Cannot perform native interaction: Could not load native events component for Selenium-webdriver 2.35.0 and Firefox 23.0.1 combination - ruby

For automating one of the tests, I've to perform drag and drop. Hence, I tried to achieve it following way:
driver.action.drag_and_drop(source, target).perform
but it results into an error:
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidElementStateError: Cannot perform native interaction: Could not load native events component.
I ran this test on following configuration:
Firefox 23.0.1
Selenium WebDriver 2.35.0
I chose above combinations because change log says - with Selenium WebDriver 2.35.0 and Firefox 23, native event components works fine.
Even though I used correct Firefox and Selenium WebDriver versions, it's throwing error.
Looking at stackoverflow, I can see same kind of issue has been asked several times. And answers to these questions are like: either downgrade/upgrade Firefox, Selenium WebDriver versions
Everytime Firefox or Selenium WebDriver version is upgraded, users face these problems. Hence user look at change log and try find right combination of Firefox and WebDriver. (and even though I followed it, I'm facing problem)
My questions are:
Is there easiest way which will help to choose correct Firefox and Selenium WebDriver versions?
Or is there any workaround for mouse interactions using Selenium?
so that we can get rid of Cannot perform native interaction: Could not load native events component.error.

You should also have the option of "manually" executing the JS function which is triggered by the drag and drop, using driver.execute_script("JavaScript code here").


Responsive design view on Firefox with Webdriver

Using Selenium Webdriver on Ruby, is there a way to set up Firefox to be opened on "Responsive Design View" and continue executing tests for the whole session?
I've done it on Google Chrome and it's working fine (sans the touch support part). For Firefox, I've only seen questions around creating preset for screen size but not much activity on how to actually execute tests on said profile.
Please advise.

Selenium: Firefox showing different behavior when launched by Selenium

Note - App coded in Extjs
Certain ExtJs elements or parts of elements (like titles) are not appearing or loading when using the selenium launched FF.
Things I tried
Going to the same page with a manually launched firefox - works
Stopping the test after login to use the launched version and going
to the same with issues - still see issues
Updated to latest version of FF - same issues.
Is there anything with the Firefox driver in selenium that could be causing these discrepancies?
To add to to the situation I can actually get the store behind the grid that isn't loading up
The thing is ExtJS is using a really annoying HTML5 features, which need a bit more then simple simulations of user interactions. For ecample an element could be with no childs, but when you will click on it, it will automatically load all of it's childs. That's why you don't see all the elements.
For that purposes, if you are using java you should use or similar things, which are developed to help Webdriver interact with complex HTML5 solutions.

JMeter + Selenium testing stops after Firefox is opened

I tried to learn JMeter+Selenium but there is small problem:
I started with this:
done everything to the heading "Code Review".
When I run Thread group it opens Firefox but does not open requested website.
My FF version is 34.0.5
Any ideas?
Take a look into The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered guide
Q. How do I Know Which Browsers are Supported? section explains how to identify appropriate Firefox version for WebDriver plugin.
JMeterPlugins-WebDriver-1.2.0 contains selenium-firefox-driver-2.39.0.jar
Looking into Selenium changelog
* Update to support native events for Firefox 26.
So you need to use Firefox 26 with WebDriver-1.2.0 plugin version. You can download Firefox 26 from Mozilla FTP site
If you are doing any native calls in the driver, such as .get or .sendKeys, then the latest version of Firefox you can use is 31.0.6 . If you avoid those native calls and do non-native Javascript calls instead, such as using a JavascriptExecutor to navigate the browser, then you should be able to use a later version of Firefox.

How to open browsers in private/incognito mode with selenium?

I'm writing Selenium tests in Ruby to test my website in multiple browsers.
However, the tests won't fire correctly unless the cookies are clear(there are triggers I'm testing that only happen X number of times and is stored in a cookie).
Does anyone know how to have selenium open a browser in its private browsing or incognito mode with Selenium or have another idea on how I might solve the issue?
You can get Chrome to start in incognito by default.
There's a solution for Windows at the bottom of the link below... If you're not using Windows, you can Google how to achieve this for you OS =)!topic/chrome/sYaZkNW8II4

Selenium IDE doesn't record once I stop and click record again

Hi I met a strange issue which didn't show before when I use Selenium IDE to record some tests.
It doesn't get the url automatically when Selenium IDE is opened.
Which is the critical problem: once I stop the recording or play the test case which would stop the recording as well, it no longer records any additional action when I click again the recording button.
I'm not sure whether this is the problem of Selenium IDE or some problem with my Firefox. What I use is Selenium IDE 1.9.1, and Firefox 17, and there's no such problem when the first time I used it a couple of days ago.
Many thanks for the help.
Check this link.
Firefox 17 will be supported in upcoming selenium ide 1.10.0. So, better downgrade your firefox to 15 for better functioning of selenium ide 1.9.1
Just for record, I have fixed the issue in Selenium IDE v2.3.0, which should be released soon. See
