undefined method error when accessing class page object from module - ruby

I'm trying to access class method which is defined in Module, I can call function but function has page object element which performs some operation like click, I'm getting following error:
undefined method "label_year" for Datefunctions:Class (NoMethodError)
Here's my files structure:
module CalenderUtil
def set_date
class Datefunctions
include PageObject
span(:label_year, :class=> 'ui-datepicker-year')
span(:label_month, :class=> 'ui-datepicker-month')
def self.get_calender_year
return label_year
require 'calender_helper.rb'
include CalenderUtil
def setTravelDate date
parts of env.rb:
require 'page-object'
require 'page-object/page_factory'
$: << File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../../lib'
require 'calender_helper.rb'
include CalenderHelper
World PageObject::PageFactory
World CalenderHelper
In addition; I've defined include/require multiple times I'll take off once this solved.

The reason is, the methods auto-generated by PageObject, are all instance methods. You can't use it in a class method because there is no instance.
Look at the doc's example:
class LoginPage
include PageObject
text_field(:username, :id => 'username')
text_field(:password, :id => 'password')
button(:login, :id => 'login')
login_page.username = 'cheezy'
login_page.password = 'secret'
The methods are for instances.
To fix, you need to create an instance.
module CalenderUtil
def set_date
page = Datefunctions.new(args_foo)

The problem is that label_year is an instance method while get_calender_year is a class method. You cannot call the instance method since you have not created an instance of the class.
As Billy Chan pointed out, for your code to work, you need to create an instance of the Datefunctions class within your module. This seems a bit awkward since you would need to pass the browser instance to each method called in the CalenderUtil. To me CalenderUtil is a layer of abstraction that is not adding any value.
I think that you should:
Use modules to encapsulate controls that are used across multiple pages.
Include these modules within the page object classes that have the controls.
Call the methods from the page objects.
For your example, I would create a Datefunctions module that defines the datepicker controls.
module DateFunctions
include PageObject
span(:label_year, :class=> 'ui-datepicker-year')
span(:label_month, :class=> 'ui-datepicker-month')
Then for each page class that uses the datepicker control, include the module:
class MyPage
include PageObject
include DateFunctions
In your tests, I assume it is Cucumber but the same is true for whatever framework, use the method from the page object.
page = MyPage.new(browser)
page.label_year.should == '1/1/2013'


Undefined method for class - Sinatra

It seems I don't quite understand initializing or using a class within another class.
I have a Sinatra app and have created a class to handle fetching data from an api
# path: ./lib/api/bikes/bike_check
class BikeCheck
def self.check_frame_number(argument)
# logic here
I then have another class that needs to consume/use the check_frame_number method
require 'slack-ruby-bot'
# Class that calls BikeCheck api
require './lib/api/bikes/bike_check'
class BikeCommands < SlackRubyBot::Bot
match /^Is this bike stolen (?<frame_number>\w*)\?$/ do |client, data, match|
client.say(channel: data.channel, text: #message)
When check_frame_number is called I get a undefined method error. What I would like to know is what basic thing am I not doing/understanding, I thought by requiring the file which has the class it would be available to use.
No, you can not require a method defined in class - methods defined in class only available to class, class instances and within the inheritance.
Mixing method only possible with including modules.
To solve you issue you could either do
class BikeCommands < SlackRubyBot::Bot
match /^Is this bike stolen (?<frame_number>\w*)\?$/ do |client, data, match|
BikeCheck.check_frame_number(match[:frame_number]) # <===========
client.say(channel: data.channel, text: #message)
or write a module with the method and include/extend in class, you want that method to be available in.

ruby: calling a instance method without using instance

I know in ruby, when we call an instance method, we need to firstly instantiate a class object.
But when I see a open sourced code I got confused.
The code is like this:
File Message.rb
require 'json'
module Yora
module Message
def serialize(msg)
def deserialize(raw, symbolized_key = true)
msg = JSON.parse(raw, create_additions: true)
if symbolized_key
Hash[msg.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }]
File. Persistance.rb
require 'fileutils'
require_relative 'message'
module Yora
module Persistence
class SimpleFile
include Message
def initialize(node_id, node_address)
#node_id, #node_address = node_id, node_address
FileUtils.mkdir_p "data/#{node_id}"
#log_path = "data/#{node_id}/log.txt"
#metadata_path = "data/#{node_id}/metadata.txt"
#snapshot_path = "data/#{node_id}/snapshot.txt"
def read_metadata
metadata = {
current_term: 0,
voted_for: nil,
cluster: { #node_id => #node_address }
if File.exist?(#metadata_path)
metadata = deserialize(File.read(#metadata_path)) #<============
$stderr.puts "-- metadata = #{metadata}"
You can see the line I marked with "<==="
It uses deserialize function that been defined in message class.
And from message class we can see that method is a instance method, not class method.
So why can we call it without instantiating anything like this?
Message ist an module. Your Class SimpleFile includes this module. so the module methods included in your class SimpleFile. that means, all module methods can now be used like as methods from SimpleFile
see http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Module.html for more infos about module in ruby. it's a great feature.
It is being called on an instance. In Ruby, if you leave out the explicit receiver of the message send, an implicit receiver of self is assumed. So, deserialize is being called on an instance, namely self.
Note that this exact same phenomenon also occurs in other places in your code, much earlier (in line 1, in fact):
require 'fileutils'
require_relative 'message'
Here, you also have two method calls without an explicit receiver, which means that the implicit receiver is self.

Sinatra: how to use helpers in dynamically generated routes?

I create a route for each product from database with following code:
Products.all.each do |product|
get "/#{product.title.latinize}"
class String
def latinize
end #or with helpers
which raises NoMethodError: undefined method `latinize' for "hello":String.
How to use helpers (or class's extensions as seen here) from dynamically generated routes in Sinatra?
It's probably because you are defining the latinize method after you are generating the routes. Move to above the Product.all section.

How to call a page-object from a class.rb at Support folder

I am using the page-object gem. Suppose i have a page-object on features/bussines/pages/booking_page.rb for a page like:
class Booking
include PageObject
span(:txtFirstName, :id => 'details_first_name')
...and i use a "tools" class located at features/support/tools.rb with something like:
class MyTools
def call_to_page_object
on Booking do |page|
puts page.txtFirstName
...but this approach fails because calling to the object from the class is not allowed:
undefined method `on' for #<Booking:0x108f5b0c8> (NoMethodError)
Pretty sure i'm missing some concept on the way to use the page-object from a class but don't realize whats the problem. Can you please give me an idea about what could be wrong here, please?
Thank you very much!
Justin found the reason why the call to the class crash. The final class code results:
class MyTools
#Include this module so that the class has the 'on' method
include PageObject::PageFactory
def initialize(browser)
#Assign a browser object to #browser, which the 'on' method assumes to exist
#browser = browser
def getCurrentRewards
on Booking do |page|
rewards_text = page.rewards_amount
rewards_amount = rewards_text.match(/(\d+.*\d*)/)[1].to_f
puts "The current rewards amount are: #{rewards_amount}."
return rewards_amount
And the call to the function:
user_rewards = UserData.new(#browser).getCurrentRewards
Why it did not work me? Two main reasons:
I didn't pass the browser object to the class <== REQUIRED
I didn't include the PageObject::PageFactory in the class <== REQUIRED for the "on" method.
Thanks all!
To use the on (or on_page) method requires two things:
The method to be available, which is done by including the PageObject::PageFactory module.
Having a #browser variable (within the scope of the class) that is the browser.
So you could make your MyTools class work by doing:
class MyTools
#Include this module so that the class has the 'on' method
include PageObject::PageFactory
def initialize(browser)
#Assign a browser object to #browser, which the 'on' method assumes to exist
#browser = browser
def call_to_page_object
on Booking do |page|
puts page.txtFirstName
You would then be calling your MyTools class like:
#Assuming your Cucumber steps have the the browser stored in #browser:
What are you trying to do?
Did you read Cucumber & Cheese book?
Pages should be in the features/support/pages folder. You can put other files that pages need there too.
If you want to use on method in a class, you have to add this to the class:
include PageObject
The code from MyTools class looks to me like it should be in Cucumber step file, not in a class.
Your class should use the extend keyword to access special class methods like span:
class Booking
extend PageObject
span(:txtFirstName, :id => 'details_first_name')
I hope this works.

Rails Module issue - undefined method 'validates_email' for User:class

I have a class called User, that needs to include a module.
The class looks like this:
require 'sequel'
require 'modules/validations'
class User < Sequel(..)
many_to_one :country
includes ::Validations
The module is defined in a subfolder called modules. It has been added to the $LOAD_PATH and Ruby is no complaining about the loading. The module looks like this:
module Validations
def validates_email(attr, options = {})
email = super.email
The error I am getting is :
undefined method 'validates_email' for User:class
What am I missing to make this work properly?
If you want to use modules to define class methods you should use the extends method.
class User < Sequel(..)
extend ::Validations
I suggest reading this article: http://railstips.org/blog/archives/2009/05/15/include-vs-extend-in-ruby/
