Laravel 4 MethodNotAllowedhttpException - laravel

I am get a MethodNotAllowedHttpException when I submit the form detailed below. The route appears correct to me and is syntactically the same as other post routes that are working just fine. The controller method exists but even so I think the exception is occuring before the request gets to the controller as item 4 on the left of the laravel error page says handleRoutingException right after item 3 which says findRoute. I am pretty sure I am not using restful routing the way you should in laravel 4 but that is because the tutorial I am following a laravel 3 tutorial and updating hte syntax to 4 as I go but like I said the other routes work fine so I can't figure out why this one isn't.
<div id="ask">
<h1>Ask a Question</h1>
{{ Form::open(array('ask', 'POST')) }}
{{ Form::token() }}
{{ Form::label('question', 'Question') }}
{{ Form::text('question', Input::old('question')) }}
{{ Form::submit('Ask a Question') }}
{{ Form::close() }}
<p>Please login to ask or answer questions.</p>
</div><!-- end ask -->
Route::post('ask', array('before'=>'csrf', 'uses'=>'QuestionsController#post_create'));
class QuestionsController extends BaseController {
public $restful = true;
protected $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function __construct()
$this->beforeFilter('auth', array('post_create'));
public function get_index() {
return View::make('questions.index')
->with('title', 'Make It Snappy Q&A - Home');
public function post_create()
$validation = Question::validate(Input::all());
if($validation->passes()) {
return Redirect::Route('home')
->with('message', 'Your question has been posted.');
} else {
return Redirect::Route('register')->withErrors($validation)->withInput();

I believe defining public $restful = true; is how it was done in Laravel 3. In Laravel 4 you define a restful controller in your routes like so:
Route::controller('ask', 'QuestionsController');
Then to define the functions you would not use an underscore to separate them. You must use camel case like so:
public function getIndex()
// go buck wild...
public function postCreate()
// do what you do...

For RESTful Controllers you should define the route using Route::controller method, i.e.
Route::controller('ask', 'QuestionsController');
and controller methods should be prefixed with http verb that it responbds to, for example, you may use postCreate and you have post_create instead, so it doesn't look like a Restful controller.
You are using public $restful = true; in your controller, this is not being used in Laravel-4, and public $restful = true; may causing the problem, so remove this line.


Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::links does not exist

I created a model relationship between User and Message. I want to implement a list of messages for the authenticated user but I get the following error.
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::links does not exist
public function index()
$user_id = auth()->user()->id;
$user = User::find($user_id);
return view('message.index')->with('messages', $user->message);
Message provider
class message extends Model
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
User provider
public function message ()
return $this->hasMany('App\Message');
#foreach ($messages as $message)
<div class="well">
<small>Written on {{$message->created_at}} </small>
<p> no post found </p>
"Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::links does not exist.(View: C:\xampp\htdocs\basicwebsite\resources\views\message\index.blade.php)"
Check your view blade, that method (links()) only could be used when your data model is implementing paginate() method.
If you dont use paginate(), remove this part:
{{$messages->links() }}
If you are trying to paginate your data when it gets to the view then you need to add the paginate in your controller before passing the data to the view. Example
return $users = Users::select('id','name')->paginate(10);
with that paginate method in your controller, you can call the links method to paginate your object in view as shown below
hope it helps you
There are 2 ways to resolve this issue:
Either use paginate function while searching data from database:
$users = DB::table('users')->where('id',$user_id)->paginate(1);
Remove links() function from index.blade.php
{{ $messages->links() }}
Remove {{ $messages->links() }} to in your index.blade.php because {{ $messages->links() }} is supported only when you use paginate
You can do something like this in your controller file.
public function index()
$messages = Message::all()->paginate(5);
$user_id = auth()->user()->id;
$user = User::find($user_id);
return view('message.index')->with('messages', $messages, $user->message);

trying to return a view from database but getting -"Undefined variable error - Laravel 5.2"

Controller,Route and view code is below.
Getting error
trying to return a view from database but getting -"Undefined variable error - Laravel 5.2"
#if (isset($football_datas))
#foreach($football_datas as $football_data)
<div style="height:20px;">
<p class="time-identity" > 14:00</p>
<a href="{{Route('stream')}}" >
<p class="match-identity">{{$football_data->country}} vs {{$football_data->country}}</p>
<p class="live-video-identity"> video </P>
class football_datacontroller extends controller
public function index(){
$football_datas= DB::table('football_datas')->select('id','country','day')->get();
return view('football',['football_datas'=>$football_datas]);
Route::post('football', 'football_dataController#index');
Can you try this on your Controller.
return view('football',compact('football_datas'));
Your code
return view('football',['football_datas'=>$football_datas]);
return View::make('football')->with('football_datas', $football_datas);
I hope it helps.
You can use this way for variables, so you wont need to do all them custon changes:
class football_datacontroller extends controller
public function index(){
$football_datas= DB::table('football_datas')->select('id','country','day')->get();
$vars['football_datas'] = $football_datas;
return view('football', $vars);
Then, you can add several "$vars['blabla]' = $blabla" on top of eachother, and all variables will be available in the view with just the {{$football_datas}} or {{$blabla}} in the examples provided.
Example here under on how to have several:
class football_datacontroller extends controller
public function index(){
$football_datas= DB::table('football_datas')->select('id','country','day')->get();
$vars['blabla'] = $blabla;
$vars['football_datas'] = $football_datas;
return view('football', $vars);

Laravel: Retrieve data from DB and diplay in View

I have a bug here in my code that show me a probleme while displaying data in the home page
class Annonce_indexController extends Controller
public function index()
$annonce_residentiel = Annonce_residentiel::all();
return view('/' , compact('annonce_residentiel'));
Blade View
{{ $annonce_residentiel->prix }}
It says that $annonce_residentiel is undefined
The problem is I have two routes to the same view:
Route::get('/',array('as' =>'viewville','uses'=>'VilleController#index'));
Change the second route to post !
Route::post('/',array('as' =>'viewville','uses'=>'VilleController#index'));
$annonce_residentiel is an object and not a variable so you cannot just call it and expect it to pop a value. For just demo purpose and to understand how it works try the following code in your view.
#foreach($annonce_residentiel as $data)
{{ $data->prix }}
class Annonce_indexController extends Controller
public function index()
$annonce_residentiel = Annonce_residentiel::first();
return view('/' , compact('annonce_residentiel'));
Blade View
{{ $annonce_residentiel->prix }}

Laravel passing data to page

I am trying to pass data to Controller of Laravel. here is how I do that :
in PagesController::
class PagesController extends Controller
public function contact(){
$data="some random ";
return view('contact',compact("data"));
now in contact.blade.php :
contact pages {{ $data }}
and it s hows
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
What may be a problam?
try this
public function contact()
$data = 'some random';
return View('contact')->with('data' , $data );
make sure that the view works fine (if its inside a folder use return View('')
make sure that your view name is contact.blade.php (check uppercase letters)
and inside your view
this is my {{ $data }}

Laravel 4 specific view not loading

I am new to laravel and following a tutorial for a basic app. So far the app has a default view layouts/default.blade.php, a partial _partials/errors.blade.php and three other views questions/index.blade.php, users/new.blade.php and users/login.blade.php
The routes are defined like so
// home get route
Route::get('/', array('as'=>'home', 'uses'=>'QuestionsController#get_index'));
//user register get route
Route::get('register', array('as'=>'register', 'uses'=>'usersController#get_new'));
// user login get route
Route::get('login', array('as'=>'login', 'uses'=>'usersController#get_login'));
//user register post route
Route::post('register', array('before'=>'csrf', 'uses'=>'usersController#post_create'));
// user login post route
Route::post('login', array('before'=>'csrf', 'uses'=>'usersController#post_login'));
questions/index.blade.php and users/new.blade.php load fine and within default.blade.php
when I call /login a blank page is loaded not even with default.blade.php. I am guessing that there is a problem in my blade syntax in login.blade.php given the fact that the default.blade.php works on the other routes and as far as I can see everything else is the same but if that was teh case wouldnt the default.blade.php route at least load?
the controller method this route is calling is as follows
Class UsersController extends BaseController {
public $restful = 'true';
protected $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function get_login()
return View::make('users.login')
->with('title', 'Make It Snappy Q&A - Login');
public function post_login()
$user = array(
if (Auth::attempt($user)) {
return Redirect::Route('home')->with('message', 'You are logged in!');
} else {
return Redirect::Route('login')
->with('message', 'Your username/password combination was incorrect')
finally login.blade.php
{{ Form::open(array('route' => 'register', 'method' => 'POST')) }}
{{ Form::token() }}
{{ Form::label('username', 'Username') }}
{{ Form::text('username', Input::old('username')) }}
{{ Form::label('password', 'Password') }}
{{ Form::text('password') }}
{{ Form::submit('Login') }}
{{ Form::close()}}
You could also define the layout template directly from the Controller , this approach provides more flexibility , as the same View can be used with multiple layout templates .
<?php namespace App\Controllers ;
use View , BaseController ;
class RegisterController extends BaseController {
protected $layout = 'layouts.master';
public function getIndex()
// Do your stuff here
// --------- -------
// Now call the view
$this->layout->content = View::make('registration-form');
My example uses Namespaced Controller but the same concepts are applicable on non-Namespaced Controllers .
Notice : Our RegisterController extends Laravel's default BaseController , which makes a bit of preparation for us , see code below :
class BaseController extends Controller {
* Setup the layout used by the controller.
* #return void
protected function setupLayout()
if ( ! is_null($this->layout))
$this->layout = View::make($this->layout);
If a custom "Basecontroller" is defined , make sure that it also implements the "preparation" code .
I don't know what concepts are new to you , so let me make a couple arbitrary assumptions . If "namespace" and "Basecontroller" are << strange words >> , let me try to demystify these words .
Namespace : PHP's documentation is pretty well documented on this subject . My oversimplified explanation is as follows : Two skilled developers (JohnD and Irish1) decide to build their own PHP Logging Library and release the code as open source to the community .Most likely they will name their library "Log"
Now another developer would like to implement both libraries into his/her project (because JohnD's code uses MongoDB as storage medium while Irish1's code uses Redis ) . How would PHP's interpreter distinguishes the two code-bases from each other ? Simply prepend each library with a vendor name (JhonD/Log and Irish1/Log ) .
Basecontroller : Most likely your Controllers will share common functionality (a database connection , common before/after filters , a common template for a View ...... ) . It is a good practice not to define this "common functionality" into each Controller separately, but define a "Parent" Controller , from which all other Controllers will inherit its functionality . So later on , if you decide to make changes on the code , only one place should be edited .
My previous example uses " class RegisterController extends BaseController " , that BaseController is just checking if our (or any other) Child-controller has defined a property with the name of " $layout " , and if so , the View that it will instantiate will be encapsulated into that specified layout . See Laravel's flexibility , a group of Controllers share common functionality (by extending Basecontroller) but also are free to choose their own layout (if they desire to do so ) .
I have found my error
I did not have #extends('layouts.default') at the beginning of the login.blade.php template
