Filezilla not updating files - ftp

I made a modification in a php file and uploaded it via Filezilla. It always worked fine for me, even if sometimes it would not upload immediately. This time, however, it's not working anymore in any way. I upload the file with the same name and it looks like it overwrites the old one, but the size of the file doesn't change. When I open the site on the browser (I've been testing in Chrome and Firefox and already cleaned their caches many times since then, and still nothing happens) and look at the source code, it shows the new code with the modification, but even so the site is still the same old one. When I open the file directly from Filezilla it also shows the modified file, but the file size doesn't change. It started yesterday, before the upgrading to version 3.7.3. It's updated now, but the files are still not being updated. I also tried renaming the file, deleting it from the ftp and uploading again, uploading it to another folder and then moving it to the root, but nothing happens. Any idea of what can be causing this?

It turns out it was a problem with the permissions with the host. I contacted them and the issue was solved.


I can log in, but a page refresh logs me out

I have one project, which I’ll call “Working”, because it works fine, and all login/etc. works fine.
I copied the “serverless.yml” file and changed everything appropriate to start a new project, which I’ll call “Puzzling”.
On the “Puzzling” project, I can log in just fine, but when I refresh the browser, I’m logged out again. So I cannot do things like (e.g.) change a user’s password.
I have all the Cognito configuration in a “config.json” file, with all the right settings.
In fact, if I copy just the “Puzzling” config.json file over to the “Working” project, then the “Working” project stops working properly! So I don’t think it’s my code.
I’ve compared the two “serverless.yml” files carefully… I don’t see anything different.
Any clues VERY MUCH appreciated… Thanks!
Fixed: Rebuilt the project by copying from "Working".
One difference is that "Working" allows users to sign themselves up, and "Puzzling" did not.
Another thing is that when I went to delete the server code, it failed, saying that the database (or another resource, I forget exactly) was owned by another project. I deleted that project through the AWS Cloud-formation UI (which only partly worked...).
(And thanks #NewUser, but it's really a lot of code.)

New Images (on Windows) Receive 404 Response from Tomcat

SOLUTION: Reinstalled Tomcat. I must admit that I didn't solve the details of this problem. Something went wrong. Eventually, it looked like something with the server wasn't working. I never figured it out. But reinstalling the server (actually I upgraded to v9) got it working properly again.
UPDATE: Made a copy of the ROOT directory (Tomcat webapps) and the copy works fine. Then I changed the name of ROOT to a backup and the name of the copy to ROOT. The problem exists with the copy.
Windows 7 Tomcat 8 Java 8
To be honest, I need a hint. I've been running a web shop for several years. Now suddenly I'm getting 404 responses from Tomcat on new images. The images are in the same folders as they have been all along. The most recent test was to simply copy-paste an existing image (which Tomcat serves properly) in the folder and rename it. Tomcat responds with 404 on the copy (but not the original).
I've checked permissions on the image files. The folder has more than 7K images (NTFS) - in theory, that shouldn't be a problem. Just to be sure, I deleted a dozen that were out of date. No change. I ran chkdsk and used a second disk analyzer just in case. The images can be viewed with Microsoft photo-viewer and Paint. I've even save-replaced with Paint - no change. I've tried clearing browser caches and even Tomcat's cache (which doesn't seem to contain images) and set Resources cachingAllowed="false" within the Context tag (context.xml) It seems that my final simple test says everything I know about the problem at this point. Tomcat returns 404 on new images.
Note: Testing is not being done through the web shop software. I simply type the web address of the image in the browser address bar. It's then just a matter of Tomcat serving the image. There are no differences in the addresses except for the image file names.
UPDATE: Ran Malwarebytes ... no evidence of malware at this point. Running Panda full-time.

Files uploaded via FTP aren't showing changes on Squarespace Developer Mode

My squarespace site is in developer mode. I download files, like the .region, .less, and .conf files and edit them locally. I upload these files and expect to see a change on the squarespace site.
Up until yesterday this was working, then I made a mistake in one of the LESS files and got an error about incorrectly parsed JSON in the .conf file where the LESS file was included. I got a whole ton of errors from this, and have since then fixed both the LESS file and the .conf file.
However, the issue is that my squarespace site is now not registering that any changes have been uploaded, despite the fact that my FTP files are successfully being uploaded and downloaded from the FTP server.
I have also not seen any updates to my Git on the developer mode tab since this error was registered.
My question is how to fix this, and how to start seeing edits done locally to region, etc, files again.
You can try to turn off the developer mode and then turn it on back.

Flex 4 with PHP and BulkLoader - Assets getting deleted

Has anyone ever encountered a situation where your assets (image png files) got deleted from your web path?
Let me explain it little more clearly.
I am loading some images located in my localhost (not in flex4 application path) from my flex4 application using the loader and also with BulkLoader
This is the second time it happened that some of the images got deleted from the path which are in localhost.
I am not sure what is causing this? is that the loader? or bulkloader or the webserver? (WAMP) or any virus?
It happened 2nd time in last 7 days. I was lucky that I had a copy in the remote host so I got them back easily. But its a mistrey what and why it is getting deleted.
Any thoughts what might have caused this? or anyone knows any bug in the Loader or BulkLoader?
Well I found the answer. The culprit is the Flash Builder.
I am prity sure many of flash developers have faced the debugger launching issue where the flash builder never launches the app as it might have struck up some where and it halts the launching process at around 50-60% progress. It happened to me too and happens considerable enough times in a day.
I just found that this is linked to the issue which I have asked.
FB cleans the debug/output folder every time the app is compiled. I wouldn't have mind if it cleans only the project files. However, it just removes all the contents in the folder and adds them back. This happens in the back ground every time I change the code and save and run or "Clean" the project to build a fresh copy.
During this process (removing and adding files back) if the FB struck up and I forcefully terminate the process (which is must some times); my files are gone.
The flash output folder is my web root where I will have all my php, assets and all server-side stuff.
I will open a topic to discuss on how to avoid it which also I have problem there too.

Filezilla removes line breaks on php files [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I stop Filezilla changing my linebreaks?
For some reason Filezilla sometimes removes line breaks on my php files making the code appear on a single line giving me a bunch of errors when I upload my projects, I was looking around and changed my transfer type to Binary but I still have the same issues, downloaded CuteFTP as well but same problem.
Does anyone know what can I do to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Now that I check, when I upload the files to my hosting they look in one line as well, but it doesn't give me any errors, the problem is when I upload to my clients host, could it be some configuration on the hosting or something?
change the "Transfer" to "Binary" (Do not keep it as a "Auto"). Restart Filezilla and upload files as it is.
Well, I managed to solve my problem, I dont exactly know how I just deleted the folder, uploaded as ASCII again, changed to Binari, restarted Filezilla, deleted the files again, and re-upload it as Binari again. For some reason it works now, maybe you have to restart Filezilla to apply the changes correctly.
Sounds like it may not be the FTP that is entirely the issue. If you're saving these files using the wrong encoding, this undesired result can be achieved. What program are you saving these files in?
If you have a file on the server in question that is formatted properly, download it with the FTP programs, then upload it without re-saving it. Check the downloaded copies and the uploaded copies to see if the issue is still occurring.
