2 instances of 1 image on a page - image

I am not really sure how to google this, so I thought I could ask here.
I have the same image, posted on a page twice, will that slow down the execution time or will it remain the same since I am using the same resource?

The browser should be able to cache the image the first time it is requested from the source server. Most of the popular browsers should have this implemented. It should not have to load it twice, just once on the initial request to the server and then using the cached version the second time.
This also assumes the end user has the browser caching enabled. If that is turned off (even if the browser supports it), then it will make that extra request for the image since the cache is not there to pull from.


Send an entire web app as 1 HTTP response (html, js, css, images, ...)

Traditionally a browser will parse HTML and then send further requests to the server for all related data. This seems like inefficient to me, since it might require a large number of requests, even though my server already knows that a browser that wants to use this web application will need all of it's resources.
I know that js and css could be inlined, but that complicates server side code and img data as base64 bloats the size of the data... I'm aware as well that rendering can start before all assets are downloaded, which would potentially no longer work (depending on the implementation). I still feel that streaming an entire application in one go should be faster on slow connections than making tens of requests separately.
Ideally I would like the server to stream an entire directory into one HTTP response.
Does any model for this exist?
Does the reasoning make sense?
ps: If browser support for this is completely lacking, I'm wondering about a 2 step approach. Download a small JavaScript which downloads a compressed web app file, extracts it and plugs the resources into the page. Is anyone already doing something like this?
I found one: http://blog.another-d-mention.ro/programming/read-load-files-from-zip-in-javascript/
I started to research related issues in order to find the way to get best results with what seems possible without changing web standards, and I wondered about caching. If I could send the last modified date of every subresource of a page along with the initial HTML page, a browser could avoid asking if modified headers once it has loaded every resource at least once. This would in effect be better than to send all resources with the initial request, since that would be beneficial only on the first load, and detrimental on subsequent loads, since it would be better for browsers to use their cache (as Barmar pointed out).
Now it turns out that even with a web extension you can not get hold of the if-modified-since header and so you surely can't tell the browser to use the cached version instead of contacting the server.
I then found this post from Facebook on how they tried to reduce traffic by hashing their static files and giving them a 1 year expiry date. This would mean that the url garantuees the content of the file. They still saw plenty of unnecessary if-modified-since requests and they managed to convince Firefox and Chrome to change the behaviour of their reload buttons to no longer reload static resources. For Firefox this requires a new cache-control: immutable header, for Chrome it doesn't.
I then remembered that I had seen something like that before and it turns out there is a solution for this problem which is more convenient than hashing the contents of resources and serving them from a database for at least ten years. It is to just a new version number in the filename. The even more convenient solution would be to just add a version query string, but it turns out that that doesn't always work.
Admittedly, changing your filenames all the time is a nuisance, because files referencing these files also need to change. However the files don't actually need to change. If you control the server it might be as simple as writing a redirect rule to make sure that logo.vXXXX.png will be redirected to logo.png (where XXXX is the last modified timestamp in seconds since epoch)[1]. Now let your template system automatically generate the timestamp, like in wordpress' wp_enqueue_script. WordPress actually satisfies itself with the query string technique. Now you can set the expiration date to a far future and use the immutable cache header. If browsers respect the cache control, you can now safely ignore etags and if-modified-since headers, since they are now completely redundant.
This solution guarantees the browser shall never ask for cache validation and yet you shall never see a stale resource, without having to decide on the expiry date in advance.
It doesn't answer the original question here about how to avoid having to do multiple requests to fetch the resources on the same page on a clean cache, but ever after (as long as the browser cache doesn't get cleared), you're good! I suppose that's good enough for me.
[1] You can even avoid the server overhead of checking the timestamp on every resource every time a page references it by using the version number of your application. In debug mode, for development, one can use the timestamp to avoid having to bump the version on every modification of the file.

HTTP/2 and responsive images

I'm currently experimenting with http/2 and server push rules. It's quite easy to implement the push rules for js and css files, but, there seems to be no way to effectively use the push feature with responsive images, like the picture tag and/or the srcset attribute.
Of course, I can push every version of an image to the client, but that would be a traffic disaster, especially on mobile devices with limited traffic.
As far as I know, the browser gets a promise for each file push. The promise is used to interrupt that push, when the fileis already cached. I hope that this statement is correct.
Is there a way to tell the browser, that an image is just for a special screen size or pixel ratio?
Of course, I can push every version of an image to the client, but
that would be a traffic disaster, especially on mobile devices with
limited traffic.
Yes that would defeat the point of using different versions (which is primarily done as a bandwidth saving).
As far as I know, the browser gets a promise for each file push. The
promise is used to interrupt that push, when the fileis already
cached. I hope that this statement is correct.
Yes it is, however, if you are thinking you can make the browser cancel the request, then you need to realise that 1) the browsers will typically only do this for requests they already have in the cache and 2) cancelling takes time, by which point some (or perhaps even all) of the pushed resource may have been needlessly downloaded.
Is there a way to tell the browser, that an image is just for a
special screen size or pixel ratio?
You don't push images to the screen, but to the browser cache, so the pushed resources will only be used if appropriate according to the page (e.g. the correct srcset value). However, as mentioned above, you don't want them to be needlessly pushed or you are wasting bandwidth.
The key to successfully using Server push is to be reasonably certain that the resources are needed - or you will actually cause a performance bottleneck. I would honestly suggest NOT pushing everything but only pushing the critical, render blocking, resources that will almost certainly be needed (CSS, JavaScript). Images are not typically render blocking so they is not usually a massive need to push them.
This could be handled with cookies. If no cookies are set, then it's likely a fresh session so push the critical CSS file and set a "cssLoaded" cookie. If a page is requested, and that cookie is set, then don't push the CSS file. I've blogged about a simple implementation of this in Apache here: https://www.tunetheweb.com/performance/http2/http2-push/. This could still lead to over pushing - if client didn't allow cookies for example - but for most users it would be fine.
You could extended this further, by having JavaScript set a cookie with the screen size and then for subsequent page loads, the server can read that cookie, know the screen size, and push the appropriately sized images. This won't help the initial page load, but would help other page loads if your visitor visits several pages on your site in same session. But honestly it sounds like overkill and I would just not push the images.

Employing a CDN for a dynamic website

I have a website forum where users exchange photos and text with one another on the home page. The home page shows 20 latest objects - be they photos or text. The 21st object is pushed out out of view. A new photo is uploaded every 5 seconds. A new text string is posted every second. In around 20 seconds, a photo that appeared at the top has disappeared at the bottom.
My question is: would I get a performance improvement if I introduced a CDN in the mix?
Since the content is changing, it seems I shouldn't be doing it. However, when I think about it logically, it does seem I'll get a performance improvement from introducing a CDN for my photos. Here's how. Imagine a photo is posted, appearing on the page at t=1 and remaining there till t=20. The first person to access the page (closer to t=1) will enable to photo to be pulled to an edge server. Thereafter, anyone accessing the photo will be receiving it from the CDN; this will last till t=20, after which the photo disappears. This is a veritable performance boost.
Can anyone comment on what are the flaws in my reasoning, and/or what am I failing to consider? Also would be good to know what alternative performance optimizations I can make for a website like mine. Thanks in advance.
You've got it right. As long as someone accesses the photo within the 20 seconds that the image is within view it will be pulled to an edge server. Then upon subsequent requests, other visitors will receive a cached response from the nearest edge server.
As long as you're using the CDN for delivering just your static assets, there should be no issues with your setup.
Additionally, you may want to look into a CDN which supports HTTP/2. This will provide you with improved performance. Check out cdncomparison.com for a comparison between popular CDN providers.
You need to consider all requests hitting your server, which includes the primary dynamically generated HTML document, but also all static assets like CSS files, Javascript files and, yes, image files (both static and user uploaded content). An HTML document will reference several other assets, each of which needs to be downloaded separately and thus incurs a server hit. Assuming for the sake of argument that each visitor has an empty local cache, a single page load may incur, say, ~50 resource hits for your server.
Probably the only request which actually needs to be handled by your server is the dynamically generated HTML document, if it's specific to the user (because they're logged in). All other 49 resource requests are identical for all visitors and can easily be shunted off to a CDN. Those will just hit your server once [per region], and then be cached by the CDN and rarely bother your server again. You can even have the CDN cache public HTML documents, e.g. for non-logged in users, you can let the CDN cache HTML documents for ~5 seconds, depending on how up-to-date you want your site to appear; so the CDN can handle an entire browsing session without hitting your server at all.
If you have roughly one new upload per second, that means there is likely a magnitude more passive visitors per second. If you can let a CDN handle ~99% of requests, that's a dramatic reduction in actual hits to your server. If you are clever with what you cache and for how long and depending on your particular mix of anonymous and authenticated users, you can easily reduce server loads by a magnitude or two. On the other side, you're speeding up page load times accordingly for your visitors.
For every single HTML document and other asset, really think whether this can be cached and for how long:
For HTML documents, is the user logged in? If no, and there's no other specific cookie tracking or similar things going on, then the asset is static and public for all intents and purposes and can be cached. Decide on a maximum age for the document and let the CDN cache it. Even caching it for just a second makes a giant difference when you get 1000 hits per second.
If the user is logged in, set the cache pragma to private, but still let the visitor's browser cache it for a few seconds. These headers must be decided upon by your forum software while it's generating the document.
For all other assets which aren't access restricted: let the CDN cache it for a long time and you can practically forget about ever having to serve those particular files ever again. These headers can be statically configured for entire directories in the web server.

How firefox fetches correct data from Browser Cache

Once we open a link in a new tab in Firefox, the data corresponding to that web page(static or dynamic) gets stored in Browser Cache. Then, when we switches at that tab again, it extracts data of that page from Cache(not requesting from the server of that site) and paints it at the frame buffer of the screen.
I want to know that how Firefox fetches this data in correct sequence?
What kind of mapping does the Firefox uses to extract the page data from its Cache?
Firefox (like any other browser) uses heuristics to decide when and what to cache. This is assuming no caching information is included in the resources. When no caching information is provided, Firefox might still decide to cache the files for certain period of time.
If you want to avoid Firefox to cache your resources altogether, you must include the following response header on your resources:
Cache-Control:no-cache, no-store
Now, the exact algorithm that Firefox uses to fetch from cache I don't think is public. Maybe somebody from Mozilla is able to answer this.

How do I share Safari's NSURLCache store?

I'm building an app that links recent
web pages you've visited together.
To do this, I need to get the HTML
for recent URLs using Cocoa.
Right now, I'm using an invisible
WebView to do this.
As I understand it, if the URL isn't
in the cache for my app, this is
hitting web servers.
What I want
The chances are high that the URL I'm grabbing has already been cached by Safari as the page has already been visited.
I want my app to check Safari's cache for the URL first. If it's there, it should just use this data. If not, it should hit the web server and store the page in my app's cache.
I don't really want to have to parse the cache.db file from Safari using sqlite3 - I've no idea if this format will stay the same. I'm after something simpler and more high level.
What I've tried
I know that you can set up your own NSURLCache using the method initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath: but I don't want to try pointing this to the Safari cache in case it screws up Safari by writing to it.
Is there an easy, high level way of sharing the Safari cache?
Aha. I've just realised there may be a way to do this I've been missing.
I could make a new instance of NSURLCache with initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:, point it at the Safari cache, then specify a cache policy of NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataDontLoad for the URL Request when loading the page.
When this fails, I could just try and load the page as normal. I'll try this out and update the question when I know more.
To be honest, you just can't do this.
Firstly, I'm pretty certain -[NSURLCache initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:] won't work as you expect. It will instead blow away the old cache file to create its own; potentially highly upsetting Safari.
Secondly NSURLCache is a composite cache. That is, it caches data first in memory, and then moves it out to disk at some point. So even if you could properly access Safari's cache file (which you can't) you'd only be able to access the older cached data; not the most recent.
