Attitude in Windows 8.1 apps - sphero-api

I want to experiment with Attitude events in C# on Windows 8.1 which I don't believe is supported just yet in the SDK. I assume that if I dropped down to the protocol API I could get these events to flow. Is this correct? If so, anyone have a c# code sample of how I Could request the data stream and receive and process the data packets?

You can find the documentation for the API here, it should have the information you need to request and process the attitude data from Sphero


Does wp7 have sdk to read phone data transfer

I hope to get the data transfer info.
I have done the same thing on iPhone but not sure if wp7 sdk has the same function?
No, at the moment, there is no data transfer API. I assume you mean total data usage from other apps and the phone in general. You could monitor your own app by manually making web requests and storing the bytes used but there's no way to monitor how much is being used by other apps.

Capture incoming SMS

how can i access to incoming sms in windows Phone 7.5 (mango)? is it possible?
Sorry, you can't do it using the supplied API - it doesn't allow it.
I know that there may be features of the ecosystem use text messaging under the covers, but these are handled at a much lower level than the APIs allow you to access. It is similar to the way that you don't have access to incoming call data, and hence why the WM6.5 call filter type of app is not available in WP7
NO Sorry as of now MS is not provided any API for SMS access. May be in future it may provide.

Receiving pushed messages from web service

I am working as part of a team using Android and WP7 to create apps that communicate with a server. So ideally we want a consistent approach to receiving the data from the server.
I currently am using HTTPWebRequest to form a SOAP message and send it to a Java-based web service to receive messages (Adding as a ServiceReference didn't work no matter what I tried) At the moment it's a simple case of receiving the full list of things and just recreate the list each time via DespatchTimer to do periodic calls. But of course periodic pollin is likely to be ratehr battery intensive so not the best apporach for my needs.
I now need to change the code so that changes are pushed rather than polled. The team is looking at XMPP to do this as Android libraries are readily available to do this but I am having trouble finding open source libraries to do this.
Microsoft Push seems available but this appears to require a Microsoft based server side environment to push unless I have misinterpreted this? Or even if push notifications are a sensible way to do this.
So what I would like to know is the approach to handling pushed messages in this scenario which i hope someone out there has had experience in
Microsoft Push Notification System [MPNS] does not require a MSFT-based server backend. It simply relays the Push Notifications through carrier or other data channels to subscribing phones. You should be able to make HTTP POST requests to MPNS at the Windows Phone subscriber Channel URI & MPNS would deliver the Push Notifications for you. Your server side can be anything, as long as you able to make the HTTP requests.
A good starting point can be found here.
Hope this helps!

Messaging app on the WP7

I was wondering if it is possible to develop a text messaging kind of application similar to WhatsApp, but for between WP7 devices? What difficulty programming skill level am I looking at and what would be required to develop such an app? Thanks!
In general I don't think it will be really difficult to build an app like WhatsApp. (Although I only heard about the funcationality) So I will give you the information I think you should have at a minimum.
In the first place you need your WP7 app, which I think should have push notifications to notify users about new messages. (Note: push notifications work in batches, so there will be no instant delivery notification to the end user.) You should have a login system in your WP7 app, which makes users uniquely identifiable.
Somewhere you should have a central datastore where you can store users, messages, relations between messages (replies, forwards, etc.) (Note: If your app becomes as big as WhatsApp you should have a really good scalable datastore.).
I would use WCF to communicate between your datastore and the WP7 app. Probably I have overseen something right now, but this will give you a start for defining your applications architecture.
UPDATE 12:54
As i saw your comment about where to start I searched for some documentation:
There is a free e-book from Charles Petzold which covers alot:
Also there are a lot of code samples and documentation on MSDN:
Main overview of WP7 development:
WP7 code samples:
You can have a look at the Sockets Support section, which may help you to get started.

Can Connect to 3G Modem via GSMComm but cannot see any SMS

I'm trying to write an application that receives SMS messages into the app I'm developing (in C# if you care :). Research indicates the best bet is to use GSMComm library.
I've downloaded the library and using the demo app I have managed to connect to the 3g modem (a Huawei E1756) but when I query it for SMS's received it comes back with 0.
Interestingly if I use the software that comes with the application then I can see the messages.
Anyone got any clues on why this would be? Or other tips on how to retrieve the messages?
Depending on how the modem is setup, messages can be stored on either the SIM card or in phone memory.
I would check that the demo app is looking in both places for old messages.
I use gammu's smsd which can write to a database which you can then use your c# with.
it is supports a wide array of phones and modems including many Huawei models
It runs on windows and linux and has worked well for me.
the database has a simple inbox and outbox tables that you can use.
Try Clickatell to get an idea
