_category = Default Category
2)_product_websites = base
i import CSV. it solve problem and start displays product in store.
