Cant create new category in Joomla 3.1.5 - joomla

Every things is Ok menu,articles,but when creating new category it shows nothing in localhost

All text/structure joomla content going to database, nothing is stored on localhost, only media. Your category is created in database.


Magento Products are not listed on fronend

I downloaded a old magento site and installed it on my local server.
My admin panel is working perfect but products are not listed in frontend.
Links on the front end page are also not working.
When you say that you 'downloaded an old magento site', do you mean that you just copied down the folder structure?
If so, this won't have copied the product database, which is an entirely separate entity to the php/js/html/css that comprises the file structure.
Try reindexing and clearing the cache. Also, did you make sure the Base urls were updated in core_config_data database table?

Magento site migrated on another server

I am using magento version and having site on this
Client asked me to migrate data to other server with same configuration
But when I transferred all data to another server everything is working
fine except products not showing up at front-end.It shows in database and admin side.
I guess this in list.phtml
$products = $this->getLoadedProductCollection();
is not working
And I have also checked with loading base theme magento but no luck in that.
If anyone help me in this would be really helpful
Thanks in advance
You can do following steps :
1) go to backend, select all products, click on update attributes, click on websites on left, check your website and click on submit.
2) Go to system->config catalog and check if you have disabled retrieval of out of stock products on listing page.
3) After above steps, reindex your products and inventory.
4) Delete magento/var/cache/* and check website again.
After many attempts finally found solution,it was because of license issue
which is only for domain and i was accessing it from other IP and when I pointed it to that domain all things started working fine.
Thank you all for your inputs and help

how to migrate magento dashboard settings?

I have already installed magento in my localhost ,and its working fine.I have copied all the code from live to my localhost .But only thing is missing the magento dashboard settings which I had made on the live magento dashboard like the CMS pages ,some product attritbutes etc .How do i migrate these settings ?
I have copied the earlier database of live site ,and I don't want to replace localhost database with live site database.but you can tell some specific tables .
As in live site you have made change in CMS pages, Product Attributes etc. So It will be good to import whole database instead of particular tables as importing particular table may create problem.

Joomla front end has no content after web server move

I am so stumped with this and I need some help from the community. I moved my joomla site over to a new server and now the content has disappeared from the front end, I am not getting an errors.... Can someone offer any suggestions on where to look for the problem? my config is fine and I am pretty sure my database is aswell because all my original articles are there.
I am running Joomla 1.5
The URL:
If you moved to a new server at a different hosting company, Joomla is probably either
not looking in the right place for the database, or
not using the right credentials (host, port, username, password, whatever) for the database.
That might also be true if you moved to a different server at the same hosting company, although it's a little less likely. Look at the configuration.php file.
Assuming you have shell access, make sure you can access the database through its command-line utility. Then make sure Joomla is using the same credentials.
This is a really odd one.
The database credentials are obviously correct otherwise the site wouldn't load at all and would result in a MySQL error. Try re-assigning a new temporary article to the homepage else download the K2 component, import your articles and assign the K2 article to the homepage.
If you have the demo package for the template you are using the follow these steps:
create a sub domain
install the demo package with sample data
export the #__content database table from the main website
replace the #__content table with the one you exported
Make sure your error reporting is on in your server's php.ini file so that you can see what errors php is giving i.e. error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
In admin panel, can you see the articles in content menu?
If so, enter in each article and push the Save button.
After you save the article, it should appear again in frontpage (that worked for me).

Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages

I'm using Magento which works great other then the 404 when I'm trying to enter CMS/Pages in the navigation.
All other pages work great and even other items in CMS menu, only Pages gives 404.
What should I do?
Had this exact problem..
You are getting a 404 on CMS pages because of the remains of old store views still hanging around in the database after deleting store views from Magento admin, to clean up ( delete ) old unused CMS pages for store views you have deleted run this MySQL query.
DELETE FROM cms_page_store WHERE store_id NOT IN (SELECT store_id FROM core_store)
You could also use an app like phpmyadmin to manually look for CMS entries that have store IDs that you know not to be in use, but this could get messy.
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