I have a class API that pulls objects from a third party API and builds them into objects that are subclasses of type APIObject. APIObject subclasses match the object names from the API that I'm pulling from:
User < APIObject
Account < APIObject
I would like to define a class method in APIObject that allows me to pull objects using standard Rails accessors:
user = User.find id
I would like the method to translate this call into an API call like this:
API::User::findById id
I would like to access the name of the APIObject subclass (User) using self.class.name and use that to call the constant (API::User), but I know API::self.class.name won't work. I could rewrite this method over and over again for every subclass, but it seems like this should be possible without doing that. Suggestions?
I think you’re looking for const_get. Perhaps something like:
def self.find(id)
(note you only need self.name, since this is already in the context of the class, and self.class.name will just be Class).
using ruby 2.2, rails 4.1
I have a search result class that I would like to use to format the correct results depending on the type of search, ie full text, keyword, etc. Currently I have separate modules for the different search types in the result class, each one knows how to format it's own results. What I would like to do is pass the raw results and the type in to the search result initialize method and within the method, extend the correct module dynamically. then the class that instantiated the search result class (resultbuilder in this case) calls a method defined in the module to format the results. This would need to be called as an instance method, with the same method defined in each module so the resultbuilder just calls one method regardless of search type.
something like this:
Class SR
def initialize(data, type)
#data = data
extend type.constantize
module FullText
def call
<format results>
I can get the extend to work, tho I think I'm missing something as the call method is not available on the SR class instance.
Is there some other way to set up the modules? Do they have to be put into their own files? I prefer not to set up modules that I can dynamically use with generic call and results methods thereby keeping the details out of the resultbuilder.
I'm trying to implement a Facade in idiomatic Ruby while coming from Java. I can see that Rails' ActiveRecord is fond of using class methods for things like find_by(criteria) and does not use Repository pattern for that task.
My Facade wraps a specific webservice with several methods. My original idea was to make it's API similar to ActiveRecord (learning by imitation):
class MyEntity
# ....
def get_name
#loaded_name + #loaded_surname
def delete
def save
#entity_access_service.save(#id, #loaded_name , #loaded_surname)
def self.find(id)
data = #entity_access_service.get_data_for(id)
MyEntity.new(data) #Or whatever way to populate my entity
This, in theory, would work great:
e = MyEntity.find(10)
p e.get_name
e = MyEntity.new(some stuff)
For save and delete instance methods to work, I need to somehow get an instance of EntityAccessService. This instance should be mockable to test it in isolated environment. What is the correct way to do it?
I'm expecting my tests to look as simple as possible and without some weird hacks, as what I'm trying to implement seems fairly trivial.
I have thought of several options to do that:
Having a class-level variable holding entity_access_service used by all of the entities created in application. In this case, where should I initialize this field? For example:
class MyEntity
##entity_access_service = nil
# Somewhere else (where?):
MyEntity.entity_access_service = MyEntityService.new(some_params_from_env)
This way, in my tests I would have to initialize/mock it at start.
Similar to 1 but initialize it in the class. This looks weird, especially if I know that my tests do not have required ENV params populated at all.
Have an extra constructor/attribute to set the entity_service. This won't work, as save would not have this field initialized.
Create a Repository class. This would work pretty ok, but seems to be not what Ruby people do.
Following ActiveRecord's example, you can create a method on your class itself, or on the base class from which your other classes are derived.
ActiveRecord provides a method ActiveRecord::Base.connection which returns the connection object which all models use to access the database. You can do something similar:
class MyEntity
def self.entity_access_service
# return your service object
def self.find(id)
MyEntity.new(data) # Or whatever way to populate my entity
def save()
MyEntity.entity_access_service.save(#id, #loadedName, #loadedSurname)
As far as initialization goes, you either have to have a initialization step in your app (and test suite) where service credentials are read from config files and passed into your MyEntity object, or your entity_access_service method can lazily create the object it returns on first access using a very common Ruby idiom:
def self.entity_access_service
#entity_access_service || = # build entity_access_service object
Note that, by wrapping your class-level instance variables in class-level accessor methods, you can avoid the use of ## which is a recommended best practice.
I have a controller with several actions. Many follow this pattern:
def favorites
#favorites = Favorite.where(organization_id: #resource.id).page(params[:page]).per(50)
It's not just favorites, but there's also downloads, searches, lists etc and they're all so similar that I wanted to create a method that I could call in a before_filter. Something like this:
def set_instance_variable
subject = __method__
class = __method__.singularize.constantize
instance_variable = self.class.instance_variable_set("##{subject}", "#{class}.where(organization_id: #resource.id).page(params[:page]).per(50)")
The syntax might be a little off here, but I know this won't work because __method__ will always be set_instance_variable and not the parent method where it is called.
Is there a way to dynamically set instance variables based on the method that defines them? Is this example above even on the right track?
I like the way the CanCan library handles this problem. With CanCan, you call a class method at the top of your controller:
CanCan then looks at:
the action you're in to determine whether you want a collection or singular resource,
the name of the controller to determine the class to load
authorization rules to add scopes like your organization_id restriction (cancan is also a library for defining these)
I think pagination and resource loading are separate things, and you shouldn't put them in the same method. I'd shoot for an interface like this:
class FavoritesController
paginate_resource only: [:index]
def show
# #favorite loaded here
def index
# #favorites loaded and paginated here
If it makes more sense in your application to have non-restful resources, then you can't re-use the convention-based thing cancan is and instead have to define your own function. Consider something like this:
def favorites
#favorites = load_resource Favorite
def load_resource(klass)
klass.where(organization_id: #resource.id).page(params[:page]).per(50)
I'm reading 'metaprogramming in ruby'
its such an EXCELLENT book. Seriously, it talks about stuff that I never hear mentioned elsewhere.
I have a few specific questions however about objects (I'm in the first few chapters)
I understand that the RubyGems gem installs the method 'gem' to the module Kernel so that it shows up on every object. Is there a reason they didnt put it into the Object class?
He talks about how when ruby looks for the method it always goes right then up. What exactly does 'up' mean? I see it in the diagram, its just that I dont really understand the purpose of 'up'. he doesnt explain that part much.
What is the point of the Object class? How come those methods cant be just placed into Class? If every object belongs to a class (even if its Class), then what is the point of object, basicobject, and kernel?
String, Array, blah blah are obviously an instance of Class. Class is also an instance of itself. So if Class is an instance of Class.... how does it also inherit from Object? Where in the code does it relates to BOTH Class and Object?
I know kernel contains methods such as puts that can be used everywhere, and this relates to question 1, but why cant they just condense it and put it all into Object... where it would seem everything inherits from object anyway
Both would work, but typically methods on Object should only be methods that deal with a particular object. Puting things in the Kernel module are less about about object and more global.
I assume it means "up the inheritance chain". So it looks for the method on the child class, then on that classes parent class until it finds one or runs out of parent classes.
Object is the base class of all objects, naturally (For ruby 1.8 at least). The crazy part is that a class is actually an instance of the Class class. (you follow that?) So adding instance methods to Class would add methods to class objects, but not instances of those classes.
Nearly everything in ruby is an object. Class.superclass is actually Module (which is like a class you can't instantiate) and Module.superclass returns Object. So Class < Module < Object is the inheritance chain if the Class class. (For ruby 1.8 at least)
More convention than anything. Since Object can get rather HUGE, it's customary to put things into modules and then combine those modules later. If the method doesn't deal with an instance of an object directly as self then the method doesn't belong directly in Object. More global non-object instance methods like gem go in the Kernel module to signify that they are simply methods available everywhere.
Some more about class objects and inheritance...
class Foo < Bar
def hi
puts 'Hi!'
What this does is really quite awesome. It defines a class object, of course. Now this class object is configured to have a name Foo, a parent class Bar and a method hi. This info is sort of like this class object's meta data.
Now the class object Foo itself is an instance of Class. But Foo defines a class that inherits from Bar. The Class class defines a data structure to store this meta data about a class.
You can think of the Class class sorta kinda being defined like this:
class Class < Module
# fictional method called on class creation
def set_meta_data(name, superclass, methods)
#name = name
#superclass = superclass
#methods = methods
# fictional way in which an instance might be created
def new
instance = Object.new
instance.superclass = #superclass
So a class object itself would inherit from Class but it would create objects that do not.
Thinking of classes as objects can be a bit mind bending in this way, but this also why ruby is awesome.
For 1 and 5, pseudo-keyword commands tend to go into Kernel rather than Object.
For 2, it makes sense for sub-classes to be "down" relative to their parent class (sub literally meaning "beneath"). Therefore if you're heading for a parent class and its ancestors, you have to go "up".
For 3, an object object is not an instance of Class, it is an instance of Object.
For 4, what's wrong with something being an instance of Class and inheriting from Object? All classes inherit from Object.
I know about controller_name returning a string containing the controller's name but how can I retrieve the controller class (or object) from within a helper?
EDIT: The solution should also work when the controller is namespaced (eg. Admin::PostsController)
You can use the constantize method, like:
Though I'm not sure how it will behave if you have a namespaced controller.
That one won't work for all controller names and/or namespaces. Though one can use the #controller method in combination with #class:
A view probably shouldn't need to do this. Ideally whatever you're trying to do in the view that expects this, you would instead do in the controller.
Trying to think about why you'd want to do this, the best answer I can think of is that you want to invoke a helper method you've defined in the controller. There already exists a construct to do this, use helper_method.
For pretty much anything else, the controller should provide that data to the view. Not the view pulling it out of the controller. (e.g. even though you shouldn't need the class, the controller could provide it with #controller_class = self.class, which would then be available to the view)
In pure Ruby, because class names are constants, you can do this to get the class from a string:
classname = 'Posts'
p Kernel.const_get(classname).methods
There is a nice shortcut in Rails, constantize for just this:
p 'Posts'.constantize.methods
If the classname is eg 'editable_file', first call the camelize method:
p 'editable_file'.camelize.constantize # EditableFile
p 'extensions/editable_file'.camelize.constantize # Extensions::EditableFile
EDIT: If you really want to get the controller name un-demodulized, then this code in config/initializers/controller_name.rb should ensure it:
class ActionController::Metal
def self.controller_name
# #controller_name ||= self.name.demodulize.sub(/Controller$/, '').underscore
#controller_name ||= self.name.sub(/Controller$/, '').underscore