How to create an Apple Script that runs a Terminal command? - applescript

I want to create an apple script that opens terminal and summons this command : sudo killall coreaudiod
How is this possible?

do shell script "sudo killall coreaudiod" with administrator privileges
the user gets asked for the password then


How can I run a sudo terminal command from applescript?

How can I run code "sudo ettercap -C" with sudo permissions in applescript?
display dialog "Start ettercap?" buttons {"Boot", "Cancel"}
do shell script "sudo ettercap -C"
This is for a project i'm doing. Dont ask :D
Instead of sudo use with administrator privileges
display dialog "Start ettercap?" buttons {"Boot", "Cancel"}
do shell script "ettercap -C" with administrator privileges
See Technical Note TN2065: do shell script in AppleScript

How to undo "sudo -s" in OSX terminal?

I ran sudo -s in the OSX terminal and now it is defaulted to running as root.
Is there a way to undo this?
On Unix Type operating systems, all you have to do is type in the exit command this should exit root and return to the user you were currently running under before entering the command.
You can also hit Command+D and that should return you to the user you were running as before the command as well.

Run a command as the standard user, from a sudo elevated script

If a bash script has been executed with sudo, how can a command within the script run as the currently logged in user, instead of root and then revert to root to continue running other commands?
For example: -
touch fileOwnedByRoot.txt
touch fileOwnedByUser.txt
touch otherRootFile.txt
If this script is run with sudo, without changing the order of commands, how can the 2nd touch command be run as the standard user?
The script is only a simple example, so using chmod to change ownership of files created is irrelevant.
The actual script I'm using is being run by an installer, so running with elevated privileges is a requirement, but specific commands must be run as the user running the installer, whose name is not known.
Use su - another_user -c "<command>" to run that specific command:
touch /tmp/f1
su - another_user -c "touch /tmp/f2"
touch /tmp/f3
As commented by chepner below, you need to use $SUDO_USER or $SUDO_UID to get the name of the real user running the sudo command:
su - $SUDO_USER -c "touch /tmp/f2"
This way, the file will be touched by the user running the command.
You can test with:
echo "sudo_user: $SUDO_USER"
echo "sudo_uid: $SUDO_UID"
And run the script either with ./script or sudo ./script. In the second case the values will be populated.
Don't run the script as sudo, just the commands that require elevated privileges.
sudo touch fileOwnedByRoot.txt
touch fileOwnedByUser.txt
sudo touch otherRootFile.txt
According to the man page the environment variable SUDO_USER is set when you run sudo, so you could do something like:
touch fileOwnedByRoot.txt
sudo ${SUDO_USER} touch fileOwnedByUser.txt
touch otherRootFile.txt
I haven't tested this, and don't know if it work differently on OSX, but it's worth a shot.

How do I run a shell script with administrator privileges through AppleScript without prompting for a password?

I want to have my AppleScript application run a Python script with sudo, but I don't want the application to prompt the user for a password (our users do not have sudo privileges).
The Python script has been added to the /etc/sudoers file appropriately (ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/ In the terminal, I can do (as a regular, non-privileged user):
$ sudo ./
and it runs perfectly well. But in AppleScript when you try to do:
do shell script "sudo ./"
You of course get the "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" error. But if you change it to:
do shell script "./" with administrator privileges
AppleScript insists on presenting a popup window to ask for the password. I have also tried passing a null password to sudo with a pipe:
do shell script "echo '' | sudo -S ./"
but that also does not work. (I think it tries to run sudo individually first and then pass the command through, which won't work because the user doesn't have sudo privileges!)
I need a solution where AppleScript will run the Python script with sudo. I would prefer the script stays unreadable and un-executable by average users for security reasons, and is only executed through the AppleScript. (I know that, hypothetically, the users could call sudo and it would run, but that's assuming they even know about sudoers; I'm trying to keep it as secure as possible while still usable).
I'm still pretty new to AppleScript, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
When I added ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /Users/myusername/a to sudoers and ran echo $'#!/bin/bash\nsay $(ls ~root|head -n1)'>~/a;chmod +x ~/a, do shell script "sudo ~/a" ran the script as root without requiring a password.
I'm guessing the problem is that you specified the path like do shell script "sudo ./". Try to use do shell script "sudo ~/" instead. The default working directory is for do shell script is / and not ~/.

Execute single command in shell script without sudo

I have a simple shell script that is run with sudo as most of the script requires it, yet one of the commands in the script is a Homebrew install, which cannot be executed with sudo..
So, my question is when executing a shell script with sudo how do I execute sub commands as the current user and then continue the remainder of the script with sudo.
Prompting the user to enter his password again is not really practical as the script takes really long to execute and would require waiting 5-10 min for the prompt.
The easiest way is to run the subcommand via sudo from within the script. The user id to run with can be obtained by $SUDO_USER (look at the output of sudo env):
sudo -u $SUDO_USER ./
Instantiate the shell using
sudo -u $USER_NAME bash
and execute the shell script by calling,
