Executing a command in a KornShell script - bash

If you are passed in an argument in a KornShell script, and it's also a command like:
ksh argument.ksh "wc -l"
how would you execute this command inside the script? Do you store it in a variable, and then execute it? Also, is there a way to retrieve the standard output/standard error from executing the command inside the script?

Place this inside your argument.ksh script:
echo "Running command $1." ## optional message
eval "$1" ## evaluate "$1" as a whole new command
A better or safer way actually is to use "$#":
echo "Running command $*." ## optional message
And pass your arguments like this:
ksh argument.ksh wc -l


How to echo script invocation without variable expansion of its args

From within a bash script, I'd like to echo script invocation without expanding variables passed as arguments.
Echoing script invocation with expanded variables can be achieved with
echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ${*}"
Echoing (the script's, or any other comand's) history using
echo "$(tail -n 1 ~/.bash_history)"
shows script invocation without variable expansions, as desired, however not for the running script (only for scripts completed).
How to echo script invocation without variable expansion of its arguments from within the running script?
If you can execute your script with bash -c script args, what you want is doable with the BASH_EXECUTION_STRING variable:
$ bash -c 'echo "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING"'
This output is not easy to understand but you can see that the echo command, when executed, prints the unexpanded command. This is because the value of the BASH_EXECUTION_STRING variable is the literal: echo "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING".
So, if your script is, for instance:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "script name: $script"
echo "command line: $cmd"
echo "parameter: $1"
you can execute it as:
$ a=42 bash -c './foo.sh "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING" "$a"'
script name: ./foo.sh
command line: ./foo.sh "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING" "$a"
parameter: 42

Bash pass argument to --init-file script

I'm running a shell script using bash --init-file script.sh that runs some commands, then leaves an interactive session open. How can I pass arguments to this init file from the process that runs the initial bash command? bash --init-file 'script.sh arg' doesn't work.
Interestingly, if the script contains echo "$# $*", passing an argument as I did above causes it to print nothing, while not passing an argument prints '0'.
Create a file with the content:
script.sh arg
Pass that file to bash: bash --init-file thatfile
I'd like the arg to come from the command that runs bash with the
Create a file from the command line and pass it:
cat >thatfile <<EOF
$(declare -p arg)
script.sh \"\$arg\"
bash --init-file thatfile
You might be interested in researching what is a process substitution in bash.

How to execute a command in a different shell?

I have a bash script that opens up a shell called salome shell and it should execute a command called as_run in that shell. The thing is that after entering the salome shell it doesn't execute the command until I exit the salome shell. This is the code that i got:
cd /opt/salome/appli_V2018.0.1_public
./salome shell
eval "as_run /home/students/gbroilo/Desktop/Script/Template_1_2/exportSalome"
What should I do in order to execute the command in the salome shell?
Might be this is what you want:
# call salome shell with commands in a specified script file
cd /opt/salome/appli_V2018.0.1_public
./salome shell <"/home/students/gbroilo/Desktop/Script/Template_1_2/exportSalome"
Or might be this is what you want:
# pipe a command as_run... to salome shell
cd /opt/salome/appli_V2018.0.1_public
echo "as_run /home/students/gbroilo/Desktop/Script/Template_1_2/exportSalome" | ./salome shell
Anyway, you have to read the salome guide about how salome shell call it's script.
Most shells implement a way to pass the commands as parameters, e.g.
dash -c 'x=1 ; echo $x'
You'll need to consult your shell's manual to see if it's possible.
You can also try sending the commands to the standard input of the shell:
echo 'set x = 1 ; echo $x' | tcsh
Using a HERE doc might be a bit more readable in case of complex commands:
tcsh << 'TCSH'
set x = 1
echo $x

How can I redirect stdout and stderr with variant?

Normally, we use
sh script.sh 1>t.log 2>t.err
to redirect log.
How can I use variant to log:
string="1>t.log 2>t.err"
sh script.sh $string
You need to use 'eval' shell builtin for this purpose. As per man page of bash command:
eval [arg ...]
The args are read and concatenated together into a single command. This command is then read and exe‐
cuted by the shell, and its exit status is returned as the value of eval. If there are no args, or
only null arguments, eval returns 0.
Run your command like below:
eval sh script.sh $string
However, do you really need to run script.sh through sh command? If you instead put sh interpreter line (using #!/bin/sh as the first line in your shell script) in your script itself and give it execute permission, that would let you access return code of ls command. Below is an example of using sh and not using sh. Notice the difference in exit codes.
Note: I had only one file try.sh in my current directory. So ls command was bound to exit with return code 2.
$ ls try1.sh try1.sh.backup 1>out.txt 2>err.txt
$ echo $?
$ eval sh ls try1.sh try1.sh.backup 1>out.txt 2>err.txt
$ echo $?
In the second case, the exit code is of sh shell. In first case, the exit code is of ls command. You need to make cautious choice depending on your needs.
I figure out one way but it's ugly:
echo script.sh $string | sh
I think you can just put the name into a string variable
and then use data redirection
sh script.sh 1> $outfile 2> $errorfile

How to specify zeroeth argument

I'm writing a bash script that starts the tcsh interpreter as a login shell and has it execute my_command. The tcsh man page says that there are two ways to start a login shell. The first is to use /bin/tcsh -l with no other arguments. Not an option, because I need the shell to execute my_command. The second is to specify a dash (-) as the zeroeth argument.
Now the bash exec command with the -l option does exactly this, and in fact the following works perfectly:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
Except... I can't use exec because I need the script to come back and do some other things afterwards! So how can I specify - as the zeroeth argument to /bin/tcsh without using exec?
You can enclose the exec command into a sub-shell of your script.
(exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command)
# ... whatever else you need to do after the command is done
You can write a wrapper (w.sh) script that contains:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
and execute w.sh in your main script.
