ValidatorException exception struts validation framework - struts-1

I am getting the following error while submitting my form using struts validation frame work
Exception Stack Trace
org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorException: Unknown field Axles Spacing Distance in testForm
Please help us in resolving this issue.

it is the problem of java code. we are trying to retrieve the componet by name. i have changes code to component by ID. it is working fine


passing a Spring Exception to a Thymeleaf page

Having added the error.html Thymeleaf template to replace the default error page on Spring how can I get access to the exception on that page?
So I have custom exception thrown on some controller. How to access that exception on the Thymeleaf page?
I want this to work globally, so any controller thrown exception should be accessible.
Case 1: For customized error pages with spring default error info
There are some predefined objects in Thymeleaf to show error information, e.g. ${error}, ${exception} and so on. These objects can be used in your customized error page.
This article will help you more. Custom Error Page with Thymeleaf
Case 2: For customized error pages with customized error info
There are #ControllerAdvice and #ExceptionHandler used to handle exceptions in controllers globally. A certain exception can be add to Modal's attribute and therefore accessed in thymeleaf templates. However, please be noted that the solution does not work in Webflux.
The blog shows details about the solution. Exception Handling in Spring MVC

Lumen Reportable & Renderable Exception doesn't work

I am trying to define a custom renderable exception exactly as shown in the documentation example but when I throw my custom exception, the render and report functions inside the exception class are totally ignored.
I am aware that I can handle my custom exceptions inside the exception handler but this is something I would prefer to do inside the exception class.
Is it something more that I should do to register the exception in order for the render and report functions to be called? What am I missing?
Thank you!
EDIT: I'm using Lumen 5.7.
Turns out that this feature is not available in Lumen framework, only in Laravel. Lumen's documentation is very misleading as it lets one to imagine that the features concerning errors are common in Laravel and Lumen.
In any case, currently in Lumen only exception handling inside the exception handler is available.
Looks like it feature will be added in one of next 5.8.* releases.

Spring webflow validator with no error message

I have spring webflow applicaiton, which has a contact info page and while submitting the form, it goes to spring validator.
And executing validations, if any wrong data then we adding a error message to validationcontext. Using ${errorMessags} we list the error messages.
But I have a scenario where I need to show a warning message to user in middle of page.
Either through spring validation or spring flowscope variable in Spring Validator
Is there any way to do it?
Thanks in Advance!!!
Why do you want to do that on validator? Do you want to show that warning in next view?
I guess you could set message in or in to flashScope variable and show it on next page.

Spring validation in multiple forms

Can we display error messages in one jsp but in 2 different forms.I am validating my bean using spring validation.Its working fine but if there is an error in the binding results then I am able to display the error message in the form from where action is executed but not in the other resultant form.
is the error tag in spring validation is mapped to jsp form from where that action is called.
Your BindingResults is just an object, which you can put in your Model and use on the page however you want. You may need to put it into Session if you plan to use it on a separate form.

Server side Exception or error to be propagated to JSP in Spring

I am trying to show an custom error message on any occurrence of exception or error in my business layer. I am catching the exception in my controller and I would like to display it in my JSP.
This exception or error is not associated with any field in the screen, it's a pure server exception. I am also using an Annotated Controller. I am using Prototype for making AJAX requests to my controller.
In Spring you can register a HandlerExceptionResolver which will catch exceptions thrown by your Spring MVC controllers and forward them to the view layer for rendering. These are described in the Spring docs here. Start with the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver (see javadoc) which gives a simple mechanism for mapping exception types to views.
However, if the exception occurs outside if your Spring controller, for whatever reason, then you'll need a more generic fall-back solution, which involves configuring error pages in your web.xml file. This is not Spring-specific. See here for an example of how to do it.
