Xcode 5: how to enable "reopen last projects/windows"? - xcode

I'm stumped. Xcode 5 - the final and public release only - will no longer automatically re-open the previously open projects when restarting Xcode. This feature always used to work, up to and including the Xcode 5 GM seed.
I can't find anything regarding "open last windows" or similar in System Preferences. It used to be on the General page. This is all there is in my version:
Does anyone know how to re-enable this feature, and can you confirm that it is gone? Or do I have a broken Xcode?

This is actually an os x feature. Under "System Preferences" and then "General", there is a checkbox that says "Close windows when quitting an application". This needs to be unchecked to reopen windows. This is what I had to do to get the opposite effect of what you want and can confirm this works.
In previous os x 10.7- it's ""Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps", and needs to be checked to work.


How to verify compatibility of older Xcode on newer MacOS in terminal without opening it

When I was using MacOS 12.5.1, I found out that older version(e.g. 11.3) of Xcodes can't be opened. It's icon became a banned image and can be opened neither by double click nor 'open' cmd in terminal.
So I want to know how to verify Xcode in terminal? Use 'open' cmd is an option but if the target app is available, it will be opened which I don't expect to happen.
I found there is a "Minimum system version" in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Info.plist, but no "Max system version". In my case I wanna to know which older verison of xcode is unavailable on new MacOS. Any help will be appreciated!
Use the excellent Go64 application from St. Clair Software. When you load it and scan, you can then see programs that will not work on your system clearly marked with a strike thru circle:

XCode 6.0 does not open on OS X 10.9.4

I just downloaded XCode_6_beta_6.dmg from the official apple website. However, when prompted to drag the installation to the application folder, it just unarchived the installation but does not install XCode_6_beta_6. When i try to open xcode_6_beta_6 from the applications folder, the new xcode6 beta icon just keeps popping in the application dock and does nothing. How do i overcome this situation so that the new xcode6 beta is installed on my machine?
For some weird reason, apple does not trust this installation and hence does not continue.
Please follow the below instructions to continue with the installation.
Open System Preferences
Open Security and Privacy
Unlock the settings screen if it is not already unlocked.
select "Anywhere" from the "Allow apps downloaded from:" section.
lock and close the preferences screen.
Your installation shall start in a moment!!
Also happened to me. Used Deepak's fix but had an additional strange problem where the Icon would still stay bouncing in the dock. Be patient & wait (for me it took a good 10 minutes!) for a dialogue box to eventually appear saying 'This is an application downloaded from the internet, do you want to open?' Obviously click 'Open'. Odd, considering it's Apple's own app.

Stop Xcode from memorize my previous opened projects

This really drives me bunker! At any time, I work on multiple projects. When I quit Xcode, the next time I open Xcode, all my projects from the day before open automatically one by one.
Often I end up editing the wrong file, AHHHHHHHHHHH!! The only way I could stop this behavior is by closing all projects before quitting Xcode, go to Open Recent, select Clear Menu, and go to Organizer to delete all projects one by one. There must be a easier way to stop Xcode from "memorizing" my projects.
I had asked Apple numerous times, but Apple people kept telling me to go to Xcode Preferences to turn it off and often they seem to have confused it with the Mountain Lion's Reopen Preferences which I had it turned off. I found no such option in my Xcode 4.5.2 and Apple people insist it is there.
Does any of you have that option on your Xcode 4.5.2? Or did Apple single me out to omit that option, just to piss me off? Mostly importantly, how can I stop this nuisance? When I restart the Xcode, I want a clean start >:|
You can modify the setting whether an application reloads its windows as shown in this question.
Xcode's identifier is com.apple.dt.Xcode so the command for changing the default is
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool NO
In my testing it can take one or two re-launches to stick.
If you just want to close all windows once you can also use Quit and Close All Windows (⌘⌥Q)
System Preferences > General > Close windows when quitting an application
Here you can find a checkbox to disable the "feature". Also, see this similar question.
For Xcode Version 6.3 (6D570)
Delete this directory
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState

Unable to install Xcode on Mac OS X Lion (10.7) [duplicate]

I am trying to install Xcode 4.1 GM on my Lion mac but it's not working. When it is almost finished, I get the popup to quit iTunes even though it is already quit. So the only option I have is to quit iTunes helper or alert in activity monitor, then it finishes the install. However then Xcode crashes on launch. Any ideas?
You can go into Activity Monitor and Quit the iTunes helper. That will also get Xcode to finish.
Looks like you've solved the install problem. It's not a solution per se, but setting Xcode to run in 32-bit mode fixed the crashing problem for me.
It's too early to say what the trade-off is (if any), but whatever it is, it's bound to be better than not being able to use it at all.
On a side note: please accept Phil's answer since he gave the correct solution to your original problem. C:
if you boot into single user mode (Press S when starting up), the installation works as it should. Xcode will then function without switching it to 32-bit mode.
Open "Activity Monitor" (press Command+Space to bring up spotlight, or find it in Applications.)
Sort by Process Name and find the process called "iTunesHelper".
From the "View" menu choose "Quit Process".
Then click on the "Force Quit" button. Xcode installation should continue now.
Try to use the xCode through the Finder after you get this problem. It happened to me, but I can still run the xCode.
I think it's something to do with your version of itunes is more updated than your Mac Os version.

Xcode won't start after first launch?

I recently installed Xcode and after closing out of the first launch (because I realized I had more configuring to do). I cannot get it to re-launch. The icon will come up, but no program will show up. I do not get an error, and I am launching from the /Developer folder (not /Applications). I have tried re-installing/restarting multiple times to no avail. I have the latest version, and I am running Snow Leopard (10.6.6).
The icon will come up, but no program will show up.
Are you new to OS X? It sounds like you are describing the way OS X apps normally start up. By default, Xcode pops up a window with a list of most recent projects, but you can switch this off. It doesn't mean that Xcode isn't running, it just means you don't have any Xcode windows open. You can still select any of the usual menu items to start new projects, open existing projects, etc.
The answer to this problem is I believe easily sorted. Once you open X code and all you get is the menu bar at the top, go to Window, Welcome to x Code, then check the box bottom left hand corner of that screen 'Show this window when Xcode launches'
Job done ! Now every time you hit the Xcode icon where ever it is the welcome screen will open and from there you can proceed into the program.
Probably not your problem, but I had issues starting xcode with it trying to load up the last project I was working on. It would just hang and I had to force quit it.
In the end I deleted these directories:
and next time I tried to restart xcode it started fine.
Please go project folder and right click ."xcworkspace" and open "show package contents"-> xcuserdata and delete user folder and then relaunch.
In my case I launched XCode 6 (beta 7) on my MacBook Pro Mid 2010, and I had to wait for ~10minutes for anything to happen. I didn't see icon in dock, or even menu bar - just a reference in Force Quit Applications menu. After those 10 minutes classic alert with "You have downloaded Xcode from internet..." title appeared and then i had to wait another 5 minutes for another progress (installation of additional components).In overall it took Xcode 6 ~25 minutes to start.
So... Patience! :)
