How to increase the height of filter toolbar placed on top of JQGRID - jqgrid

I have a jqgrid in which I have implemented the filter toolbar on top of the grid. Now I want to increase the height of all filter toolbar columns but I am not getting exact idea. I searched it on the web and got to know that it can be done by changing in .css file of the grid but not getting the exact code snippet.
Also I have to increase the height of grid rows.
$('#mytable').jqGrid('filterToolbar', {autosearch: true});

The height of the filter toolbar are set by some lines of ui.jqgrid.css. Default height is 20px. To increase it for example up to 30px you can add additional CSS style definitions to your page which overwrite the settings from ui.jqgrid.css. For example the following demo (and another one which uses no searching operations) uses the following styles
.ui-jqgrid .ui-search-table { height: 30px; }
.ui-jqgrid .ui-search-table .ui-search-oper { height: 30px; }
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-htable .ui-search-toolbar th { height: 32px; }
It displays
I added to the demos the style described in the answer too just to improve the visibility of the input fields.


Reusing existing span with custom attributes in CKEditor while changing background color

When changing the background-color, CKEditor wraps the selected content in a span element where the inline style is set.
I have an application to create interactive videos: it is possible to stop the playback in desired moments and, in these pauses, the viewer can jump to key moments of the video, or answer to quizzes, returning to specific points of the video if the answer was wrong, and so on. To create this interactive layer above the player I use the CKEditor with some custom plugins to create the interactive elements.
One of the plugins is used to create span elements with a custom attribute data-player-control:
span[data-player-control] {
background-color: #3366FF;
color: #FFF;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 10px;
<span data-player-control="play">My element</span>
The value of the data-player-control attribute is not fixed (it can be specified in the plugin), and it is used to control the exhibition of the video.
When the editor is used to change the element background color, it wraps the element text in a new span, what results in:
span[data-player-control] {
background-color: #3366FF;
color: #FFF;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 10px;
<span data-player-control="play">
<span style="background-color:#FF0000">My element</span>
These two nested span elements, with two distinct background colors, are undesired.
What I need is the inline style to be applied to the existing span element, resulting in:
span[data-player-control] {
background-color: #3366FF;
color: #FFF;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 10px;
<span data-player-control="play" style="background-color:#FF0000">
My element
How can this be achieved?
Using dataFilter or htmlFilter is not a feasible solution, as they are executed in input or output data, when entering or existing the inline instance of the CKEditor. Using a transformation also is not a solution, as it uses a simplified form to represent the elements, not the real DOM.
Is there any callback function to use while editing the content (so I can change the DOM according to my needs)?
A simple solution is to listen to the change event in the editor instance and then modify the DOM in event.editor.ui.contentsElement.$ as desired.
You can try to use custom styles definition which is used for adding background-color. The colorButton_backStyle can be set in the editor config.
To override span element with some custom attributes, you can use:
config.colorButton_backStyle = {
element: 'span',
styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' },
overrides: { 'element': 'span', attributes: { 'data-player-control': 'play' } }
So basically overrides attribute is used when applying background-color and there is a span with such attribute - it is replaced (but then the attribute also gets removed ). You can add attributes:
config.colorButton_backStyle = {
element: 'span',
attributes: { 'data-player-control': 'play' },
styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' },
overrides: { 'element': 'span', attributes: { 'data-player-control': 'play' } }
So that overriding span also has your attribute. The problem with this solution is that:
When applying background color to other elements, span will also have data-player-control attribute.
When removing background color, the whole span gets removed.
The above solution may not fit your needs. Maybe there is different approach to the problem you are trying to solve?
As I understand from the question you would like the HTML to have defined structure the whole time (not only as output data), is that correct? What problem is structure with nested spans causing in your application/implementation?

How do I make a Pinterest Widget Builder Responsive?

The Pinterest Widget Builder allows for flexibility in creating a widget to place on your site. I added one on this page, but there appears to be a limit to the width you can set for the widget. For example I set the width to 1170, but it is only displaying at 1111px.
Here is the code:
<a data-pin-do="embedUser" href="" data-pin-scale-width="180" data-pin-board-width="1170">Follow Pinterest's board Pin pets on Pinterest.</a>
This is a Bootstrap site and I would really like to be able to make this widget responsive as well. I tried applying css styling to the widget just to see if I could impact it using this. Alas, no luck.
div.container > span.PIN_1407891215996_embed_grid.PIN_1407891215996_fancy {
border: 5px solid red;
Any suggestions for interacting with this element would be appreciated. Then I can apply some additional styling.
Wrap your widget in a container, e.g. #pinterest-container, and add the following styles:
#pinterest-container > span {
width: 100% !important;
overflow: hidden;
#pinterest-container > span > span > span > span {
min-width: 0;
The first one overrides width which is otherwise fixed, making it responsive. The second one deals with an issue where the last column is not displayed if the widget is very narrow.
The width of the widget depends on a number of factors:
The width of the enclosing element: you can't exceed that width
A multiple of the data-pin-scale-width + padding: the width of the widget won't pad right. It'll be exactly the size of the multiple of the items inside + small padding left and right, and the padding between the items
And given the above, the data-pin-scale-width obviously
So if you want an exact width of 1200, try the data-pin-scale-width="195". That should do it, assuming the enclosing element is larger.
Here's a solution I came up with:
I suggest including the following style:
#pin-container > span {
box-shadow: none !important;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
To make the Pinterest widget responsive, this is the solution that worked for me. Taken from here.
#pinterest-container {
display: flex;
#pinterest-container a {
flex: 1;

Text ellipsis applied to jQPLOT AXIS TICKS

My jqplot graphs have, sometimes, long texts as tick text.
I'd like to ask if is any way to short that text (using jqplot) and to add a tool tip with full text on the tick label?
I hope this will help someone looking for the same solution, Originally answered by me here.
The hover is not detecting because of the z-index of the canvas which lies on top of the whole chart. I did the following and now it's shorten the tootip by CSS ellipsis and show the tooltip with full name on hover.
Based on the Gyandeep's answer, the exact JS and CSS I used are,
$('div.jqplot-xaxis-tick').each(function (i, obj) {
$(this).prop('title', ($(this).text()));
$(this).css('z-index', 999); // this is important otherwise mouseover won't trigger.
.jqplot-xaxis .jqplot-xaxis-tick {
position: absolute;
white-space: pre;
max-width: 92px; // Change it according to your need
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
The JavaScript part needs to be executed after every rendering of chart. It's better to put them right after plotting the chart and may in the AJAX success handler.

jqGrid: change background Image in the header of grid

I have a jqGrid and it comes with default background image, I want to change the background image of it. I tried couple of ways as suggested in online
METHOD 1. I added below code in my CSS
.ui-jqgrid .ui-widget-header
background-image:url(images/my-header.png) repeat-x !important;
METHOD 2.Added below code to load complete event of jqGrid
loadComplete: function () {
$("#gview_jqgCUST .ui-jqgrid-titlebar").removeClass('ui-widget-header');
$("#gview_jqgCUST .ui-jqgrid-titlebar").addClass('jqgrid-header');
in CSS I added
background:red url(images/my-header.png) repeat-x scroll 50% 50%;
border:1px solid black;
and I am loading css files after jqGrid css file but could not achieve it
How can I do it ?? Any sample code please... I am new to jqGrid and jQuery..
First of all you can use ThemeRoller of jQuery UI to customize theme which you use on the page. You can reduce the applying of the theme only to a paer of your page by usage of "CSS Scope" (see the answer).
Alternatively you can specify background of .ui-jqgrid .ui-widget-header. The demo uses the background from "Dot Luv" theme. Additional to background I specified colors of the text and the border to make the look of header better. I used CSS
.ui-jqgrid .ui-widget-header {
border: 1px solid #0b3e6f;
background: #0b3e6f url( 50% 50% repeat-x;
color: #f6f6f6;
The resulting grid looks like on the picture below

Replace Kendo default dropdownlist template by custom image?

What I want to do is when i click on my image, i want the kendo dorpdownlist to propose me some options. Is it possible ?
I tried to replace the defautl template of dropdownlist with CSS without success.
Here i try simply to replace the default black arrow of the dropdownlist, with no success.
<select id="customList" class="k-widget k-dropdown"></select>
#customList .k-icon .k-i-arrow-s
But what i really want to achieve is to replace completely the default template of the kendo dropdownlist and to have instead my image.
There are a couple of question to keep in mind:
The HTML element that contains the arrow is not a descendant of customList but descendant of a sibling. This is because KendoUI decorates original elements with others.
You are only re-defining background-image but you there is two additional CSS attributes that you need to redefine: background-position and background-size since it is defined in Kendo UI CSS files for offsetting k-i-arrow-s icon.
So, you should either do:
span.k-icon.k-i-arrow-s {
background-size: 16px 16px;
background-position: 0 0;
if you are ok with redefining every additional elements OR you do it programmatically defining a CSS:
.ob-style {
background-size: 16px 16px;
background-position: 0 0;
and a JavaScript:
var list = $("#customList").kendoDropDownList({...}).data("kendoDropDownList");
